PEMBROKE RECORD Vol. XXXVII PROVIDENCE, R. I. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1956 No. 5 POLITICAL CONFERENCE BEGINS TODAY Closing Date Nears For Conference Schedule Middle East Expert Tuesday, October 2, 1956. Panel Discussion Groups, 1:80- 'Prix Paris' Contest -3:00 p.m. de 1. The Biggest, Toughest Poli- Lectures Tomorrow Seniors interested in writing, publishing, advertising, merchandis- All, tical Job of CommonsRoom Edwin Kretzmann, Public for Near Eastern, South ing, or decorating, have until October 15 to enter Vogue's famous Affairs advisor 2. Labor and Management 1956, Asian, and African Affairs for the State Department, will Prix Paris Contest. deliver the de Crystal Room. year's first Marshal Woods His speech, entitled The first prize in Prix de Paris is $1,000 cash, or two weeks lecture. "The Middle the 3:30-5:00. East," willbe delivered tomorrow night at 8:15 p.m. in Alumnae Hall. in Paris, flying both ways, all expenses paid. The second prize is $500 Supreme Seg- 1. The Court and Mr. Kretzmann's career has taken him around the world. Since cash. Each of ten Honorable Mention Winners will receive $25 cash. regation, Alumnae Hall. a foreign service officer, he has a consul in Shanghai and a First and Second Prize Winners and the ten HonorableMention Win- 2. The American Woman in the 1948 been politicalsection chief in the United States' Embassy in Belgrade. ners will receive top consideration for jobs on Vogue, Glamour, House PoliticalWorld, CommonsRoom. During the war, the lecturer served in military intelligence,rep- and Garden, Vogue Pattern Book, and Vogue Knitting Book Tuesday, (a Republican parade .. resenting the United States High all Conde Nast Publications. at 5 p.m.at Andrews, and before in Austria to the Four Other top contestants will be recommended to stores, advertising the speech at 7:15. Commander Power negotiations for the Austri- agencies, and other magazines. Speech 8:00 an Treaty. For his service he was Writing ability,grasp of subject The honorable Frederick H. decorated with the Bronze Star matter, general intelligence, ori- Mueller Assistant Secretary of and the Legion of Merit. ginality and demonstration of spe- Brown Youth Commerce for Domestic Affairs, cial talents are the points on which "An Analysis of Political Issues On BrownFaculty contestants are judged. in the National Election", the Mr. Kretzman is no stranger to Using Vogue as a textbook, Prix Guidance Aids Republican view Brown. From 1932 to 1942 he de Paris competitors must com- Reception, 9 p.m. Crystal Room taught Germanic languages and plete two quizzes of four questions Wednesday, October 3, 1956 literature here and was an assis- each, based on actual editorial Local Agencies Panel Discussion Groups, 1:30- tant to the dean for two years. problems. Those who satisfactor- -3:00 After receivinghis M.A. from Ohio ily answer both quizzes will be New members were welcomed 1. The Crisis in American Agri- State University, he received his eligible to write a 1500 wordthes- last night into Brown Youth Guid- culture, Commons Room Ph. D. from Brown in 1936. Vogue's is on one of the topics in ance at the first annual dinner 2. Psychology of Campaigning, Franz Kretzmann, son of the Americana issue of February 1, meeting of the organization in the Crystal Room. lecturer, is a junior at Brown. dining room Sharp 3:30-5:00. 1957. Chancellor's of The Marshall Woods Lectures Refectory. Pembrokers Finalists 1. The United States in a for tftis year are on "Troubled Pembrokers, Mar- Brown Youth Guidance is a Troubled World, Crystal Room Last year two Areas of Today."The next five lec- got Maker, social counseling organization serv- our Pros- Gunther and Nancy 2. The Structure of tures will be on India and Pakis- ing in perity, were finalists in the Vogue con- four children's institutions Commons Room tan, South Africa, the Far East, test. Nancy received $25, and both the Providence area. Since these Marchall Woods Lecture 8:15 colonies, Kretzmann, France and her and the girls were recommended to stores institutions serve the public in p.m. Edwin M. J. Russian Satellites. and,advertising agencies through- various capacities, each provides a "Israel and the Arabs". Edwin Kretzmann put the country. Several of the different type of experiencefor the Thursday October 4, 1956 stores have contacted the girls student interested in guidance. Speech, 8:00 The Rhode Island Children's Pastore, about positions. The honorable John O. CORRECTION Outing Club Margot's final project was work- Home has the policy of guidance on U. S. Senator from RhodeIsland ing on the magazine's spring pro- an individual basis. It has the big "An Analysis of Political Issues Women are allowed in