1929 Wright Blvd. Schaumburg, IL 60193 www.pru-dent.com 800-631-2339 Celebrating our 89th Year! New Instrument, Retipping, Re-sharpening PRU-DENT has no middle men or expensive Ads. Just Excellent instruments, and Fast service, at Reasonable Prices! Save on Sales Tax with our Trade-In Program! By manufacturing our own points from raw stainless steel “Retipping” qualifies a Repair (just like sharpening), Sales Tax is only charged on the Replacement Handle! A 66% Tax savings over ordering New. Based in Illinois Tax laws. If ordering out of state check your own laws. We only charge Illinois Sales Tax to Illinois Residents. New Quantity Discount Rates For New Instruments, Trade In, and Retipping PRU-DENT Is a family Quantity Ordered Discount business that has been making 60 to 99 5% instruments since 100 or more 10% 1932! PRU-DENT PRODUCT & SERVICE PRICE LIST As of August, 2021 Re-sharpening Single-end Double-end Scalers and Curettes $ 2. 5 0 $5.00 Standard Scissors $7.75 Explorers $1.45 $2.90 Serrated Scissors $8.75 Elevators $8.75 $17.50 Notched Scissors $8.75 Perio Knife $8.75 $17.50 Large Scissor Add $1.50 Over 4” blade. Perio File $8.75 $17.50 Schluger File d/e $18.25 Perio Chisel $6.30 $12.60 Periosteal $4.85 / end Hoe / Spoon $4.85 $9.70 Handle Options for new instruments and replacements Replacement Price Scalers, Curettes, Hoes, Amalgam Condensers, & Pluggers 2ST Handle 1/4" Octagon $9.00 4ST Handle 5/16" Round $7.00 5ST Handle 3/8" Round $7.00 5ST single/end Handle 3/8" Round $7.00 Explorers, Probes, Expros, Excavators (1/8”or wire size) 5ST Handle 3/8" Round $7.00 5ST single/end Handle 3/8" Round $7.00 #5 Front Surface Mirror, cone socket threads, (head only) $5.00 5ST single/end, cone socket, handle 3/8" Round (handle $10.00 only) #5 Mirror and Handle combo $15.00 Handle Cushions for 5/16" & 3/8" Diameter Handles $2.00 / pair $1.85 / pair for ten or more pairs TECNICLENE Concentrated Powder for Ultrasonic Cleaners $17.75/each (2lbs. makes 32 gallons) Two or more $16.00 each PRU-DENT Sharpening System $225.00 Includes 3 sterilizable stones, 2 test sticks, & simple Instructions Replacement parts Coarse Stone (Diamond plated steel, Gray) $25.00 Medium Stone (Ceramic, Brown) $25.00 Fine Stone (Ceramic, White) $25.00 Retainer springs (Stainless steel, pair) $8.00 Autoclaveable Test Stick (pair) $4.85 Page 2 Prices subject to change without notice PRU-DENT PRODUCT & SERVICE PRICE LIST As of August, 2021 Item Retip Retip 1/8" * NEW 2ST New 5ST Explorers Single/End Explorer 3 s/e $7.15 $14.15 Explorer 3A s/e $7.15 $14.15 Explorer 6 s/e $7.15 $14.15 Explorer 6A s/e $7.15 $14.15 Explorer 17 s/e $7.15 $14.15 Explorer 23 s/e $7.15 $14.15 Explorers Double/End Explorer 1 d/e $14.30 $21.30 Explorer 2 d/e $14.30 $21.30 Explorer 2 "Pig Tail" d/e $14.30 $21.30 Explorer 3 d/e $14.30 $21.30 Explorer 3CH "Cow Horn" d/e $14.30 $21.30 Explorer Endo 16 d/e $14.30 $21.30 Explorer 11/12 $14.30 $21.30 Explorer 23/6 $14.30 $21.30 Explorer 23/17 $14.30 $21.30 Color Coded Probes Single/End (Black Markings) Probe CP12 s/e (3,6,9,12mm) $14.30 $21.30 Probe UNC 15 s/e (1-15mm) $14.30 $21.30 Probe Williams CC 1,2,3,5,7,8,9,10mm $14.30 $21.30 Color Coded Probes Single/End (Black Markings) Probe