A f. rx o A PV ^v' f; (!! if iRj'j i pv l^S _ , i v^xavv Pages ^ .. , 'Vn »Uo * Pages Gd K-^hIs \ ^ INDEPENDENT-NOT NEUTRAL. ?0L. XIV, NO. 22 LOWELL, MICHIGAN, THUKSDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1906 CIRCULATION THIS WEEK 1370 AVERYNARROWESCAPE MRS. J. GIBSON LEADS 15 Cents a Day For Charles Doyle in Runaway Accident Mrs. Chase Just a Little. Others Oain- Wednesday forenoon. inq. New Contestant Enters Race. This time of year Horses is all you need to save and deposit in this bank weekly Charles Doyle was run over in this The race for Tm: Ledgek's Christmas and Cattle are apt to be run where it will draw interest at the rate of 3 PER CENT village by a runaway team belonging to gift sewing maehine is on now in dead down and need something per annum and be compounded twice a year and accumu- ErneHt Pinekney.Tuesday morning about earnest. Tlie feature of the past week ten o'clock, receiving severe cuts on face has been great gains by Mrs. James Gib- to put them in perfect con late as follows: and head and hands, but fortunately no son and Mrs. Ethel Willey, the former FOR dition to through the $ 1.05 IN A WEEK bones were broken, and he is able tu passing Mrs. Chase by a few votes and winter season. 27.30 IN SIX MONTHS walk. the la tter going a notch above Mrs. 55.22 IN ONE YEAR The horses were young and high spirit- 1'ovee. Miss Zella Wood takes a big YOUR 204.15 IN FIVE YEARS ed, and had run away once before that jump, too, going from last to fifth place. LOOK'S 635.75 IN TEN YEARS same morning. Later Pinckney had Interest is still further enhanced by the driven to town from his home, live miles entrance of another new contestant. Mrs. CONDITION Did you «avH that much in the p.-ist ten yeni'H? Get started on the east, with a load of hogs, and after un- Minnie Wesbrook. who is tied with Mrs HORSES rig!it road I'ui the next ten years hy npeiijinr ;iii aceonnt todtiy at loading had left them tied in front of Mc- Andrews for last place. POWDER Carty's market. The cause of their sud- The ballots as counted and totalled den fright is unknown, but they started yesterday at .» p. m.made tile candidates contains Gentian- -Ginger— THE CITY BANK in a wild run down the street toward line np in tli.' following order: AND Iron—Resin — Saltpetre - the west, tearing off tlie hind wheels of Mrs. James (iibson. HILL, WATTS & CO. Win. Lingofelter's buggy which was Mrs. E. E. Chase. Buchu—S ul phur—I >1 ood roo t Orton Hill, President Mrs. Ethel Willey. —Foenugreek, etc., and pro- Responsibility 3150,000.00 W. A. Watts, Cashier hitched in front of llowk's store, and. Mrs. Jay Hovee. CATTLE rushing over the bridge, whirled around duces just the tonic needed the Lyon corner just as Doyle had Miss Zella Wood. crossed to the walk in front of Smith's Mrs. Hay N. Parker. when stock shows si^ns of shoe store, plunged upon him before he Mrs. Nellie Andrews. running- down. This pow- knew they were coming, struck him in Mrs. Minnie Wesbrook. der helprs nature in all th^ the back, probably with the neck yoke, There are six weeks ahead before the and pulled him down under the wagon, linal conntiim whii-h will decide the own- digestive processes—assimi- one horse on the walk and the other in ers! ip of onr .s-l() mat-hine. Time yet for lation, elimination, etc., and There is only one genuine the road. Dr. McDannell wasinimediati'- any good worker tu ent»'r and win an expels blood impurities. ly called and rendered such assistance [as elegant prize besides making good wages was needed. The horses were nnhnrt.i % on emnmission lor new snbscriptions for Tin: Li.ihiku. 7)2 votes going with each It costs but little and results from it are dollar paid in. always satisfactory. All of tin- contestants are worthy and PEACEPULLY CLOSED* would make good nse of tin* sewing ma- ehine. Some of them are known to all. Full Pound Packages 25c all of them are known to many. Give The Life Work of J. G. Nanqe Ended Sat- yoni' friends a lift by clipping the single vote coupons from Tm; Leihjeh and de- Sieckwi'th urday Morninq. positing lh<in in the ballot box each John (J. .Mange passed away at his week. I'etieryt. pay np yonr subscrip- D. G. LOOK home in Lowell Saturday morning, after tion and a yearor two in advance and a painful illness of two weeks, rinifral give tlif one of yonr choice, a good, big THE DRUG AND BOOK STORE services were held from the house Tues- boost. day afternoon, conducted by Evangelist A. E. Booth