Bridgewater State University Virtual Commons - Bridgewater State University The ommeC nt Campus Journals and Publications 1983 The ommeC nt, February 17, 1983 Bridgewater State College Volume 57 Number 4 Recommended Citation Bridgewater State College. (1983). The Comment, February 17, 1983. 57(4). Retrieved from: http://vc.bridgew.edu/comment/484 This item is available as part of Virtual Commons, the open-access institutional repository of Bridgewater State University, Bridgewater, Massachusetts. THE COMMENT Vol LVII No 4 Bridgewater State College February 17, 1983 As of July 1983 Draft Registration Required For ·Financial Aid Recipients By Kathy Donadini seems to be more of administrators as being put implementation. in the middle." We are being This coming fall there will The Department of Educa­ put in the position of traffic be a significant change for tion controls all of Title IV cop," Marwick said." .1 want to certain students applying for assistance programs, includ­ be able to welcome students financial aid. ing Pell grants, SEOG, NDSL, into my office, not make them AH males who under the and College Work Study. If a feel harassed." law are required to register college wishes to receive The Department of Educa­ with the Selective Service these funds, it will have to tion has tentatively set four System will now be required comply to rules· set by the new procedures in applying to· furnish proof of registra~ Education Department. for financial aid. The student tion when applying for fed­ · Dave Morwic1<, Director of will have to include a certifi­ eral education assistance. Financial Aid at SSC, is in the cation of draft registration if This amendment was signed process of working with this subject to registration. Prior by President Reagen in Sep­ Photo: Barbara Graut>en new requirement. For him the to disbursement of any Career specialist Tom Jackson spoke to a large tember 1982, and will go into question is not philosophic, funds, the student must pro- crowd on Guerrllla Tactics In the Job Market in the effect in July of 1983. but pragmatic. His office has . vide a copy of his draft Student Union Ballroom on February 9. A limited Whether or not you agree to deal with the paperwork. ·registration. number of copies of Jackson's program are availa­ with this new amendment, it ·Marwick expressed the ble in the Career Planning and Placement Office. is now a reality. 'The question feeling of most financial aid See REGISTRATION pa.ge 3 Information Booth Open ' .,_. ; ·, .'. ,, i • ,: . <,,,~ ..... ~- ,· ' The informatjon booth on the staff in the booth will pro~ lip Conroy of the Financial School Street next to Til­ vide assistance and direction Aid Office. Politeness is an linghast Hall is now open for to these people," he important qualification in the business.It is sponsored by continued. selection of staff members, in the Office of Community Ser­ "Eventually, there will be addition to their being famil­ vices and its Director Dave signs on all the area high­ iar with the college and its Wilson, and is under the stu­ ways directing visitors to campus. dent supervision of Nick Lit- School Street .and to the The booth will be stocked ton, '84. · information booth. The first with all the information about "There is no main entrance test of its usefulness and effi­ the college that a visitor may to the campus and visitors ciency will come at spring need: maps, brochures, arrive from all directions not break when high school departmental office loca­ knowing how to find any­ seniors visit the campus," he tions, and other materials will thing," Litton said. "As a added. be available. Staff members result, there are many people The information booth will will also answer any other wandering around· with be staffed by students in the questions a visitor may have dazed and bewildered looks Work/Study program wh_o New information booth on School St. Photo: Ed Conahu~ ·on their faces. We hope that have b~en appointed by Phil- 'See BOOTH page 3 Not broadcast until 7a.m. Parking Overflow Delayed Class Cancellation Destroys Lawn By Kathy Murray needed there. Also, the lot is Angers Students, Faculty on a slope, a natural terrain . On Friday, February 4th, a which is not at all conducive student's car parked on the to building a parking lot," By Liz Cahill Dr. Robert Dill man, Vice to determine the condition of grass lot next to the tennis Perry con ti nu ed. "Finq.lly, President of Academic the roadways that commu­ courts was towed. · parking cars along a very Numerous BSC students Affairs, cited the fact that last ters use to reach BSC. Why? The car was stuck in busy roadway isn't good and faculty members Monday's