• 03-101 ANNUAL COUNCIL October 10 to 15, 2003 ANNUAL COUNCIL OF THE GENERAL CONFERENCE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE October 10, 2003, 6:00 p.m. PRESENT Cesario Acevedo, Patrick L Allen, Lucio Altin, Carl-David Andreasen, Niels-Erik Andreasen, John R Andrianasoa, Lucio Aranda, Gilberto C Araujo, Jose A Argueta, Delbert W Baker, K J Balaji, Sergio E Balboa, Harold W Baptiste, Bert B Beach, Matthew A Bediako, Wesley M Beene, B Lyn Behrens, Jannie Bekker, Guillermo E Biaggi, Steven M Bina, Branko Bistrovic, Nevenka Blazic-Cop, Violeto F Bocala, Adrian Bocaneanu, Rodney G Brady, Mario A Brito, Benjamin P Browne, Herbert Brugger, Reinder Bruinsma, Eliseo Bustamante, Yoon Shik • Byun, Marta Caceres, Jose M Cagelo, Mario A Calderon, Izeas dos Santos Cardoso, Dennis N Carlson, Jung-Kwon Chun, Pyung-Duk Chun, Douglas Clayville, Lalchansanga Colney, Lowell C Cooper, James A Cress, Rajmund Dabrowski, David Y Dambali, Luka T Daniel, Padmaraj Daniel, Rousvelt Daniel, Thomas Davai, Nestor D Dayson, Marino F de Oliveira, Wandyr Mendes de Oliveira, Claritza 0 De Jimenez, Belzezar Denila, Kenneth Denslow, C Garland Dulan, Manuel Egas, George 0 Egwakhe, Willmore D Eva, Larry R Evans, Laurie J Evans, George W Fafale, Nicodemos Falcao, Mumtaz A Fargo, Sergie B Ferrer, Melchor A Ferreyra, Mark A Finley, Ronald M Flowers, Daniel Fontaine-Marquez, R Danforth Francis, Ulrich Frikart, Agustin Galicia, L James Gibson, Carlo Giliberti, Clifford Goldstein, Cesar Gomez, Raul E Gomez, Luis Gonzalez, Tatiana Gordeeva, Leonardo Grant, Doris C Gratz, John Graz, Alberto F Guaita, Alberto C Gulfan Jr, Joe Gumbala, Sendra Gunawan, Joseph E Gurubatham, Patricia J Gustin, Erkki Haapasalo, Uzziel Habingabwa, Passmore Hachalinga, Bert B Haloviak, Allan R Handysides, Dallian Haokip, Ceazar J Hechanova, Eric Hepburn, Roscoe J Howard III, Eugene Hsu, C Lee Huff, Daniel R Jackson, Michael R Jamieson, David Javier-Perez, Choudampalli John, M C John, William G Johnsson, Theodore T Jones, Ignacio Kalbermatter, Bukasa Kalombo, Michael F Kaminsky, Gerry D Karst, Dennis C Keith Sr, Donald G King, Kenyu Kinjo, Robert J Kloosterhuis, Lorinda Knowlton, Linda Koh, Victor A Kozakov, Samuel V Kruger, Vladimir A Krupsky, P Daniel Kunjachan, Peter R Kunze, Thundiyil P P Kurian, • Kwame B Kwanin, Robert E Kyte, 03-102 October 10, 2003, evening GCC Annual Council • Sally Lam-Phoon, Pawel Lazar, Ilie S Leahu, Harold L Lee, Jairyong Lee, Paulo Leitao, Israel Leito, Robert E Lemon, Nikola T Levterov, Pavel I Liberanski, Jose R Lizardo, Guenther Machel, Solomon Maphosa, Japheth S Maranga, Heber Mascarenhas, Dalbir Masih, Gabriel E Maurer, Benjamin C Maxson, Zoltan Mayor, Siegfried G Mayr, Geoffrey G Mbwana, Julian Melgosa, Peter 0 Mensah, Saustin K Mfune, Armando Miranda, Eric P Monnier, Larry R Moore, R Martin Moores, Rennie E Moreira, Kalapala J Moses, Thomas J Mostert Jr, Jose Moyano, Musyoka P Muasya, Nahor Muchiutti, Baraka G Muganda, Pardon Mwansa, Nina K H Myrdal, Ruy H Nagel, Sikumbuzo Ndlovu, G T Ng, Stanley Wai-Chun Ng, August C M Ngalamulume, Victor Niconde, James R Nix, Karel Nowak, Jethron Nsabiyaremye, Etzer Obas, Sal N Okwubunka, Joseph A Ola, Barry D Oliver, William M Olson, Richard C Osborn, Elizabeth E Ostring, Rubin R Ott, Bjorn Ottesen, Jerry N Page, Julio Palacio, Orville D Parchment, Ruth E Parish, Vernon B Parmenter, Ephraim M Parulan, Jere D Patzer, Jan Paulsen, Juan 0 Perla, Cecil R Perry, Larry J