MITA's Unsung Hero MITA Annual Conference Photos MITA DBE

MITA's Unsung Hero MITA Annual Conference Photos MITA DBE

SSPRINGP R I N G 220120 1 2 MITA’s UnSung Hero Page 12 MITA Annual Conference Photos Page 32 MITA DBE Spotlight Page 24 Lansing, MI Lansing, PERMIT #718 PERMIT PAID P. O. Box 1640, Okemos, MI 48805-1640 MI Okemos, 1640, Box O. P. U.S. POSTAGE U.S. MITA, Michigan Infrastructure & Transportation Association Transportation & Infrastructure Michigan MITA, PRST STD PRST √ √ Call MITA’s Benefi ts Consultant! association benefits company Authorized Administrator for the Michigan Infrastructure and Transportation Association’s Blue Cross® Blue Shield® of Michigan and Blue Care Network Health Insurance Program We’re saving 7% on our fuel costs with Orion 5000-EL If you’re paying more than $3.00 a gallon for diesel or gas then you need Orion 5000-EL. MITA Member’s Fuel Lubricant Saves You 6% to 9% on Your Fuel Bill Special MITA Member Offer: Save 10% Off Any Size Orion 5000-EL If you’re paying more than $3.00 a gallon for diesel or gas then you need Orion 5000-EL. MITA members can now save 10% off any size of Orion 5000-EL is a synthetic engine and fuel lubricant Orion 5000-EL engine and fuel lubricant. Just go to that improves fuel efficiency. MITA members that add Orion to their fuel tanks have already saved 6% to 9% on and order the container size you fuel costs. need. At check-out, type in this s One MITA member is saving 7% on their annual promo code: MITA and you’ll diesel fuel budget. They are projected to save over save 10% off the regular price. $2 million dollars the first year. s Another MITA member reduced its fuel consumption by 10%. How much money could your organization save by making Orion 5000-EL a part of your diesel fuel program? s#LEANSANDLUBRICATES THEENGINE s2EDUCESFRICTION ENGINE HEATANDWEAR 888-785-8450 [email protected] s)MPROVESFUELEFlCIENCY © 2011 Orion Industrial, LLC ICHIGA 0,7$0(0%(56(59,&(6 &2168/7$7,216(59,&(6 6$)(7<&203/,$1&(6(59,&(6 0,7$·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ÀF&RQWURO'HYLFHV 0HPEHUVKLS'LUHFWRU\ %X\HU·V*XLGH 5LJJLQJDQG/LIWLQJ7UDLQLQJ0DWHULDOV 2QOLQH/DERU$JUHHPHQWV 6DIHW\3URJUDP%LQGHU &TRAN 3URMHFW$GYHUWLVHPHQW:HEVLWH 7RRO%R[7DONV 0,7$7UHQFK6DIHW\+DQGERRN /(*$/6(59,&(6 &RQVWUXFWLRQ/LHQ/DZ)RUPV 75$,1,1*23325781,7,(6 0'273XEOLF:RUNV6ZRUQ6WDWHPHQW &35DQG)LUVW$LG7UDLQLQJ /LHQ:DLYHU)RUPV &RQÀ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·V*RLQJ2Q,Q<RXU1HLJKERUKRRG WKHVH VHUYLFHV DQG SURGXFWV ICHIGA YLVLWWKHPLWDZHEVLWHDWZZZ 1(7:25.,1*6(59,&(6 PLLWDFRPRUIHHOIUHHWRFDOO 0,7$$QQXDO0HHWLQJ WKHRIÀFHDW (XURSHDQ+XQWV *ROI2XWLQJV 0DQDJHPHQW&RQIHUHQFH NFRAST 0,7$1LJKW2XW 0,7$5HJLRQDO+ROLGD\3DUWLHV 6NL:HHNHQG 6XPPHU&RQIHUHQFH UCTURE :DVKLQJWRQ'&)O\LQ TRANS SPRING | 2012 MITA 2012 BOARD OF DIRECTORS President Vice- President CHRIS SHEA KEITH ROSE features P.K. Contracting, Inc. Rieth-Riley Construction Co. President-Elect Treasurer DARRELL KALTZ SCOTT BAZINET 20 Executive Vice President Comment Kaltz Excavating Co., Inc. Lowe Construction Executive Vice President/Secretary MIKE NYSTROM 22 Vice President of Membership Services DIRECTORS JIM KLOOTE TOM STOVER Comment J.E. Kloote Contracting, Inc. Walter Toebe Construction Co. Past President Director at Large STEPHEN JACKSON JEFF BALKEMA 23 Vice President of Industry Relations Jackson-Merkey Contractors Balkema Excavating, Inc. Director at Large Director at Large Comment KURT POLL JIM DOESCHER Kamminga & Roodvoets, Inc. Dan’s Excavating Director at Large Director at Large MIKE MALLOURE RINALDO ACCIAVATTI also in this issue C.A. Hull Company, Inc. Pamar Enterprises, Inc. Director at Large Director at Large 9 Letters to MITA BOB ADCOCK JIM D’AGOSTINI Angelo Iafrate Construction Co. L. D’Agostini & Sons, Inc. 11 New MITA Members Director at Large Director at Large CHERYL HUGHES VANCE JOHNSON C & D Hughes, Inc. Central Asphalt, Inc. 11 Underground Spotlight Director at Large Bituminous GREGG CAMPBELL FRANK DIPONIO 12 MITA’s Unsung Hero Michigan Paving & Materials Co. DiPonio Contracting, Inc. Director at Large Underground 14 Member Profi le BRIAN HOFFMAN PAT DUNIGAN Hoffman Bros., Inc. Dunigan Bros., Inc. 16 Associate Member Profi le Director at Large Utilities TOM WAGENMAKER DAN BABCOCK 18 Did You Know? Anlaan Corporation Give ‘Em A Brake Safety Structures Specialties 24 DBE Spotlight BRUCE LOWING ANGELO LANNI Hardman Construction, Inc. Florence Cement Company 26 Legislative Questions and Answers Past President Concrete MARK JOHNSTON BRANDIE MEISNER Ajax Paving Industries\ M & M Excavating Company 29 MITA Member Outreach Director at Large Excavating 30 Legislative Bill Update ASSOCIATE MEMBER COUNCIL MANOJ MULKI BILL HODGES 32 MITA Annual Conference Highlights M & K Supply, LLC Michigan CAT MARK MADDEN 34 Legal Issues Guy, Hurley, Blaser & Heuer, LLC MITA STAFF 42 ARTBA News MIKE NYSTROM NICOLE COOK Executive Vice President Outreach Coordinator 45 Member Voice [email protected] [email protected] ROB COPPERSMITH DANIELLE COPPERSMITH Vice President of Membership Services Events Coordinator 48 Member News [email protected] [email protected] GLENN BUKOSKI, P.E. TIYA KUNAIYI-AKPANAH 50 Where Has Your MITA Hat Been Lately? Vice President of Engineering Services Member Services Coordinator [email protected] [email protected] 51 MDOT News DOUG NEEDHAM ANITA LINDSAY Vice President of Industry Relations Online Information Coordinator 54 Better Bridges [email protected] [email protected] LANCE BINONIEMI MARY MOODY 56 Marketing News Vice President of Government Affairs Accounting Coordinator [email protected] [email protected] NANCY BROWN JANIS STRANG Director of Communications Executive Assistant For Cross-Section Magazine advertising, circulation or editorial inquiries, contact Nancy Brown at: phone: [email protected] [email protected] 517-347-8336; fax, 517-347-8344 ; e-mail, [email protected]; or by mail at the following mailing PATRICK BROWN MITA INTERNS address: MITA, P.O. Box 1640, Okemos, Mich., 48805-1640. Director of Safety & Workforce Development Katherine Becsey © 2012 Cross-Section. All rights reserved. Reprints or reproductions only with written consent of MITA. [email protected] Andrew Brown Matthew Brown SPRING | 2012 MITA cross-section 5 We’re the lightweights in our industry. And proud of it. At James Burg Trucking 14 years moving concrete products, brick, bagged cement, Company, our lightweight steel sheathing, and trench boxes efficiently throughout equipment can scale over Michigan, northern Ohio, 115,000 pounds. Which means northern Indiana,and Ontario. you could save time and money by reducing the number In fact, our on-time delivery of trips it takes for us to haul ratio exceeds 99%. So whether your job. We’ve been serving you need one truck for one load or twenty trucks for two the construction industry with weeks,call us. Because when it comes to superior customer Michigan flatbeds for over service and on-time delivery, we’re the heavyweights. On time. Time and again. Watch your mail for more information on this exciting event. Steve Burg, Dispatch 800.841.1289 James Burg, President 586.751.9000 Fax 586.751.1367 Active Associate Member of the MITA. AIN ’ TR ING RS & E Grant Charlick, an apprentice A R program graduate out of Laborers P O LLocal 1076 and an employee of P SSkanska, USA, considers MLTAI R B aand the Construction Craft Laborer A aapprenticeship program an important E part of his professional growth. L p N CharlickC stated, ““Having passed a college calculus T N cclass I expected that there was very I A llittle MLTAI could teach me about C mmath, but with their unique approach G tto teaching I learned how the mathematic E I pprinciples I learned in college apply in tthe real world. College didn’t teach me S H tthat. Also, the wide variety of subjects H C ttaught at MLTAI as well as the variety I I oof experience I’ve gained as a result of wworking for a general contractor has P M pprepared me to take advantage of aadvancement opportunities that could ccome my way in the future. INSTITUTE Michigan Laborers’ Training and Apprenticeship Institute provides training to apprentices and journey persons alike. Our instructors have a wide range of field expertise to provide our members with top-notch training using cutting edge technology. Our state-of-the-art training facili- ties located in the cities of Wayne, Perry and Iron Mountain accommodate on average 2,500 members annually. Courses range from 2 hours to 120 hours in length and include environmental training, construction training, life skills courses as well as on-line courses. Graduates reaching Journey worker status can be granted college credits at virtually all of Michigan’s community colleges. MLTAI and the Construction Craft Laborers apprenticeship program produce Laborers skilled in their field, dedicated and trained. When Grant was asked what it takes to be a successful Laborer he said, “You have to show up every day in the right state of mind, with a proper attitude and be dependable, punctual and trustworthy.

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