SWEET JERSEY CRABS COOKED TO ORDER IRISH FOOD & MUSIC ALWAYS AT THE AT CANALSIDE • SEE PAGE 13 ANGLESEA PUB • SEE PAGE 21 PAGE 2 PAGE 3 PAGE 4 TV CHALLENGE SPORTS STUMPERS HALLENGE STUMPERS HALLENGE STUMPERS TV C SPORTSFictional teams TV C SPORTS By George Dickie luth Bulldogs teammates trying Fictional toteams woo a pretty reporter (Renee Zellweger) in what Clooney- Fictional teams ByQuestions: George Dickie luth Bulldogs teammates trying luth Bulldogs teammates trying directed 2008 comedy? By George Dickie 1) Mac Davis and Nick Nolte to woo a pretty reporter (Renee to woo a pretty reporter (Renee played a formidable quarterback/ Zellweger)8) Miami Bucksin what teammates Clooney- Questions: Questions: Zellweger) in what Clooney- 1)receiver Mac Davis tandem and forNick the Nolte North directedShake 2008Tiller comedy?and Billy Clyde directed 2008 comedy? 8) Miami Bucks teammates 1) Mac Davis and Nick Nolte playedDallas aBulls formidable in this 1979quarterback/ drama. Puckett (Kris Kristofferson, Burt 8) Miami Bucks teammates Shake Tiller and Billy Clyde played a formidable quarterback/ receiverName it. tandem for the North Reynolds) survived a brutal self- Shake Tiller and Billy Clyde Puckett (Kris Kristofferson, Burt receiver tandem for the North Dallas2) Basketball Bulls in legendthis 1979 Julius drama. Erv - improvement seminar in this Reynolds) survived a brutal self- Dallas Bulls in this 1979 drama. Puckett (Kris Kristofferson, Burt Nameing had it. a starring role in this 1977 football comedy. What is 2) Basketball legend Julius Erv- improvement seminar in this Name it. Reynolds) survived a brutal self- ing1979 had comedy a starring about role the in thishopeless 1977its title? football comedy. What is 2) Basketball legend Julius Erv- improvement seminar in this 1979Pittsburgh comedy Pythons. about the What hopeless is its its9) title? The Fightin’ Armadillos of ing had a starring role in this 1977 football comedy. What is Pittsburghtitle? Pythons. What is its 9)Texas The Fightin’ State UniversityArmadillos lose of their 1979 comedy about the hopeless its title? title?3) Al Pacino played the head Texasentire State roster University to NCAA lose sanctions their Pittsburgh Pythons. What is its 9) The Fightin’ Armadillos of 3)coach Al Pacino of the played NFL’s theMiami head Sharks entirein what roster 1991 to NCAAfootball sanctions comedy? title? Texas State University lose their coach of the NFL’s Miami Sharks 3) Al Pacino played the head in what 1999 Oliver Stone in10) what The 1991 American football Basketball comedy? entire roster to NCAA sanctions in what 1999 Oliver Stone coach of the NFL’s Miami Sharks drama? 