An Associated Collegiate Press Four~Star All-American Newspaper TUESDAY March 4, 1997 Voiume 123 • THE • Number 37 Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage Paid Newark, DE 250 Student Center• University of Delaware • Newark, DE 19716 Pennit No. 26 Participants role-played during the Student Mediation and Response Team weekend First SMART meeting joins students, locals BY JON TULEYA AND The irate home owner grabs the student Delaware Undergraduate Student Congress to number of non-students. action. but she said. ··1 th ink the community STEFANIE SMALL jimn behind. startling him mid-stream, and help students and residents learn•to settle " It balanced the group differently than we won' t take it too seriously unless more Silldeut Affairs Etlitnrs threatens to call the police. Th e student begs conflicts through mediatio n, w ill go into had planned:· Geist-Giacomini said. ''but we residents volunteer." A drunken student can't endure the her for a different punishment. The resident effect after next weekend when training had a real nice mi x of students. We also had a Fallah attributed the lack of resident bathroom line at a part\' because of the doesn't know where else to fllm. sessions are completed. real nice handful of staff and o ne Newark volunteers to the lengthy time commitment building pressure in his bladder. After 15 hours of training th is weekend "It's been exhausting," co-creator Nancy resident that is working out real well." required. So in the wee hours of Sunday morning. he and a nother 15 hours of training next Geist-Giacomini said, "but it 's been great. " At least o ne of the participants was The volunteers spent part of the weekend stumbles outside and finds cover in some weekend. 26 student and resident volunteers Geist-Giacomini said that wh ile SMART concerned that the unbalanced ratio would participating in interactive lectures. In another hushes near the front porch of a Newark w ill be avail able to handle these kinds of o rgani zers had hoped to have a larger affect the program's credibility in the activity. the volunteers were broken imo ix resident. The sound of alcohol-induced situations. student/resident ratio. she said she was happy commun ity. groups of five. and then acted out conflict­ laughter and trickling urine bouncing off the The Student Mediation Action and with the accomplishments of the group so far. Sophomore Mitra Fallah said she expects resolution role plays. concrete porch awakens the neighbors. Response Team, which was created by the The number of students nearly tripled the SMART wi ll be successful once it is put into see SMART page A4 Group to College radio that has the beat address After 29 years at the university, WVUD will students' spin off a new station busing BY SCOTT GOSS Se11in r Staff RC'pOrter You tum it on before class and hear an Iri sh j ig. On Saturday afternoon. gospel. WVUD sucks. right? concerns Well, not according to 500 people every half hour and more than 15.000 li steners a week. according to the latest rep01t from something call ed the Arbitron. which Production Manager David Students and staff AI person describes as a device like the Nielsons for TV. ''What we try to do is provide an alternati ve to what you can hear anywhere else.'' AI person. a senior. explained. "While there will form committee mi ght be less students who like folk music as compared to Top 40. at least a university is supposed to be a place for learning and BY DIAt NE DOUGHERTY development. We can provide that." Copv Editor The university's 29-year-old radio station is so conunitted to Current and future concerns about the bus providing an alternative to the norm. that beginning this semester it system will soon be a ddres~ed by the new will unveil WVUD2- an· entirely separate broadcast to be aired transportation committee c reated by the on the university's Channel 2 Bulletin Board and other campus uni versity's Supponing Services. television stations lacking original programming. The department services the uni versity "WVUD2 is the chance to play on these cable stations community by handling campus deli ve ry something that's alternate to WVUD.'' AI person said. "For and ma il services. providing graphi c example, slatting thi s semester we're trying to cover every communication and publication centers. and uni versity sponing event. overseeing the transportation d ivis ion. The ··w e will also be covering a lot of speeches on can1pus. For new committee wi ll focus on transportation. instance. if David Roselle is giving a speech we can cover that. A sa id Charl ene Benson. di rector o f lot of listeners may not want to hear it. but they wi ll have a choice." Supporting Services. · To fill the new staff positions that will be created with the The committee. which wi ll consist of addition of WVUD2 and because they just love extra help. WVUD student and staff representatives. wi II work held its first ever Spring Semester interest meeting. together to improve and maintain the ··we had approxim ately 160 people show up for the meeti ng. university shuttl e system. Probably half of them are actively pursuing it.'' Alperson said. ··our Benson asked student representatives membership is at about 175 now. And so with seniors graduating. from the Resident Student Association, we· re looking for some more new members.'