The JEWISH Vo1CE HERALD SERV ING RHODE ISLA ND AN D SOUT HEASTERN MASSACHUSETTS 22 Tevet 5773 January 4, 20 13 U.S. Rep. Cicilline looks to the future Progress through compromise is goal B Y PHI LIP M. EIL Contributing Writer PROVIDENCE - David Cicil­ line has a long list of New Year's resolutions. In a recent phone inter view, the re-elected con­ gressma n told this reporter that, once he is sworn in with the 113th U. S. Congress in early J anuary, his to-do list includes putting more Rhode Islanders back to work; fi ghting fo r funds to train and educate the state workforce to 21st century levels of competitiveness; rebuilding roads, bridges, por ts a nd other pieces of the country's infra- OFFICE OF REP DAVID CICILLINE JEFF KOLODNY PHOTOGRAPHY U.S. Rep. David Cicilline CICILLINE I 11 Foundation for Jewish Camp C hairman Lee Weiss, Foundation for Jewish Camp CEO Jeremy J. Fingerman, Camp JORI Director - a nd valedictory speaker - Ro n ni Gut tin a nd Bernie Marcus, co -founder of Home Reform movement, AIPAC differ Depot and chairman of The Marcu s Foundation pose, in Boca Raton, Fla. on penalizing Palestinians Guttin, Camp JORI director, Israel opposed cuts in aid to Palestinian Authority shines in prestigious FJC program B Y R O N KAMPEAS Valedictorian chosen to nurture new camp initiative WASHINGTON (JTA) - Two major Jewish groups B Y N A NCY KIRS CH stantial input from no fewer erect that I knew myself pretty are at odds over the prospect [email protected] than 10 people who work with well, and had the confidence to of penalties for the Palestin­ her. Proud of her self-awareness approach my board president ians in the wake of their en­ PROVIDENCE - The valedic­ about her strengths and weak­ with the results." hanced U.N. status. tory speech that Ronni Guttin nesses, she feared that the in­ Asked why Guttin was cho­ The American Israel Pub­ gave at the Foundation for J ew­ tense evaluation would reveal sen to deliver the valedic­ lic Affairs Committee in re­ ish Camp's Executive Leader­ some disconnect between her tory speech, J eremy Finger­ cent weeks has backed two ship Institute almost didn't perceptions of herself and oth­ man, chief executive officer of congr essional bids to at least happen: She came close to by­ ers' perceptions of her. FJC, said that Guttin "shined shut down the Palestine Lib­ passing the opportunity to ap­ "The joke was on me," she throughout as a leader in the eration Organization office ply to the program. said in her ·speech in Boca Ra­ group. The program truly im­ in Washington in the wake Guttin, Camp JORI's director ton, Fla ., on Tuesday, Dec. 18, pacted her; she grew a lot per­ of the Nov. 29 United Na- BEN FINK SHAPIRO since 1997, said that she feared to a group that included 14 ELI sonally and professionally from Rabbi Rick Jacobs, president of t he ELI's mandatory 360-degree Fellows and FJC staff, faculty WILL I 13 Union of Reform Judaism evaluation, which included sub- advisors and coaches. "I discov- GUTTIN I 30 VOL. XVIII I ISSUE I WWW.JVHRI.ORG alainmikli john varvatos cartier l.g.r. caviar oliver peoples cazal persol chanel porsche coach prada dior roberto cavalli fred tag heuer gold and wood tiffany gu cci tom ford OPTx_ rhod • l a l a nd 12n hal'lford avenue johnston -+- THE JEWISH VOICE & HERALD 2 COMMUNITY JANUARY 4, 2013 www.jvhri.org Local artist returns home with a new show Leslie Friedman launches 'Exploring Jewish Stereotypes' at gallery (401) BY NANCY KIRSCH but I bet we would have had interesting "We were looking for stuff to do and nki [email protected] discussions." saw a free-silk screening tutorial at The multi-tasking Friedman was AS220," she said. "I was always good at PROVIDENCE - "I think whenever I breathless as she packed to come home to art ... a jack-of-all-trades and master of make something, I wonder if he would Providence for a few days and described none," she said. have liked it," mused Leslie Friedman, her upcoming show, "Fun Guys: Explor­ A political science major at Brown now 31, referring to her late father, Lar­ ing Jewish Stereotypes," which opens at University, she found deep satisfaction ry Friedman, who died when she was 15. the Alliance gallery (401) on Thursday, in making silk-screening posters of lo­ Her father, who had majored in indus­ Jan. 10. The opening reception, from 7 - cal rock-and-roll bands with whom she trial design at RISO, hadn't been able to 9 p.m., will include wine and light snack was friendly. In fact, her art work is one find work in his chosen field and went to and is free and open to the community. of the reasons she cited for not taking a work in the family business, Paramount