of C'roswell. and interment U.Jt Siound Oak took place in the family lot ;it Oak wood cemetery. Deceased was born in Kongemont. Switzerland. May 14, 18*1(1. In I H."»0 he Churches and An elegant line of came with his parents to this country, Hoatei* in tlie world and it and they settled at Highland, 111., where Societies he remained until 18(58, when he entered burns any kind of fuel, Hard Shurtleff College at Upper Alton, 111. Al- or Soft Coal, Coke or Wood ter completing a five years' course, he was married to Kosa. Mary Krause of NKTIIODlVr. Cut Slass and burns it successful. St. Louis, Mo., Oct. 15, 187?!, and they Atil.Ma. in., class meeting, 10.30 took up their residence at Stryker. 0., re- a. m. morning worship, and sermon moving from there to Adrian. Mich., in on the subject announced for last 1878. They afterwards lived near De- No. 14 Kouud Oak for wood Sunday morning. Sunday school at • 1 V -imtj troit and at Corunna, and in 18UU re- Finest quality and at prices that will make you buy •**) STOVES > only .ifU.dll and $2.00 extra noon. Mr. K. E. Sprlngett will open moved to this village, which has since if compared with others. Also the best stock of ' RANGES for coal llxtnim the discussion before the class in been their home. Mr. Mange was a Ethical Christianity on the subject: devout Christian and was for many ••The relation of the law to the com- years engaged in evangelistic work, mon good." At (I P. M. Epworth Watches, Clocks and which he continued until within three League, 7 p. m. evening worship, weeks before his death, giving his service and address: "Mormonlsm." The Jewelry freely and uncomplainingly and living al- Sold only by crowded conditions of Sunday eve- ways for others. He remained true in nings mean that you should come his faith to the end. giving evidence in In town and full line of Phonographs and Records. early and secure a good seat. the hours of his depest suffering of his November records now ready. o.\ o a o great trust in God. lie lea ves his wile, uga n n ax. one daughter, Edith, and one son. David After a brief address by the pastor EDELMANN & NERRETER (J., one son having died in infancy and next Sunday morning, Mrs. Edwin Fallass will give an interesting ac- The Leading Hardware. one daughter, Aurelia, at the age of nine. There are also a brother, Louis, a sister, count of the State Sunday school R. D. STOCKING Mrs. Alfred Thalmann, both of Highland. convention being held this week In III., and another sister, Mrs. I'eter Jackson. Miss Meda Hess, once a Veilex, of LaCanada. Cal. Mrs. Lowell teacher, and for several years Thalmann, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Mange a Congregational missionary in Tur- and a large number of 1'riends from key is expected to visit In Lowell Grand Knpids were here to attend the over Sunday. She will talk to us services, the brother and sisb-rs being next Sunday, eit her at the morning with him at tlie last or evening service. I'lease don't — • — miss next Sunday's program. NIXON-HILL. GERMAN M. E. CHURiH. We are showing* the Miss Marion Hill, daughter of Mr. and Regular service Sunday afternoon most complete line of Mrs. Orton Hill, and Mr. Ralph Nixon, at 2 o'clock, Sunday school at son of Mrs. Jennie Nixon of (Jrand Ledge, liible study class every Wednesday Our New Fall Lines were married Sunday in Windsor, (int.. evening at 7:{)0. All our services are and left that evening for Linden, Mieh., conducted la the German language. where the groom is cashier of the I'mnk Everyone able to understand and are Arriving Daily of Linden, and where they will make worship tu our mother tongue Is In- Heating Stoves their home. Miss Hill has, during the vited to attend. past six months, been taking a course of iUCIETIBH. and are on training at Harper hospital in Detroit. Special communication Cyclamen chapter No. 94. (). E. S , Friday eve- and Ranges Display HATHHORN-VAMDENBROECh. ning, Nov. Kl. There will be degrte work and a banquet. The marriage of Miss Nina Vanden- Kver shown in Lowell. broeck, daughter (if Mrs. Carrie Vandeii- Central union, W. (' T. L'., will broeck of Moseley, and Mr. Harry 11. meet with Mrs. Magdamz Tuesday, Hathhorn of Livingston, Mont., was Nov. 20t b. Come in and see tha beautiful new things we have in solemnized Tiu-sday at high noon at the Here is a List We are Justly Proud of home of the bride's brother, Ace Vanden- Lowell W.
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