—A diplomat is a man —Honesty is the best who can make his guests policy, but he who is feel at home when he governed by that maxim wishes they were. is not an honest man. Glengarry —Dan Bennett. —Richard Whateley. • THE FINEST WEEKLY NEWSPAPER IN EASTERN ONTARIO A.H.S. Sharpshooters Mrs. MacDougall Noted Clydesdale To Farmer Suffers From Exposure Committee To Definitely Select Well Up In Contest Dies At Montreal Stand In Glengarry Alexandria High School A champion Clydesdale stal- When Pinned Under Sleigh Location For Alexandria School ranked eighth out- of a total of The last surviving member of the lion, “Uniformdene”, will stand thirty-nine Ontario schools in family of the Hon. D. A. Mac- in Glengarry during the sum- the Ontario Rifle Association donald, Mrs. Q. Campbell Mac- mer months, it was decided at John Grant MacSweyn, 47, Spent Night Area High School Board Picks Site Competition for 1950. This con- Dougall died hi St. Mary’s Hos- the annual meeting of the On- In Open When Trapped In Upset — Adjacent To Present School At Williamstown test is conducted by the De- pital, Montreal, early Monday tario Clydesdale Club, in To- partment of Education. The morning, February 12th. Death ronto last week. Grand cham- Hope To Save Legs And Arm For New Unit To Serve South Of County average score of the six boys came in her 94th year and followed pion at the last two Royal Win- representing the A.H.S. was 94, by ten days a fall in her home in ter Fairs and at the last C.N.E., John Grant MacSweyn, 47, of the McCrimmon area is a patient in the stallion was imported from Williamstown will be the locale of the second new school to serve with Will Campbell top scorer which she suffered a fracture of the Cornwall General Hospital, wherex doctors are endeavoring to save his Scotland in October, 1949. The Glengarry, the Area High School Board definitely decided at the regular at 97 points. hip. both feet and one arm, seriously frostbitten after a night in the open. ou se location has not yet been de- monthly, meeting held in Williamstown, Tuesday night. The decision The boys competing were: The former Mary L ' Mac- MacSweyn was pinned under his overturnpd sleigh, during Wednesday Munro McLeod, Alex O’Brien, cided on. followed a month’s activity by a speeial Sites’ committee headted bly donald, Mrs. MacDougall was born night of ■ last week, and suffered severely from exposure before being Bill Gumming, Will Campbell, at Alexandria, October 24th, 1857, We understand district horse- G. G. Aubry of Alexandria, which had examined, several possible sites men and our local ag. rep. had found by his wife. Lowell Ostrom and Jackie Mac- a daughter of Hon. Donald A. Mac- ând met with residents of the interested area. much to do with the decision to * The accident occurred in his farm Gillis. donald, and his wife, Catherine Alexandria had previously been* send “Uniformdene” here. yard, lot II-9th Kenyon, but behind .selected for a larger unit and at Fraser. She attended the local Tuesday’s, meeting a special com- Flu Epidemic Hits schools and iftie Sacred Heart Con- / '° Sinkhole In Sixth a shed and hidden from view from mittee was selected to decide vent at Sault au Recollet; Que, the house. The sleigh is- thought ■definitely on a site here. The com- Local High School iater residing in Toronto during the Is Reported Holding to have hooked a post and upset, More Than 2000 term of her father as Lieutenant- Ayrshire Men Were mittee is to meet at once , and the. falling across MacSweyn’s legs. The Governor of Ontario; It could be the frost, but the sink- Board will probably be called for Alexandria High School, hit Cattle Bred By Units hole in the Sixth of Kenyon, which team moved only a few feet during a special meeting in the next two heavily by the prevailing ’flu epi- The family later took up resi- Active Last Week has defied an all-out effort to fill their all-night vigil. weeks to ratify their decision. demic, closed its doors yesterday dence in Montreal where, 63 years Mr. D. R. McIntosh of Lancaster, ago, she married G. Campbell Mac- it is now reported firm. Menard A veteran of World War II, with Members of the committee are: until next Monday. Some 177 of District Ayrshire breeders had a Construction of Green Valley, dis- was elected president of the Lan- Dougall, a member of the stock the 4th Anti-Tank Regt, who -Hector Perrier), Dalkeith; Dr. D. J. the 300-odd pupils are missing from busy round! lost week. In addition continued operations there, Wed- caster Unit of the Eastern Ontario brockerage firm of MacDougall & Dolan, Alexandria, and