ANNUAL REPORT 2015 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 Cover: Thousands of people participate in an Indigneous Movement demonstration demanding the resignation of Honduran President Juan Orlando Hernarndez in Tegucigalpa on June 26, 2015. The Indigenous Movement is also demanding the installation of the International Commission against Impunity in Honduras © AFP PHOTO/Orlando SIERRA. 04 Our Fundamentals 05 A Universal Federal Movement 06 178 Member Organisations 07 International Board 08 International Secretariat 10 Priority 1 Supporting Human Rights Defenders 18 Priority 2 Promoting and Protecting Women’s Rights 24 Priority 3 Promoting and Protecting Migrants’ Rights 29 Priority 4 Promoting the Administration of Justice and fight against Impunity 39 Priority 5 Strengthening Respect For Human Rights in the Context of economic Globalisation 47 Priority 6 Conflicts, Closed and Transition Countries: Defending Democratic Principles and Supporting Victims of the Most grave Violations 47 > Middle East and North Africa 55 > Sub-Saharan Africa 62 > The Americas 66 > Asia 72 > Europe and Central Asia 78 FIDH Organisational Implications 86 Financial Report 2015 87 Acknowledgements Our Fundamentals Our mandate: Protect all rights FIDH is a recognised NGO. FIDH’s independence, expertise The International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) is an and objectivity are the hallmarks of its credibility. It maintains international NGO. It defends all human rights – civil, political, this by acting with complete transparency. economic, social and cultural – as contained in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Interaction: Local presence - global action As a federal movement, FIDH operates on the basis of Our commitment: Three pillars of action interaction with its member organisations. It ensures that FIDH acts in conjunction with its member and partner FIDH merges on-the-ground experience and knowledge with organisations. Its actions are founded on three strategic pillars: expertise in international law, mechanisms of protection securing the freedom and capacity to act for human rights and intergovernmental bodies. This unique combination defenders, the universality of rights and their effectiveness. translates through joint actions between FIDH and its member organisations at national, regional and international levels to Guiding principle: The accountability of all remedy human rights violations and consolidate processes of FIDH’s work is directed at States as primary human rights democratisation. It makes FIDH highly representational and guarantors. However, it also addresses non State actors such legitimate. as armed groups and multinational corporations. FIDH is committed to holding individual perpetrators of international A system of governance: crimes to account through the international criminal justice Universality and transparency system. FIDH’s structure and operations place its member organisations at the heart of the decision making process, and reflect its Ethics: Independence and objectivity principles of governance. FIDH is a non partisan, non sectarian, apolitical and not for profit organisation. Its secretariat is headquartered in France, where Vigil organized by