"THE BOSS" by eieeetft Choice of Dedicated Professional Dance Leaders Mike Trombly and the Model P-400 "Boss" Mike and Ernie Trombiy started square dancing in 1970 in the Livonia, Michigan, area. Two years later Mike started calling, doing classes, workshops and fun nights. He started the TNT Square Dance Club in the fall of 1972, which lasted until June 1979. In the fall of 1976 Mike started the TNT Record Co., of which he Is very proud. The Tromblys left the Livonia, Michigan, area In June 1979 and reestablished themselves in their native Vermont where they built a home with a basement hall that holds 10 to 12 squares and Is sounded with Clinton Equipment. Mike Is a member of Callerlab and the Green Mountain Callers Association. Join the long list of successful Clinton-equipped professionals. Please write or call for full details concerning this superb sound system.. Say you saw it in ASD (Credit Burdick) CLINTON INSTRUMENT COMPANY, PO Box 505, Clinton CT 06413 Tel: 203-669-7548 2 VOLUME 35, No. 10 AMERICAN 0 October, 1980 SQUARE OFINCE THE NATIONAL MAGAZINE 35 WITH THE SWINGING LINES Anniversary 4 Co-editorial 5 By-Line 6 Grand Zip 7 Meanderings 11 Leadership 13 Spooks Dancing 15 Americans Travel To Japan 16 To Wales Publishers and Editors 17 To Guatemala Stan & Cathie Burdick 19 Tips for the Preservation of New Dancers Workshop Editors 21 Five W's of Round Dancing Ed Fraidenburg 23 Making of A Contra Dancer Bob Howell 25 Straight Talk 26 State Line Record Reviewers 27 Rhyme Time John Swindle 28 Best Club Trick 29 Grand Square Frank & Phyl Lehnert 30 Hemline Feature Writers 31 Encore 33 Feedback Harold & LIII Bausch 34 Callerlab Confab Jim Kassel 35 30th National Convention Mary Jenkins 36 Roundalab 38 Dancing Tips Dave & Shirley Fleck 39 Calling Tips Gene & Thelma Trimmer 40 Easy Level 42 Causing a Chatter.... Editorial Assistants 44 Challenge Chatter Mona Bird 46 Creative Choreography Mary Fabik 52 Puzzle Page 53 Sketchpad Commentary Ruth Garris 54 People Pat Gillam 56 International News Bob Mellen 60 Product Line 61 Flip Side— Rounds Mef Merrell 61 Choreography Ratings 62 Flip Side— Squares 66 Speaking of Singles 67 Events 71 Underlining AMERICAN SQUAREDANCE Maga- 72 S/D Pulse Poll zine (ISSN 0091-3383) is published by 73 R/D Pulse Poll Burdick Enterprises. Second class pos- 74 Steal A Peak tage paid at Sandusky. Ohio. Copy 75 Dandy Idea deadline first of month preceding date 81 Booknook of issue. Subscription: $8.00 per year. 82 Finish Line Single copies: $1 each. Mailing address: 84 Do-Ci-Do Dolores Box 488. Huron OH 44839. Copyright Member of NASRDS 1980 by Burdick Enterprises. All rights National Association of S&R/D Suppliers reserved. 3 Ame,,cen Squeredence. October 1980 All summer we've been setting type on the new "computer" composer we told you about. We're becoming better ac- quainted and our big blue friend no longer speaks to us in terms of "unde- COIDITORML fined commands" and "repeat." In a manner of speaking, we can now "com- municate" with our monster. We under- stand each other. This month, as we were sorting and editing copy to be "fed" to the com- poser, we discovered anew the increas- ed communicating function of our square dance magazine. Twelve years ago, in 1968, the main service we gave to any square dance organization was to publish short articles in "News" about the National Conventions. During the seventies, we have seen the develop- ment of Callerlab, Roundalab, LEGACY, the National Association of Square and Round Dance Suppliers, the Universal decade— some good, some that could Round Dance Council and two attemp- be better. We believe no activity can stay ted national dancer organizations. We the same and exist; growth and develop- have seen active public relations ment are healthy signs of a viable chairmen and presidents of local federa- recreation form. We're also a wee bit tions and associations and the Lloyd proud that we've been in the right posi- Shaw Foundation begin to tell the tion to document all this. stories of activities and ac- We have always promised to print the complishments. Now several pages news and tell you what's happening, to each month are devoted to reports of tell It "like it is," and let you, the reader, square dance organizations and their ac- decide the benefits for square dancing tivities. of new trends or organizations. We're Here is an index from October, 1968, pleased that there are so many dancers our first issue as editors: who look beyond their hometown clubs 3 Editors Page 4 Letter from Arvid Olson and are interested in new Ideas, in 6 Meanderings cooperation with other dancers, in mak- 10 You Too Can Be an Arthur Murray ing square dancing more available. They 12 Caller-Leader Directory make up the readership of ASD and, 13 Square Dance Camping 14 National Advisory Board without readers, editors surely couldn't 18 Mail "communicate." 