Hidrobiológica ISSN: 0188-8897 [email protected] Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana Unidad Iztapalapa México Beraldi-Campesi, Hugo; Arenas-Abad, Concepcion; Auque-Sanz, Luis; Vázquez-Urbez, Marta; Pardo-Tirapu, Gonzalo Benthic diatoms on fluvial tufas of the Mesa River, Iberian Range, Spain Hidrobiológica, vol. 26, núm. 2, 2016, pp. 283-297 Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana Unidad Iztapalapa Distrito Federal, México Available in: http://www.redalyc.org/articulo.oa?id=57849746015 How to cite Complete issue Scientific Information System More information about this article Network of Scientific Journals from Latin America, the Caribbean, Spain and Portugal Journal's homepage in redalyc.org Non-profit academic project, developed under the open access initiative Hidrobiológica 2016, 26 (2): 283-297 Benthic diatoms on fluvial tufas of the Mesa River, Iberian Range, Spain Diatomeas bentónicas en tufas fluviales del Río Mesa, Cordillera Ibérica, España Hugo Beraldi-Campesi 1, Concepcion Arenas-Abad 2, Luis Auque-Sanz 2, Marta Vázquez-Urbez 2 and Gonzalo Pardo-Tirapu 2 1Instituto de Geología, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Ciudad Universitaria, CDMX, 04510. México 2Departamento de Ciencias de la Tierra. Universidad de Zaragoza. Zaragoza, E50009. España e-mail: [email protected] Beraldi-Campesi H., C. Arenas-Abad, L. Auque-Sanz, M. Vázquez-Urbez and G. Pardo-Tirapu. 2016. Benthic diatoms on fluvial tufas of the Mesa River, Iberian Range, Spain. Hidrobiológica 26 (2): 283-297. ABSTRACT Background . The Mesa River (MR) in the Iberian Range (Spain) displays prominent, Pleistocene to present-day fluvial tufa deposits. Little of their associated microbiota has been studied to date despite the regional and historical relevan- ce of these calcareous buildups. Goals . This paper is a preliminary exploration of the diatom (Bacillariophyta) genera associated with actively-growing tufa from 10 benthic environments along 24 km of the Mesa River. Methods . Bright- field microscopy, as well as consultation with specialists and specialized literature was used for taxonomic classifi- cation of diatoms. Results . We identified 25 diatom genera in three different types of sedimentary facies (porous and moss-algae rich, dense-laminated, and tufa-free gravel). Most diatoms were raphid pennate (class Bacillariophyceae), while a few were centric (class Coscinodiscophyceae) or araphid pennate (class Fragilariophyceae). They appeared as integral components of the tufa structure along with cyanobacteria and other algae and mosses. Conclusions . Toge- - ther with previous studies on the hydrochemistry and sedimentology of the MR, our interpretations suggest that HCO 3 , 2+ pCO 2, Ca , and TDIC negatively affect diatom richness and that their abundance is positively related to the presence of mosses and algae. Key words: Benthic diatoms; freshwater tufas; Iberian Range, Spain. RESUMEN Antecedentes . Del Río Mesa en la Cordillera Ibérica Española destacan sus tufas fluviales, depositadas desde Pleistoceno hasta el reciente. Poco de su microbiota bentónica ha sido estudiado a pesar de la relevancia regional de estas forma- ciones calcáreas. Objetivos . Con el objetivo de conocer los géneros de diatomeas (división Bacillariophyta) que crecen asociados a estas tufas activas, se revisaron muestras de 10 ambientes bentónicos a lo largo de 24 kilómetros del río Mesa. Métodos . Se utilizaron técnicas de microscopia y consultas con especialistas y literatura especializada para la identificación taxonómica de las diatomeas. Resultados . Se identificaron 25 géneros de diatomeas en tres diferentes tipos de facies sedimentarias (porosa con musgo y algas, densa-laminada, y grava sin tufa). La mayoría de las diatomeas fueron pennadas y con rafe (clase Bacillariophyceae), y pocas fueron céntricas (clase Coscinodiscophyceae) o pennadas sin rafe (clase Fragilariophyceae). Estas aparecieron como componentes integrales de las tufas junto con cianobacterias, - musgos y algas. Conclusiones . Estudios previos de sedimentología e hidroquímica en este río sugieren que el HCO 3 , 2+ pCO 2, Ca , y TDIC afectan negativamente a la riqueza de diatomeas, y que su abundancia esta positivamente relacionada con la presencia de musgos y algas. Palabras clave : Cordillera Ibérica, diatomeas bentónicas, España, tobas fluviales. Vol. 26 No. 2 • 2016 284 Beraldi-Campesi H. et al. INTRODUCTION Facies characterization . Different depositional environments were characterized as sedimentary facies based on the type of substrate (in Diatoms are of great ecological significance for the functioning of plan view and cross section), water depth, water flow, and type of flora aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems, and are useful environmental and (according to the main component on the