| F ^ r f ■■V /• 1 J' 'K- \'-. m I- \ V • -A ■V.' Ay«rac« DaUy fJet Pren Rim For tiw Work E ii^ The Weaiher : of D. A WeMlnr 1 13,601 F ^ , not M cool toalflit. lAw ♦4 to.M Tneod* Monfeor o f Oio Audit Tiieodagr ■tuuiy Bo io m o< droolakoa hlfk eoh^dlMas, m Uttk' wwi B i ^ neor 80. ' . ^ -J 'X. ^\ M ancheiter A City of^ ViUage Charm y I' ' manichester, c o n n ^.m o n d a y , juity 2,1962 (CteoUM Advertlolec . ^RICE FIVE C E K ii Leaders Split e m s \« / State Without / ’ Traffic Death Over Weekend r " / Algerian revolution, wrot to ALGIERS (AP)— A ll___ By THE ABSiQiOIA'TED PBE8B smerrillaiB, aided ^ de- ibya on the eve of the self-de- , ■ / ■ ertera the French-formcMd termliiaUon vote and declared his \ Stote Police said today Con­ support for rebelUouB left coiUv necticut ■ went through the local force, repm-ted ord ers of the national liberaUon iniu»ins foi^ a fMllitaiy coup in weekend without a. tndffic fa­ afhty fired by Ben Khedda. tality. F o ile d Split ^e new IdaXiaa, official About' '1,000 Moslem enlisted However,.two New BritaliKr^- French so u i^ said today. men of the French-officered local dents were killed in accidents Sat­ - Accords: to reports re­ force reportedly deserted in the urday. ' Guyotville area west of' Algiers John A. Jakubifwakl, 41, drown­ On dssue , ceived yoy the • French, the Simday night' and disappeared trooM were massing near the ed in a Farmington pond while on with theh* arms.;'The local force an outing with friends. His body V ’-siT adnfinistrative capital of -Ro- was recovered by akin divers. A t Suicide cher Noir and in the Blida At- (Cohtinaed on Page Semteen) Frank Wisnlewrid, 44, waa killed m l RightsX in a fan, PoUoa aaid he'suffered /las Mountains south of Al­ LONDON (AP)— Run­ giers. a fractured akull after he tumbled HERSHEY, Pa. (AP) — _ over the back atairq railing on the away spy Dr. Robert A. Sob- They w«» beheved to be second floor of his- home. len waa reported out of dan­ Democra^itt governors report- suppo^rs of rebel Deputy ger today after trying to kill ed majority support today for Premier Ahmed ben Bella , 123 to 1 3 9 hiniMlf aboard a crowded la- a program of medical carjs fo r / who last week mysteriously HARTFORD (AP) ^ The SUte raeli airliner returning him to the elderly financed throu»fi fled from Thttis to the Libyan Motor Vehicle Department’s daily an AmOrican priaon. Social Security. / capital of Tripoli. record at automobile fataHtiea es But they spUt wide qp4|i, aa of last midnight and the totals on The b a i 1-Jump(ng 82-year-oId usual, on the question qf a decia— the same date last yekr: psychiatrist, sentenced to life im­ ration on civil rtghta. - prisonment for spying for the So­ ALGIERS (AP)— Cheer­ . IM l 1982 Republican sta|^ execuUveq^. viet TJnitm, slashed his wrists and ing their newiy won inde­ KUled .............................123 138 meeting in a sepfoate caucus in stabbed himself in the aibdomen this poUUcs-MCki pendence, thousands o f Mos­ with a steak knife Sunday during Iked S4th Annual lems ' surged through Al­ Horae-tn-Car a fig h t back to New YOrk after Governors’ ^<fonference, exactly geria’s cities today ignoring WATERTOWN (AP) — Mre. being refused political asylum in reversed toe Democrats’ stand. Paul* Beaton of Watertoury was iKAel. Gov. Wesley Powell of Now an ominous split among their RamjpShlre, chairman o f the con- V - leaders that darkens the na­ driving her car. along Sumyside A bulletin iss ued at Hillingdon Ave. last night when a horse came Hospital said: Soblen’s condition fe^ce, reported a majority of i tion’s future. through the roof. has improved, and it is unloikely p ie Republicans oppoeed to thq Th* sponUneoi^ outburst, ttl- Mrs, Beaton and two passengers that an operation will be necessary. 'f^Kennedy administration's com­ lowlag Sunday’s almost imani- suffered minor scrapes and bruis­ Other sources said Soblen was promise health care bill scheduled I moue/v.voto to end 182 years of es. out of danger through still too for U.S. Senate consideration. But French' rule, was noisy and ex­ As police told it, three teen­ weak to txnvel. He lost two pinto he said they were unanimous la uberant. If there was any resent- agers were horseback riding on of blood. Promptly administered their pro-civU righto position. ^ment against Buropeah^ ^etUers Sunnyside Ave. and stopped to let blood transfusions restored a Gov. Stephen U R. McNlchola who fought them so long, the Mos­ Mrs. Beston’s car go by. Then the measure of his strength. • of Colorado said a vride variety lems <Hd not show it. teen-agers urged their steeds Into . Soblen suffers from leukemia— of issues kas discussed at a party