
m&l0. f ^^S^.\ViMi0^kMt (•'. '••:<\i il'-t ^tJ,i''i V'V.?-: A. w- iidSiP 'minify t«iMf''ilie';'~ficM' leiil'kjf lh« • The Detroit poliee mado 4,935 arreati H^yi ADVCRTI8eMENT8. MISCELLANEOUS^ Thelngh^poim^^ i'vVilPtUB Kalcr I* •lute UMtaaa at in 1874. Theaa penoDi had in the ag­ .:^' :-.r;^l.?!^'';f^^' 'Wi,^:i^^r^^i'i^;,, M- ^''r'HOOtOOOi ' re STATE OF AUSTIN B. STONE, A MI- W. ROOT. JI. D., Physician and Snr- The Ingham County News. gregate the atim of $13,694.53 on their NOB. JL ^a " kimaiiai'>itimM' y'ampMtai' •y New York, Jan. 28.—Oolleotor Ar­ E . goon. Ollloe at resldeiioe, corner ot peraons when arreited. There wore .7,- : ritateof Michigan,County of Ingham, ss.— Aswh .an d 0 streets, Mason, Mich. eallythankjroitand/otber.Uvd frieaiia;.for thur held a 'grand levee in the oolleo- 553 deatitutea farniahed with lodging; At n NONHlon of till! Probntn Court, for tho rVBLISHCD WSaKLT, AT CORNER CROCEIIYj feoples ofjtbe I^Bwa;' '^lca88u'r8;you"'thej;;«i» County of Infihum, holUan at tho I'roUato tor's oiHoe of tho custom house this even­ 1,334 animals impounded; 42 dead o(Uoe,in thevlUngcof MiiKon.on tho Juit day ISS II. 11. HAM., Tir. D.. Bomeo. Mason, Ingham County, MIoh. PRI«E LWT! 1 Well iMiilTcd::ib;'ibVea^i>''ai)4v ?(<*•><>•*•>(='<' ofKebrunry, In thoycdrone tlionsnnd eight palhic I'liyslelan and Midwife, touders ing. It ia estimated that more than Mherscrvlneu to Iholadlcsof Mason and vloln- to be Mteitetnlngand'wisirfdlted.papers. I bodies found; 626 stores found open at hundred and sovcnty-nvc. Present, M.D. TaBX».—One year,S1.50; slXimonths,75 ots. 3,000 ladies and gentlemen of the city Obutlortun, Judgo of I'rohiil«, ity in tho treatment of nil AOUTK AND hope to raeeife liioire of tbein' while I remain night; 393 lost children restored to their CHRONIC diseases pocnliar to their-scJCi Of- nate two Ju*tloe» oj-.the 8iiprem«-wnrti^m. In tho matter of tho Kstato of Ansllu »i •« three months, 40 ots.; always in advance. T plnotlnoe of IwiooPIiHiiM>P;OhrUti»iio. OhrUtUnoy'nny BOa , Ban]Bonjm] n here, and I shallthen' turn them over ,to my called, for the purpose of obtaining a llco and resldonoe with Dr. Ball, on Mnpio parents; 7 persons re^oaed from drown­ B. Htone, n minor. streeu, Ma.son. To SunsoRiDBKS.—A Black X on this T i^ Qravoit, nqd two BMe»t* ^-^isriiStati .-^vie , friends. While I am reading the Naws, it look at the Khedive of Egypt's magni­ On readUiK au<l llUng tho petition, duly mm EST KSBOaENB OIL, Tlnlvor«ltyini>i»cop»;.mram,A.';Bttrt w»d ing; 10 incipient fires discovered and paper Indicates that your subscription will now anil then calls, to mind the precious ficent wedding gift to Gen. Sherman's vorUlod of Chester A. Hunt, guardian of B 90o per gallon XtiomnsKO^rbtrt, «mbt UeW0*110.; extinguished. said minor, praying for license toscllcortaln lt. BAfjIif nr. D.