Newcomers’ Guide 2021-22 | SATURDAY-SUNDAY, JULY 24-25, 2021 TELLING THE STORY OF YOUR LIFE SINCE 1865 $1 Lights, Follow us for Inside: His Word breaking Camera, Know ye not that ye updates are the temple of God, NEWCOMERS’ Newton and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you? County’s charm keeps filmmakers, tourists coming back for more Serving Newton, Rockdale & surrounding GUIDE IS BACK 1 Corinthians 3:16, counties for over 36 years! and stay Our 2021-22 magazine highlights the KJV informed on area’s rich film history and serves as 770-786-9245 • Covington a guide to help educate newcomers www.hardysfloors.com local issues at and natives all about Newton County. CovNews.com We meet or beat any price you have in writing. Part I of a Covington News Series Policy states P-cards are not for personal use 50 Newton employees and P-Cards: electedhave officials P-cards What they are, why they are needed, and which Newton employees have them handy P-cardssimilarly work to By TAYLOR BECK a personal designed as an alterna- credit card [email protected] tive to the traditional efore Dorothea purchasing pro- Bailey-Butts cess for supplies stepped down and services,” Bfrom her position per the county’s as coroner May 28, P-card program policy Newton County had adopted by the Newton approved the issuance County Board of Com- of purchasing cards missioners on Aug. 20, (P-cards) for 51 em- 2013, resulting in a ployees. reduction of the num- P-cards were first ber of purchase orders meth- introduced to New- and related documents od of ton County officials such as invoices and purchasing as a “more efficient, checks. and pay- cost-effective” way to “Essentially the ing for complete purchasing P-cards are to be uti- small dollar trans- transactions. lized as a more effec- actions,’” Newton “The program was tive, ‘cost effective County Finance Di- uisition is rector Brittany White filled out and Of the county’s 50 told The Covington submitted P-card holders, Chair- News. “Employees to financial Each P-card man Marcello Banes still have to formal- administrative user is given and Purchasing Director ly submit purchase services. spendinga monthly limit Randi Fincher orders for all purchas- • A definitive have been granted es over $5,000. Prior date the department/ the highest spending to [a] policy that was employee needs the limit of $20,000 adopted in 2016, the material of service. Only 2 Newton per month. purchase order thresh- For routine purchases, constitutional File | The News old was $2,500 for all requisitions should be num- purchases.” submitted seven busi- ber, officers have The traditional ness days in advance the P-cards spending method, of when the purchase department After several residents across the which is practiced is needed. Formal bids number. community voiced concerns, today by employ- or proposals are need- • A “requisition The Covington News will publish a ees without P-cards, ed six to eight weeks number,” which is four-part series over the next few requires employees to in advance. defined in the county’s ly and weeks explaining what P-cards are, enter a purchase req- • The name of the policy as the request- consecutively. analyzing the usage and spending uisition, which entails department the pur- ing department’s iden- • The quantity of habits of Newton County P-card holders, and providing the follow- chase is for. tification number. each item and the uncovering why residents are calling for change. ing information: • The account num- • The item number, See P-CARD, A8 • The date the req- ber, including the fund to be listed separate- Newton commissioners cut $500K from proposed FY2022 budget By TOM SPIGOLON property tax rate lower than [email protected] the current 12.916 mills to COVINGTON, Ga. — offset an anticipated in- County officials unveiled crease in tax bills because a revised 2022 budget plan of higher assessments from Tuesday that cuts $500,000 rising land values. in spending and delays The spending plan re- new hiring until January leased June 1 totaled $78.1 while retaining a 4.5% pay million in the General Fund increase for almost 700 and $119.2 million for all county employees. funds. During a special called Kerr said the new version meeting and public hearing Tom Spigolon | The Covington News of the budget contains a Tuesday, July 20, the New- Newton County’s Board of Commissioners held a special-called meeting Tuesday, July 20, to present a revised General Fund total ton County Board of Com- revised budget plan for fiscal year 2022 and hold one of two required public hearings. The budget was of $77.6 million, which is a missioners heard details of slashed to account for pay raises for county employees to “stay competitive.” $500,000 decrease. the revisions County Man- The $500,000 will be used ager Lloyd Kerr made to asked for a month’s delay increases. existing employees in a tight to help balance expenditures the first