^PPip «^p -• fflSle GHp Stopl (Sazrtfr att& (Eolontat Hatlg INCORPORATING THE ROYAL GAZETTE (Etffcblished 1828) and THE BERMUDA COLONIST (Established 1866) VOL. 15~~NO. 231 HAMILTON. BERMUDA, WEDNESDAY, OCOTBER 1, 1930 3D PER COPY—AOl- PER ANNUM ENGLAND MOURNS LOSS OF BRIIXIANT IAWYER^STATEMAN PREMIERS GATHER FOR DEATH OF LORD THE BERMUDA NEW YOK STOCK [ THEY SAY fl BIRKENHEAD RAILWAY MARKET That the expected flight of the Do-X IMPERIAL CONFERENCE is creating quite a lot of interest. Rapid Progress Expected * » * Brilliant Statesman, That it should mark an era ln de­ Hfr~ Yesterday's Closing velopment. Shortly * * * Lawyer and Writer Prices That proper recognition of the event Germany Faced With Big in consequence of a cable des­ should be made. patch received by us yesterday to * * * A special Reuter's despatch re­ the effeot-teat a railway construct­ Alleghany Oorp -„-„..- 18 That some will regret a foreign ion expert-.had sailed -by the Lady r Deficit ceived by the Royal Gazette and Allied Chemical. __. N.Q. firm is first in the field. Colonist Daily yesterday announced Somers to start construction on * * * Bermuda's first railway, our re­ Am. Oan 117 the death of Lord Birkenhead whose Am. ft Foreign Power 53) That nevertheless the first should health has been giving consider­ presentee called on Mr. O. A. always receive credit. Jones, the construction manager Am. Locomotive. 37} able anxiety for some time. Few Am. Power & Light... 70 * • • men of the present age have had a for Messrs Balfour, Beatty, & Com­ pany, **tho are building the railway. Am. Smelting & Refining. 53 That the example should stimulate. Rumour of Baldwin's Resignation Denied—J.H. more brilliant career, and his Am. Water Works N.Q. * * * death will leave a great gap In legal, In re. y to questions, Mr. Jones Am. Tel. & TeL „ 202| That the Dominion Premiers are Thomas Sees Hope in Industrial Effort—Ver­ very readily gave what information political and literary circles, all of Anaconda Copper.™.- 351 now all gathered together. which he adorned and to whose wtg available, but preferred to dict of Suicide in Egyptian Mystery— Atchison R.R „™.. N.Q. * » * prestige he added distinction and avoid definite dates because of Atlantic Refining. 25 honour. delays that might occur and for That some plain talking might help. Viceroy Deplores Action of Congress which the local company were not American Tobacco "B" .„_.. 1141 * * * Born in 1872, "F. E." Smith had a responsible. Am. Steel Foundry N.Q. That what is not wanted is all —League Adopts Report on Minor­ brilliant early career, carrying off Baltimore ft Ohio „ 91 talk. many honours at Birkenhead It was gratifying to learn, how­ Bethlehem Steel 80 } * * » ities—English Author De- School and Wadham College, Ox­ ever, that arrangements for com­ Canadian Pacific N.Q. That they might say whether I nounces Sexual Literature ford. He was president of the Ox­ pleting the line to Somerset are Ches. ft Ohio R.R ... 441 Empire Free Trade is a practical ford Union Society in 1893 where well in hand and only await the Chrysler Motors. 20 scheme or an idle dream. —Bobby Jones Ted up" he displayed that brilliant ora­ arrival of the necessary cargoes of Ool. Gas. 51 * * » tory and amazing faculty for de­ timber and steeL The expert Cons. Gas..... .... _ 100 That the rain is a long time coming. alluded to in our cable, said Mr. I With Hitting Golf bate which were later to be of sueh Corn Products. ~. 78} * » » service to the Conservative Party Jones, %e i_e foreman of the track Com. and Southern. llj That kind neighbours are regrett­ * Balls—Sporting and the Empire. layers, a man of long experience Delaware ft Hudson. N.Q. ing an early gift of water. and technical knowledge. Dupont ..„ N.Q. He entered Parliament in 1903 * * * News The trestle timber for the bridges, Eastman Kodak. __ 195i and served with great distinction That the Bermuda brings down a we learned, would arrive soon from Electric Autolite. N.Q. welcome supply. in the office of Solicitor General Vancouver. No less than 1,200 tons 1915, Attorney General 1915-1919, Electric P. & L_. _ 61} * * * are needed, and special gangs of Erie R.R. Common...—.. N.Q. That some say a time limit should and was Lord High Chancellor of men for unloading, cutting and DOMINION PREMIERS MET monwealth depended largely on England from 1919-22. His chan­ Fox Film N.Q. be put on the hours of miniature handling will be engaged to ex­ General Electric N*w 61 golf course operation. PRIME MINISTER industries own efforts, and one of cellorship was marked by a pedite the work. the chief tasks would be to discover series of judgments which are General Motors 38| * * * The steel for the bridges at Spring­ Goodrich Rubber 19| That others would prefer loud LONDON, Sept. 30:—All the Do­ the means for encouraging those now regarded as classics of sound­ field and Avocado Avenues is leaving minion Premiers (with the ex­ efforts. The economic outlook was Grt. Northern Ore N.Q. speakers shut off at a reasonable ness, lucidity and eloquence, per­ the Clyde on the 15th. of October, hour. ception of Mr. Bennet who arrives darker than it has been for genera­ haps the most conspicuous of which Hudson Motors.... „ 23$ and the first locomotive is being Hupp Motors. 