storm did not Access to residence halls is the mud. "Everytime I look logic. It's hazardous." expressed anger over the. reach full intensity until after also considered. In the past over there from the Campus Solving the parking prob­ delayed cancellation of 6:3·0 a.m. as one of the main students had to be shovelled police station, I just shake my lem at BSG isn't going to be classes on Monday, February reasons for the late cancella­ out of snow-blocked dorms. head, 11 said Denys Maguy, easy. The expansion of a 7 becau$e of the storm that tion~. Dillman co-acts with After gathering this infor­ Assistant Director of Facili­ parking lot is se-t1erelylimited dumped up to a foot of snow James Cummings, Director mation, Dillman and Cum­ ties. "It looks disgusting." ,,.. by funds and the restrictipns on Southeastern Massachus­ of Facilities, in regard to mings collaborate and come Will this grass lot evEfr set by the Environmental etts. school cancellation. The pro­ to a decision. This decision is become a permanent parking Protection Agency. Official cancellation o'!' cess involved in coming to then transmitted to the iot·? No, according to Lou Repairing existing lots will classes that day was not this decision takes many fac­ appropriate news stations by Perry, Director of Planning take precedence over build'-' broadcast until after 7:00 a.m. tors into consideration. code. and Development for BSC. ing a new lot. The "dirt lot" By that time, many students Cummings investigates Vice President Dillman sin­ "It's lawn area; it's not a park- . between the Burrill Ave. had already started out for existing conditions on cam­ cerely regrets tt1e late cancel­ i ng lot I will never recom­ building and the Great. Hill school. Needless to say, pus. He makes sure that the lations on February 7, In the mend that it become a Apartments has not been these people · were upset r:.:1ds, parking lots, and side­ future, Dillman plans to have parking lot because of where approved as a designated, when they reached BSC and \1,ialks are safe for travel. the 9ecision relayed to the it's situated. parking lot found it was closed for the Next, interaction with local ''First of ail, esthetics is . day. and state police is necessary See CANCELLATION page 3 important. A green area is See PARKING page 3 :z The Comment Thursday. February 17, 1983 , Letter from Hobby News Editorial - the Editor Shop When Is Security Not Security? Hello, published so far this year. This seemingly contradictory question is now being asked This week, I am happy to feel that we have made a con­ Future with greater frequency by our student government and the· announce that The Comment tribution to the school that campus community as a whole. Are campus security officers has aquired a secretary to we can all be proud of. Now The Student Union Board merely ticket givers with guns, or are they a viable force that help with the office control all we have to do is keep up of Govenrors and staff have serves and protects the campus? and to help aid in general the good work and I know seen that the use of the Consider this example: a campus ~tudent who does not live office organization. Her you can do it! Hobby Shop by the Collt3ge at the Hill drives his/her date home to the Hill or the apart­ name is Roberta Bena and Anyone who is intere$ted community has diminished ments. ·The car is stopped and the date forced to walk the she will be in the office every­ in joining The Comme11• is greatly in recent years. We remaining distance alone over areas of questionable lighting day from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. invited to attend our weekly have experimented with and security. What has happened here? .· . ,. ready to answer questions, meetings on Tuesd~ys at changing our craft offerings, 1.).The date is unescorted and subject to attack. One needs set up advertisements, and 11 :00 a.m. in the Comment running mini courses· in that only to be reminded.of last year's brutal rape on campus to help you with any special office. There is much to ._be area, and advertising the realize the gravity ·of such a situation.' ' . ··. - problems you may have. learned here because we do facility more aggresively. 2.) A portion of-the ccif!1pus·is now "off ILi:nits" to a large part Previously, it has been very all of our own writing, editing, Despite these efforts we find of the college corri-munitythat pays for it Orie student now can difficult to reach the staff word-proccessing, photo-: that a very small number of be trespassing on his 'o(her own campus while another sttJ­ .members of The Comment typsetting, and layout.
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