Temple Be th El Broad & Glenham Sts., City THE HOME NEWSPAPER OF RHODE ISLAND AND SOUTHERN MASSACHUSETTS Vol. X, No. 45 PROVIDENCE, R. I., FRIDAY, JULY 12, 1935 5 Cents the Co~ Anti-Semitism will WAR VETS Catholics Asked to Wane with Recovery CARNIVAL Ban Nazi Goods PLANNED Jewish Youth Wins Moonlight Sail on World Boycott is So Says Ab Cahan, Highest Honors at Esmond S. Borod, Ge neral Chair­ Bay is Planned by man of Rhode Island Post, No. 23, Editor of "Forward" Georgetown School Jewish War Veterans carnival com­ the Center Council Urged by Paper mittee, announced today that the an­ Seventy-five years old last Sun­ NEW YORK (JTA) - Philip nual carnival to benefit the relief The J ew ish Center. Council is BRUSSELS (JTA)- The demand day, Abr aham Cahan, famous .Jew­ Paul i\Ia renberg, a Jewish youth fund and to establish a fund for the fo rmulating plans for a moon• that Catholics all over the world light sail aboard the Naugatuck, ish ed'itor, novelist and Socialist, of Brooklyn, has been awarded purchase of a permanent home for fo llow the J ew ish exam1>l e and start viewed the possibilities of a Euro­ Jewish War Veterans will be held the largest steamer on Narra. a world-w id e boycott of German­ pean war in the near future as very hi ghest honors at the George­ gansett Bay, having a capacity made goods is voiced in La Libre s light and predicted that anti-Semi­ town L:1w School, a Catholic in­ for more than 1500. Those who Beige, the leading Catholic daily of tism in Europe w ill decrease as eco­ stitution. He was g raduated at attended the moonlight sail last Belgium. nomic conditions improve. year, remember the pleasant and "A strong boycott of German the head of his class and was interesting evening enjoyed by He was reached by the J ewish ,·aledictorian at the comm ence• goods by Catholics can greatly con• Daily Bulletin for an interview at a more than 500. It is expected tribute to the termination of perse­ ment exercises. that this year's eveitt will sur­ cution of Catholics in Nazi Ger• nearby seashore resort where he pass e,·en that of last year. was spending the day qu.ietly with Last yen, Marenberg was many," the paper States. It adds that There will be dancing and en­ the position of the Catholics in Ger­ Mrs. Cahan. If it hadn't been Sun­ awnrded the :\lallory Medal for tertainment on board ship from day, he would have celebrated the the best essay on the constit u­ many is worse than that of the J ews the time it sails at 8.30 o'clock there. event working at his editor's desk until it returns to Providence at in the Jewish Daily Forward Build­ tionality of t he National Indus­ tria l RecoHry Act. midnight. Watch for date and Leading Catholic circles in Bel­ ing. further particulars next week. gium, it is common knowledge here, As he interpreted European are making an effort to induce the events, !\fr. Cahan regarded war as Grain Plan Hits at Vatican to issue a proclamation urg­ unlikely because the dictators who Sunday Laws to be ing the Catholics of the world to join rule Europe realize that war wou ld Jews in Lithuania the boycott which the J ew·s are now be disastrous to their own power. conducting against products made "No dictator," he said, "can afford Eased by Hungary in Gerniany. a war today." KA UN At:S (JTA) - Thousands Says Bias Will Wane of J ew ish families are in danger of BUDAPEST (.JTA) - The relax- Pact Would Aid Jews Discussing the question of anti­ losing their livelihoods in Lithuania ation of the Sunday Law in Hungary In certain Catholic circles here the Semitism·, he expressed the opinion because of a new plan proposed by to ei:iable the J ews there to keep belief exists that the situation of that in every country except Ger­ the governr.:ent which will eliminate thei r establishments open on Sun- the J ews as well as of the Catholics many where anti-J ewish sentiment Jews from trading in grain. days, was promised by Geza Borne- in Germany would be considerably exists, it is a result of economic de­ This pla!l is considered of such m's.~za, Hungarian l\l.inister of ameliorated if the Vatican agreed pression and he predicted that when serious import by the J ews that a !;;:.