Throughout the country Jubilant a run behind the car.' cancer of the blood—-and docton caucus attended by Democratic ^gerlaris chanted “Long live Al- Mrs. Beaton, police said, saw the said last August he had less than National Chairman John M. goria” and ■. waived enormous pursuing horses and pulled over to a year to live. Bailey, green-white nationalist flags with the aide of the road. The next , Soblen, accompanied by a U.S. Bailey is attending the confer­ a red crescent and a star in the thing ehe knew, horses’ hooves marshal, made his suicide attempt N w York Gk>v. Nflaon A. Rockefeller, left, listens;Ab Connecticut CSov-./dohn Dempsey gestures and ence las an aide to Gov. Jcdin OAPT NATHAN HAUD talks over a problem during the Gettj^urg tour;df the Governors Conference yesterday. The con­ center. smashed 1 through the roof. aboard an El Al Airilnes Boeing Dempsey of QNmectlcut. The Manchester Evening ference, at Hershey, Pa., swings into full sessions today. (AP Phptbfax). The new nation’s flag—illegal in The horse suffered a gash. The 707 over the EkigUsh Oianhel as ------- ^ ■■■ ■.. ------------------- ------- From others it was learned Herald will salute Coventry’s ' the big Jet approached London for that the Democrats are promoting’ t : Algeria only a few weeks ago— Quarter Mlllenial Celebration three horseback riders were charg­ a routine stop. Gov. -'Mbert D. Rosellini of Wash- sprouted like mi^^c in towns and with a souvenir issue tomor­ ed with reckless -uae of a highway. n je Lithuanlari-born doctor was Some Take Middle Road lngtoi|l, now- serving his second villages everywhere. row featuring two-pages of rushed to Hillingdon Hospital Ike Entertains term, aa new chairman ot the In tiie cities, the demonstrations pictures and comment on the New Lowm for Date for the time being seemed to be week-lotig event which begins where Scotland Yard detectives conference to succeed Powell. WINDSOR ixxacs (AP)—Ihe s t^ g u ^ over his room. Tratotloaally, Democrats and Re- only amuoUtlcal erqaressions of July 8, >. 5 a.m. temperature at the U.S. Joy At Independence. None of the A British Home Office spokes­ 35 Governors pubUcana alternate in the chair- / Capt. Nathan Hale, Revolu­ Weather Bureau today was 47 de­ man made clear that Soblro, who o h manahip. / demoRSitatc^ appeared to be tak­ tionary War martyr and epl- grees, a new low for the date a was deported Sunday from .Istmeti Governora reported that Floiv ing sldee In the dramatic split of ^m e of American patriotism, a new record Ipw for tha month not be allowed to stay In At ^ttysburg da and California are bidding Mb the nationalist leadership. gives credence to the cele­ July. n^^^e||^ll> m e e f^ e< the organ- Oissoislon betwem the moder­ bration slogan—^Bltthplace of- The prevlotis low ate leaders o f the mdle. provision­ ns t)r. S o b le n ^ At - . Nathan Hale, Cradle of Pa­ occurred on July'. anough to trava], he will have to al government,, led by Premier triotism. ommanders In chiat Althoui^ Bi^ey said there was" Toussef ben Khedda, and l^ st leave the coimtry," the spokes­ and k Pennsylvania g^etal faced only generoi discussion o f the la- Readers who wish extra Extended Forecaat man said. each other again Sunday on the suse at the -Democratic, caucus,' Deputy Premier Ahmed ben Bella copies should order them in By UIE ASSQdiATED PI • >gogue in JNHj^oric City urged loomed dangerously. WINDSOR L(X3C8 (AP) — The Soblen forfeited tlOO.OOO ball Gettysburg battlefield, this time Gov. John R. Swainaon at Michi­ advance by calling The Her­ and fled from the UnitSd States The U^S. Supreme Ooi^ deci­ that citlsenihBH| President Ken­ over champagne punch. gan said a naajority appeared to Ben Bella,, one of the heroes of ald—MItcheU 3 -2 n i. extended Connecticut forecast for ^eeday through Saturday, July sion batmlng official .'p a y ers -in nedy’s counseBiPsupport the de­ Fbrmer President- Dwlf^t D. cision and accept it as a challenge (OonHaned on Page Ika) public ischools e v o l ^ both dtssmit Eisenhower, a general, played (Oontfamsd Fag* Tam) to cultivate prayer at home and host to 35 governors—including a Temperatures are expected to and praise \in Sabbath sermons. Anxious to Campaign - \ average 2 to 5 degrees below norm­ intensify religious education in contingent of Dixie chief eacecu- al. Cool throughout the period ex­ Ope 'minister called it "proper, synagogue and church. tives—and their ^ v e s who are at­ cept for a warming trend toward Conflict Feared fair and c&rrect’’ while another Some churchmen said al larger tending the 64th annual Governors the' end o f the period.
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