Two CFM Meets Set in Archdiocese Member of AuMt Bi ot CCireulation N oted Speakers to Treat Lay A postolate Contents Copyright by the Catholic Pnoi Society, PennluloD to Raproduci, Empt By Robzzt j. Snvzu On Aniclu Otherwise Marked. Given Friday FoUowlDg lasoa Interest w ill center on the bishop Urban J. Vehr of three-day convention are Archbishop Vehr Urges lay apostolate when Denver Denver, Archbishop Edwin Dialogue and Sung Masses, is ho^ to two C h ristian Fam ­ Byrne of Santa Fe, Bishop banquet Saturday evening, ily Movement gatherings Bernard Espelage, O.F.M., and a barbecue and social Support of Community the last week of July. of Gallup, Bishop S. M. late ^turday evening. DENVERCATHaiC Among the notable speak­ Metzger of £I Paso (part of Father Francis Syrianey, ers w ill be the Rev. Gustave whose diocese is in New pastor of St. Piux X Parish, For Private Colleges Weigel, S J., who will dis­ M e xico ), Bishop Joseph Fed­ Aurora, is the chaplain of cuss tbe role of tbe layman eral of Salt L^ e City, and the Denver Federation, In addressing the 1900 graduates of Loretto in tbe Cburcb; tbe Rev. Bishop Hubert NeweU of which includes some 400 Heights College, their families and special guests, Jo hn J . C^onsldlne. M .M ., Cheyenne. couples in CFM groups in 30 first director of the recently In the schedule for the parishes of the archdiocese. VOL. LIV. No. 42. THURSDAY, JUNE 2,\l960 DENVER, COLORADO Archbishop Urban J. Vehr of Denver paid special formed Latin American Bu­ tribute to Loretto’s Board of Trustees assembled reau of tbe National Cath­ for the academic cdebration on the Loretto cam- olic W elfare Ckmference, who will talk on ^ th la irprwiinf Idi ffatitode America and the need for Three Priests Silver Jubiierians a*d tka fntlbMla «C Um coUefe, lay apostles; and Bishop A itU M e a V tir — phatlwl Charles Buswell of Pueblo, Um aaranity of daraleiMDeDt at Lontta a d tha aaed of tbi who will ^ve the keynote Sacrifice,' Suffering aeaM a d apport of the lay- address Friday, July 29, at mm bi tUi dwatopa tn i **ro tbe four-state regional CFM aavtfa, tka pctnta, Catkolk convention. collafa Uka Loretto Heights Other CFM leaders to be H ave M arked Life of maat bare tba fupport of the present include Honsignor m k cooBRuity la Ita Inteaaiflad dfr Reynold Hillenbrand of TaU^xaeat profraai,” be said. Hubbard Woods, HI., na­ Rev. Johrr H. K elly Ardtbisbop Vehr, who cos- tional president of the fcnwd Oa dagraea at tba SOtb CFM; and Hr. and Mrs. Pat­ By RoaztTfUmKT aninal eoazteaeaowat, paUlety I paid tribota to the contribBtioa rick Crowley of Winnetka, When a priest reach^ the 25th year of his "that Rofla aad Loretto Heighta DL, principal lay promoters ordination, the only real wiy to mark the occasion CoOagea an naktngto the c o b - Oi CFM. malty of Denver.” Ca-Ordlnaden Dull is to celebrate Mass. But.for one priest of the Plaa are adar way fw the To Moot July 28.29 Archdiocese of Denver, who will note 25 years as beUdbig af a Uhnry aad aid- The first of the two meet­ R priest on Wednesday, June 15, the offering of Harln at Laretta Hdghta ings to be held on the Regis a Jubilee Mass will not be Calloge. Tha am af M M M College campus win be that poMible. y "wu one of tbe moet la katag aaight far thla par- Fatbu John H. Kelly, who t after athUtu in pare- Frater Anthony, O.C.S.O., for tbe national co-ordi­ wot ordilned in tbe Cathddral chill league history in the (above), son of H r. and Mrs. nating committee of C7M Tha brief addreai of Ard>- Michael Barron, 117S W. Custer of the Immacnlste ConceptloD, arddlooeu.” He wu offered biataop Vahr followed tba coco- July 28 and 29. One couple Rev. John Kelly Rev. Frands Potempa Rev. Ctreetlas Flyia Denver, on June 19, 1939, will nuiieroat sdioUrihlpe, Monti- Place, members of SL Rose of and one chaplain from each mraceBWDt addraaa given by lime’s Parish, Denver, will be mwk his silver Jubilee u a gnor Cavanagh said, and priest in St. Josef’s Hoipitsl, Edward L. Statnlgar, preiideiit ordained Judo 11 by Bishop diocese affiuated with the entered Regia Orilege on an of Siadair Oil Corporatloa of rrands P. Leipilg of Baker. National (7H Federation Fr. Potempa, Idaho Springs Pastor, Denver, his bome for the past ■thfctfe acholarabip. New York Ctty. la hla mesaage Ora„ at the dsterdan (Trap- are eligible to attend. Fifty several years. After m e year U Regti, ti the vadutaa tha ei ewitlvo pist) Abbey of Our leCty of couples and 30 