^ G E TWENTY___MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester. Conn., Fri Ort l.l. 1978 Rec Sets Winter Gym Program One of the Best Energy Savers of AH Timely EAST HARTFORD — The Department of Wednesday and Friday; Sunset Ridge, Mon­ school; O’Connell School, Tuesday, 6:30-9:30 Parks and Recreation has announced that the day, Thursday and Friday and Woodland, p.m.; Pitkin School, Wednesday, 6;30-9;30 winter gymnastics program will begin Mon­ a s t i c Monday, Tuesday and ’Thursday. p.m. and O’Brien School, Thursday, 6;30-9:30 pu- Th« Wtath«r day, Oct. 23. There will be programs for 7th The Parks and Recreation Department has p.m. pOOF grade through high school students and for jt e b p also announced the following adult programs; For the first time, the Parks and Recreation Rain Saturday, highs in 60s. atiults. Programs for 4th through 6th grade r ' - . c SHA men’s basketball, Tuesday, 6:30-9:30 p.m., Department will offer a program at Sunset Partial clearing Saturday students will begin in November. Goodwin School; coed volleyball for adults (18 Ridge gym for special education studepts. The _ ri EAB- THE/ night and turning colder. The evening schedule for 7th through high and older), Tuesday, 6:30-9:30 p.m., activities will begin Wednesday, Nov. 1, at ^eTAL -^SUN-= Lows 37 to 43. Partly sunny school age students is as follows: 6:30 to 8 Hockanum School; women’s slimnastics, 6:30 p.m. For more information, contact the Q p Y a ' WORK FOR YObl windy and cooler Sunday with p.m. for 7th and 8th graders; 8 to 9:30 p m. for Wednesday, 10-11 a.m. and 7:30-9:30 p.m.. Parks and Recreation office. anritralTr EuTUiug Hpraitt highs in 50s. Probability of Make Your Own Storm Windows, high school students. Woodland School; men’s basketball (ages 18 to precipitation near 100 percent The following schools will be used on the All adults must purchase a residency card at H O LD S IN n 24), Monday and Thursday, 6:30-9:30 p.m.. HEAT' Storm Doors. Porch Enclosures! Saturday, decreasing to 20 following days: Center, Monday through the Town Clerk’s Office in Town Hall. The .Vol. XCVII, No. 12 — Manchester, Conn,, Saturday, October 14, 1978 East Hartford High School; women’s basket­ card is good for five years. so EASY ANYONE CAN DO ITI Mock Rescue A Family ISEWSpaper Since 1881 percent Saturday night. Thursday; Goodwin, Monday, Thursday, ball and volleyball, Wednesday, 6:30-9:30 K E E P S OUT CUT FLEX-O-OLASS TO SIZE T Weather map on page 14. Friday; Hockanum, Monday Thursday and p.m.. East Hartford High school; coed basket­ Hotel Was War Relic COLD' AND TACK OVER SCREENS i MANCHESTER -A mock Friday; Mayberry, Monday, Wednesday, OR WINDOW OPENINQSI U rescue, as part of National Fire ball and volleyball for adults (25 years and SEOUL, South Korea (UPI) — The Walker name S aves COSTS SO LITTLE ONIT Prevention Week, will be Thursday, and Friday; O’Brien, Monday, older), Monday and Thursday, 6:30-9:30 p.m., Hill resort, a relic of the Korean War and one ANYONE A Run. ft. Tuesday and Friday; O’Connell, Monday, Penney High School. of Seoul’s top hotels, has been renamed the Fuel! CAN AFFORD ITI 36" Wide presented today at 1 pm. at the. Wednesday and Friday; Pitkin, Monday, Also 2r-4T Width* I I snANoeo o n v h c co g e j Eighth Utilities District public The following girls’ program was also an­ Sheraton Walker and recently added 538 more WARP BROS. Chicago 60651 Pioneers in Plistics Since 1924 \ ^ IS YOUn CUAMANtEE Thursday and Friday; Slye, Monday, nounced for girls in 7th grade through high rooms, bringing its total to 806. Take this ad to your Hardware, Lumber or Bldg Supply Store I ^OF SATISFACTION^ ' works ground on Fleming Road. Accept no subslilules—Get lop quality FLEX-O-GLASS The rescue will simulate the rescue of a boy on a railroad Secret Sessions bridge in the middle of the Hockanum River. ’The program will demonstrate GOP Women the action of Emergency Medical Plan Show Technicians and rescue abilities of the fire department. Speed Up Senate On Fashion The week-long observance of National Fire Prevention Week MANCHESTER - The WASHINGTON (UPI) - Secret will conclude today. With the crucial decisions being Manchester Republican negotiations behind closed doors Senate Republican leader Howard WEEKEND WINNERS! made off the floor, the Senate and Baker said he was making “no Women’s Club will present Friday produced major House moved into high gear, rapidly ’’Fashions on Parade,” (TWO DAYS ONLY— FRIDAY AND SATURDAY) Story Hours breakthroughs on two key bills — threat” but warned that if the