. THE» _‘ RICARDIAN. JOURNAL OF THE RICHARD Ill SOCIETY . Vol. XII Nos 148-159 ' ' Index _ March 2000 to December 2002 - TI-IE RICARDIAN INDEX TO VOLUME XII March 2000 to December 2002 Numbers 148 to 159 Compiled by Livia Visser-Fuchs \. Richard 111 Society Copyright © 2004 The rights of the Richard 111 Societyto be identified as author of this work has been asserted by them in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988. All rights reserved. No pan of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system,Ear trahsmitted, in any form or by any means without the prior permission of the Richard III Society 4 Oakley Street, London SW3 5NN a‘ .7 "I’w Printed on Archive Quality Paper for Alford Printing Services, Hitchin, Hens. We}: 0145264872] 5 .< This index is amnged in six sections. References are given in the form of the issue number in bold, followed by the page number(s), e.g. 136: 1-10. THROUGH A PRINTING ERROR THE FIRST 48 PAGES OF VOLUNIE XII WERE INCORRECTLY NUMBERED: PAGES 637 TO 684 IN THE RICARDIAN NUMBER 148 SHOULD BE PAGES 1-48. THE PRESENT INDEX FOLLOWS THE CORRECT NUMBERING (1-48) AND USERS OF THIS INDEX ARE KINDLY REQUESTED TO CHANGE THE PAGINATION IN THEIR COPY OF THE RICARDIAN 148 ACCORDINGLY. Page numbers in the volume are continuous, but the number of the issue has been added in bold When page numbers have been run together (cg. 164-68) this does not necessarily refer to a coxgtinuous entry, but has been done to save space. 1. Persons, Places and Subjezts: rulers and their consorts and children are entered under their first names. Royal peers are under their title, non-royal members of the peerage and the episcopate under their family names, with cross_references from their titles and sees. 11. Illustrations. III. Family 'Ii'ees. IV Maps. Books Reviewed: arranged alphabetically by the authors and editors of the books. Books that were only listed and not reviewed have not been included. VI. Authors of Articles, Book Reviews and Notes: arranged in one alphabetical sequence. I. SELECTIVE INDEX OF PERSONS, PLACES AND SUBJECTS ‘A Tryce’, Elias, 154: 328-29. Abbotsbury Abbey, 157: 460. Abell, Adam, 157; 455. Abell, Cecily, 150: 130. Abell, William, stationer and limner, 150: 120-31. Abergavenny, lord, see Neville, George. Abeyon, Maurice, 157: 466. Abingdon, 157: 457-58. — abbey, 157: 449, 458-59. Accellini see Balbi. Acts, of attainder, 151: 146; of Settlement, 151: 146. Adair, John, 149: 51, 56. Adams, Simon, 1592 564, 566. Adnett, Nicholas,150: 128. Agard, John, receiver of the honour of Tutbury,149. 75. Agincourt, battle, 149: 63; 153: 276. Albany, duke of, Alexander Stewart, 156: 397-98. Alcock, John, bishop of Worcester, 159: 546. Alencon, Jean, duke of, 154323. Alessandria, Italy, 150295.112. AlexanderVI, pope, 148:4. Allerton, Robert, searcher of Calais, 153: 265,272. Alnwick, 159: 556. Ambroglm, Angelo (alias Poliziano), 150: 106,107,118. Ambrose, John, merchant of Genua, 149: 73. André, Bernard, 150: 102-04; 156: 411-12. Andrelini, Fausto, humanist scholar, 150: 101, 106. Andrew, Richard, dean of York 148: 2. Andrews, John, 153: 128. Anjou, René de, duke of Anjou and king of Sicily, 154: 324- 26. Anne Neville, queen of Rlchard III, 151: 164-65, 168, 172; 152: 201, 206; 154: 314-16, 319; 159: 543, 545-47, 549-50. Anne, duchess of Brittanny, 153: 102. Antimo, Italy, 150: 108. Antwerp, 149: 73-74; 154: 328. Anwykyll, John, master of Magdalen College, Oxford, 150: 104. Ap Gwillim, née Horton, Jennet, 157. 