10} * * * tomorrow) met MacDonald today tions, but the greatness of the crisis was given in the Russell matri­ shipped on the 9th of November. was a measure of opportunity. Int. Combustion „ „ N.Q. That pleasing everyone is a hard at 10 Downing Street. monial suit. He saw active service The .ade to Somerset Terminal "For my part I start an optimist." Int. Nickel of Canada 19} job. The Prime Minister was accom­ with the Indian Corps in France will, it is confidently expected, Replying to question, Mr. Thomas Int. Tel. & TeL... 31 * * • panied by Lord Passfield, J. H. and was a major in the King's be competed by the loth, of Novem­ declared that nobody could ques­ Kennecott Oopper „... _-___. 27} That only the unpleasing try lt. Thomas, and Wedgewood Benn. Own Oxfordshire Hussars. ber. tion anybody's right to succeed, Kreuger ft TolL 4 N.Q. * * * A preliminary and informal talk Asked concerning rumours re- that the wisdom of such an action As an advocate he -had few ot no Loews, _ic..^_™*~._ -^5^-. 67} That a company of noted pi vers on the forthcoming Conference gardia,. certain work already com­ might be argued. There would be equals, and in debate both in the Mack Truck i ,_._^. N.Q. wants to spend next season lu.re. took place. pleted, Mr. Jones refused to con­ The Canadian Delegation to the a discussion on Empire Appeal Commons and Lords he achieved Montg. Ward..._____„ 28J * • * Court and he believed that such a fame that will long be remem­ sider any charge not brought di­ Nash Motors . 30} Imperial Conference headed by rectly and officially to his company. That a nightly play is a tall order. Premier Bennett has arrived in tribunal would emerge, but whether bered. In spite of his great legal Natl. Biscuit New. ~.~ 79} » * * merely to adjudicate between States and political activities, he found We learned, however, that complete Natl. Power ft Light ... 37 London. Bennett said that he tests bad been made of all necessary That anyhow plenty of entertain­ brought to the people of the British or individuals as well would have time to devote to literature and his New York Central 150} ment of a high class Is promised. books are both authoritative and and structural work, and all the Isles a message of warm goodwill to be determined by the Conference. North American _. 92 J * * * intensely readable. tests had proved eminently satis­ Northern Pacific. 63| from Canadians and he confidently * * * factory. That of the making of plans, there believes that the important ques­ THE EGYPTIAN MYSTERY His comparatively early death is Otis Steel 20| is no end. No definite information was forth­ Paramount Pictures. 52 tions which might come before the ALEXANDRIA, Sept. 30:—A ver­ undoubtedly due to his immense coming with regard to the line to * * • Conference would be disposed of capacity for work, his untiring Packard Motors „ — 10| dict of suicide whilst temporary St. George's. This was not because Penn. R.R 68} That of the plans themselves, there common advantage all parts of the insane was given on the inquest energy and enthusiasm and his there was possibility of any aband­ is plenty of end. Empire. utter disregard for his own personal Postum (Gen. Foods)..... 51J of Norton Griffiths. A business onment or curtailment of that Public Service, N.J 86} * * * * * * needs. associate of deceased gave evidence section, but because it was imposs­ Pullman Company — 59f That an unusual vocal reoltal is promised. GERMANY'S DEFICIT that Norton Griffiths had long England has lost a great states­ ible at the present moment to give Pure Oil „ ~ _ 16} been in a state of nervous tension man, the Law a brilliant luminary, precise information, and Mr. » * * BERLIN, Sept. 30.—Chancellor Radio - 28 } and ansiety with regard to the the world of letters a distinguished Jones expressed his dislike to That the singer is perhaps the most Bruening has submitted to Hind­ Radio Keith Orph „ 33 progress of the work on Assuan scholar, his enemies a powerful speculation or undue promise. gifted of all coloured vocalists. enburg the Government's financial Reading R.R 98 Dam. This was accentuated when foe, and his friends a man of rare * * * programme is cover the budget.
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