Pakistani civil society calling for justice for the religiously-motivated murder of a Christian couple (Karachi, 7 November 2014) © AFP. 4 — FIDH ANNUAL REPORT 2015 A Universal Federal Movement The Congress The International Secretariat • Is composed of the 178 member organisations of FIDH since • Based in Paris, it is composed of a team of professionals the end of the FIDH Congress in Turkey in 2013; managed by a Chief Executive Officer and an Executive • Meets every three years; Director, who sit as non-voting advisory members of the • Discusses the FIDH thematic and geographical priorities and International and the Executive Boards. The team is decides on the policy orientations of FIDH. structured by regions, action priorities, and delegations. The International Secretariat has permanent delegations at The International Board the United Nations in New York and Geneva, at the European • Comprises 22 volunteers from FIDH member organisa- Union in Brussels, before the International Criminal Court tions. The Board is elected by the Congress and consists in The Hague; regional offices in Tunis and Pretoria; and of the President, the Treasurer, 15 Vice-Presidents and 5 offices in conjunction with member organisations in Conakry, Secretaries-General; Abidjan, and Bamako. It also comprises a Communications • Determines FIDH’s main strategic goals and orientations, and Public Relations department, and an Administrative and according to the policy orientations set by the Congress Financial Support department. and approves the annual accounts; • In permanent contact with the actors in the field, the • Meets three times a year and reports to the Congress. International Secretariat implements the decisions of the FIDH policy-making bodies in conjunction with the member The Executive Board organisations, the chargés de mission, and members of the • Is composed of the President, the Treasurer, 5 Secretaries International and Executive Boards. General and 5 Deputy Secretaries General; • Prepares and organises the meetings of the International Board; • Meets once a month and reports to the International Board. Key activities 2015 International Fact-finding missions reports Material and Advocacy support Alerts position to defenders missions before inter- on the papers at risk Judicial governmental situation of actions organisations defenders 53 on behalf 36 of victims 23 100 369 110 FIDH ANNUAL REPORT 2015 — 5 178 Member Organisations AFGHANistaN, ARMANSHAHR/OPEN ASIA / ALBANIA, ALBANIAN HUMAN RIGHTS GROUP (AHRG) / ALGERIA, COLLECTIF DES famILLES DE DISparu(E)S EN AL- GÉRIE (CFDA) / ALGERIA, LIGUE ALGÉRIENNE DE DÉFENSE DES DROITS DE L’hOMME (LADDH) / ANGOLA, ASSOCIAÇÃO JUSTIÇA PAZ E DEMOCRACIA (AJPD) / ARGENTINA, LIGA ARGENTINA POR LOS DERECHOS DEL HOMBRE (LADH) / ARGENTINA, COMITÉ DE ACCIÓN JURÍDICA (CAJ) / ARGENTINA, CENTRO DE ESTU- DIOS LEGALES Y SOCIALES (CELS) / ARMENIA, CIVIL SOCIETY INSTITUTE (CSI) / AUSTRIA, OSTERREICHISCHE LIGA FUR MENSCHENRECHTE (OLFM) / AZERBAI- JAN, HUMAN RIGHTS CENTER OF AZERBAIJAN (HRCA) / BAHRAIN, BAHRAIN HUMAN RIGHTS SOCIETY (BHRS) / BAHRAIN, BAHRAIN CENTER FOR HUMAN RIGHTS (BCHR) / BANGLADESH, ODHIKAR / BELARUS, HUMAN RIGHTS CENTER VIASNA / BELGIUM, LIGA VOOR MENSCHENRECHTEN (LVM) / BELGIUM, LIGUE