''-; .' .. " " '... _" _0'_-" •. ~"'.".""~ __ • ~,.October 15,1964 THE JEWISH POST Page Eighteen . at the Community Building. The vitch hosted the Orleg Shabbat in and good luck in their new home 4th' COUNCIL. TO COMPLETE 'JEWISH ISS.UE'?. group will visit the major services her ·..... onor. in Lethbridge. freedom, remained in the competence of the Secretariat for m· ,...1 __., suoh as ,the Wmiam Mazel Tov to Myna and Eddie --0- Rome (JTA),~Qualliied sources rePorted 'here that a It was reported that A~' Cardinal Bea, president "Post"-Marked """6~" See you. next week.. Sh~ 'om. fourth session of the Ecumenical. Oluncil may be necessary of the Secretariat for the Promotion of Christian Unity, the Promotion of Christian Unity. Roper Home, Christine Meikle ~Sch~w;,;;a;;rtz;;;;",;;on;;";th~e;;ir,,,;recen;;.;;;t,;:1lUIlTlllg;;;;;' ;;;e;;,' ;,.";,;;;";~;,,;====,,,,.="''''==''''"1 to deal with"the .much-debated· dec1ar'ation'on . Catholic­ whioh sponsored the initial strong declaration on Jews, was The "De Ecclesia" schema has already been approved School for Retarded Children, etc., r fJ Jewish relations. That possibility developed after an evalu­ not seriously opposed to having the draft inserted into the in Council voting. Its Theological,CQmmission is preparing . 'Calgary ation of 1he procedures through which the draft must pass schema "De Ecclesia." Such a shift was one of the. points the definitive text for fin!il voting by a procedure of screen­ q'ro V J. A.: onaf Latumn. - before the 2,500 prelates attending the Council will have of contention which led to a group of cardinals to make an ing several thousand reservations iIIlld observations made' by :~!:.ck:~:;n~:.::!~~ :t! _ ~ the Council fathers in the course of debate. Such final By TANYA GELFAND fulfilling a three-fold object: (1) ~ the opportunity to vote on it, as well.as on other declarations. unprecedented appeal to Pope Paul, to intervene against the 'Mrs. Gelfand will be pleased to accept organizational 'The issue was linked with the determination of the conservative bishopS. Howeve\', Cardinal Bea insists that the voting could not be expected during tile. preSent third ses­ have concrete material for training; sion, and possibly not until well 'into II' fourth session. or local news and personal notes for inclusion in thls progressive Council fathers to obtain a definitive declara­ final elaboration of the draft, prior to the vote, be left with column. Her phone number is AV 9-2100 • • • 1M (2) gairi fresh knowledge beneficial A 1 his secretarilrt. The possibility of a fourthsesslon was strengthened Sirains for call1eras tion absolving Jews, past and present, of the ancient charge also by a request by ArchbiShop Gomes of Brazil, Who spoke "hires.< i. 1317 - 21 A 8t.. NW.1 to themselves an <ito their Jewish SiJn.eg S~rllite,., L..fl. of deicide in the crucifixion of Jesus, and a condemnation Cardinal Sea's stand received support from Cardinal supporters were Development of the Negev. organizations, and (3) develop abil- "The Store that Shows youHov.;'~ on another Council draft and asked that voting be postponed Chartered Accountant .. ' 2 Locations .. of Christian-motivated anti-Semitism. Conservative pre­ Doepfner of Munich, one of the council's four moderators, until a fourth session. Most observers at the Council indi­ gettdng excited as. October 14, elec- --0- ity and ski1ls in expressing their 318 Smith St. WH 3~6595 lates have sought to water down that and other stands who declared at a press conference that the fin!il elaboration cated that an early vote on the declaration on the Jews observations. Telephone 832-1042 Polo Park· Shopping Centre ' . tion day, drew nearer. My deadline Shaarey Tzedec clearly favored .by a majority of the prela1l>s. on the declaration on thll Jews, as well as on. religious would be the best way to assure a strong document .. ! and press time were too early but . At the last meeting of the Shaarey • The introductory program fea- ~631 Portage Ave. Winnipeg . SUnset 3-6070 I I'm sure we'll all be celebrating his Tzedec Men's Club, a committee tured an interview by a panel of 'cto was formed to organize a youth VI ry. Opportunity SChool members with Office Phone Res~ Pbone tVorld News I .. Briel' --0- club in the congregation. Mrs. Z. Dean of the Volunteer. ~ A II WHitehall 3-4464 ..JU.tlee 2-4386 . Rabbi Eisenberg has organized a ~il"erman. & w,.r'gh Beth Israel Bureau. Max Yale Diamondt Ohumash and Rashi cIBss which will Antwerp . Activities at Beth Israel are in Anyone interested can call Mrs. ,Barristers ap,d,Solicltors. full swiJlg. Religious school staff meet every Saturday one hour be- Lode Craybeck has been ....eleded Mayor of AntwerP' as .the Socialist . '. A. Gold for ful'ther lnfonpation. 