Ranald J. class and the closing was recom- to attendance at the Ontario an- nesday. Some 35,000 yards of fill married overseas, . MacSweyn wa$ McPherson, 3rd: Kenyon. Cattle Breeding Association, at MacDougall, which is still in busi- mended. by Dr. D. J. Dolan in the nual in Cornwall, and. the nation- have been poured on the swampy treated bÿ gy, J, F, Mutçh of Max- their annual meeting held Tuesday ness. Mr. MacDougall’s death oc- Next step will be to adtvise the hope that the four-day recess might afternoon. Mr. Gilbert McRae of wide convention at Montreal, they road bottom since early November curred three years later and his held their annual banquet at Mar- ville, before being rushed to hos- Department of Education of the beat the epidemic. Glen Sandfield, was rl-elected but until this week there had been widow had since resided in Mont- tin town, last Wednesday night and pital in Cornwall, where he is under Board's decision and members of Dr. Dolan reports the epidemic is president of the Lochiel Unit at no intHoatloa that” the sinkhole real. Mrs. MacDougall had, through toured member farms the tollowing the Board will then approach the general throughout the district but their annual meeting held that the care of Dr. S. B. Fraser. Latest the years, visited her brother, the day. would hold. The On-tario Govern- seven municipal councils of Glen- that the ’flu is of a mild type which same evening. The annual meeting ment is paying 80 per cent of the reports from the hospital ape to the garry to get their promise of back- late Col, A. G. F. Macdonald, oh has caused no deaths. Bed and of the Maxville Unit was to be held Harold Rlaney of Maxvilie, vice- cost of the work. effect doctors are hopeful that both ing for the issuing of debentures to many occasions ahd was known to rest are his recommendations for on Thursday evening of this week. president of the Glengarry Ayrshire Menard (Construction has again legs and the arm will be saved. cover thé cost of building the two many of the older résidents of tbi$ anyone suffering from a cold. A total of 2)127 cows Were Insem- bfeeders club, presided at the ban- been awarded the contract for sup- He is a son of Mr. and Mrs. D. D. schools. The trustees then hope to district, inated: in the three units loç&ted quet in the United! Church Hall, in plying gravel to the United Coun- MacSweyn, McCrimmon, make an immediate start on pre- One daughter survives, Beatrice, in Glengarry County in 1950. The the absence of Gordon McNaugh- It has been learned that officers Mrs, David Ewan, with whom she ties for operations in 1951. diminary plans for building. largest unit was Lancaster, with a ton, president. Many delegates from o of Alexandria Branch, No. 423, resided. The site selected' at,Williamstown Jovenin Goulet total of 753; Maxville had 695, and Western Ontario were in attendance Canadian Legionj are interested in 1 The body rested at the Jos. éC. is on the same property as the Lochiel, 679. It was announced that and the guest speaker was Rev. N. Mr. MaCSweyn’s plight, and that Wray Funeral Chanel, Mountain present school, Immediately east of services for Jersey breeders would F. Sharkey of Lancaster, who spoke everything possible is being done Died Suddenly street, un^il Wednesday morning, Many At Funeral / it. Sufficient acreage can be se- be available immediately as three on agriculture and conditions in to provide assistance. when, it was conveyed, viâ G.N.R., cured, it is said, on that location. Jersey bulls have already been pur- general in, Iceland, where he was 9 A well known resident of the to Alexandria for interment in the 'The 110-year history of Williams- chased ;by the Central Unit. stationed during World War II. Rev. F. J. Vowies town High School may have had Alexandria area throughout almost family plot, St. Finnan’s cemetery. all his lifetime, Mr. Jovenin Goulet Mr. Tom Dickinson, manager of Rev. John McPhail, fector, Soiîiê 35 visitors were present Hundreds of friends and members some bearing on the Board’s selec- Thursday for the bam tour and Glengarry Farm tion of a site there, as lirell as the died suddenly as the result of a Borden’s Ottawa Dairy Farm, was chanted the Funeral Mass in St. of the United Church of Win- heart attack, Tuesday afternoon, on guest speaker at both meetings, re- Finnan’s Cathedral, thé prayers at. they were very favorably impressed chester Springs and Elma gathered fact that it is centrally located to with the fine Ayrshire cattle seen. serve the largest school population Main street.
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