« Homoopathlo expire with ono more number. A Blue X word fomtdiii the sacred writ: "A Prophet daughter. Among those who called real estato bcloiiglui; lo said minor. Physician and .Surgoon. OIIIOB and At VANDBBOOOK BROS'. OpjEKAHonniXM'^kCRY'OrjrACiaMM'a': la not without-honor save in his own- conn- resldencooA n Mapio street, nearly opnoslto Indicates that Ithas already expired. were Admiral Porter, in company with Thereupon II. Is ordered that the 15lh day of Williams'drug store, Miuion, 77flyl Wcanttiiy, JrtwA si 1876,'«< 11 e'aloililii. Jf. try." • .'•^., •••••'•:.•'•.. • •:•• •: .'• • 1 March, at ono o'clock In tho afternoon, be Address all letters to EST A COFFES: BUOAB, The soveroloountleH win be •BM*>«*> ' Bat I had in mind a few items connected Lieut. Fitch, the husband of the fortu­ MAMm fllABKBTB. assigned for the hearlnc of »ald potlllon, B lloperponnd. two arieaatM tore»oU aop,i5«enUtlT5ta«5 THunsDAY, February 4,1875. and that tho ne>:t of Uln of snlii minor, AV. OAiflPHKIil., IVI.D., Physician, K. KITTHBDOB, VOL. XVII.-NO. 6. MASON, MICH., THURSDAY, FEB. 11, 1875. WHOLE NO. 840. At VANDBRCOOK BBOB>. with the, city of Rochester. In deing this I nate recipient. Mr. Tiffany, of Tiffany and nil other persons Interested In said . Surgeon, Aoconolier, etc., Graduats lowor brSnOh pi tbe^SUto IjewllUttwrM* PBOVISIONB. W MASON. MionioAif ovory oraanlaed'ooontylittvlng no nttmta- herewith transmit you the eompllmenis of & Co., of this city, valued the jewels at estate, are rcqulrod.to appear at a nes.-jlon of the Medical Department of tho University tatlon wUlbeentlUrtloonBdStoB•tj^ -^ v Mr. Iieisbton, one of the greatesr business Apples green per bn.... & SO of said Court, then to bo holden lU tho of Mich. Also received an adeundemdcgr«i XTRA 0 SUQAB, over $300,000. - Another expert pro­ Probate olllee, In the Vlllnge of Mason, and from Long Island College Hospital, Brook­ lOq per pound. tinder the reroiutlon of IMS, no delente men in New Tork, through the politeness of Beans, wblte,.fi bn SI 00@l 2.'; E wlU bo aatltled to • seat who. doe* not re. show cause, 11 any there bu, why the prayer lyn, N.Y. Oillcoon Ash street, overC. H, TOWN AND COUNTY. CIrcnIl Conn. od money of CInrk while both were gambl­ Very interesting meetings are in progress MARRIED. Mr. A. McLaughlin, bis bookkeeper. Iliad nounced them to bo worth $280,000. Potatoes^ bu SO® fiO of tho pBtllloncr should not bo (cranted; and Sacltrlder A Go's store. At VANDEBCOOK BROS'. side In the county he reprcsentii. — The Febrnary term of the Circuit Court ing, and that under such circnmitances pro­ In the Presbyterian church at Delhi center, '• 8. D. BINGHAM, •. the honor to be introduced to the proprietor, The estimate of Mr, Marsh, the official EggB.perdoz O 18< Itis furlherordercrt, thai said petltloncrglyo CHAPMAN—LOWE—In Stockbridge, Feb. notto* to tho persons Intoresioil In said es­ for tills county, opened at 10 o'clock, Tues­ ceedings could not be legally brought by Eevs. Mr, Barlow nnd Peebles of Mason aro ELLOW 0 SUGAR. S. B, OiiOSi Seo'y. I ^ ': Oh'n State Oent'I Com, Mr. Iieightoiii whom I found to be a gentle­ diamond appraiser of the custom house, Lardplb A 13 KNIIY UKED, Fashionable Barber Jaokaon,LanslnBA8aglnawR.R. rendering good service in preaching the 3d, by Rev. Alexander McLeam, Mr. LauHlng, Fob.lat, XS75.. tate, of the pendency of siild petition, and and Hair DrcHsor. Sampoolng, Ladles' day, with a full atlendnnce of ofllcers, at­ Clark against Smith lo oblain the money he Y 0^0 per pound. man of refined and rare attainments. After Cheeaefllb .