With the Armed Forces Capt . Charles R. Musgrave, Jr., '42law, Tulsa, X-ray specialist. Captain Amspacher served in Maj. George A. Inglis, '38bs, Oklahoma City, was one of the reviewing officers at the victory pa- France with the 116th Evacuation Hospital unit . stationed at Leghorn, Italy, called his wife and rade in which the 40th Infantry Division troops Lt . George G. Anthony, '40-'43, and Second mother from Rome on September 7. Major Inglis participated in the Philippines recently. He has Lt. Harry Sconfons, '43pharm, met on a Pacific has been overseas for 30 months. Star Medal for meritor- island recently for a short visit. Lieutenant Scon- Flight Engineer Floyd Stark, '43, Oklahoma been awarded the Bronze where ious achievement . fons had previously met two other University City, has been transferred to Dallas, Texas, I" Sgt. Ray Anthony, '34bus, Oklahoma City, re- graduates, Lt . Jack Marsee, '43eng, and Ensign Ab- he is with the Ferry Command . Mr. Stark has been cently was in attendance at a "University of Oklaho- bott Sparks, '41fa, '43ba. in the service for two years. Sergeant Anthony was a First Lt . O. G. Gage, Jr ., '42eng, Newgulf, Lt. Barker Shirley, '32law, Norman, has been ma" party in Honolulu. Illinois, gunner on a bomber. Texas, was sent directly from Italy to the Philip- transferred to Camp Grant, Rockford, First Lt . William H. Bradshaw, '37bus, Okla- pine Islands and was on the first ship to land troops from Monroe, Louisiana . He is assistant base mess homa City, was a student at the new educational in the Pacific from the European Theater of Op- supervisor. center in Shrivenham American University, Eng- erations. No- Technician 4th Grade Horace D. Ballaine, '31- Lt . George Wayne Jordan, '42eng, Norman, has law, Oklahoma City, has been with the Replace- land . in July, 00- Capt . Louis Barnett, '42eng, Watonga, was sta- been reassigned to full duty in the Army at Fort ment Command since his arrival overseas tioned at Denver, Colorado, where he is an ord- Sam Houston, Texas, after receiving treatment for 1944 . He is now attached to the G-1 Section in nance officer of the Air Corps. a wrist injury received in Germany . charge of movements at Command Headquarters Rudelt "Dick" Whittington, '41pharm, Mount in Manila . Ida, Arkansas, was credited with the saving of Capt . Vernon F. "Red" Bone . '40, has been Tojo's life after his attempted suicide . Mr. Whit- serving at a B-29 bomber base on Okinawa . tington administered first aid to the Japanese premi- I" Lt . Bert B. Barefoot, Jr., '37law, Oklahoma . He is now serving City, left recently for overseas assignment. He bas er with American blood plasma where with the Medical Corps on Japan . been stationed in Santa Monica, California, William H. Abbott, '22, Norman, a Marine he was judge advocate . commissioned warrant officer, has been selected to Capt . Jack C. Jones, USMCR, '41bus, Oklaho- serve as a material officer of a Marine Carrier Air- ma City, was on duty in the Tokyo area. craft Service department . Capt. Woodrow P. Wentzy, '40-'41, Norman, First Lt . M. D. "Danny" Burrell, '40-'42, former assistant in journalism at the University, Henryetta, began his officer training in November, was transferred to New York to become produc- 1942 . Early in 1945 he was sent to the European tion chief of the U. S. edition of Air Force mag- Theater of Operations. He was stationed in Wales azine. Captain Wentzy, who bas been overseas 24 but later was sent on to the continent proper. months has bad charge of the production of the Lt . James A. Eads, '36-'40, Oklahoma City, magazine in the Far East . who has been overseas 17 months was named sup- Lt . John A. McReynolds, '376a, Norman, is an ply officer for a Fifth Air Force base in the Philip- instructor in an Army educational program on pines. Luzon. Lieutenant McReynolds holds the Bronze I" Lt . Gene Arrendell, '44med, Ponca City, Henry Star Medal and the Purple Heart. Freede, '42med, Oklahoma City, and Harold Dod- Lt. Col . John M. Virden, '29-'30, Seminole, is son, '41med, Haskell, met on Guam and partic- stationed in Calcutta, India, as an officer at the depot ipated in the Okinawa campaign and the invasion which handles the men homeward bound. of Iwo Jima . Dr. Turner Bynum, '32med, Chick- Lt . Neal Boyd, '29-'31, Oklahoma City, re- asha, was also in the Okinawa invasion . cently reported for duty in Houston, Texas, at the Capt. Jim M. Taylor, '28-'31, Oklahoma City, Navy's contract termination office in the Neils was serving with the 21st Evacuation Hospital unit Esperson Building . New Caledonia, Guadalcanal and Bougainville. on First Lt. Cecil B . Rollow, '37-'39, Oklahoma They stayed in operation there about 10 months sent to Camp Ting Kao, Kunming, before beading for the Philippine Islands . City, has been L r. COL . HAI . MULDROW China, for redeployment . Lieutenant Rollow ar- Lt. Col . Wayne A. Starkey, '34med, Altus, rived by plane at Karachi, India, in July, 1945, and formerly of the Training Division, Operations left the same month for Kunming, China, where Service in the Office of the Surgeon General, has 45th Division Leader lie worked for the Office of Strategic Services. been assigned overseas duty. Lt . Col . Hal Muldrow, 45th "Thunderbird" Di- First Lt . Nicholas P. Vlahakis, '37-'41, Enid, Capt. John V. Clark, '39med, Oklahoma City, vision artillery officer, is home on terminal leave bas been serving in the Pacific theater of war with was named commanding officer of hospital at a which expires in December. Colonel Muldrow re- the Infantry . He served as an instructor of infantry South Pacific base. cently returned from the European theater of op- tactics before leaving for overseas service. No- Lt . Williard E. Edwards, '29eng, now of Hono- erations, having been in the Mediterranean and Second Lt . Duane E. Traylor, '43bus, Drum- lulu, had a Perpetual Calendar Resolution before European campaigns . mond, was among the first Americans to enter the 79th session of Congress. When Colonel Muldrow went overseas in his Vienna as members of General Mark W. Clark's 00- Graduated from the Army medical headquar- military assignment, he was still a member of the United States Forces in Austria. Lieutenant Tray- ters recently were Lt. Elmer S. Berger, '41ms, '44- executive board of the University of Oklahoma As- lor has been overseas since December, 1944, and med, Lt . Clifford A. Brown, '44med, Lt. Phillips sociation. During the many months of hard fight- is assistant secretary, General Staff, USFA Head- B. Fife, '41bs, Lt. William E. Knight, '43med, Lt. ing through which the colonel and his men were quarters . Earl M. Robinson, '44med, and Ronald A. White- forced to go in Europe, the going was never too O. Breeding, '43bus, Oklahoma to send in Ist Lt . Marvin neck, '44med, all of Oklahoma City. "rough or tough" for Colonel Muldrow City, has been assigned as a member of the staff Do- Maj. Jerry J. Nolan, '39bus, Norman, former up-to-the-minute news items, interesting incidents and faculty of the Field Artillery School, Fort Sill . faculty member at the University, was the ad- and particularly casualty reports on O. U. men Lieutenant Breeding, holder of the Silver Star ministrative commandant of the new American fighting the war in that theater. Recently while Medal, Bronze Star Medal, Purple Heart, and the School in Berlin. the Executive Secretary-Manager of the Associa- ETO ribbon with two campaign stars, was former- tion was on official business in the War Depart- ly aide-de-camp to Brig. General Edward J. Mc- Robert A. Harding, chairman of engineering Washington, a high-ranking Army officer, shops, has been named member of a technical ad- ment in Gaw, commanding general of Division Artillery when he learned that Ted Beaird lived in Norman, 63rd Infantry (Blood and Fire) Division . visory group composed of experts in 21 phases of you live in a mighty for the industry and agriculture in the five Gulf South- Oklahoma, stated, "My friend, Lieutenant Breeding was a member of Phi Kappa famous southwestern spot! Made so because of a Sigma fraternity while in the University . west states . Norman hero, namely Lt. Col . Hal L. Muldrow . Cpl . James Neal Yowell, '42, Norman, was When the history of World War II is written, Hal enrolled in the U. S. Army University center in Muldrow will be one of the five outstanding officers Back From the Battlefronts England . Corporal Yowell is a member of the 29th listed on those pages." Lt . Joe Frank Adams, '40-'42, Oklahoma City, Division. Colonel Muldrow, '28bus, and Mrs. Muldrow returned recently after serving as a P-38 pilot in No- Capt . J. C. Amspacher, '43med, Norman, has (Clara Mae Bell, '26), who has been making her the Pacific theater of war for two and one half assumed his duties in the Orthopedic Branch at home with her mother in Purcell, are at home in years. He has been placed on the inactive list of McCloskey General hospital, Temple, Texas, as an Norman now, the army. 12 SOONER MAGAZINE Do- Lt . Evans Chambers, '40med, Norman, is sta- Robert James Kurau, '426s, Atlantic Highlands, Cpl . Bill C. Tucker, '43geol, returned recently tioned at the naval hospital, Norman, after return- New Jersey, was discharged from the Merchant from overseas duty and was stationed at Camp ing from 20 months duty in the Pacific . Marines after serving two years'in the South Pacific . Cooke, California. Capt. Roy Gilbert Johnson, '39-'40, Oklahoma HE had the rank of third officer . Pfc. Melvin Tindel, '41-'43, Hydro, returned to City, received his discharge from the Army recently Donald I.
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