bill is rushing through large numbers of drastically revised in the Senate or in Oct. 18 at 8 p.m. at the MANCHESTER -Preschool energy and jobs — increasing bills that were either non- Manchester Country Club. chances that the 95th Congress will conference with the House it would story time for 3- to 5-year-old controversial or considered minor. not pass. Models for the show will children will begin Wednesday, adjourn on target Saturday night. One of them was the *9.2 billion include Leslie Belcher, The energy breakthrough came in h-'-„ S Nov. 1, at Mary Cheney Library. And negotiators on the tax bill, foreign aid appropriations bill, which Barbara Higley, Elsie Tar- the House Rules Committee when Parents interested in which congressional leaders agree barely survived in the House taglia, Ginny Gallagher, pR\CEl must pass before adjournment, con­ Rep. B.F. Sisk, D-Calif., by voting registering a child for one of the Thursday night when congressmen “present,” broke a tie and allowed Terry Clendanial, Bea tinued trying to hammer out a com­ vented their ire at the veto by Presi­ OUBL' four-week sessions, which will the panel to vote 8-7 to send Carter’s Bagley and Beverly continue through the school year, promise with reports of some dent Carter of the public works bill. Malone. progress. entire energy package to the floor as are asked to call the library’s After three days of meetings in one bill. Model assistants will be Salad Spinner junior room, 643-2471, during the Speaker Thomas O’Neill and Byrd’s office — close by the Senate Doris Coughlin and Martha week of Oct. 16 to 20. The junior Senate Democratic Leader Robert chamber — an ”ad hoc committee” House members, who want to vote Freeman. AS room is open Monday and Byrd radiated a cautious optimism finally reached a breakthrough on the separately on the natural gas pricing Fashions will be 7.88 Thursday from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m., that despite the potential Humphrey-Hawkins full employment provision, plan to challenge the rule provided by Arnoldeen’s, Our Reg. 12.99 roadbloacks ahead and a huge bill. on the floor. Manchester. and ’Tue^ay, Wednesday, Friday The gourmet’s secret! Place backlog of bills. Congress would The bill — rated “must” legislation Albert Heavisides will '■4'i and Saturday from 9 a.m. to 6 At the same time, Sen. James your salad greens in the bin, p.m. adjourn late Saturday night or in the by Carter, black leaders and labor— serve as organist. cover and push down. Uni­ Abourezk, D-S.D., playing his The story times run from 10 early morning hours of Sunday. sets a goal of 4 percent unemploy­ Tickets may be obtained que torque action does the maverick role to the end, refused to a.m. for about 30 or 40 minutes. Byrd told reporters at the start of ment by 1983 with the federal govern­ from Mary Fletcher or Pat rest. Wonderfull mealtime aid! stop blocking the only part of the Picture book stories, games and the day’s session, which began at 9 ment the employer of last resort. Lawrence. HOUSEWARES DEPT. energy package that the Senate has songs are part of each program. a.m., only eight hours after the close The breakthrough permitted the not passed — the energy tax of Thursday’s activities, that SONY 17” Diagonal Senate to reach a time agreement on p ro v isio n s. An a tte m p t w as Shirts Needed “chances are still good” Congress the bill, avoid a debate-limiting scheduled for Saturday to cut him off Club Commended Trinitron Plus® Color TV Raggedy Ann and will meet the adjournment target. cloture vote and a possible filibuster. with a cloture vote. MANCHESTER - Raggedy Andy Play Sets MANCHESTER -T he town is Ann comes with a complete lemon­ Mayor Stephen Penny has Gusdori Stand seeking bids for shirts for the *376 Our Reg. 434.70 ade stand, including a pet kitty. proclaimed the week of lor TV up to 19" ever-expanding recreational Oct. 14-20 as Manchester Exclusive Trinitron one-gun/one lens color Andy is set to fish with his dog and O 0 7 soccer program. 26.50 Reg. 32.70 system for crisp bright pictures. Automatic wagon. Hours of fun! Oir Reg. 4.99..f Junior Women’s Week. one-button color and hue; AFT. The town is seeking bids for Wilson Reprimanded more than 1,800 shirts for players ’The Manchester Junior Polaroid SX-70 Sonar Camera Musical Mickey Mouse Women’s Club will be and staff members in the Featuring the revolutionary Sonar, ^ ^ ^ A f l Pop-Up Piano celebrating its 20th an­ which silently focuses your cam era- I Z program.
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