19 More Sing-A-Longs For all the readers who have re- 20 It All Began with the Fan 22 To All Workshop Readers quested expiration dates on mailing 23 Choreography labels, we have good news— another 24 Figures & Breaks new (to us) method of "communication." 29 New Idea We are transferring to a label system, 30 SID Record Reviews 32 RID Record Reviews away from our metal plates, and this 34 National News month will be its debut. All labels for this 38 Events issue should have dates. (If we don't 38 Puule Page 39 Sign-off quite finish the changeover, a few high- 40 Do-CI-Do Dolores zip addresses may not have dates until Compare this with the index on Page November.) 3, which Includes reports from Callerlab We too have seen changes and and Roundalab, and which Just barely developments in our office procedures fills its space. over the past twelve years. Progress We feel we are filling an important role keeps us alert and more "com- in the square dance world. We also are a municative." To paraphrase the fabled little amazed when we begin to recount wolf, "All the better to serve you with, all the developments of the past dear reader!" 4 American Squaredance, October 1980 Our owly friend on the cover is telling readers to "give a hoot" about leadership. Danny Robinson echoes the same thoughts in the lead article. Danny is a Florida caller and editor of the Square Dance Bulletin from Orlando. To further carry out the Halloween theme, BIB Barhite recounts a true story from many years ago in western New York. Three travel stories tell of ventures into varied corners of the world: Japan, Wales and Guatemala. Margie Sheffield of Tallahassee sent material for the first and Carol Kelm. of Columbus, Ohio, wrote the second. The third was "lifted" from an Oklahoma magazine. Hap and A. J. Wolcott were the first to submit their notes from a Memphis panel discussion, so theirs is the first of several articles garnered from notes of the 29th National Convention. Duane and Donna Rodgers regularly write for Around the Square of Chicago. They have shared some of their articles with your editors. Duane is a caller, Donna is a dynamo, and both are hosting a Swiss tour for ASD this month. Our October poets are Mary Helsey and Glenda Grimmer who pen thoughts that might well be shared with current class members. Happy Halloween— and may the Great Pumpkin dance in your square! & 1 '11111. A Bob Ferrell 8311 Wentz Harold Thomas Aaron Lowder Jerry Biggerstati Danny Thomas ME•103 AFTER THE BALL— Bob (Great Hoedown) RECORDSNAK ME-105 SLIPPING AWAY— Harold ME-107 LOOKOUT MOUNTAIN— Jerry ME.108 CAN'T WAIT ANY LONGER— Harold Wi ) INC. ME-109 DON JUAN— Danny ME-110 WE BELIEVE IN HAPPY ENDINGS— Bob NOTE We are distributing our own records. ME-112 THAT'S ALRIGHT— BIll Dealers should contact us. ME-113 LISTEN TO A COUNTRY SONG— Aaron MELODY RECORDS, INC. Rt. 8, Boa 259AA, Lancaster SC 29720 Ph. 801255-0314) • Ilianhursfs QUALITY SERVICE CI JR TAPE AND RECORD SERVICE P.O. Box 709 Wappingers Falls NY 12590 DEPENDABLE HE AR 0 V Ili W . 9.7ton4 C 0 :4-32:55 American Souaradance, October 1980 5 We have just become editors of Square Time, our Association's news magazine that is distributed free of addi- tional charge to all members, and distributed to other associations and publications on an exchange basis. We have also been reading some re- cent issues of American Squaredance and wish to compliment you on their quality and content. The July "Distaff Issue" in particular contains so much that is unusual, distinctive and appeal- ing to all readers Bob and Ruth Pereira Nepean, Ontario I need help from the readers of Enclosed is a copy of your magazine (Ju- American Squaredance. ly) with a personal autograph from Mrs. I learned to square dance in Northern Shaw. She sends her love and thanks New York Statee in the mid-1940's and you for the nice article... was fairly active until I joined the service Remember, if it had not been for the in 1949. Shaws and others. where would square Last year I became interested in dancing be today? square dancing again and went thru the Dean & Peg Edwards Mainstream program offered by the Twin Colorado Springs, Colorado City Twirlers. Also thanks to the en- couragement and valuable help of club Please find enclosed my bank draft for caller Dick Spooner I am learning to call.
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