priests are The highlight of that day Frther Kelly eMered SL aaphaaiaad tba Baefnlnoai and Giadalupe, Lafayette, Ore. ezM cted. will come ewly In tbe morning, SeulBaiy, DeBver, aaad af liberal arti In buttneai, Plans for Two Anniversary Mosses had the dkttMtiaa et He will offer his Pint Solemn Tbe national committee at 9 ajB,, when Ui broUwr, riiatrhliit Into the (dctnre that the first iBuhiulii t* Mass at tbe Abbey on June 12. will join in group discus­ tbe RL Rev. Honalgnor William the Loretto gradoata Is Uia In­ A silver jubilee Msu of old rectory wu remodeled Potempa began in 1954 when Kelly of Colorado Siwlnia will Us eitb« sight-yew Before entering the Tripplsta, sions on laymen and tbe ThuiktgiviDg will be celebrated through tbe generosity of Mn. he launched a drive to erect an heritor of a great liberal arts Frater Antbony’i name was offer a Masa in his honor In c a m at SL lhauas’. traditioD. C h u ^ lay spirituality, lay by the Rev. Frands P. Potempa Spencer Penrose. In 1990 entirely new church in Idaho tbe chspel of tbe hospital. A his First Han la 1986, Mark Andrew Barron. Ha waa In SL Paul’a Church, Idaho through funds provided by Hn. Sitflngf. The building wu com­ M0LMCB8 o r bom Sept 23. 1934. in CoUIh - missioiury enmts, and inh ReUtivu snd close frisodi of F a ^ Kelly wu aaUUed by AMEtiCA‘8 n r r u u tensified work with foreign Springs, at 8 ajn, on June 19, Helen Bonflls of Denver, SL pleted at a coat of S7OJI0O and Fatiwr Kelly among the eUrgy two brothera, MmlgDer ville, OUa. The family than Mary’s Church of the Aasump- la speaking of tha gradnate students in the U.S. tte day tie wu ordained 28 a debt of only S10,CI(XI remained wlD be in atteodsaee at the Kelly, whe at that tinu moved to Pneblo, where be wai yaan age by Archbishop Urban tin wu completely rutored. on the structme at its dedica­ as a eraetor of tba fntnre, Mr. Following this gathering Matt. Also jwetent wlQ be as^tant paster of 8L graduated from St. Leander’i J. Vehr in me Immaculate Con­ tion on March I. 1999. Stelnlgrr referrad to the voca­ Grada School. In 1001 ha was w ill be the Rocky Mountain Hlu Bonflls' wu inspired snoUwr prlut-brothsr, Father Mtry’i Parish In Oekrado ception Cathedral, Denver. Soings, aad Fatbw Bernard, tion of many of the graduates graduated with high bonora Area convention of the CFM by her ruidence in Central SignificaRt Frojact Bernard Kelly of All Saints' On tbe following Sunday, June VM at tha time wu a leinin- as that of iMe and mother, in from Pueblo Catholic High July 29-SL Ted and Lory and attendance at SL Mary’s The project is most memor­ Pariah, Denver. which role "you are iwdder of SebaoL 19, Father Potempa, putor ot while appearing in George Ber­ able since so many fsetora mili­ Whlla aerriag m psslar at arian In SL Thomu’. children’s lives and rnnariinint Lothamsr of St Therese’s the Idaho Suringa Parish, will nard Shaw'f The DemTi Disoipls BUFBRlNnNMNT In October of that tamo year PaiMh, Aurora, chairmen of tated againit such a hope, In- SL Jsssph*! Fartah, OsMm. ty of AoNrka'i fatoro." he catered the Trapplst Hones- Journey to Chicago to offer a with Maurice Evans. Her de­ clodlng the limited membmhip Fathar K ^ nrifered a <IP H16I SCHOOL Urging tbe gradaatas to tery of Our Ledy of Coedilapc a large committee making Solemn Man In St. Helen's cision to finance tbe renovation eg the pariah and the transient ftrriu that teft hta pwalywd . Father Kdly’s first «potat- aveU tnrthar dapaadanee upon It Pecos, N. Mer, wtaicb _ Uocal urangements, reveal Charm, his “bome pariah," in ■ad its subfetpieot mateiiaUsa- popoUtlOD. frm (he waist d m dad ment wu u u Mslstaat in Us m m pulih, tha Cstbsdnl of eavammast tai thair daily ttvai, later moved to Lafayette, Or^ that delegam to this area tbe pmaiee of Ua parents. It tiOB coincided with the declara ■ Mer he esRtrarted prhom- tha Slndalr top man baoNd was In - L Hden^ Cborcta. Od- tiofi oT me domga the As- At tbe Solama Mau of Dedi­ tbe Immaculnte Conceptiw. On The Birroa family moi^ to Convention w ill come from 8 cation, non-CatboUcs, including aia (hat hu left him in a rataotioo of aaU-raliaoce, am- Denver from Pueblo about Arc Colorado, Utah, Wyoming, cago, that bis parents, Mr. and somptira of the Bleued Vl^ wethened cendltion. 8. 1939, ha wu named te local Proteetant clergymen, con­ Holy Family Parish, where be biUoo, and tadlvtdaality la tha yean ego.
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