Brown motion. "The contest," says Mar- brother-sister plan where each stu- in the National Election," the dormitory and fraternitylounges, particular To got, "is a worthwhile experience dent is responsible to a Democratic view. game rooms and libraries from Sponsor 'PRIX do PARIS' Page 4 YOUTH GUIDANCE Pago 4 Reception, 9 p.m. Crystal Room 11 a.m. to 12 midnight on Satur- Friday, October 5, 1956 days and not 11a.m. to 12 noon, The All Campus Mock Election, as printed in last Friday's issue. Hiking Trip 9:00-3:00 Results in Record Also on Sunday, the hours are Saturday. from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. The Brown Outing Club is spon- soring a trip to the White Moun- tains ofNew Hampshirenext week- end, October 5 through October 7. They will stay at the University of Honoraries, New Hampshire cabin at Jackson Seniors Select and will hike in that area. The group will leave Faunce House Arch at 7:00 p.m., after Veto Class Project, Auction dinner, and will return sometime Sunday evening. The cost for the The Seniors, Junior, and Sopho- Sargent as Freshman-Junior Ban- entire trip willbe $5.00 (plusmoney more Classes held their first meet- quet Chairman at theJunior Class for Sunday night supper); those in- ings of the '56-57 academic year meeting. All juniors who were as- terested in going should sign up on Friday noon, September 28. signed freshman sisters were re- and pay in Dean Moulton's office Highlight of the Senior Class quested to contact them within (second floor of University Hall) meeting was the selection of the the next few days. by Wednesday, October 3. Pem- class honoraries. Barbara Gross Class dues were set at $1.50 for brokers may give their name and submitted the names of six nom- the first semester plus $.25 to be money to either Beatrice Ellis or inated for the positions; and three collected from each resident stu- Helen Donaldson (340 East An- additional names were nominated dent. According to a tradition, ori- drews). Woolley House's Display from the floor. The results of the ginally established by SGA the Those participating in the trip preferential voting will remain Junior Class is responsible for are advised to bring warm clothes, secret until next spring. maintaininga fund for the repair including long pants,slickers, shoes Wins First Prize in The class, as a whole, has de- and upkeep on the TV set in An- suitable for hiking, and either a Sharpe cided to eliminate a class project drews Lounge, since it is during sleeping bag or three blankets. ft\)m their list of activities. It their junior year that the class, as There will be a meeting Thurs- Conference Display Contest was felt that most of the seniors a whole, has their first opportunity day night, October 4, to discuss would be too busy in this, their fin- of availing themselves of its priv- this and other forthcoming trips. Sharpe House won first place in picted a political fable which is al year to devote the time nec- ileges. The meeting will be held at 7:00 the conference display contest located on Andrews Terrace. essary to ensure the personalele- Sophomores Donato p.m. in the Pembroke Field House sponsored by the Pembroke Con- Each freshman dormitoryentered ment which is the purpose of the The Sophomore Class voted to and will be over before the begin- ference Committee. Their display a display in the contest which was project. donate $200 to the Foreign Stu- ning of Senator Pastore's speech is on the terrace of Alumnae Hall, designed to promote interest in the Due to a lack of enthusiasm in dent Fund as their Class Project. for the All College Conference. and consists of a donkey and an conference. Displays are also lo- last year's Senior Auction the class As juniors they will have person- elephant combined with a cross cated in the Gate, LowerPembroke voted to omit it this year. Voting al contact with the girl that they STEVENSON SPEAKS Hall, of aided. of $1.50 word puzzle pertaining to the con- the bulletin board the Pem- also took place on class dues which have thus Part the Adlai E.Stevenson, Democrat- Sayles $2.00 ference. brokeLibraryand in front of were set at for the first sem- dues which they also voted at this ic candidate for President, will go proj- Allinson and Whittier Houses Gymnasium. ester. meeting will towards this speak on Providence City Hall Tonks, tied for second place. Allinson's Miss Gretchen assistant Sargent Chairman ect. steps Saturday, Oct. 6, at 12 dean, Sally display, a merry-go-round, is in Miss MacPherson direc- Nominations from the floor were There was no Freshman Class noon. Faunce House. Whittier House de- SHABPE VVINNS Page 8 followedby the election of Judith meeting.
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