1 rz&&o\i tho^a/GHI^^ ■ ! ';? -a i I ■. .i ii/s . ■j. i. fe^d6k -fe- .IP'w -1 I* 'a./l.' ite : - y * --- ,* * f tot * W‘ f wf5 r^2? • “V •Z s , . .-~ /, p±9 • mv-l 7*- - . Z '.r-y.i ■/'.. 'V A-w-J 4 -•-. \ . 1 _ s ts&y [*»w» rf* . m 3 •v;-• .: -• ...~7 y, • • . ** • . *> • r*- - • -v . »< -1 -•>• "* ** - -• ;-r. ^ n sr-,'*5p£i .: ; ----- -sS -■■■ £22B 'e.rTS _ *iK JUP w tT-— v v- n Msssi? t\-WfE * . ■A * Li " ^ i •. - ■-/> ^r- ■ * *. - ' ■ V* E * ■ •* • ,- - VOLUME 3 NUMBER 2 TWO DOLLARS FIFTY CENTS SPRING ISSUE 1969 : STALLIONS READY l "The Best Is None Too Good" "EDMAR SIRES ARE TOPS" HY SWAPS HY SWAPS is half-brother to stakes win­ ner "Power Ruler" who just sold for HY SWAPS B. 1965 -1- S150f000. Power Ruler's full brother is i now in training and progressing "tops" SWAPS - POLYLADY We all know Hy Swapp's sire "Swaps". by POLYNESIAN 1 Do you know Hy Swap's dam, "Poly lady? She is stakes winner of 575,606 and sis­ 7 ter to stakes winner Polylad, 5348,004 NOMINATED FOR and stakes winner Tilmar, 5102,315, etc. STALLION STAKES "COMPLETE TRAINING AND BOARDING FACILITIES" LOOKOUT POINT Lookout Point's two year old "Stormy Point"—winner of 5f at Portland Mead­ HAPPENED - ROMAN FIRE ows by 14 lengths. Stakes winner of the "Oregon State Os West Memorial". You by ROMAN SOLDIER will find it hard to "top" that. Lookout 7 Point is property of Mr. & Mrs. L. I. Tait. STAKES WINNER OF $99,720 FOR SALE PRIVATELY Edmar Ranch offers the following horses for sale: TWO 2-YEAR-OLDS. 1.) filly by Colo Colo (*Princequillo- *The Squaw) out of OWlelia. 2.) colt by Bernbrook (brother to *Shannon II) out of Jass Mama. Both of these two-year-olds axe in training and are going extremely well. ONE 3-YEAR-OLD. Sired by Flying Pegasus out of Jass Mama. He was trained last year, is currently in training and shows great potential. WEANLING. Colt sired by Hy Swaps. A real beauty sired by a very promising young stallion. FOR BUSINESS MARCH, 1969 IRISH CANARY CHECK HIS "DISTAFF SIDE” CANARY ISLAND $18,507 BY PAPA REDBORD, BY IRISH CANARY ch. 1959 V- BALLADIER DEAR MOM $20,065 IRISH ADMIRAL - CANARY ISLAND IS3 BY LADSMAN, BY POMPEY FIB BY WESTY HOGAN by PAPA BIRD HE IS FROM A "RUNNING BLOOD LINE" THE BLOOD OF " BUCKPASSER", 1 "MR. BUSHER", ETC. PLACED IN ILLINOIS ALL STALLIONS STAND AT " PRIVATE FEE" $100 AT SERVICE, NON-REFUNDABLE, BALANCE LIVE FOAL WILLIE WAR CHIC "On the track in "69". Watch for him he's running this year. Willie War Chic is nominated for all senior stakes. Second fastest 350 yard ever run at Yakima Meadows. Half brother to the "track burner", AAA Bonnie Bam. 31517 RT. 2, BOX 480, SANDY, OREGON — PHONE 668-6668 PARTIAL LIST OF OUTSTANDING FEATURES: Foreign Track Diagrams, Leading Riders, Annually Purse Distribution, States Records, Stakes, Statistics Leading Riders of 1968, Money Purse Distribution, Tracks Highest-Priced Foreign Leading Riders of 1968, Racing Commissions Thoroughbreds Winners Americon Time Records Racing Days, Attendance, History of Important Events Leading Sires of Juveniles America's Leading Sires, by States Horses Winning $100,000 or Leading Stakes-Winning Annually Racing Organizations and More in 1968 Riders, Annually America's Oldest Stakes Events Officials Illustrations of Champion Leading Stakes-Winning America’s Richest Stakes Racing Statistics of 1968 Horses, 1968 Riders, 1968 Annual Daily Racing Form Poll Record Pari-Mutuel Odds Jockeys, Ages, Birthplaces Leading Steeplechase Riders, Annual Distribution, Number of Leading American Breeders Annually Record Prices for Yearlings Races Leading Trainers, Annually Leading American Sires, 1968 Records of Horses Apprentices Riding First Leading Trainers of 1968, (Complete 1968 Starts, Wins, Winner Leading Breeders, Money, Annually Money Seconds, Thirds and Bargain Yearlings Earnings) Leading Breeders of 1968, Leading Trainers of 1968, Best Horses of the Year Records of Leading Riders Money Winners Best Times, 1968, All Distances Records of Outstanding Horses Leading Breeders of 1968 Leading Two-Year-Old Betting Percentage Table Races Won Winners, Annually Records of Leading Owners Fastest Records in Racing Leading Money-Winning Match Races of American Turf Steeplechase Riders of 1968 Feeding the Thoroughbred Owners, Annually North American Stake Races, Ten Leading Jockeys, Feet Per Second, Time, Leading Money-Winning Annually Lifetime Records Distance Owners, 1968 Number of Starters, Annually Thoroughbred Breeding Farms Officials of Race Tracks Track Diagrams, Records, Best Times Owners of Breeding Farms On Sale About June 2 Trend of Racing in 1968 Pari-Mutuel Take and Breakage Triple Crown Winners, American, English Pari-Mutuel Turnover, Revenue to States Triple Dead Heats for Win Photographs of 1968's Yearling Sales, Total and Outstanding Thoroughbreds Averages < MAIL THIS COUPON NOW -*PC o I! OAILY RACING FORM * 731 Plymouth Court. Chicago. III. 60605 I Enclosed find S12.50 (Illinois residents add 5?o to cover Sales Tax) which I includes postage. Kindly reserve one copy of the 1969 AMERICAN RACING I MANUAL. * I A Nome * * * Address Published by * Stole Zip No. City I SEND CHECK OR MONEY ORDER—NO STAMPS OR CURRENCY * 2 OREGON THOROUGHBRED REVIEW OREGON THOROUGHBRED REVIEW Offic ial Publication cf MARCH 1969 THE OREGON THOROUGHBRED BREEDERS ASSOCIATION VOL. 3 NO. 2 CONTENTS Staff............................................................................ 