junior year abroad to study. Industries. Nevertheless, he always had l=rom c1bblin~ o workin_ in ct , Having lived all her life in Rhode Is­ a darkroom and a workroom filled with The poor economy of a dozen years land, she planned to travel around the industrial design supplies, she said. ago - when she and several other friends world for a year after graduating from Friedman, a silk-screener who lives in college couldn't find paying summer Brown. After visiting friends in Mexico, and works in Philadelphia, added, "I jobs - opened up avenues for Friedman don't know what he wou ld have liked, that she might never have expected. FRIEDMAN j 3 LESLIE FRIEDMAN Leslie Friedman Local community banking from a local community bank [Pictured from left to right] Joseph T. Baptista Jr., President & CEO; Fadra Northrup, Mortgage Loan Office r; Diane Aguiar, Mortgage Loan Officer & Olga Andrade, Mortgage Loan Officer Taun ton · North Dighton · Bridgewater · Fa ll River · Wes tport · Swa nsea · Somerset 1-888-MECHANICS (632-4264) www.Mcchanics-Coop.com i=oic sfi= No charitable gift has a greater impact on the lives of Israelis. Th ere are many ways to support Israel and its peo ple, but none is more transfo rmative than a gift to Magen David Ado rn, Israel's emergency medica l response and blood service agency. Yo ur gift to MDA isn't just changi ng lives - it's literally saving them - provid­ in g criti ca l care and hospital tran sport fo r everyone from victims of heart attacks to casu­ alties of rocket attacks. Save a life. Make a gift to Magen David Adorn today. AMERI CAN FRI ENDS OF @ MAG EN DAVID ADOM PO Box 600714, Newton, MA 02460 NORTHEAST REGION 617 .916.1827 • north east@afmda. org SAVING LIVES IN ISRAEL www.afmda .org -• THE JEWI SH VO ICE & HERALD COMMUNITY JANUARY 4, 2013 3 www.jvhri.org INSIDE From Page 2 Of her late father, Fried­ her second stop on her "world man, who teaches at Muhlen­ SANTINA VENTIMIGLIA tour" was Argentina, which berg College and Tyler she liked so much she stayed School of Art, added, "One FORTUNATO shares her for 2½ years - thus ending her of my dad's best friends told around-the-world tour! me how proud he would be of Jewish journey of spiritual When people there asked her me - making art as a career. what she did, she told them she The opportunities he gave discovery ... 6 was an artist. "At first I was me - going to Wheeler School pretending," she said, "but I and to Brown and to do what started to believe it." I wanted - helped fulfill his Friedman, who earned her dream of being a working CONGREGATION MFA in printmaking from artist." Tyler School of Art, Temple While this is not her first JESHUAT ISRAEL University, talked about her show in Providence - that upcoming show on Jewish ste­ was an AS220 exhibit in 2009, in Newport faces legal reotypes: "I hope [people who according to Friedman - this come] have fun with it. It pokes is her first "Jewish show" challenge to its plans to build "fun at our [American] Jewish here. community." endowment ... 7 Even positive stereotypes THE SHOW RUNS from - about Jews and education, Jan. 10 - March 7. For more for example - cautioned Fried­ information, contact Erin man, are "potentially danger­ Moseley, 421-4111, ext. 108 or CHANGE IS IN the air: ous." She uses those and other [email protected]. stereotypes, she said, such as potential replacement to Jews' being responsible for VISIT FRIEDMAN'S WEB­ Jesus' death and putting the SITE: lesliepvd.com. Michael Oren has right-wing blood of Christian children into matzah, to "shed light on leanings ... 12, 28 ... the many weird ideas about the Jewish people." She encourages anyone - Jewish or not - to attend the show, which she calls "a show HEALTH AND WELLNESS about identity poli- - tics." stories and inspirations are Friedman be- lieves that many stereotypes In addition, Friedman will teach a ready for those with New [ are "fed to us through adver­ screen-printing class, "Pinot and Print­ Year's resolutions ... tisements and propaganda." making" for members of The RING (in­ 17 - 23 vouR The show, she said, puts issues dividuals in their 20s, 30s or early 40s) CAMPAIGN on the table to provoke discus­ on Jan. 11, at 5:30 p.m. Although space is OOLLARS sion, not to insult people, but limited, Moseley said that participants MAKEA "when talking about stereo­ in the fee-based class will learn about FOOD BANK TEACHES DIFFERENCE types, inevitably there will be the art of printmaking and will have the sensitive topics." opportunity to make an original piece of wholesome cooking on a Friedman, who explained that she art.
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