version of the 2022 in approval of the budget He said the county gov- labor market. with the revenues from budget that he gave to board after saying he wanted to ernment needed the increas- Meanwhile, commission- whatever lower property tax members June 1. make enough cuts to pre- es to remain competitive for ers generally had indicated Kerr on June 15 had serve across-the-board pay new employees and retain they wanted to approve a See CUT, A7 Volume 156, No. 59 Inside Weekend Weather Forecast Index Obituaries, A2 Business, A10 Kemp makes crime Saturday, July 24 Sunday, July 25 Opinions, A4 Sports, B1 a top priority High: 90° Low: 70° High: 92° Low: 71° Agriculture, A9 Legals, B2 See A3 • 30% chance of rain • 20% chance of rain SINCE 1865 Get breaking news updates, manage your subscription, place an advertisement and read the e-edition at CovNews.com A2 | Saturday-Sunday, July 24-25, 2021 News COMMUNITY CALENDAR Regional Job Fair draws crowd to GPTC Saturday, July 24 By TOM SPIGOLON • 2021 Back to School Bash hosted by the Newton [email protected] County Sheriff’s Office is set for July 24 at noon at New- COVINGTON, Ga. ton High School, 1 Ram Way, Covington. Admission is — The 2021 Regional free. Learn more at facebook.com/NewtonSheriffGA. Job Fair at the Georgia Piedmont Technical Friday, Aug. 6 College conference • American Red Cross Blood Drive is set for Oxford City center in Covington Hall, 110 W. Clark St. in Oxford Aug. 6 from 11 a.m. to 3 Thursday, July 22, fea- p.m. Call 800-733-276 to learn more. tured about 50 different companies, government Friday, Aug. 20 agencies and colleges • Free Family Movie Night featuring “Playing with Fire” either needing workers Aug. 20 at Wolverine Field at 8134 Geiger St. in Coving- or showcasing their ton. For more information, visit newtonrecreation.com. programs to prospective students. Ongoing Serra Hall of New- • The county’s new Splash Pad is open to the public ton County Industrial for the season at Denny Dobbs Park, 6244 Highway 212, Development Authority daily except Monday throughout the summer. Days and and Debbie Harper of times are Tuesday through Saturday, 10 a.m. to 7 p.m.; the Newton County Tom Spigolon | The Covington News Sunday, 1 p.m. to 6 p.m.; and closed on Mondays for Chamber of Com- Signs guide job-seekers to the 2021 Regional Job Fair at the Georgia Piedmont Techni- maintenance. merce agreed they were cal College conference center in Covington Thursday, July 22. • Farmers Market hosted by the Newton County Parks pleased with the turnout and Recreation is held every Tuesday through Oct. 26 after not knowing how partnership between ically compete rather inform prospective stu- from 4 to 7 p.m. at Denny Dobbs Park at 6252 Hwy. 212 many it would attract two counties’ develop- than cooperate on such dents about its courses in Covington. after the event was of- ment agencies, includ- events. while also helping some • City of Oxford Farmers Market is scheduled for Thurs- fered virtually in 2020. ing the Development College President job-seekers receive job days and Fridays, noon to dark; and Saturdays , 7 a.m. to Hall said the event Authority of Walton Tavarez Holston said offers on the spot. 1 p.m., on the City Green on Emory Street (Georgia Hwy. attracted job-seekers County, to help host he was pleased GPTC 81). Oxford Farmers Market is open to farmers, growers, from all age groups. the Job Fair because could be the host artists, makers and craftsmen who grow or make their She also praised the neighboring areas typ- site for the event and own produce or items. For more information, email ox- [email protected], call 770-786-7004 or find the Oxford Farmers Market on Facebook. Submit your events to [email protected] or mail to 1166 Usher St., Covington, GA 30014 Covington’s Most Trusted & Respected Bedding Store Always Fair Prices! Always 100% New Products! 770-786-8777 www.resteasymattress.com Tom Spigolon | The Covington News Tom Spigolon | The Covington News 2185 Pace Street • Covington GA A Regional Job Fair participant visits the Express Employ- A prospective student visits one of the many booths Geor- Mon-Sat 10am to 6pm - Later Hours / Sunday’s by Appointment Locally Owned For 29+ Years ment Professionals booth to ask about potential career gia Piedmont Technical College had at the 2021 Regional opportunities. Job Fair at the college’s conference center in Covington. 2155 Pace Street #7 Covington, GA 678-314-6469 EMAIL: [email protected] FB/INSTA: @covingtonnutrition • SNAPCHAT: @covnutrition Tom Spigolon | The Covington News Tom Spigolon | The Covington News Rosemary Cook, human resources A potential applicant visits the Hitachi Automotive Systems booth at the director for Pactiv Evergreen’s Conyers 2021 Regional Job Fair at the Georgia Piedmont Technical College confer- plant, works to check on prospective ence center in Covington Thursday, July 22.
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