12114 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 157, Pt. 9 July 26, 2011 It is endorsed by organizations representing consideration of H.R. 2584, making appropria- ondary education. In 1977, Father Gaddy en- millions of senior citizens and consumers of all tions for the Department of the Interior, Envi- tered the Redemptorist Formation system, in ages, including: AARP, AFSCME, Alliance of ronment, and Related Agencies for the Fiscal Northeast, Pennsylvania. He went on to fur- Retired Americans, Center for Medicare Advo- Year Ending September 30, 2012, and for ther his studies and in 1984, he graduated cacy, Community Catalyst, Families USA, other purposes). from St. Alphonsus College in Suffield, Con- Health Care for America Now, Medicare 2. On rollcall No. 631, I would have voted necticut, with a Bachelor of Arts degree in phi- Rights Center, National Council on Aging, and ‘‘aye’’ (July 25)—(On Approving the Journal). losophy. Father Gaddy completed his theo- the National Senior Citizens Law Center. 3. On rollcall No. 632, I would have voted logical studies at Washington Theological In endorsing the bill, AARP highlights that, ‘‘aye’’ (July 25)—(Moran Amendment to H.R. ‘‘AARP supports this change because it will 2584, Interior and Environment Appropriations Union in 1988 and on May 14, 1988, he was provide greater transparency and account- Act for FY 2012). ordained to the priesthood. ability for expenditures made by health insur- 4. On rollcall No. 633, I would have voted Father Gaddy’s first assignment was to St. ance issuers, and encourage them to become ‘‘no’’ (July 25)—(Huelskamp Amendment to Boniface Church, in Philadelphia, Pennsyl- more efficient in their operations to help en- H.R. 2584, Interior and Environment Appro- vania. In January of 1990, he was reassigned sure that consumers receive fair value for their priations Act for FY 2012). to St. Patrick’s Catholic Church on the island premium dollars.’’ 5. On rollcall No. 634, I would have voted of Saint Croix, U.S. Virgin Islands, and arrived This bill should garner bipartisan support. At ‘‘aye’’ (July 25)—(Cleaver Amendment to H.R. in the Virgin Islands during a tremendously a February 10, 2011 hearing in the Ways and 2584, Interior and Environment Appropriations challenging time in our history—just months Means Committee, a Republican Member Act for FY 2012). after Hurricane Hugo devastated the island of questioned CMS Actuary Rick Foster about 6. On rollcall No. 635, I would have voted Saint Croix. He served as an Associate Pastor this issue: ‘‘. Medigap policies that seniors ‘‘aye’’ (July 25)—(Richmond Amendment to for six years, and then in August of 1996 he purchase to supplement traditional Medicare H.R. 2584, Interior and Environment Appro- are only required to meet a medical loss ratio priations Act for FY 2012). was appointed Pastor of St. Patrick’s Catholic of 65 percent . do you think that the MLR 7. On rollcall No. 636, I would have voted Church. Father Gaddy served as Pastor for 9 policy should be applied equitably across the ‘‘aye’’ (July 25)—(Hochul Amendment to H.R. years before he was appointed director of the line?’’ He answered that ‘‘. you could prob- 2584, Interior and Environment Appropriations Blessed Peter Donders Formation Residence ably make a good case that if it makes sense Act for FY 2012). in July of 2006. in general then it would make sense for the f Mr. Speaker, in July of 2008, Father Gaddy broader spectrum, including Medigap policies.’’ was appointed pastor of Holy Cross Catholic PERSONAL EXPLANATION The Member responded, ‘‘Well, I would think Church on Saint Croix, where he is currently that most people would agree that if we are serving. He credits two Redemptorists, The going to do something we should do it equal- HON. GENE GREEN Rev. Jerome Moody and The Rev. Henrique ly.’’ OF TEXAS Schulterbrandt, for encouraging and sup- I agree. That’s exactly what we’re doing with IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the Medigap Medical Loss Ratio Improvement porting him in his decision to pursue his stud- Act today—we are extending a commonsense Tuesday, July 26, 2011 ies to the priesthood. Several years later he consumer protection to private Medigap plans. Mr. GENE GREEN of Texas. Mr. Speaker, was introduced to Rev. Carlyle Blake, another I encourage our colleagues on both sides of I rise today to explain my absence from votes Redemptorist, whose friendship and the aisle to join us to enact this sensible im- cast on the afternoon of July 25, 2011. My mentorship continue to this day. provement to existing law for those who pur- voting percentage is 98 percent for the 112th Father Gaddy believes firmly that we stand chase private Medigap insurance. Congress, and I rarely miss votes, but yester- on the shoulders of those who precede us and f day, I was absent due to a prior commitment it is our responsibility to keep their memory scheduled before we knew the House would PERSONAL EXPLANATION and contributions alive and to provide shoul- be in session on Monday. ders for those who come behind us to stand On the votes I missed: on the rule providing on. He also believes that we are all respon- HON. STEVE KING for consideration of H.R. 2584—Interior, Envi- sible for building upon what has been en- OF IOWA ronment, and Related Agencies Appropriations IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Act, 2012, had I been present, I would have trusted to us and that we are to leave our community better than as we inherited it. Tuesday, July 26, 2011 voted ‘‘no’’; and on the Journal vote, had I been present, I would have voted ‘‘yes.’’ The Saint Croix community will not soon for- Mr. KING of Iowa. Mr. Speaker, on rollcall get the ministry of Father Gaddy, his impas- No. 636, I was not present to vote. Had I been f sioned sermons, his wise and down-to-earth present, I would have voted ‘‘no.’’ TRIBUTE TO THE VERY REVEREND demeanor, and most certainly we will not for- f KENNETH F. GADDY, C.Ss.R. get his infectious laughter and kind-hearted PERSONAL EXPLANATION smile. He is a great listener who exudes sin- HON. DONNA M. CHRISTENSEN cerity and humbleness. OF THE VIRGIN ISLANDS HON. LAURA RICHARDSON He has shared our ups and our downs, our IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF CALIFORNIA trials and our triumphs, our grief and our joys IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Tuesday, July 26, 2011 and has become a much beloved and integral Tuesday, July 26, 2011 Mrs. CHRISTENSEN. Mr. Speaker, I rise to part of our community. We wish that Father Ms. RICHARDSON. Mr. Speaker, yesterday pay tribute to an outstanding faith and commu- Gaddy were not being reassigned, but wher- I was honored to be one of the featured nity leader from my congressional district in ever he goes, however far, he will always be speakers at an important session of the 102nd the U.S. Virgin Islands, The Very Reverend a Virgin Islander and more so a Crucian. Kenneth F. Gaddy, C.Ss.R., a Redemptorist Annual Convention of the NAACP, which is Mr. Speaker, on behalf of the people of the being held in Los Angeles, California. My par- priest who has served the St. Croix community U.S. Virgin Islands and a grateful flock, I wish ticipation in this important event necessitated for 21 years. Father Gaddy continued success, and on be- my remaining in my congressional district on On Sunday, July 31, 2011, the Holy Cross Monday, July 25, 2011. Consequently, I was Catholic Church will honor Father Gaddy for half of the Congress of the United States, unable to return in time for rollcall votes Nos. his years of bountiful service to the Church thank him for his long, dedicated and bountiful 630, through 636. and the parish before he leaves the Virgin Is- service to the parish of Holy Cross, the com- Had I been present, I would have voted as lands for a new assignment. Born to the late munity of St. Croix and the Diocese of the follows: John and Beatrice Gaddy, Father Gaddy was U.S. Virgin islands. May God continue to richly 1. On rollcall No. 630, I would have voted the third of six children. He attended Catholic bless him with good health and long life in ‘‘no’’ (July 25)—(H. Res. 363, Providing for school for elementary and part of his sec- service to the Almighty God. 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