- I '- mil 89S and P bIle Wo Its Official JouI'nal of the Division of BIg walJs JULy Department of PU,bIic ~Oletts AUGUST State of CalIfornIa 1929 Table of Contents Cost of State Highway Srs1:em to Jher1loge MotoriSL. ._ 1 Two Goveruors Join in Brid(!'e Dedication•.__ 2 Hiouchi Bridge Dedicatioll Seene6__________________ 3 Fire Ellgines (or Fiehl and FOl'fttf______________________ 5 )JIl2Diflcl'nt l-lighwlIY .Is ~'onn8IJy UpeOM_ 6 Tlie Growth of the High""ay____________________________ 7 Building Safety Jnto Highways-By lJ. B. 3/t.e.k, Diredor of the Department of Public lVork.r .. 9 San Fernaudo Pass, IIiJrtone and Forgolteu-UII T:Ut Blow. Fitld Secretary, National Avlomob.14 Club.__________ 11 ...\ "Rflutine" Report of Powder .r:l:plosion 13 Cuntnlclll Accepted .____ l-! Oo,-crnor Young' Warns .J"gair.st Throwill~ }i'ire From ~Iov- ing Vehicles 14 A Worthwhile ni.lllriet Orglllli'l:atioll_____ 15 Clippings. Leu.ers and Comment_______________________ 16 Special Highway Stlldy LOllllched_______________ ]9 A 'fribute 10 the Highwuy Engincer_____________________ 20 Road Impro\'emellts :secured 'l'hl'ough New Contrllcts_____ 21 .... Stute Ili~hwllY Prugress RerorL_ _ .______________ 24 Recon! of Bids 32 Mr. Average Motorist, What Does State Highway System Cost You? • • • •• • OOD [(QAns 110 not coml' higll to the , J8.74; Nf'w York, $Hi 46 enn glIlOOline tax); • individual molori:,t ill California. This lIlinOIIl, $10.31 (1l0 1r8SOliJU: tu). G is according to 0.0 nrtiele contained in A comparison of California eollections "ith the July issue of AxmtO.L'i HIGHWAYS, in average eolleetioliS for the United States is of ~hich a eompariscn i., made ot the cost to the interest. 'I'he figures are: individual motorist in the Y&rioul! states of Cdi/OAia a.utomobile lieen.Ee and gasoline tax fees. .\verll;,e Il.otor I~nlle per vehkle $6 16 The figures are eC)lnplel.e for the calendar Av(!.."ge 'ftllOltne t.I ~r mOlor "elliele 16 'C! year of 1928. They re\-w some interesting facts. ..'"p..alle tntal California in that A~/1~ per ""/.1'" year ranked second U..itt4 Slat.. nmong the states of How much do the state highways of Avtrq-e motor thE> linjon in the nnm­ lIt'etlW per Calltornia cost you'! ~ bel' of &u{owobilC3 and "ebk:le $13 trucks registered. The Are highway costs low or high as com­ A'·erll.l:e ruoline laI pw motol' number WitS 1,799,880. pared with similar costs in other stata'! velllele 16 M Beltrin~ tJlis in mind American Highways. in it.s last issue itis interesting to note compiled statistics showing the rela.tive .h'er"le tolaL_~$SO ,,;; that the state ranked coet to the average individual motorist of • • • twel!th in aUlA) licen3C Tt ia lhe opinion of the state highway systems in the different lets collected, rceeipl.'S those who are now in from HilS source total­ states of the Union. This article gives the charge of the admin­ ing $9,292,301. facts cited tbere concerning California'. istration ot' state high. • • • • state highway costs. It should be noted wa,'I" aft'airs in CAli­ The aycroge mowr that American Highways is the official fornia that the exist­ licen86 per car in journal or the American A2sociation or ing s)'stem u[seeurillg Cwitornia ill ) 928 WIlS higllwaJ' income is $5,16. California State Highway Oftlcials. sufficient to care for ranked the lowellt in the present needs of the nation, in this our state highways imposition beiuJe li.st..cd lIS forty-eighth among ~ml of thol'll thllt ean be reasonably antici­ the stales. .Arizollll, with an avcrage motor pated fOI' lilt! future, PUOVIDED that exl>cn­ liccnlle ft'e of $5,8!:l, ranked l1ext to California. dit1lfes continucd to be made as they are made I .. .. .. .. .. .. now, viz: In its revenue f"olll gasoline taxes, Cali­ By budjl;etillt fundB ill Idvlln~ of tbelr uflI!-ndlture; fornia topped the Union as fa I' as total collec­ By orderly dlubu...en>enl of bigbwlI)' income in ac­ tions arc concer-nc<l F'irst in total collections, cordo.llce with CRrdully con.idered pcorrllml covering however, it stood twenty-first among tJle states II p<.'l'iod of yeo,..: Oy prugL'CII_i.c llc.cwJHoent or pavement llpet; so in the avetllge gflsoline ta.'C imposed per motor thnl pre.em improvc;mc:ntA el'In be incorporated in \'eIJielc. 