■1 • \ Iff ■; • / ■ ■ THURSDAY^ SEPTEMBER 26, 1968 Tht Waather M O l IWENTY-FOtm Avarage Daily Nat Prcaa Rm Fowenst of D. a W entlw BnreM M m t y i A t t lEwtiing ISi^ralb For tbd Week Ended Septamber 21, 1968 errs and atraya from the right ehalrmiui of UofH board of reg­ Fair and eool' toolcht. Low SO­ Registrations for the Chiidrea’s way. However, he can alwaya Service Set ents, who will be Ihtroduced by B & B BUILOINB SA. Batarday partly eonny and a Wing of the little Theater of Jews to Mark mend his ways. If he sincerely re­ Chancellor Vincent B. Coffin, who 13,720 little cooler. High near 70. About Town Manchester will be accepted to­ pents his deeds, and makes the re­ will preside; Df. Gordon B. Cross, MealMr of the Audit ^ morrow from 7 to 8 pm. at the dean of the S<^ool of Business Ad- CONTRABTORS Otflc«r« and mwnbeni a t Man- quired amends, his sins , and trans- For Dr . Poe Borean o f droolatlon Manche»ter— A City,of Village Charm basement room In the former Y om K ippur ^essions are forgiven. At the minlstratlQn, speaking on behalf OUS’TOM HOMICS ohMter Aaaeinbly, Order of Rain­ technical aohoel on School St. OUR SPECIALTY bow for Otida, wUl have an inatal- services, the worshipers read the of the deans of the Unlveralty; X, Children Interested In acting, Sing-i Ywn Kippur, the Day of Atone­ confession of sins and pray fei> A memorial servloe for Di^, Paa' Prof. Merrill Sherman, chairman goseph Barth--649^8t0 oa Page !•) PRICE SEVEN CENTS laUon rehearaal Saturday at 10 in g or dancing, ages 8 to 14, may BIANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1968 ment, the holiest day in Judaism, vently for atonement and forgive­ cal Poe will be held Monday at of the English pepartment, speak­ VOL. LXXXH, NO. 305 (EIGHTEEN PAGES) a.m. at the Kaaonlc Temple. register. ing on behalf of the faculty, and will be observed by Jews all over ness. ‘ 3:30 pjn. .at Weatminater PreS' •n»e Women’s Benefit Aaeocla- On the eve of Yom Kippur at the vocal selections by Mias Omega Mr. and Mrs. Austin CuMer of the world beginning at sundown Kol Nidre service, the people an­ byterian Church, 2080 Boulevard, Milboume, a student at H artt Col­ tlon wlU have a rally Saturday, St. Petersburg. Fla., formerly of Weat Hartford. Oct. 6, at the Nathan Hale Hotel, tomorrow, and continuing until nul those vows and promises which lege' of Music. Menche^er, and their daughter. were made in haste and which Dr. Poe, formerly of 87 Tanner State News Wllllmaniic. Dinner will be served Miss Joan BUlen Ouster, returned after sundown Saturday. The day The service will be concluded by at 8:30 pjn. Reaervations close were impossible to fulfill. The St., died Sept. 11. He came to Dr. Abrahem J. Feldman, spiritu^ yesterday after a visit with Mrs. climaxes a period of 10 days of re­ vows and promises which were Hartford In 19W as deai. of HU- Saturday and' may be made with Custer’s mother, Mrs. Catherine leader pf Temple Beth Israel, Mra. Harriet Olsaver, 107 Cam- pentance which began last week possible to fulfill and were not lyer College. 'ITie University ot Hartford, and a UofH regent. McCSuskey, 46% Winter St. Miss the observance of Rosh Hashanah, kept cannot be annuled or forgiv­ Roundup Given ‘Kiss of Death biidsfe St. Hartford waa formed in 1967, and CuBter graduated Sunday from the Jewish New Year. en. ’This emphasizes the sanctity Dr. Poe became Its first provost John Hopkins School of Nursing. Members of Temple Beth Sho- of the spoken word, and the duty TO BUY WATER FIRM x V l I'OXi A'l 1C •nie WWrlawray Square Dance Baltimore, Md. She attended on March 26, 1962, the post he held lom will hold services at Wad­ to fulfill faithfully every utterance at his death. HARTFORD (AP) — Suburban CWb will have its first anniversary Manchester elementary schools and dell School Auditorium tomorrow of the Ups. Water Service, Inc., received per­ / ^ ^ ( ) \ i i-’oi r i ' ^afnir and Barden dance Friday at 8 p.m. at Coventry Boca Oego High School. St. Pet- ’The University of Hartford wlU at 7 p.m. and throughout Satur­ In the morning service, the an. be closed, and classes suspended mission yesterday to ac-juire its Grammar School. This is an open ensburg. day, beginning at 8 a.m. A Yizkor dent ritual of atonement is re sixth water company—the Collins­ MEANS Announce Merger ' dance and area square dance clubs (Memorial Service) will take place called when the high priest on Yom between 3 and 4:30 p.m. to permit ville Water Co. ’The State Public art Invited. Dick