Public Document Pack Argyll and Bute Council Comhairle Earra Ghaidheal agus Bhoid Corporate and Legal Services Director: Nigel Stewart Dalriada House, Lochnell Street, Lochgilphead, Argyll, PA31 8ST Tel: 01546 602177 Fax: 01546 604530 20 December 2002 NOTICE OF MEETING A meeting of the MID ARGYLL KINTYRE & ISLAY AREA COMMITTEE will be held in the THE TOWN HALL, CAMPBELTOWN on WEDNESDAY, 2 OCTOBER 2002 at 09.30 AM, which you are requested to attend. Nigel Stewart Director of Corporate and Legal Services BUSINESS 1. APOLOGIES 2. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST 3. MINUTES OF MEETING OF 4 SEPTEMBER 2002 (PAGES 1 - 16) 4. PUBLIC QUESTION TIME DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENT SERVICES 5. PLANNING APPLICATIONS (PAGES 17 - 78) 6. DELEGATED DECISIONS (PAGES 79 - 86) CORPORATE AND LEGAL SERVICES 7. CHAIRMANS REPORT ON JOINT MEETING WITH MOYLE COUNCIL - VERBAL 8. MINUTES OF DALINTOBER/MILLKNOWE AREA DEVELOPMENT GROUP DATED 23 AUGUST 2002 (PAGES 87 - 94) 9. MINUTES OF KINTYRE INITIATIVE WORKING GROUP DATED 26 AUGUST 2002 (PAGES 95 - 100) 10. MINUTES OF MID ARGYLL PARTNERSHIP DATED 3 SEPTEMBER 2002 (PAGES 101 - 108) 11. MID ARGYLL GAELIC PARTNERSHIP (PAGES 109 - 118) EDUCATION/HOUSING AND SOCIAL WORK 12. GRANTS (PAGES 119 - 122) 13. DALINTOBER MILLKNOWE SIP - VERBAL UPDATE EXEMPT SECTION The Committee will be asked to pass a resolution in terms of Section 50(A)(4) of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973 to exclude the public for items of business with an “E” on the grounds that it is likely to involve the disclosure of exempt information as defined in the appropriate paragraph of Part I of Schedule 7a to the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973. The appropriate paragraphs are:- E1 Information which if disclosed to the public would reveal that the Paragraph 13 authority proposes: (a) To give under any enactment a notice under or by virtue of which requirements are imposed on a person; or (b) To make an order or direction under any enactment E2 Any terms proposed to be or to be proposed by the authority in the Paragraph 9 course of negotiations for a contract for the acquisition or disposal of property or the supply of goods or services. DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENT SERVICES E2 14. JOINT WORKING - COLONSAY, JURA AND GIGHA (PAGES 123 - 130) CORPORATE AND LEGAL SERVICES E2 15. GARAGE SITE, TAYVALLICH (PAGES 131 - 134) E2 16. PROPOSED PUMPING STATION, FURNACE (PAGES 135 - 138) MID ARGYLL, KINTYRE & ISLAY AREA COMMITTEE Councillor Alasdair Blair Councillor Robin Currie Councillor John Findlay (Vice-chairman) Councillor Alison Hay Councillor Donald Kelly Councillor Dugie MacKinnon Councillor Donald MacMillan (Chairman)Councillor Alastair McKinlay Councillor Bruce Robertson Contact: Deirdre Forsyth Page 1 Agenda Item 3 MINUTES of MEETING of MID ARGYLL KINTYRE & ISLAY AREA COMMITTEE held in the COUNCIL CHAMBERS, KILMORY on WEDNESDAY, 4 SEPTEMBER 2002 Present: Councillor Donnie MacMillan (Chair) Councillor Alison Hay Councillor Dugie McKinnon Councillor Alastair McKinlay Councillor Bruce Robertson Attending: Deirdre Forsyth, Area Corporate Services Manager Richard Kerr, Senior Planning Officer Ian Fawcett, Area Amenity Services Manager Felicity Kelly, Community Education Donnie McLeod, Area Manager, Transportation & Property Services Roddy McDowell, Head of Lifelong Learning & Capital Resource Jolan Gergely, Area Housing Manager Angus Smith, Area Social Work Manager Mike Davis, Research Librarian Bruce Campbell, Senior Environmental Health Officer Duncan Aitken, Scottish Water Keith Robinson , Scottish Water Stewart Clark, Transportation and Property Services Sandy McAuslan, Corporate and Legal Services Alastair Gow, Director of Transportation and Property Services John Downie, Development and Environment Services 1. APOLOGIES Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Findlay, Currie, Blair and Kelly. 2. MINUTES OF MEETINGS OF 7, 14 AND 19 AUGUST 2002 The Committee agreed the minutes of their meetings of 7, 14 and 19 August 2002 as a correct record. 3. UPDATE BY SCOTTISH WATER, SEPA AND PUBLIC PROTECTION Keith Robinson, construction engineer for Coastal communities and Duncan Aitken local public services officer, both with Scottish Water, described the works which have been carried out at the new Campbeltown sewage scheme. They are satisfied that the system is now working as designed. Bruce Campbell confirmed that weekly updates are now received from Scottish Water and their response to any new issues is immediate. Decision Public Protection will continue to give the Area Committee regular reports on the Campbeltown scheme. Page 2 4. PRESENTATION ON CLOCK LODGE, LOCHGILPHEAD Michael Davis, Chair of Argyll and Bute Building Preservation Trust (BPT), gave a presentation on the role of BPT’s throughout Scotland and then went on to describe the proposals for converting the Clock Lodge into an Archive and History Centre. A brief report on the capital implications of the project was circulated. Decision The Committee gave their full support to the project and agreed to recommend a £150,000 contribution to the project from the Council’s capital budget spread over the years 2003/2004 