468. —, Richard, 157: 468. Ap Rees Lloyd; William, 157: 470. 2 SELECTIVE INDEX OF PERSONS, PLACES AND SUBJECTS Ap Sion, Rhys, 157: 470. Arbury Priory, 159: 568, 572. Argentine, John, physician to Edward V, 151: 163. Armagnac alliance, 154: 322, 324. —, Jean de, count of Armagnac, 154: 324-26. Armburgh family, 153: 298-300. Arnold, Sir Nicholas, 158: 505-06; Arras, 153: 281; peace (1482), 153: 284. ArrivallofEdwardIV, 149: 50- 53, 56- 57, 59, 61 -65. Arthur, son of HenryVII prince of Wales, 148: 22; 150: 94,104; 152. 211; 157: 447-48, 455. a Arthurson, Ian, 159: 555. Anmdel, earl of, see Fitmlan, William. Arundell, of Lanheme, family, 151: 186-88. —, Sir John, 157: 459. Ascoh Plceno, school of 150: 107. Ashton, Christopher, 156: 394-95; 157: 465; 158: 494- 521. — family, 158: 495. Asshe, William, 150: 105, 118. Audlett, John, 157: 459; 158: 497-98. Audley, lord, see Tuchet, John. Austria, Margaret of, regent of the Low Countries, 153: 284. — P,hilip, archduke of, see Burgundy. Avinione, Antonio de, 150: 114. Avon Dassett, 159: 570. Bagley,J. J., biographer of Margaret of AnJou 154: 321-23, 325—26. Bagnolo, peace of (1484) 150: 95, 98. Balbialias Accellini, Girolamo, 150: 101, 106 Baldwin, J. F. 149: 72. Ballad of Bosworth Field, 149: 56 Ballard, Mark, 159: 555. ‘ Banbury, Agatha 150: 126. Barbaro, Ermolao, the younger, 150: 96- 98, 101. Bamet, battle, 148: 18, 149: 50-70; 153. 263, 277. Barowe, Thomas, chancellor, 149: 72. Bartram, William, of Cawnton Notts, 148: 12 Bath, 148: 8. Bath and Wells, bishop of, see Stillington, Rdbért. Baudier, Michael, biographer of Margaret of Anjou, 154. 322- 23, 325-26. Bawdip, Margaret, née Cradock, 157. 468; —, Sir William, 157: 468. SELECTIVE INDEX OF PERSONS, PLACES AND SUBJECTS 3 Beauchamp, Anne, estates, 154: 317. — ,Henry, duke of Wax-Wick 152: 206. —, Richard, earl of Warwick, 154: 314- 15; 158: 528-30;Beauchamp Pageant, 154: 314; 158: 528-30. —, Richard, bishop of Salisbury, 152: 208. —, —, lord Beauchamp of Powick, 148: 22. Beaufort, Edmund, duke of Somerset, 149: 53. — family, 151: 175. — ,Henry, cardinal, bishop of Winchester, 154: 322, 325-26. —, John, 149: 53. — ,Margaret, countess of Richmond and Derby, 152: 206; 155. 365-75; 157. 447, 453. Beaumont, William, lord Beaumont (died 1507), 148: 17; 149: 52, 60, 63. —, Huchon de, 153: 279, 286, 288. Bedell, John, 158: 503- 12, 515. Bedford, Jacquetta de St Pol, duchess of, 154: 330. Bedingfield, Sir Edward, 153: 283. Belknap, William, 159: 571. r» Bell. Richard, bishop of Carlisle, 159: 546. Berghes, Henri de, bishop of Cambrai, 156: 417-18. --, Jean de, lord of Bergen op Zoom, 157: 454. Berkeley, castle, 157: 449. —, Maurice, lord Berkeley, 152: 211. —, Thomas, lord Berkeley (14th c.), 159: 571. —, William, earl of Nottingham, 148: 19-20, 22; 152: 