surface: mosses, algae, cya- ecological indicators (e.g. Smol & Stoermer, 2010). They are also key nobacteria). oxygenic photosynthesizers and prolific producers of extracellular po- lymeric substances (EPS) in most benthic habitats today (Krumbein et Diatom sampling and identification. Ten sites distributed along the al ., 2003; Pentecost, 2005). In fluvial environments, diatoms are also MR (Fig. 1, Table 1) were selected according to bed configuration, sedi- key primary producers and abundant on calcareous tufas (also called mentary facies, and physical parameters (e.g. slope, depth, and water spring-associated limestones) worldwide (e.g. Stevenson et al ., 1996; velocity; see below), representing the main sub-environments in the ri- Gradzinski, 2010). Because diatoms sequester dissolved CO 2 through ver. Sites ranged from empty grounds and gravel beds, to areas densely photosynthetic C fixation, which results in a shift in pH, and because populated by plants, bryophytes, and macroscopic colonies of algae they produce large quantities of EPS that can agglutinate and accrete and cyanobacteria. particles, they may play an important role in tufa formation. At each site, 3 to 5 pieces (~1-3 cm 3) of the soft, recently-formed The Iberian Range in Spain harbors a great variety of fluvial tufa tufa surface were cored from limestone tablets previously placed at systems that have been accumulating since the Pleistocene (Vázquez- each site (see Vazquez-Urbez et al ., 2010 for explanation), and combi- Urbez et al ., 2012). In particular, the Mesa River (MR) and the nearby ned into a single sample. Combined samples were immediately stored Piedra River, have been of historical importance since ancient times in a 20% ethanol-formalin solution for transport to the laboratory and (e.g. Corral-Lafuente, 2000). Despite this fact, the eukaryotic compo- further frozen at -10 °C until inspected under a microscope. nent of these ecosystems is poorly known, even though the microbial For microscopic observations of diatom frustules, tufa (CaCO ) frag- diversity of other tufas in the Iberian Range have been partially docu- 3 mented (Beraldi-Campesi et al ., 2012). ments were dissolved in a 50% HCl solution, washed with distilled water in 50 ml vials, and centrifuged to obtain a pellet. Pellets were washed in In this paper, we aim to document the diatom genera present on distilled water and centrifuged many times before aliquots were taken for substrates distributed along the Mesa River, and detect any possible observation. This was done on a brightfield, phase-contrast, and dark-field relationship with environmental conditions, using sedimentary and microscope (Olympus BH2) equipped with an Olympus DPII digital camera. hydrochemical variables that are known to influence tufa deposition. Abundance of different genera per sample was noted but not quantified, as This preliminary report will increase our understanding of these geo- frustule counts could be highly biased by this method without exhaustive biological systems and will allow comparisons with diatoms from other sampling of larger areas. Observations per sample were concluded when tufa systems and neighboring areas where diatoms have been used for no new morphotypes were discovered in the aliquots. All identifications monitoring environmental changes (e.g. Flor-Arnau et al ., 2008). were made upon comparisons with the literature (Hustedt, 1930; Smith, 1950; Bourrelly, 1968; Round et al ., 1990). Taxonomic names were upda- ted from the Algaebase database (Guiry & Guiry, 2015). Statistical analyses MATERIALS AND METHODS (Poisson regression, etc.) were processed for hydrochemical data using the Environmental context of the Mesa River . The Mesa River (MR) is one R statistical software (R Core Team, 2014). of several rivers in the Iberian Range, NE Spain (Fig. 1) that display thick tufa deposits (Vazquez-Urbez et al ., 2010, 2012; Auque et al ., 2013). The MR is a tributary of the Jalon River that later enters the Ebro River RESULTS near the city of Zaragoza (Fig. 1). It flows from southwest to northeast Diatom genera distribution . A total of 25 diatom genera were detec- and cuts through Mesozoic and Tertiary rocks. Mesozoic (Lower Juras- ted in the 10 studied sites (Table 1; Figs 2-3). Most of them were pen- sic and Upper Cretaceous) carbonate units hold the aquifers that feed nate and only two were centric (Class Coscinodiscophyceae, Melosira the river and are responsible for the calcium bicarbonate composition Agardh and Biddulphia Gray; Table 1). Not all the identified genera were of the water. The regional climate is Mediterranean continental, with present at all sites. In general, the number of diatom genera increased strong seasonal changes in temperature and precipitation. Mean an- from sites 1 through
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