10)Association’s The American Flint Basketball Tropics are at in what 1991 football comedy? drama?4) The Charlestown Chiefs Association’s Flint Tropics are at in what 1999 Oliver Stone 10) The American Basketball 4) The Charlestown Chiefs the center of this 2008 comedy. engaged in dirty play to boost the center of this 2008 comedy. drama? Association’s Flint Tropics are at engaged in dirty play to boost Can you name it? 4) The Charlestown Chiefs attendance in what 1977 hockey Can you name it? the center of this 2008 comedy. attendance in what 1977 hockey engaged in dirty play to boost comedy?comedy? Can you name it? Answers:Answers: attendance in what 1977 hockey 5)5) Diane Diane Barrow Barrow (Delta (Delta Burke) Burke) comedy? becomesbecomes owner owner of of the the California California 1)1) “North “North Dallas Dallas Forty” Forty” Answers: 2)2) “The “The Fish Fish That That Saved Saved Pitts Pitts- - 5) Diane Barrow (Delta Burke) BullsBulls as as part part of of a a divorce divorce settle settle- - becomes owner of the California 1) “North Dallas Forty” ment in this 1984-91 HBO com- burgh”burgh” ment in this 1984-91 HBO com- Bulls as part of a divorce settle- 2) “The Fish That Saved Pitts- edy. Can you name it? 3)3) “Any “Any Given Given Sunday” Sunday” burgh” edy. Can you name it? 4) “Slap Shot” ment in this 1984-91 HBO com- 6) Geena Davis and Lori Petty 4) “Slap Shot” 3) “Any Given Sunday” played6) Geena squabbling Davis and sisters Lori onPetty the 5) “1st & 10” edy. Can you name it? played squabbling sisters on the 6)5) “A “1st League & 10” of Their Own” 6) Geena Davis and Lori Petty 4) “Slap Shot” World War II-era Racine Belles 5) “1st & 10” inWorld this Penny War II-era Marshall-directed Racine Belles 7)6) “Leatherheads” “A League of Their Own” played squabbling sisters on the 1992in this comedy. Penny Marshall-directedName it. 8)7) “Semi-Tough” “Leatherheads” World War II-era Racine Belles 6) “A League of Their Own” 7)1992 George comedy. Clooney Name and it. John 9)8) “Necessary “Semi-Tough” Roughness” in this Penny Marshall-directed 7) “Leatherheads” Kraskinski7) George starred Clooney as and1920s John Du - 10)9) “Semi-Pro”“Necessary Roughness” 1992 comedy. Name it. 8) “Semi-Tough” Kraskinski starred as 1920s Du- 10) “Semi-Pro” 7) George Clooney and John 9) “Necessary Roughness” Kraskinski starred as 1920s Du- 10) “Semi-Pro” SEARCH WORD SEARCH SEARCH N MCDZASBYAXBDNKWORD WORD A FULKYEHM ELLIOT N MCDZASBYAXBDNK N MCDZASBYAXBDNK C VIUEWSVAWUFRWS A FULKYEHM ELLIOT A FULKYEHM ELLIOT A HVNDTRMRDDMIUE GC RAKNCWOINOQSCRVIUEWSVAWUFRWS C VIUEWSVAWUFRWS WA EMURDERANDWUTBHVNDTRMRDDMIUE A HVNDTRMRDDMIUE MG SPCGUCXNEJRYDORAKNCWOINOQSCR G RAKNCWOINOQSCR XW SUHOGZLZGSQNDVEMURDERANDWUTB W EMURDERANDWUTB AM HMASJCIRMEOASFSPCGUCXNEJRYDO M SPCGUCXNEJRYDO FX AINYLNOMSAMATISUHOGZLZGSQNDV X SUHOGZLZGSQNDV IA DLCLAKWLNNBUVAHMASJCIRMEOASF A HMASJCIRMEOASF OFEGLGOHELILCR F AINYLNOMSAMATI RF AINYLNOMSAMATI F AIRL EYFQMIPAEV I DLCLAKWLNNBUVA I DLCLAKWLNNBUVA E ROMASTSTRUGGLE R OFEGLGOHELILCR VR AHWRMCYAERENDIOFEGLGOHELILCR F AIRL EYFQMIPAEV F AIRL“Gangs ofEYFQMIPAEV London” on AMC E ROMASTSTRUGGLE E ROMASTSTRUGGLE(Words in parentheses not in puzzle) Sean (Wallace) (Joe) Cole Organized (Crime) V AHWRMCYAERENDI ElliotV (Finch)AHWRMCYAERENDI(Sope) Dirisu Chancer “Gangs of London” on AMC Ed (Dumani) “Gangs(Lucian) of London” Msamati on(Power) AMC Struggle (Words in parentheses not in puzzle) Marian (Wallace) (Words(Michelle) in parentheses Fairley not in puzzle)Shadowy (Figures) Sean (Wallace) (Joe) Cole Organized (Crime) FinnSean (Wallace) (Wallace) (Colm)(Joe) ColeMeaney MurderOrganized (Crime) Elliot (Finch) (Sope) Dirisu Chancer Elliot (Finch) (Sope) Dirisu Chancer Ed (Dumani) (Lucian) Msamati (Power) Struggle Ed (Dumani) (Lucian) Msamati (Power) Struggle Marian (Wallace) (Michelle) Fairley Shadowy (Figures) Finn (Wallace) (Colm) Meaney Murder Custom Features MarianRelease (Wallace) the week(Michelle) of September Fairley 27 - OctoberShadowy (Figures)3, 2020. Finn (Wallace) (Colm) Meaney Murder PAGE 5 Custom Features Release the week of September 27 - October 3, 2020. Custom Features Release the week of September 27 - October 3, 2020. TV CHALLENGE SPORTS STUMPERS Fictional teams By George Dickie luth Bulldogs teammates trying to woo a pretty reporter (Renee Questions: Zellweger) in what Clooney- 1) Mac Davis and Nick Nolte directed 2008 comedy? played a formidable quarterback/ 8) Miami Bucks teammates receiver tandem for the North Shake Tiller and Billy Clyde Dallas Bulls in this 1979 drama. Puckett (Kris Kristofferson, Burt Name it. Reynolds) survived a brutal self- 2) Basketball legend Julius Erv- improvement seminar in this ing had a starring role in this 1977 football comedy. What is 1979 comedy about the hopeless its title? Pittsburgh Pythons. What is its 9) The Fightin’ Armadillos of title? Texas State University lose their 3) Al Pacino played the head entire roster to NCAA sanctions coach of the NFL’s Miami Sharks in what 1991 football comedy? in what 1999 Oliver Stone 10) The American Basketball drama? Association’s Flint Tropics are at 4) The Charlestown Chiefs the center of this 2008 comedy. engaged in dirty play to boost Can you name it? attendance in what 1977 hockey comedy? Answers: 5) Diane Barrow (Delta Burke) becomes owner of the California 1) “North Dallas Forty” Bulls as part of a divorce settle- 2) “The Fish That Saved Pitts- ment in this 1984-91 HBO com- burgh” edy. Can you name it? 3) “Any Given Sunday” 6) Geena Davis and Lori Petty 4) “Slap Shot” played squabbling sisters on the 5) “1st & 10” World War II-era Racine Belles 6) “A League of Their Own” in this Penny Marshall-directed 7) “Leatherheads” 1992 comedy. Name it. 8) “Semi-Tough” 7) George Clooney and John 9) “Necessary Roughness” Kraskinski starred as 1920s Du- 10) “Semi-Pro” WORD SEARCH N M C D Z A S B Y A X B D N K A F U L K Y E H M E L L I O T C V I U E W S V A W U F R W S A H V N D T R M R D D M I U E G R A K N C W O I N O Q S C R W E M U R D E R A N D W U T B M S P C G U C X N E J R Y D O X S U H O G Z L Z G S Q N D V A H M A S J C I R M E O A S F F A I N Y L N O M S A M A T I I D L C L A K W L N N B U V A R O F E G L G O H E L I L C R F A I R L E Y F Q M I P A E V E R O M A S T S T R U G G L E V A H W R M C Y A E R E N D I “Gangs of London” on AMC (Words in parentheses not in puzzle) Sean (Wallace) (Joe) Cole Organized (Crime) Elliot (Finch) (Sope) Dirisu Chancer Ed (Dumani) (Lucian) Msamati (Power) Struggle Marian (Wallace) (Michelle) Fairley Shadowy (Figures) Finn (Wallace) (Colm) Meaney Murder PAGE 6 Custom Features Release the week of September 27 - October 3, 2020.
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