· De laware Undergraduate Student Counci l, According to Alperson. more th an half of the staff ac tu all y gets the Bl ack Student Union. and other student to deejay. The rest work in the station's numerous departments. groups to represent th e student body. including public relations. promotions and music filing (WVUD Craig Solomon. RSA marketing director. accumulates anywhere from 30 to 100 COs a day). wi ll represent the group. Solomon and RSA Yet Alperson does admit. "All you need to do to get on the air is President Eli L e~ser worked with Benson purchase two manuals from us which cost six dollars. to cover over Winter Session to create the current copying costs. Then you take two tests. They aren't difficult. If a bus schedule. person really wants to be on the air. the tests are not difficult Solomon sa id the group wi ll look at all enough to keep them off the air'· student concerns and try to make th e bus THE REVIEW I John Chabalko The station also su pports full news and spons depanments. system the best it can be. WVUD general manager David AI person surveys the station's inventory of over 10,000 "We're trying to do more of th at student-based programming. ·'I sort of volunteered.'' he said. "I would compact discs and 15,000 vinyl albums. "What we try to do is provide an alternative to like to help out as much as possible:· what you can hear anywhere else," Alperson, a senior, explains. see WVUD page A 7 Ti ffany Gibbs. a sophomo re a nd corres ponding secretary for the BSU. see BUS CONCERNS page AS .---- INDEX ----, Internet users get Campus Calendar ................. A2 Council candidate preps to run Police Reports ...................... A2 World News ..... ...... ... ... ........ A3 Editorial ............ ..... ..... ... .... ... A8 psych-ed on the Web Comics .................................. 85 Students are on Classified ............. .. ............... 8 6 BY ERICA IACONO ''P sych Central" Page Concen dates ........................ 82 the agenda for Staff Reporter (http://www.grohol.com/). feature Book Nook .......... ................. 82 The technological innovation of general support groups for everyone Movie times ..... ........... .... ... ... 8 2 the Inte rnet has revol utionized - from amputees to homeless people Newark resident society. to cross dressers. No. l BU knocks Hen s out in With the help of the Net, one can Grohol's page also features a li ve BY ANGELA A ORIOLA semi s of America East men 's Ciry Nen·.r Editor meet a soul -mate, purchase power interactive chat about mental health, basketball tournament. Full With Newark City Council elections only drills. locate long-lost relatives or relationship and psychological issues story, page BJO. send flowers - all from the comfort every Wednesday night from 9 p.m. a month away. Scott Bowling is hitting the of a home computer. to 10:30 p.m. EST. campaign trail with unive rsity students' But psychological help on the Dr. David Sommers is among the ---Also inside: --- issues in mind. Web?. growing number of psychologists Bowling, 25, who is running against I 0- Yes. it's true; your next trip to a who communicate with patients Pro-life picketers ...... ............ A2 year council veteran Harold F. Godwin, is psychologist or counselor may now through e-mail a nd his website Politicians series ................... A2 co ncerned with council ' s feeling of be as easy as clicking a mouse, due to (http://www.dcez.com/-davids). Treats auction ...... .. ............. .. A3 resentment toward students which he says is the recent availabil ity of online Sommers . who a lso counsels Del. Women's Conference .. .A4 evident in legislation and debates. counseling. patients at his office in Kensington. Beauty pageants .......... .. .... .. .. B I ''I want students who live on a nd off More than 50 p ychologists and Md., said he feels that hi s online Men 's lacrosse ... ... ... ....... .... BIO campu s to feel as if they are a part of counselor now offer their services counseling is somewhere in-between Newark." Bowling aid. via e-mail and website chat rooms. a hobby and a private practice. Although the district Bowling would Some Web page , such as Self Online counseling has become a represent if elected doesn't cover any part of Help and Psychology Magazine recent trend, he said, because many the univers ity except for two off-campus (http://www.
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