JSimmer will be The Salvatlnn Army will conduct students to attend the service, Utlilticn Commission, wliicn ap­ Saturday at 5:30 p.m., emd the Kippur entered the Holy of Hollos which is open to the public. Says ttie caller. Members of a refresh­ an open-air service tonight at 7:30 proved the 333,500 transaction, HARTFORD "(AP) — Two Fracchia photo Neilah, (Closing Service) at 6 of the Temple in Jerusalem t.i 3R IO A N G^OAX* Jail, ment ootnmittoe are Mr. and Mrs. at Main and Birch St. Cadet Fred p.m. Rabbi Leon Wind and Cantor make atonement for himself, the I. Albert RusseU, chairman of said it "should tend to produce op­ Connecticut giants in produc I^ o lp h Nothnick, Mr. and Mrs. Dixon will be in charge. 'Ihls Engaged George Wald will officiate at all priestly tribe, and the whole house the organ department at Hartt erating economies and assure con­ tion of ball bearings today an­ Kenneth Healy, Mr. and Mrs. will be his ftnaJ service as he is services. Frederic E. Werner, ot Israel. An important part in College of Music, Hartford, wiU tinued efficient operatlono” in Col­ Ekneet Bissonette, Mr. and Mrs. returning ot his studies next week The engagement of Miss Linda play organ selections from Bach for fuel oils, sorvlca^ nounced plans for a merger. Temple organist, will direct the the morning service is also the linsville. Subuihan already controls Fafnir Bearing Co. of New Brit­ Raymond Hlokins and Mr. and at the Officer’s Training College Margaret Hassett to Paul Wil­ Temple Choir. reading of the “Martyrology,” re before the service. the Rockville Water and Aqueduct heating equipment Mrs. Tony Sobol. of the Salvation Army, New York liam Maneggria, both of .Bolton ’The service will include a pray­ ain will take over the Barden Cprp Worked as The central theme of the Yom calling the sages of Israel who Co., Broad Brook Water Co.. Tet*- of ^Danbury under terms of the City. A prayer service will be has been announced by her par­ Kippur prayers is sin and atone­ died as martyrs, "for the sanctifi­ er by the Rev. Gurdon T. Sco- ryvllle Water Co., ’Thomaston Wa­ phone 522*8151 Miss Linda A. Clac<xnini, daugh­ held tonight at 7:15 at the C3tadel. ents, Mr. and Mrs. James G. Has­ vUle, pastor of Westminster 170 PEARL STBEEX agreement. ment. The idea is stressed that cation of G ^ ’s name,” and the ter Co., and the Carriage Hill Boards of both companies have ter of Mr. and Mrs. Amenico sett, Birch Mt. Rd. preservation of the faith In Israel. Church; a talk by John G. Lee, Corp. In East Lyme. HARTFORD. CONN. Qiaoomlni, 86 MclQnley St., and Her fiance is a son of Mr. and man is a sinful creature who often already approved the merger, and iller for Mias Nancy Holt, daughter of Mr. Mrs. Paul Maneggia, Steel Cross special meetings of stockholders and Mrs. Hermon Holt, 460 Adams ing Rd. will be called soon to vote on a St, are students at Marietta W edding Miss Hassett is a 1962 grad­ m stock exchange proposal. NYC Gang (Ohio) O olite. Miss Glacomini is uate of Manchester High School, One share of Fafnir would be a junior, majoring in h<mie eco­ and is a sophomore at the Uni­ swapped for 2.9 shares of Barden. nomics. Mias Holt is a sophomore, Werner - Galinat versity of Connecticut. Mr. Barden would continue under pres­ WASHINGTON (AP)’ — ent management as a separate majoring in French. Both are The marriage of Miss Dorothy Maneggia is a 1961 graduate of Now's The Time Gangster Joseplv^alachi tes­ graduates of Manchester High Manchester High School. He is corporation and as a wholly-owned Frances Galinat of Coventry to attending the University of Hart- Fafnir subsidiary. tified toda.whe was^a killer in Donadd Ediward Werner of Man­ foid Evening Division, and is as­ Fafnir is noted for its diversified the New York mob x)f 'Vito chester took place Saturday. Aug. line of ball bearings and bearing 31, at Second Congregational sociated with his father in the Genovese, but wound u)\ get­ construction business. transmission units. ting the “kiss of deathN ^ Church, Coventry. No date has been set for the Barden Is a leading manufactur­ ’The bride is a daughter of Mr. To Eat The Best Beef sentence to be murderedX- WINDOW SHADES wedding. er of precision miniature and in­ and Mrs. Frank L. Galinat, Mer- strument ball bearings. from Genovese himself in a row Rd. ’The bridegroom is a son GrtM, White, Ecru the Church Community House, Fafnir had sales of $73.2-million, federal prison. of Mr. and Mrs.
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