CP12 d/e (3,6,9,12mm) $28.60 $35.60 Probe Nabers d/e (3,6,9,12mm) $28.60 $35.60 Probe UNC 15 d/e (1-15mm) $28.60 $35.60 Probe UNC15 d/e 12° offset (1-15mm) $28.60 $35.60 Probe Williams CC d/e 1,2,3,5,7,8,9,10mm $28.60 $35.60 Standard Probes (Not Color Coded) Probe Goldman Fox (Non-CC) Flat 1,2,3,5,7,8,9,10mm $7.15 $14.15 Probe (Non-CC) Marquis 1,2,3,5,7,8,9,10mm $7.15 $14.15 Probe (Non-CC) Merrit A 1,2,3,5,7,8,9,10mm $7.15 $14.15 Probe (Non-CC) Merrit B, 1,2,3,5,7,8,9,10mm $7.15 $14.15 Probe (Non-CC) Michigan "O", 3,6,8mm $7.15 $14.15 Probe (Non-CC) U of Michigan, 3,6,8mm $7.15 $14.15 Probe (Non-CC) Williams 90° 1,2,3,5,7,8,9,10mm $7.15 $14.15 Probe (Non-CC) Williams 1,2,3,5,7,8,9,10mm $7.15 $14.15 Page 3 Prices subject to change without notice PRU-DENT PRODUCT & SERVICE PRICE LIST As of August, 2021 Item Retip Retip 1/8" * NEW 2ST New 5ST Explorer / Probes Expro 23/Unc 15 (1-15MM) $21.45 $28.45 Expro 23/CP12 (3,6,9,12MM) $21.45 $28.45 Expro 23/CPW (1,2,3,5,6,8,9,10MM) $21.45 $28.45 Excavators Exc #2 d/e $20.00 $27.00 Exc #17 d/e $20.00 $27.00 Exc #18 d/e $20.00 $27.00 Exc #19 d/e $20.00 $27.00 Exc #33 d/e $20.00 $27.00 Exc #38/39 d/e $20.00 $27.00 Gingival Cord Packers GCP6 $14.90 $23.90 $21.90 GCPS6 (Serrated) $14.90 $23.90 $21.90 GCP12L $14.90 $23.90 $21.90 GCPS12L (Serrated) $14.90 $23.90 $21.90 Amalgam Condensers AC-0, .9mm, s/e $7.45 $14.45 AC-1, 1.4mm, s/e $7.45 $14.45 AC-4, 1.6mm, s/e $7.45 $14.45 AC-6, 1.8mm, s/e $7.45 $14.45 AC-8, 2.4mm, s/e $7.45 $14.45 AC-10, 3mm, s/e $7.45 $14.45 Double End Amalgam Condenser $14.90 $23.90 $21.90 Hoes 45/46 $19.00 $28.00 $26.00 45a/46a $19.00 $28.00 $26.00 47/48 $19.00 $28.00 $26.00 47 s/e $9.50 $16.50 48 s/e $9.50 $16.50 Rhodes 36/37 Back-action Chisel $35.50 $44.50 $42.50 Scaler/Hoe H5/47 Scaler/Hoe $16.95 $25.95 $23.95 H5/48 Scaler/Hoe $16.95 $25.95 $23.95 U15/47 Scaler/Hoe $16.95 $25.95 $23.95 U15/48 Scaler/Hoe $16.95 $25.95 $23.95 OD 1/47 Curette/Hoe $16.95 $25.95 $23.95 OD 1/48 Curette/Hoe $16.95 $25.95 $23.95 Page 4 Prices subject to change without notice PRU-DENT PRODUCT & SERVICE PRICE LIST As of August, 2021 Scalers and Curettes Retip Retip 1/8" * NEW 2ST New 5ST 103/106 Heavy Scaler $15.90 $24.90 $22.90 107/108 Scaler $14.90 $23.90 $21.90 128/128 Scaler $14.90 $15.90 $23.90 $21.90 128 Scaler s/e $7.45 $7.95 $12.45 N135 Scaler d/e $14.90 $15.90 $23.90 $21.90 H5/Benson 1 Scaler/Curette $14.90 $15.90 $23.90 $21.90 157/158 Scaler $14.90 $23.90 $21.90 204 Scaler $15.90 $16.90 $24.90 $22.90 204s Scaler $14.90 $15.90 $23.90 $21.90 204SD Scaler $15.90 $16.90 $24.90 $22.90 204s Long Toe scaler $15.90 $24.90 $22.90 204s Rigid Scaler $14.90 $23.90 $21.90 Barnhart 1/2 $14.90 $15.90 $23.90 $21.90 Barnhart 1/2 R $14.90 $23.90 $21.90 Barnhart 5/6 $14.90 $15.90 $23.90 $21.90 Barnhart 5/6 R $14.90 $23.90 $21.90 Barnhart 5/6 Scaler $14.90 $15.90 $23.90 $21.90 Bates 7X/8X Scaler $14.90 $23.90 $21.90 Benson 1 Curette $7.45 $7.95 $14.45 Black 3/3s $14.90 $23.90 $21.90 Black 3 scaler $7.45 $14.45 Black 3s scaler $7.45 $14.45 Black 6 scaler $7.45 $14.45 Black 6s scaler $7.45 $14.45 Bunting 1/2 Scaler $14.90 $23.90 $21.90 CI1s Heavy Scaler s/e $17.30 $24.30 CK 6 Heavy Scaler $17.30 $24.30 Columbia 13/14 Curette $14.90 $15.90 $23.90 $21.90 Columbia 13/14 Rigid Curette $14.90 $23.90 $21.90 Columbia 2R/2L Curet $14.90 $23.90 $21.90 Columbia 4R/4L Curette $14.90 $15.90 $23.90 $21.90 Columbia 4R/4L Rigid Curette $14.90 $23.90 $21.90 CVW18 Wiland Carver $14.90 $15.90 $23.90 $21.90 DeMeo 10/11 Curet $14.90 $23.90 $21.90 Gracey 1/2 $14.90 $23.90 $21.90 Gracey 1/2 R $14.90 $23.90 $21.90 Gracey 1/2 R ST $14.90 $23.90 $21.90 Gracey 1/2 ST $14.90 $15.90 $23.90 $21.90 Gracey 1/2 XL $14.90 $15.90 $23.90 $21.90 Gracey 1/2 XL R $14.90 $23.90 $21.90 Gracey 1/2 XL R ST $15.90 $24.90 $22.90 Gracey 1/2 XL ST $15.90 $16.90 $24.90 $22.90 Page 5 Prices subject to change without notice PRU-DENT PRODUCT & SERVICE PRICE LIST As of August, 2021 Scalers and Curettes Retip Retip 1/8" * NEW 2ST New 5ST Gracey 3/4 $14.90 $15.90 $23.90 $21.90 Gracey 3/4 R $14.90 $23.90 $21.90 Gracey 3/4 R ST $15.90 $16.90 $24.90 $22.90 Gracey 3/4 ST $15.90 $16.90 $24.90 $22.90 Gracey 5/6 $14.90 $15.90 $23.90 $21.90 Gracey 5/6 R $14.90 $23.90 $21.90 Gracey 5/6 R ST $15.90 $24.90 $22.90 Gracey 5/6 ST $15.90 $16.90 $24.90 $22.90 Gracey 5/6 XL $14.90 $23.90 $21.90 Gracey 5/6 XL ST $15.90 $16.90 $24.90 $22.90 Gracey 7/8 $14.90 $15.90 $23.90 $21.90 Gracey 7/8 R $14.90 $23.90 $21.90 Gracey 7/8 R ST $15.90 $24.90 $22.90 Gracey 7/8 ST $15.90 $16.90 $24.90 $22.90 Gracey 7/8 XL $14.90 $23.90 $21.90 Gracey 7/8 XL R $14.90 $23.90 $21.90 Gracay 7/8 XL R ST $15.90 $24.90 $22.90 Gracay 7/8 XL ST $15.90 $24.90 $22.90 Gracey 9/10 $14.90 $15.90 $23.90 $21.90 Gracey 9/10 R $14.90 $23.90 $21.90 Gracey 9/10 R ST $15.90 $24.90 $22.90 Gracey 9/10 ST $15.90 $16.90 $24.90 $22.90 Gracey 11/12 $14.90 $15.90 $23.90 $21.90 Gracey 11/12 R $14.90 $23.90 $21.90 Gracey 11/12 R ST $15.90 $24.90 $22.90 Gracey 11/12 ST $15.90 $16.90 $24.90 $22.90 Gracey 11/12 XL $14.90 $15.90 $23.90 $21.90 Gracey 11/12 XL R $14.90 $23.90 $21.90 Gracey 11/12 XL R ST $15.90 $24.90 $22.90 Gracey 11/12 XL ST $15.90 $16.90 $24.90 $22.90 Gracey 13/14 $14.90 $15.90 $23.90 $21.90 Gracey 13/14 R $14.90 $23.90 $21.90 Gracey 13/14 R ST $15.90 $24.90 $22.90 Gracey 13/14 ST $15.90 $16.90 $24.90 $22.90 Gracey 13/14 XL $14.90 $15.90 $23.90 $21.90 Gracey 13/14 XL R $14.90 $23.90 $21.90 Gracey 13/14 XL R ST $15.90 $24.90 $22.90 Gracey 13/14 XL ST $15.90 $16.90 $24.90 $22.90 Gracey 15/16 $14.90 $15.90 $23.90 $21.90 Gracey 15/16 R $14.90 $23.90 $21.90 Gracey 15/16 R ST $15.90 $24.90 $22.90 Gracey 15/16 ST $15.90 $16.90 $24.90 $22.90 Page 6 Prices subject to change without notice PRU-DENT PRODUCT & SERVICE PRICE LIST As of August, 2021 Scalers and Curettes Retip Retip 1/8" * NEW 2ST New 5ST Gracey 15/16 XL $14.90 $23.90 $21.90 Gracey 15/16 XL R $14.90 $23.90 $21.90 Gracey 15/16 XL R ST $15.90 $24.90 $22.90 Gracey 15/16 XL ST $15.90 $24.90 $22.90 Gracey 17/18 $15.90 $16.90 $24.90 $22.90 Gracey 17/18 R $15.90 $24.90 $22.90 Gracey 17/18 R ST $15.90 $24.90 $22.90 Gracey 17/18 ST $15.90 $16.90 $24.90 $22.90 H5/47 Scaler/Hoe $16.95 $25.95 $25.95 H5/48 Scaler/Hoe $16.95 $25.95 $25.95 H5/Benson 1 Scaler/Curette $14.90 $15.90 $23.90 $21.90 H5 / H5 Scaler $14.90 $15.90 $23.90 $21.90 H5 / J1 Scaler $14.90 $15.90 $23.90 $21.90 H5 / J1s Scaler $14.90 $15.90
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