402 Royal Trust BUilding Party candidate, despite a 'boycott by 'a group of Jewish leaders of the .\(" . , this year includes: grade 1 and fore Min~. -0- ; ! Edmonton Alberta party. The Mayor, who offered to resign last spring following a public kindergarten, Dale Rosen; grade 2, Shaarey Tzedec plans to ~ve a outcry over an anti-Semitic tirade he voiced in a coffee house against Paula W!linberg;grade 3, Esther weekly .bulletin for its members. Dr. HaTry Brody recently obtained L:1::~~T~e~le:p~h~0~ne~4~22~-~4~48~9~.~~~ Jewish patrons, withdrew his resignation when the Socialist Party will his Diplomate of the American r him Slezas; grade 4, Barbara Fox; grade The deadline for all information I .B.P. McDaniel, Q.C. (1919-1947) decided to place first on its slate, over the opposition of the Jewish 5, Barry Carnat; grade 6, Marsha be each Monday, and the bulletin Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology. 'BERRY MINUK . S. ~. Sallan. B.A;. LL.B., Q.C. WI~NIP1l:G. OCTOBER 22, 1964 No. 43 Socialists, who declined to have their names on the ticket. Dr. Brody is practising in the city BA., LL.B. Century; oftiice secretary, Gail will be delivered by mail on Wed­ > ' • , ' of Calgary and also holds an FRCS, . Barrister and Solicitor Dvorkin. nesday of each week. McD~!!~~ !1i!~FIAN I Buenos Aires Rabbi Eisenberg spoke at a BBYO wru.ch is the highest degree a doctor Off. WH 2-1030 Res. JU 6-1961 JEWSST'LL~" . ,'- - TH'REATE'NED'- '-, The 75th of the ll1'1'ival in Argentina of the first Jewish pio­ Grade 7 this year is to be com­ 104 Sterling Trust Bldg. 'I annive~ meeting on Sunday, Oct. 4. He can get in Canada.. Congratulations 421 Somerset Bldg. first bhied with Bar and Bat Mi.tzvah Regina Phone'LA 3-7674 Sask. ~eers in 1.889, and the creation of the Jewish agricultural colony preparation classes, and the Rabbi spoke at the Sharon Club meeting to Dr. Brody. -0- . ~~~~ 1 :Manitoba m MosesvIlle, Sante Fe Province, was feted In ceremonies there. Gov­ ernor Aldo Tessio of the province, and Agriculture Minister Wal.'ter will :teach this segment of the 7& on October 10, which was held at :!~~D'OUBT 'KRUSHCHEV' EXIT .A. Nugler, lauded the valo",r and perseverence of the Jewish pioneers, and grade. the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dov Social M. C. I).ailed the assistance given them by Bar.on Maurice de Hirsch. A Dr. Sam Veiner, president of Beth Ohetoer. His subject was How to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Shandruk statue of the baron was' unveiled and kaddish was' recited over the Also of the British ColumbIA Bar Israel, has announced the appoint­ Convert Jewish to Judaism. announce the engagement of their Sweiden " Rice TO 'PRESACiEANY CHANGE graves of the first 60 children among the pioneers who died in the ment of the 1964-65 board of educa­ Hosts at the October 3 KidduSh daughter, Marilyn, to Jack, son of Chartered Accountants London (JTA) - Students of the . Soviet scene saw no indication here pointing to any immediate change first year because of illness and privation. Mpsesville Is a wel;llthy and SJ.-ia/cJ...,.&Sl.amia/c~er progressive settlement. were Mr. and Mrs. H. Steinfeld in Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Cohen of Ed­ BARRISTERS & SOLICITORS in the Kremlin's policies affecting Jews in the USSR as a result of the removal last week of Nikita S. tion.Members are: Dr, Norman B. Khrushchev from his twi.n· posts of Prime .Minister of the Soviet Union and First Secretary of the USSR Moss, D.D.S.; Dr. Stanley Blank, honor of their son Mark's Oufrief. moMon. The marriage will take AM 2-1717 • 207 Lindsay Bldg. Winnipeg Grain ExoballKe Bldg. 'Calga1'l", Alta. Comrilunist Party. ' Ph.D.; Mrs. 'Max Chodak:, Mrs. Jo­ Maftir was chanted by Carl Gure­ place in Calgary on December 27. It was Pointed out, that, whatever . ' London seph BuSheikin; Dr. Sam Veiner, vitch. overall changes might follow Mr. recent p"ct between Israel and the last week that Moscow would wel­ There are 32 Jewish M.P.s in the new House of Commons, as compared --0- with 22 in the outgoing Parliament.· All 22 Jewish former M.P.s - D.D.s.; and Rabbi Sheldon Edwards. October 9 Kiddush was chanted Khrushchev's retirement in other Soviet U~on, for Israel's purchase come more technical ·and economic Mrs. Z. Lubinsky,. president of ,fields; there is little likeliliood of of former Czarist property in this cooperation between the USSR and two Conservatives: Sir Keith Joseph, Minister of Housing, and Sir Mrs. Harry Shut;z, has been ap­ by Edward, Harris. Hosts for this BARRISTERS AND. SOLICITORS Henry d'Avigdor Goldsmid - and 20 Labour have been re-elected, Calgary Council of Pioneer Women, J'oseph H.
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