NEWS-JOURNALEmmitsburg Exulting the importance of ideas and information —Edward R. Murrow VOLUME 10, NO. 3 • WWW.MYFAIRFIELD.NET • WWW.EMMITSBURG.NET • MYTHURMONT.NET • MARCH 2018 NEWS Baseball Field Fees Increased Residents and non-residents Candidates lined up for primary will now pay different amount to ampaign signs are beginning The seven-member County sented by three Del- use fields. Page 2 Cto spring up around the coun- Council consists of two At-large egates, each serving ty – a sure sign that the primary for members and five district mem- four-year terms. Can- Liberty Re-allocates Funds County Executive, County Council bers. Candidates who have filed for didates who have filed Re-allocation designed to and all the elected offices are right the At-large seats on the Repub- for these seats include accommodate, more fairly, fire departments that make calls to around the corner. lican ticket include Emmitsburg Republicans Jesse Pip- the Township. Page 3 In 2012 the voters in Freder- News-Journal columnist Justin Kis- py, Barrie Ciliberti and ick County approved the proposed ka, Philip Dacey, Danny Farrar and Dan Cox, and Demo- Needle Exchange Program change of governance from a Board Jason Miller. On the Democratic crats Ysela Bravo, Lois Considered of Commissioners to a charter form side, former County Commission- Jarman, and Ryan Thurmont considers allowing of government. Jan Gardner eas- er and Thurmont resident Kai Ha- Smith. Democrat Jes- drug users to exchange used ily defeated Blaine Young for the gen, Emmitsburg resident Mark sica Douglass will be needles for clean ones. Page 4 County Executive position, but a Long, Susan Reeder Jessee, Kavonet seeking to unseat the Fountaindale Fire belief that the Republican major- Duckett and Galen Clagett have Michael Hough for Company Banquet ity on the County Council should tossed their hats into the ring. Cur- State Senate. Fountaindale honors those who embrace Young’s goals, in spite of rent Council President Bud Otis In addition, there is a serve our communities. Page 22 their rejection by the voters, led to has chosen to retain his indepen- full suite of candidates a spilt in the Republican majority dent stance and will be announcing running for the Board Frederick YMCA’s resulting in discord that has ham- his election intentions mid-March. of Education, including Sports Hall Of Fame pered the Council’s effectiveness. Council District Five seat, which Edison Hatter, a Catoc- Seven standout athletes were The need to improve the civility on, includes all of northern Frederick tin High School Senior inducted, including former Catoctin High Senior, Edison Hatter, is Catoctin track coach Zack and the effectiveness of, the Coun- County, will be an open seat, as De- and the Emmitsburg an impressive young man and definitely Johnson. Page 25 ty Council is an underlying theme lauter has given the seat up to run News-Journal’s Sports deserves your vote for a slot on the for almost all running for the Coun- for County Executive. Emmitsburg Editor. Edison is an im- Frederick County School Board. COMMENTARY cil this year. native Will Valentine will contest pressive young candidate Words From Winterbilt In the County Executive race, Walkersville native Michael Blue for and definitely deserves be offering all candidates the op- Is the President a racist, Jan Gardner will be running un- the Republican slot, while Shannon a look. Voters will also be asked to portunity to submit articles allow- or simply using freedom of opposed on the Democratic tick- Bohrer, Emmitsbsurg News-Jour- choose candidates for Sherriff, State ing them to introduce themselves speech? Page 12 et, so all eyes will be on the three- nal’s “Words From Winterbilt” com- Attorney, Clerk of Circuit Court, to the voters in the northern part of way race on the Republican ticket mentary columnist, is running un- Judge of the Orphans’ Court, and the county. Down Under between Regina Williams, Kathy contested on the Democratic ticket. Register of Wills. This year’s primary will occur on Can a tragedy finally force Congress into action on gun Afzali, and current County Coun- For state representatives, North- As we have done in past elections, June 26th, with early voting begin- control? Page 13 cilman Kirby Delauter. ern Frederick County is repre- the Emmitsburg News-Journal will ning June 21st. ARTICLES The Book Of Days Adams County embraces youth fire fighters Tradition and truth – the tale of Norie’s Law. Page 11 ire department junior pro- The future of the fire service is in ourselves at Fountain- Fgrams are taking off in Adams their hands and it is important to dale on a ‘family’ atmo- The Retired Ecologist County in hopes of engendering capture the love for helping oth- sphere. It has been my An ecological look at Ameri- an appreciation for volunteer- ers while being actively involved in extreme honor to men- can’s attachment