· in a ~tpfcmJ!Dt given to the lf01{~i~n~a~i~n;~;\t t~~sltt~ft~;= conditions im proYe anti-Gemitism meeting of grain Ul.erclian s wa"shel will wane. here to decide upon measures to ESMOND S. BOHO D The promise was made because cott movement. In Germany, he continued, the counteract the intentions of the gov­ orthodox J ews do not keep their It is pointed out here that a united anti-Jewish policy tends to be more ernment. July 20 through 27 (excluding Sun - stores open on Saturdays and en- front of the Vatican and representa­ political in character. "It is due," he day) at the post headquarters, 100 forcement of the Sunday Law would tives of the J ewish religion was af­ said, "to the pressure which the al­ The government plan provides Niagara St. actually mean that J ewish firms fected several years ago when the lies exercised on Germany after the that the entire grain trade be con­ One of the features of the carnival would have to suspend their business Vatican was interested in raising a war, forcing the country to infla­ centrated under a few big coopera­ will be the distribution of free at- for two days. world-wide protest against the per­ tion." tives. If this project is carried out, tendance prize tickets entitling the " It will be of service also to the secution of religion in Soviet Russia, He gave as a second cause of Hit­ it will mean in effect the complete holdor o( the lucky number drawn non-J ewish population i! J ews are This united front contributed great• lerism the propaganda of the Ger­ eli mination of J ews from the grain each evening to a vsluable prize. permitted to trade on Sunday," the ly to the fact that practice of reli­ man Communists in which, he said, trade and the consequent economic Winners must be present in person Minister of Trade declared. gion is no longer considered a crime they agitated against democracy ruin of thousands of Jewish fami­ on the grounds, or a new drawing The failure of the Nazi movement in Russia. and thereby paved the way for Hit­ lies. will be taken. to gain ground in Hungary was ad- It is believed here, consequently, ler. The grain industry is today prac­ Bingo games will be staged in the mitted in an announcement by the that collaborative effo rt on the part " Hitler Business Unreal'' tically the only field which has not auditorium under the leadership o( Hungarian Nazi organization, of Catholic and J ewish religious "Thi s Hitler business has never yet been monopolized by the gov­ Commander Barney Taber. There known as the Pfeilkreuzler. fo rces against Germany would pro• seemed real to me," Mr. Cahan de­ ernment or by cooperatives for gen­ will be no entrance fee and the The announcement declares that duce a similar effect upon Nazi Ger• clared. "It is too much like a night­ erations in grain trading and in the games will be conducted each even- the Nazi movement in Hungary will many and would force Hitler to soft­ mare. I always loved Germany and export of grain abroad. The elimina­ ing, rain or shine. be reorganized and that new leaders en h.is attitude towards the Catho- considered her in the forefront of tion of Jews from this field will not Committee chairmen assisting Mr. will Ce appointed to develop greater lies and the J ews in the Third Reich. the highest culture and progress." only affect the J ew ish grain traders But Mr. Cahan was optimistic but also Jewish peddlers who deal ~~ft~~ iic~~~=y Pa1~~b~~' ~~~ii~~rfu°!~ ac~~1!~!ish circles here it is believed The recent renewed wave of re• about Palestine. He declared that with the peasants on the basis of Aaron Cohen, cashier; Harry Hoff- that no matter how the Nazis re- ~~~ss~~~~ f:ag!~~ai~lt~: t a~~~::d the development of the Jewish home­ bartering t heir goods for grain. (Continued on Pa_g_e_F_;v_e_) ____(_C_ on_t_in_ue_d_ o_n_ P_a_g_e_F_·; _ve_) __ Catholic sentiment throughout the land is "wonderful" and lauded the cultural contributions which refugee German J ews are making in Pales­ Boy Scouts Mark 25th Anniversary ,Tvot ld.R d N b tine. .,.,J.:'J'I o e uce um er Mr. Cahan recalled the day in By GERTRUDE M. WOLFENSON 18~7 whe n he first became editor of __ the Forward. "We had a lot of fan­ The Boy Scout wave swelled over Je;~~Y~iiPXu!:!~de ~~!u{{:~~!}:!1;~:Tv}:::1ff~~e;;~~] of Jewish Doctors atics," he said, "who were well­ Rhode Island in the summer of 1910, meaning but didn't understand what Great Distinction obJect1ves and with programs for NEW YORK(JTA) _ The foture when a troop of 6•1 boys was formed. ____________ special meetings, contests, stunt policy of the German government a newspaper was. I saw things Scouting then was merely an idea.
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