2 Board of Directors................................................. 5 President's Message.............................................. 6 Vice President's Message..................................... 7 Editorial.................................................................... 8 Oregon Review of Racing..................................... 9 Features Reviewed................................................. 15 Index to Winners & Placed Horses in Features 18 Stakes Review........................................................... 18 Portland Meadows Statistics ............................... 19 Pacific International Exposition Statistics . 20 Salem Park Statistics ........................................... 21 Gresham Park Statistics........................................ 21 Praise Jay................................................................. 23 Key Statistics —Oregon Breeding...................... 24 STAFF Leading Sires — Oregon Based Crops............... 27 Leading Sires in Oregon Since 1957................... 28 Editor Oregon's All-Time Leading Money Winners . 30 J.W. PURCELL Oregon Bred Winners of $2000 or More in 1968 .... 31 Executive Secretary Oregon Breeders Story...................... 32 NELSON MAXWELL 1968 Breeders' Records................... 33 Advertising Index to Oregon Broodmare Table 47 ELIZABETH CARTER Oregon Broodmare Review Story . 50 Special Correspondents Oregon Broodmare Table............ 55 RUSS BROWN Index to Foals ol Broodmares . 67 ALLAN ROGERS Broodmare Record Policy............ 79 GRACE HERREN Oregon Broodmare Records .... 81 OFFICERS-DIRECTORS DR G.R. VANDERVOPT-President The Oregon Thoroughbred Review is published Bi­ DR. Joe L. WINTER - Vice-Presiderrt monthly at Portland. Oregon by.Lee's:Litho. Subscription rates $6.00 per year. Emory Alderman Elwood Foist Address all communications to the Oregon Thorough­ Salem Canby bred Breeders, 1001 N. Schmeer Road, Portland, Ore­ Harold Barclay Horold Fylingness gon. Phone 285-0658. Sisters Portland Acknowledgements — Statistics and results of North American Racing as given in the Oregon Thoroughbred Clarence Bernards Dr. John Metcalf Review are based upon the copyrighted charts and McMinnville Portland tabulations of Daily Racing Form and American Racing James Coals R.G. "Glen" Pierce Manual published by Triangle Publications, Inc. Further Salem Klamath Falls reproduction prohibited. Opinions expressed in the articles herein are not Virgil Conley Jim Nazworthy necessarily those of the Oregon Thoroughbred Breeders Cove Boise, Idaho Assn, or the Oregon Thoroughbred-Review. Gwen Davis J.T. "Ted" Clark Republication Privileges: Permission to reprint ma­ Clackamas Culver terial in the Oregon Thoroughbred Review is granted Milton B. Davis upon condition editorial credit is given by name to the Portland Magazine or the Association. ORfcIGON THOROUGHBRED REVIEW •3 I NICTRUM FEE SI 50 B. 1962 *Niccolo d’Arezzo - Spec­ trum by Haste NICTRUM, a winner of 7 races, sired by a son of Nogara, dame of Nearco. BUDESAN FEE $250 Gr. 1957 * Repintado - Bharata by Sabu BUDESAN, brings to Oregon the fine imported line of * Repin­ tado. Budesan should produce some outstanding runners. GAME ROUSER FEE S250 Br. 1961 Speed Rouser - Game O Hearts by Ariel GAME ROUSER is out of a winner of over $20,000 and a 100% producer, and is him­ self a winner of $32,000. WAR GIANT FEE $150 B. 1956 War Slave Pulsate by Opua WAR GIANT, a powerful and impressive son of War Slave. War Giant’s sire line is that of Man o’ War and Fair Play. 'Ray hi. 2>olua 'ft/wh PHONE: 989-8158 LEXINGTON, OREGON 4 OREGON THOROUGHBRED REVIEW BOARD OF DIRECTORS of the Oregon Thoroughbred Breeders’ Association Dr. G. R. Vandervort Dr. Joe L. Winter President Vice President 0! j| Harold C lore nee Milt Virgil Jim Fy11 i ngness Bernards Davi s Con ley Coats 1 j go / \ / IWsSLm • > R.G. Glen” Harold Dr. John EI wood Pierce Barclay Metca I f Fai s t Emery Gwen Ron Ted Nazworthy Alderman 0Davi s FHoffma n tlC lark STAFF Nel son J. Purcell Maxwel I Editor Executi vc Secretary OREGON THOROUGHBRED REVIEW 5 I \ T. B. A. President's Report Dr. G. R. Vandervort m the next few weeks the fate of the horse coordinate
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