Pitcher, Rolf J Poehler, Alex R Ponniah, T Michael Porter, Juan R Prestol, Donald G Pursley, Guido R Quinteros, Ted L Ramirez, Miguel Ramos, Leo Ranzolin, Bruno Raso, John Rathinaraj, Paul S Ratsara, Robert L Rawson, Nils Rechter, Gordon L Retzer, Samuel Reuben, R Bruce Roberts, Donald E Robinson, Calvin B Rock, Angel M Rodriguez, Guy F Roger, Walter Romero, • Denis P Rosat, Steven G Rose, Iouliia Roussina, Amon K Rugelinyange, Lucas N Rugemalila, Blasious M Ruguri, Flavia Rwabuhoro, Michael L Ryan, Roy E Ryan, Claude Sabot, Charles C Sandefur Jr, Tercio Sarli, Anna A Savchenko, Byron Scheuneman, Don C Schneider, Benjamin D Schoun, Bobby J Sepang, Mozart S Serrant, Gideon E Sharon, H Roger C Silva, Pavel Simek, Ella S Simons, Houtman E Sinaga, Dolores E Snickers, Robert S Smith, Chester G Stanley, Ken Stanton, Artur A Stele, Ardis D Stenbakken, Richard 0 Stenbakken, Vassili D Stoliar, Robert L Sweezey, Remelito A Tabingo, Jean-Marie Tchoualeu, Mack Tennyson, Elias Teodore, G Ralph Thompson, Halyard B Thomsen, Tor Tjeransen, Jemuel M Toledanes, Athal H Tolhurst, Ronald W Townend, Max A Trevino, Jansen E Trotman, Jacques Trujillo, Grigory G Tsamalashvili, Filiberto M Verduzco, Javier E Villegas, Radivoj Vladisavljevic, Velile S Wakaba, Alan R Walshe, John L Wani, Gilbert Wari, D Ronald Watts, Youke Welan, Bertil Wiklander, Jeffrey K Wilson, Neal C Wilson, Ted N C Wilson, Edward E Wines, Harald Wollan, Kenneth H Wood, Billy E Wright, Walter L Wright, James S F Wu, Moses Da-Yuan Yu, James W Zackrison, Valdis A Zilgalvis, Rita Zirimwabagabo, Joel Zukovski. • 03-103 October 10, 2003, evening • GCC Annual Council OPENING Willie Oliver, Director of the North American Division Family Ministries Department and his wife, Elaine Oliver, led the song service. The congregation sang the opening hymn, "Faith of Our Fathers." Robert E Lemon, Treasurer of the General Conference, opened the meeting with prayer. Benjamin D Schoun, President of Adventist World Radio, welcomed the attendees to the 2003 Annual Council and introduced the platform participants and musicians. WORSHIP IN MUSIC Worship in Music was provided by Geri Mueller, playing the recorder, and her husband Ekkehardt Mueller, Associate Director of the Biblical Research Institute, who accompanied her on the organ. They played the Sonata in C Major, Adagio and Allegro, by Johann Christoph • Pepusch. INTRODUCTION Jan Paulsen, President of the General Conference, introduced two new division presidents—Jairyong Lee, President of the Northern-Asia Pacific Division, and Alberto C Gulfan Jr, President of the Southern Asia-Pacific Division. Paulsen also introduced Evan Paki, the Ambassador to the United States of America from Papua New Guinea, and Orville D Parchment, Assistant to the General Conference President. CALL TO ORDER Armando Miranda, General Vice President of the General Conference, welcomed the Annual Council attendees. On September 18, 1912, at 10:00 a.m., A G Daniels called to order the first Annual Council of the General Conference Executive Committee in Takoma Park, Maryland. There were forty-one committee members present and among these were L R Conradi, W G Knowles, • W C White, and W A Spicer. 