-. isn lo tho hearing thereof, by ciiuHing a copy of H gospel. Soulsnre seeking Christ. CHARIEO W. CHAPBAS, of Leroy, to Miss is that they would bring from 8270,000 Dyeing and Curling done In the latest styles. torneys and clients. The officers of the court had lost. At VANDEBCOOK BROB'. a short and pleasant interview Mr. McLaugh­ Butter, packeaftft. lS.a 20 this order to be published In theljiglinm Curls, Switches &e„ mado to order. Shop In Chicago Time. Taklngeffeot nee, 0,1874. AMSA V. LowB, of Stockbridge. to $300,000. No one has counted them County NBWH, a newspaper printed and cir­ for 1876 will consist of Hon. Alex, D. Crane, Tho jury brought in a verdict of gnllty, The farmers are improving the fine sleigh­ lin showed me through the mammoth estab­ " roll.v ft • 9 20 Pratt's Hnlldiug, OOINO NORTH. OOINO SOUTH, unsB noE!Uftfuin». all, but it ia supposed that there aro culated In said County of Ingham for six Judge; H. P. Henderson Esq., Prosecuting after being in consultation only a short time. ing hnuling saw logs. YOUNG LOVE—A SELTINE—In Dansville, ALENCIA BAI8INS-NEW, lishment. On leaving the splendid brick Onlons^bn 100 suooosslve weeks, previous to aald day o( 4.0Sp. m. 7.00 a. m, Jockson. 12.15 p. m. 8..|5pm. 2ftsforlla. Attorney; John 0. Squiers, Clerk; Geo. W. COXTINOID NEXT WIRK. Mr. Barney Hwitzgable, one day last week Feb, 7tli, by Rev. Alexander McLearo, V nichlgaB BfCB In HtryUni—<tMcr, $n office which is detached from the main over 500 in tho pieces. James Fisk, Salt.Saglnaw, Vlibl @1 SO heurlug. 4.15^' 8.05 " Mason. 11.10 " 7..18 " Bristol and E. C. Chnpiti, Circuit Court Com­ X -«— drew three red onk logs to mill for Mr. C. Mr. AAROX YOITNOLOVB, to Miss. HATIIE At VANDEBCOOK BROS'. lomi—AaUclBin.—Elc.| building, we pissed to the ponderous Jr., paid duty on $28,000 on his famous (A true copy.) M. D, CUATTEIITON. AMEBIC AN HOTEL, e.OiJ" 8..S7 " Lansing, 10.40 " 7.10" DBian VBCIT8. 7.15" 9.57 " OWOBSO, 0.18 " n,.ia" missioners. Tho officers in attendance are; DhNATiON AT STonKiiniDon.—A donation M. Cornwell, Tho butt log scaled eleven hun­ A8Ei,TiNE, bolh of Ingham, i [Wo are permitted to publish the followiDK doors which unfold to the machine shops, SMwfl Judge of Probate, Corner of .Main aud Oak Sts,, diamond, and it had a flaw in it. There Apples f( ft @ 0 8.65 " 11.40 " Sag. City, 7.35 " S.f* " Allen B. Burr, SherilT; Solon D. Neely and party for the benefit of Rev. Mr. Oaingn, tlie dred nnd forty-three feet. LBS. ENGLISH CUBBANT8-NEW, intereatlDg letter from Orville Miller who is sufficiently large to admit a traia of. cars. SEVERANCE—SHIPP—AtLnnslnir, Thurs­ 3 taiato. tOT are 17 diamonds in the Khediye's pres­ Oherrljs ? ft & 20 ORTGAGE SALE.
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