to guns may ism in the community at a young the community at an early age. As tor the juniors in our offer a logical solution. Page 14 age. The success of these programs members of Junior Programs, department and we look In The Country was highlighted in February when young men and women are taught forward to having some After years of decline, the Florida Colleen Rudisill and Lida Fitz many valuable skills that they can new younger members Panther population is finally show- proudly graduated from the Foun- use for the rest of their lives. Team- ‘fill the boots’ of those ing promise of growth. Page 15 taindale Fire Department’s Junior work, volunteerism, camaraderie juniors who have now Program to become adult mem- and commitment to a greater cause turned 18.” Real Science bers of the Fire Department. are just a few of the things that Additionally, Adams A look at some recent develop- ments in space science. Page 16 Both Rudisill and Fitz joined can impact their lives in a positive and Franklin Counties as junior members in 2014. With way. Additionally, many friend- now offer Junior Fire- Pets family ties to volunteerism in the ships are created when young men fighter Cadet Acad- Abandoning pets happens too Fountaindale Fire Department, and women join volunteer fire de- emies where a junior Colleen Rudisill and Lida Fitz graduated often. Page 18 Rudisill became involved as a ju- partments. The skills and life les- member spends a week from the Fountaindale Fire Department’s nior member as soon as she turned sons learned as junior members in the summer learn- Junior Program in February. Junior World War I fourteen. Her parents are both ad- will stick with them as they begin ing fire and EMS skills, programs are a vital aspect to keeping March 1918 – With Russia out of volunteer fire departments viable. the war, Germany gambles all ministrative officers with the Fire building lives of their own. team building exercises, on the Western Front. Page 26 Department; in fact, her father Many fire departments across discipline and respect. served as the Company’s Cap- both Adams and Frederick Coun- The first Junior Firefighter Cadet Whether you live in Pennsylva- Cooking tain for many years. Fitz learned ties currently have growing Junior Academy in Adams County was a nia or Maryland, if you’re interest- Tips and recipes for making about becoming a member of the Programs. As a junior member huge success last August and vol- ed in becoming a junior firefight- delicious homemade bread. junior program through friends there are numerous opportunities unteers look forward to the next er, drop by your local fire station Page 31 already involved in the Depart- to obtain certified fire and EMS academy this summer. to learn more. Four Years At The Mount ment. Understanding the impor- training classes, as well as helping Our writers reflect on historical tance of volunteerism, both Fitz at various department functions. PRE-SORTED events that happened in March. and Rudisill joined with a desire All junior members are encour- STANDARD Page 34 to help their community. aged to attend monthly Depart- U.S. Postage It is very important now, more ment meetings, station work de- Postal Customer PAID Sports than ever, to have young men and tails and fundraisers. As noted by Recap of Catoctin High’s track Gettysburg, PA women become active volunteers Fountaindale Fire Department and field run in the state cham- Permit No. 53 pionships. Page 40 in their local fire departments. volunteer Sarah Ginn, “We pride 2 | EMMITSBURG NEWS-JOURNAL | MARCH 2018 EMMITSBURG NEWS Baseball field fees increased ast year, the Emmitsburg Board use for a league with an address based tice, games and potentially tourna- Lof Commissioners voted to be- in the Emmitsburg voting district is ments. All children are invited and gin charging a fee, for residents of $50 per team per field per season. A welcome to be a part of Thurmont Emmitsburg town as well as non-residents, to use non-resident league will be charged Little League, as their goal is to get news-journal the town’s pavilions. Then, during $100 per team per field per season. more children actively involved in last month’s February town meeting, Tournament use for a youth team, the sport of baseball while harness- P.O. Box 543 the Board discussed increasing the ages seventeen and under, is $50 per ing a community spirit of together- Emmitsburg, Maryland 21727 fee to use the baseball fields. day, and an adult team is $75 per day. ness. Thurmont Little League also 301-471-3306 The intent, by increasing the fees Additionally, proof of non-profit sta- noted a level of commitment to www.emmitsburg.com of renting the pavilions and base- tus and liability insurance may be re- starting a softball team for Emmits- ball fields, is to address the cost of quired upon application submission.
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