4310 THE LONDON GAZETTE, NOVEMBER 20, 1860. Private Bill Office of the House of Commons before To incoporate a Company for carrying into effect the 23rd day of December, in the present year. the proposed works, and to enable the said Com- Dated this 12th day of November, 1860. pany to purchase lands, tenements, and heredita- ments, by compulsion or agreement, and to vary Wm Shuttleworth, Town Clerk, Liverpool. or extinguish all rights and privileges connected with the hereditaments to be taken, or which would interfere with the construction, maintenance, or use Forest of Dean and Monmouth Junction of the said intended railway and works, and to levy Railway. tolls, rates, and duties in respect of the said rail- (Incorporation of Company; Power to Construct way and works, and to confer, vary, or extinguish a Railway from the Forest of Dean Central exemptions from the payment of tolls, rates, and Railway at Brandicks Green to the Coleford, duties. Monmouth, Usk, and Pontypool Railway at May To give to the said intended Company, or to any Hill, near Monmouth; Power to use Lines and other Company or person lawfully using the said Stations of the Coleford, Monmouth, Usk, and intended Railway, power to run and pass over Pontypool Railway Company, the Forest of with their own engines and carriages, or with the Dean Central Railway Company, the South engines and carriages of such other Company or Wales Railway Company, and the Gloucester person, the following lines of railway, with all and Dean Forest Railway Company; Arrange- stations and conveniences thereon (that is to ments with those Companies; Amendment of Acts.) 'he whole of the Coleford, Monmouth, Usk, and Pontypool Railway. "VTOTICE is hereby given, that application is The whole of the Forest of Dean Central JL 1 intended to be made to Parliament, in the Railway. ensuing session, for an Act for the following pur- The portion of the South Wales Railway which poses, or some of them; that is to say:— lies between the junction of the said Forest of To make and maintain the following railway, Dean Central Railway therewith and the junction with all proper viaducts, tunnels, bridges, stations, of the said South Wales Railway with the Glou- warehouses, sidings, landings, places, approaches, cester and Dean Forest Rrilway. and conveniences (that is to say):— The whole of the Gloucester and Dean Forest A railway commencing by a junction with the Railway and Branch to the Gloucester Docks; and Forest of Dean Central Railway, now in course to fix and determine the amount of rate, toll, or of construction in the township of West Dean, in charge which shall be paid by the said intended the county of Gloucester, in a certain part of the Company, for the use by them of the before-men- Forest of Dean, in the said township, called Bran- tioned railways, stations, and conveniences; and dicks Green, at or about five miles from the junc- to alter and limit the tolls, rates, and charges tion of the said Forest of Dean Railway with the authorized to be levied and demanded by the be- South Wales Railway, terminating by a junction fore-mentioned Companies, or either of them, for with the Coleford, Moninouth, Usk, and Pontypool the use of the said railways, stations, and conve- Railway near May Hill, in the parish of Dixton, niences. Staunton, and Nejvvland, some or one of them, To enable the said intended Company and the 70 yards or thereabouts on the eastern side of a said Coleford, Monmouth, Usk, and Pontypool Rail- point in the turnpike road leading from Chepstow way Company, the Forest of Dean Central Rail \vay to Monmouth, near the town of Monmouth, and Company, the South Wales Railway Company, and in the county of Monmouth, where the said Gloucester and Dean Forest Railway Company, or Coleford, Monmouth, Usk, and Pontypool Rail- any of them, to enter into and effect contracts and way intersects the said road, and passing from, arrangements with reference to the working and in, through, or into the several parishes, town- using the said intended railway and works; the ships, and extra-parochial places of Moseley Green, regulation and management of the traffic thereou, Brandicks Green, Phelp's Meadow, Parkend, or any part thereof; the supply of locomotive and Whitemead Park, Bromley Hill, Oakwood, Bream, other stock, and the division, apportionment, dis- Saint Briavels, Hanwell, Clement's End, Warpoql, tribution, and appropriation of the tolls, rates, and Clearwell, Scatterford, Newland, Coleford, The duties arising from such traffic between the con- Glyn, Lower Redbrook, Upper Redbrook, Lords tracting Companies; and to enable the said in- Grove, Staunton, West Dean, the Hundred of Saint tended Company to enter into arrangements with Briavels, and The Forest of Dean, or some or one any other Companies or persons touching all or of them, in the county of Gloucester and Mon- any of the matters aforesaid, and also powers to mouth, May Hill, Penalt, Dixton, Dixton Had- vary or extinguish all such rights or privileges as nock, Upper Redbrook, Haduock, and Wyesham, could or might interfere with the objects afore- or some or one of them, in the county of Mon- said. mouth. For the purposes of the said railway and works To enable the Coleford, Monmouth, Usk, and to cross, alter, divert, or stop up, whether tempo- Pontypool Railway Company, the Forest of Dean rarily or permanently, all roads, streets, paths, Central Railway Company, the South Wales Rail- sewers, waters, streams, navigations, aqueducts, way Company, and the Gloucester and Forest of rivers, railways, and tramroads, within the said Dean Central Railway Company, or any or either parishes, townships, and extra-parochial places of them, to subscribe to the said intended railway aforesaid. and works, and to raise an additional capital for To enable Her Majesty or Her Majesty's Commis- that purpose. sioners of Woods, Forests, Land Revenues, Works, To alter, amend, or enlarge the following Acts and Buildings, to sell and convey, or grant a lease (that is to say): "The Coleford, Monmouth, Usk, or leases, to the Company to be incorporated by the and Pontypool Railway Act, 1853;" " The Forest said intended Act, of such parts of the said Forest of Dean Central Railway Act, 1856;" " The of Dean as may be required for making and main- Forest of Dean Central Railway Act, I860;" taining the said railway and works; and also to " The South Wales Railway Consolidation Act, enable the said Commissioners to advance money 1855;" and "The South Wales Railway Act, on the security of the said intended railway and 1858; " The Gloucester and Dean Forest Railway works, or of the tolls, rates, and duties hereinafter Act, 1846;" and "The Gloucester and Deau mentioned. Forest Railway Dock Act, 1847.".
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