DES DROITS DE L’hOMME - BELGIQUE / BENIN, LIGUE POUR LA DÉFENSE DES DROITS DE L’hOMME AU BÉNIN (LDDHB) / BOLIVIA, ASAMBLEA PERMANENTE DE DERE- CHOS HUMANOS DE BOLIVIA (APDHB) / BOtswaNA, THE BOTSWANA CENTRE FOR HUMAN RIGHTs – DITSHWANELO / BRAZIL, MOVIMENTO NACIONAL DE DIREITOS HUMANOS (MNDH) / BRAZIL, JUSTIÇA GLOBAL (CJG) / BURKINA FASO, MOUVEMENT BURKINABÉ DES DROITS DE L’hOMME ET DES PEUPLES (MBDHP) / BURMA, AltSEAN BURMA / BURUNDI, LIGUE BURUNDAISE DES DROITS DE L’hOMME (ITEKA) / CAMBODIA, CAMBODIAN HUMAN RIGHTS AND DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIatION (ADHOC) / CAMBODIA, LIGUE CAMBODGIENNE DE DÉFENSE DES DROITS DE L’hOMME (LICADHO) / CAMEROON, MAISON DES DROITS DE L’hOMME (MDH) / CANADA, LIGUE DES DROITS ET DES LIBErtéS DU QUÉBEC (LDL) / CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC, LIGUE CENTRAFRICAINE DES DROITS DE L’hOMME (LCDH) / CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC, ORGANISatION POUR LA CompaSSION DES FAMILLES EN DÉTRESSE (OCODEfaD) / CHAD, LIGUE TCHADIENNE DES DROITS DE L’hOMME (LTDH) / CHAD, ASSOCIatION TCHADIENNE POUR LA PROMOTION ET LA DÉFENSE DES DROITS DE L’hOMME (ATPDH) / CHILE, OBSERVato- RIO CUIDADANO / CHILE, CORPORACION DE PROMOCION Y DEFENSA DE LOS DERECHOS DEL PUEBLO (CODEPU) / CHINA, CHINA LABOUR BULLETIN (CLB) / CHINA, HUMAN RIGHTS IN CHINA / CHINA (TIBET), INTErnatIONAL CampaIGN FOR TIBET (ICT) / COLOMBIA, CORPORACION COLECTIVO DE ABOGADOS JOSÉ ALVEAR RESTREPO CCAJAR / COLOMBIA, INSTITUTO LatINOAMERICANO DE SERVICIOS LEGALES AltErnatIVOS (ILSA) / COLOMBIA, ORGANIZACIÓN FEMENINA POPULAR (OFP) / COLOMBIA, COMITE PERMANENTE POR LA DEFENSA DE LOS DERECHOS HUMANOS (CPDH) / CONGO, OBSERVatoIRE CONGOLAIS DES DROITS DE L’hOMME (OCDH) / COsta RICA (ASEPROLA), ASOCIACIÓN DE SERVICIOS DE PROMOCIÓN LABORAL (ASEPROLA) / IVORY COAST, MOUVEMENT IVOIRIEN DES DROITS HUMAINS (MIDH) / IVORY COAST, LIGUE IVOIRIENNE DES DROITS DE L’hOMME (LIDHO) / CROatiA, CIVIC COMMITTEE FOR HUMAN RIGHTS (CCHR) / CUBA, COMISION CUBANA DE DERECHOS HUMANOS Y RECONCILIACION NatIONAL (CCDHN) / CZECH REPUBLIC, HUMAN RIGHTS LEAGUE (HRL) - LIGA LIDSKYCH PRAV / DEMOcratiC REPUBLIC OF CONGO, LIGUE DES ÉLECTEURS (LE) / DEMOcratiC REPUBLIC OF CONGO, GROUPE LOTUS / DEMOcratiC REPUBLIC OF CONGO, ASSOCIatION AFRICAINE DES DROITS DE L’hOMME (ASADHO) / DJIBOUTI, LIGUE DJIBOUTIENNE DES DROITS HUMAINS (LDDH) / DOMINICAN REPU- BLIC, CND COMISIÓN NACIONAL DE LOS DERECHOS HUMANOS, INC / ECUADOR, FUNDACIÓN REGIONAL DE ASESORIA EN DERECHOS HUMANOS (INREDH) / ECUADOR, CENTRO DE DERECHOS ECONOMICOS Y SOCIALES (CDES) / ECUADOR, COMISIÓN ECUMÉNICA DE DERECHOS HUMANOS (CEDHU) / EGYPT, CAIRO INSTITUTE FOR HUMAN RIGHTS STUDIES (CIHRS) / EGYPT, HUMAN RIGHTS ASSOCIatION FOR THE ASSIStancE OF PRISONERS (HRAAP) / EGYPT, EGYPTIAN INI- TIatIVE FOR PERSONAL RIGHTS (EIPR) / EGYPT, EGYPTIAN ORGANIzatION FOR HUMAN RIGHTS (EOHR) / EL SALvadOR, COMISION DE DERECHOS HUMANOS DEL SALVADOR (CDHES) / ETHIOPIA, HUMAN RIGHTS COUNCIL (HRCO) / EUROPE, ASSOCIatION EUROPÉENNE POUR LA DÉFENSE DES DROITS DE L’hOMME (AEDH) / FINLAND, FINNISH LEAGUE FOR HUMAN RIGHTS (FLHR) - IHMISOIKEUSLIITTO / FRANCE, LIGUE DES DROITS DE L’hOMME ET DU CITOYEN (LDH) / FRANCE (NEW CALEDONIA),
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