'fotul collections in 1925 in Cali· futnre b<::tterment8 ",llhout .enoul lou Qf tbe or!l:iWl.I fornia. from gasoline taxes were $29,566,769, Innllltmeuts, 8.lld the average gasoline tax per motor vehicle If this poliey continues to govern highway was $16.42. expenditures, California in the future should • • • • • • • enjoy the ad\'8Illnge lhat. it now possesses, In the eombilletl. average of motor liccllile namely, A VJmy COMPLBTE HTGHWAY and gasoline tax impositionll, California SERVICE AT A R}][IA1'IVELY LOW ranked rortieth among the sta!.e'l, This eom­ COST. bined 8\'erage \loas $21.58 per car, The only • •• • •• states with lower direct taxes on the motorist While this is true, it must also be remem. were: Indiana, $20.;~; KflnsS9, $20.20; Ne· hered tbAt the adequacy of road inoome is de­ braska, $20.18; Colorado. $20.04; :Uassachu­ termillOO bY' tile necessity of traffic require­ setts, $19.16 (no gasoline taz); North Dakota, ment . (JALIFURNlA HIGHWAYS AND PUBLIO WORIU~. Two Governors Join in Bridge Dedication f f ~ ~ f HE LATEST member of California'l3 which $149,925 was for the bridge and $20,­ state highway bridge family was offi­ 554.50 was for a proach grading and eulverts. T eially dedicated on Saturday, June 22, The floor of the bridge is 58 feet above low when the .I:1iouchi (Blue Water) hridge over water. The bottoms of piel are approxi­ the Smith River on the Redwood Highway in mately 20 feet below low water founded on Del Norte County was thrown opcn to travel. rock. The total height from bottom of pier to The occasion was notable inasmuch a.s it top of steel is approximately 114 feet. marked the completion of original cunstruc­ The main span was erected by cantilevering tion throughout the length of the Redwood out from the anchor arms and piers on each Highway, one of the great recreational high­ side of the I'iver and so accUl'ately wal; the ways of America. desIgning and ereetioll of steel work canied Recogllitioll of the importance of the com­ out that an adjustment of one-fourth inch pletion of thc bridg'e to the Pacifie eoast states was all that was necessary to drive the con­ wa given by the presence at the dedication necting rivets when the two arms met over the ceremonies of Governur C. C. Young of Cali­ center of the ri·ver. fornia, Governor Pattcr'3on of Oregon, and The contract was awarded April 17, 1928, highway officials of California, Ore..gon and anr1 the contract elate for completion was July Washington. 6, 1929. It was built by I'arkeT-Schram Co. Added intelest was given to the completion The following account of the dedication of this bridge by the (;er~monie~ taken from lact that just 100 years the columns of the ago this same territory IIumboldt Times of was ex.plored by Jede­ Ju e 2::lc1 will be of diah Smith, who it is interest: believed, gave hi name Calil'ol'Iliuns, Oregonian.., Vi'ashiJlgtoniHns, am] resi­ to the Smith River. dent~ of other states who The route that it took att~nded the dedication of months for the J ede­ 1..118 Hiouchi bl"idge over diah Smith party to the Smith river and thu coast-wide high lVa~' cdebra­ traverse is now traveled tion at that site yesterday, in a few hours' time. enthtlsiastically bee a. m e After month of 1m­ willing wod<el's[oJ' It g-l'ed­ speakable harclships, el.' and united Pacitic COitst Governors Yotmg and Patterso . as tiley attended the im­ the Smith party was Jll'es~iI'e ceremonies which massacred in Oregon, .. ymbolized the breakinll: but three me bel'S of the party escaping', down of tue last baL'rier on the Redwood High· way. More than It thousand pel'Sons, gatheL'ed from among them J edediah Smith. a.1 parts of tbe United Stntes lind including the gov­ The name, Hiouchi bl·idge, was selected for e1"nl)r::; of two st>ttes Rnd many othel' notables, the structure by 1\'[rs. Ralph W. Bull of llssf'Jnhlp.d At. tlHI Hiouchi Bridge at noon yesterday Eureka, wife of the chairman of the Califomia and rejoiced at tbe completion of tl,e last majOI' project Highway Commission, upon the suggestion of needed to malle the Redwood Highway a first-clllSS route from end to end. women's clubs and civic organizations of Humboldt and Del Norte counties. It is an llARRIER llROKEN Indian term which, translated, means "Blue Following a short program of to.lks, the breakiDg Water" and was applied to the Smith River dowll of the last barrier was symbolized by Governor C. C. Young of California and Governor 1. L. Patter­ beca.use of the deep blue of the water of that ~on of Ol'\!gun, who c1a::;ped hands and pledged stream. cOllpp.rnnon between the two states as their automo­ The bridge is a through cantilever steel bile slowly broke throngll a barrier of greenery and truss structures, with a main span of 380 feet ribbons strung across the bridge.
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