03-104 October 10, 2003, evening • GCC Annual Council Today, ninety-one years later, we meet as a General Conference Executive Committee once more with 250 members in this place. We have the full assurance that God is leading the Church and we are but humble instruments in His hand. Just as they did in 1912, we look to God for His leading in this meeting. Matthew A Bediako, Secretary of the General Conference, read Article XIII, Section 2. a. and Article XIII, Section 4. of the General Conference Bylaws which state the constitutional provisions for convening the Annual Council. All conditions had been met. Armando Miranda then declared the 2003 Annual Council open for the consideration of business. AGENDA NOTEBOOK DISTRIBUTION Agenda notebooks were distributed prior to the meeting. 03AC to MAB DAILY PROGRAM • VOTED, To adopt the daily program for the 2003 Annual Council, as follows: DAILY PROGRAM October 12 to 15 6:45 a.m. to 7:45 a.m. Steering Committee 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. Devotional 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Business Session Lunch 12:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. Committees 2:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. Business Session SEC/ADCOM/03AC to LRE 146-03G ANNUAL COUNCIL - 2003—STANDING COMMITTEES VOTED, To approve standing committees for the 2003 Annual Council, as follows: • 03-105 October 10, 2003, evening • GCC Annual Council ADDITIONAL PERSONNEL TO STANDING COMMITTEES Ted N C Wilson, Chairman Vernon B Parmenter, Secretary Members: James A Cress, Roscoe J Howard III, Dennis C Keith Sr, Orville D Parchment. NOMINATING Jan Paulsen, Chairman Matthew A Bediako, Secretary Members: Niels-Erik Andreasen, John Andrianasoa, Harold W Baptiste, Reinder Bruinsma, Marta Caceres, Jose M Cagelo, Mario A Calderon, Douglas Clayville, Lowell C Cooper, Luka T Daniel, Wandyr M De Oliveira, C Garland Dulan, Larry R Evans, Laurie J Evans, R Danforth Francis, Ulrich Frikart, Agustin Galicia, Doris C Gratz, Alberto C Gulfan Jr, • Sendra Gunawan, Eric Hepburn, Roscoe J Howard III, Eugene Hsu, Yutaka Inada, Theodore T Jones, Gerry D Karst, Dennis C Keith Sr, Kenyu Kinjo, Linda Koh, Jairyong Lee, Israel Leito, Robert E Lemon, Jose R Lizardo, Guenther Machel, Geoffrey G Mbwana, Armando Miranda, Jose Moyano, Pardon Mwansa, Nina K H Myrdal, Ruy H Nagel, Vernon B Parmenter, Alex R Ponniah, Juan R Prestol, John Rathineraj, Donald E Robinson, Angel M Rodriguez, Steven G Rose, Amon K Rugelinyange, Flavia Rwabuhoro, Michael L Ryan, Roy E Ryan, Claude Sabot, Charles C Sandefur Jr, Anna A Savchenko, Don C Schneider, Benjamin D Schoun, Mozart S Serrant, Houtman E Sinaga, Chester G Stanley, Ken Stanton, Artur A Stele, Vassili D Stoliar, Max A Trevino, Velili S Wakaba, D Ronald Watts, Bertil Wiklander, Ted N C Wilson, Rita U Zirmwabagabo. STEERING Jan Paulsen, Chairman Larry R Evans, Secretary Members: Harold W Baptiste, Matthew A Bediako, Douglas Clayville, Sherri Clemmer, • Lowell C Cooper, Rajmund Dabrowski, C Garland Dulan, Ronald M Flowers, Agustin Galicia, 03-106 October 10, 2003, evening • GCC Annual Council John Graz, Roscoe J Howard III, Eugene Hsu, William G Johnsson, Theodore T Jones, Gerry D Karst, Howard T Karst, Dennis C Keith Sr, Robert E Lemon, Jose R Lizardo, Armando Miranda, Robert W Nixon, Orville D Parchment, Ruth E Parish, Vernon B Parmenter, Juan R Prestol, Donald E Robinson, Elaine A Robinson, Angel M Rodriguez, Steven G Rose, Michael L Ryan, Roy E Ryan, Claude Sabot, Charles C Sandefur Jr, Don C Schneider, Benjamin D Schoun, Ardis D Stenbakken, Robert L Sweezey, Ted N C Wilson.
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