and 2004/2005. (Reference – Report by Area Corporate Services Manager dated 4 September 2002) DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENT SERVICES 5. Listing of Tarbert Harbour The Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) (Scotland) Act 1997 confers powers on the Scottish ministers, acting through Historic Scotland, to list buildings and structures considered to be of special architectural or historic interest, taking into account the value of individual buildings, their contribution to the value of groups of buildings, and the desirability of preserving fixtures or curtilage structures. Where such buildings or structures are identified for prospective listing, Historic Scotland are required to consult those persons with an interest in the buildings. In this case the Council is being consulted as Planning Authority in respect of the listing of Tarbert Harbour and related structures. Decision That no objection be raised to the listing of Tarbert Harbour and related structures and that Historic Scotland be notified accordingly. (Reference – Report by Director of Development and Environment Services dated 4 September 2002) 6. Delegated Decisions The Committee noted the decisions issued by the Director of Development and Environment Services dated 15 and 16 August 2002. Page 3 HOUSING AND SOCIAL WORK SERVICES 7. Review of Home Care Services The report takes forward issues identified by the former Housing and Social Work Committee, in November 2000, regarding the future shape of the home care service provided by the Council, and makes recommendations in respect thereof. A briefing note was circulated to the Committee. Decision Members noted that progress reports will be brought forward on a regular basis to the Area Committee. (Reference – Report by Director of Housing and Social Work Services dated 4 September 2002) EDUCATION 8. Education Development Grants A report was submitted by Director of Education dated 4 September 2002 describing an application which had been received. The sum remaining for distribution amounted to £2,513.50. Decision The following grant was agreed on the normal terms and conditions. ORGANISATION PROJECT GRANT COST Templar Arts and Leisure £9794.56 £350 Centre TOTAL £9794.56 £350 (Reference – Report by Director of Education dated 4 September 2002) Page 4 CORPORATE AND LEGAL SERVICES 9. Area Plan and Area Budget The Committee discussed the Area Plan which was updated as shown below and is attached. Decision 1. Campbeltown Community Facility It was agreed to ask the Director of Finance to confirm the total sum allocated from the Council’s capital budget for this project. 2. South Kintyre Community Schools Project It was agreed that the four Kintyre Councillors should decide which of them would represent the Committee at the meetings of Community Schools Projects. 3. Irish Ferry It was noted that a joint meeting with Moyle Council would take place on 18 September 2002. 4. Port Ellen and Islay Hotel It was agreed that a group should be set up to push for a solution to the Islay Hotel. The group will consist of Councillors MacMillan, Findlay, Currie, Hay and McKinnon. Appropriate officials will be Malcolm McFadyen, Gary Wilson, Richard Kerr, Kevin Williams and Deirdre Forsyth with others being co-opted as necessary. 5. Meeting with BEAR It was agreed that the meeting with BEAR should be held as quickly as possible with all members of the Area Committee being invited to the meeting. 6. Recycling Issues It was agreed that a letter should be sent to the Scottish Executive about their decision not to support proposals by Campbeltown Wastewatchers to recycle plastics on the grounds that the area is too remote. The Area Budget was also discussed and it was noted that all sums allocated should be spent before March 2003, with the exception of the £2,000 for the Fernoch/Achnabreck footpath which is not technically feasible. A copy of the area budget is attached. Decision It was agreed to allocate the £2,000 capital sum previously allocated to Fernoch/Achnabreck to improvements to the Front Green, Lochgilphead as an addition to the existing capital budget for play area upgrades. Page 5 10. Planning Appeal The Planning Appeal by Robert Durward in respect of a condition relating to planning permission for the erection of a dwelling house at land North of W B Leitch and Sons, Sailmakers, Garval Road, Tarbert has now been determined. The Reporter to the Scottish Executive has decided to allow the Appeal. Decision Members noted the decision. (Reference – Report by Head of Legal Services dated 4 September 2002) The Committee resolved in terms of Section 50 A (4) of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973 to exclude the public for the following items of business on the grounds that it was likely to involve the disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraphs 9 and 13 of Schedule 7A to the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973. 11. Shop Premises, Tarbert The Committee were updated on the position regarding empty shop premises in Tarbert following a further marketing campaign in respect of the vacant shop premises at Argyll House, Harbour Street, Tarbert.
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