208; Jane, née Strangeways, his wife, 148: 20. Bemers, lord, see Bourgchier, John. Berwick, 157: 465; captain of, 149: 73. Beverley, William, dean of St George’s, Windsor, 159: 547, 552. Beys, Richard, 148: 11,13. Biondi, F lavio (alias Blondus), 150: 107. Bird, Thomas, bishop of St Asaph, 155: 353. Blacman, John, biographer of Henry VI, 148: 2. Bladud, king, 148: 8. Blaxhall in Wimesham, Suffolk, 154: 319. Blith, Laurence, 159: 564, 566. —, Thomés, 159i 564, 566. Blount family, 153: 270. —, James, 149: 74; 153: 266, 270. —, John, lord Mountjoy, 148: 19,23; 153: 265-266, 272; Lora, his Wife, 148: 19. —, Sir Walter, 159: 555-57, 560, 562. 4 SELECTIVE INDEX OF PERSONS, PLACES AND SUBJECTS Boccardo, Gianfrancesco, alias Pilade Bresciano, 150: 97. Bonfini, Antonio, 150: 107. Bonington, John, 153: 266. ' books, English medieval, 154: 333-35; book production, 154 340-41; liturgical, 153: 293-94; women and reading, 159: 574-76.- Booth, G.M.D., 159: 563; John, bishop of Exeter, 159: 547. —, Laurence, archbishop of York 159: 547. —, Dr Robert, dean of York 159: 547-48, 550. —, Sir William, 159: 547. — ,William, archbishop of York, 159: 547. Bost, Arnold de, Carmelite and'scholar, 150: 101. Bosworth, battle, 148: 19, 20-22; 150: 103; 151: 170, 173, 175; 152. 208; 153. 271; 154: 326; 157: 474 Boteler, Ralph, lord Sudeley, 152: 207. —, Richard, 159: 564, 566, 572. Bothwell, earl of see Hepburn, Adam, Patrick. ‘ Boulogne, 150: 102; 159: 556- 57, 561; Our Lady of, 153: 278- 80, 282, 286-89. Bourbon, Louis de, admlral of France 153: 278, 280 Bourgchier, Anne née Woodville, 148: 19. —, Elizabeth, née Ferrets, 148: 22. —Henry, earl of Essex 148: l7, I8, 23, 149: 72; 159: 555,560, 562. — ,Humphrey, lord Cromwell, 149: 60. —, Joan, daughter of John lord Bemers, 154: 316. —, John, lord Bemers, 148: 18, 23; l49:=63; 154: 316. ' —, —, lord Ferrets of Grob‘y,148: ”22523. ' —, —, lord Fitzwarin,14s: 18, 23. ' —, Sir John, 148: 22. — Thomas, cardmal archbishop of Canterbury, 148: 17, 152: 208; 154 316-18 ’ —, Sir Thomas, 153 264. ' ' ' —, Sir William, 148: 19. Bourre’,Louis de, secretary to Louis X1, 153: 279‘. Bouverie, Robert de la, 159: 555. " Brabant, 153: 278. Brackcnbury, Sir Robert, 152: 211. Bray, lady Bray, 157: 451. —, Sir Reginald, 148: 3; 158: 496. Breckles Mills, near York, 159: 546. Bredefelde, John, receiver of the duchy of Lancaster, 149. 75.- Brescia, Italy, 150: 97. - Bresciano, Pilade, see Boccardo, Gfarifrancesco. Bridgnorth, 148:3. SELECTIVE INDEX OF PERSONS, PLACES AND SUBJECTS 5 Brigham, Nicholas, 158: 506. Brighton, 148: 9. Bristol, 150: 123. Brittany, Anne, duchess of, 150: 102. Britten, John (1771-1857), author of a memoir on lady Margaret Beaufort, 155: 365-75. Brochton, Thomas, 156: 400. Brognolo, Benedetto (alias Prunulus), humanist scholar, 150: 99. Brooke, John, lord Cobham, 148: 21, 22. Bruges, 149: 64. Bruno, Enrico, bishop of Acqui, 150: 115. —, Ludovico, 150: 100-01. Buckingham, duke of, see Stafford. Buckingham’s Rebellion, 148: 21, 39-43; 151, 156. Burgundy, duchy, 153: 275, 278, 280- 81, 283; 159: 554. ' — ,Anthony, Great Bastard of, 153: 269. —, Charles the Bold, duke of, 149: 52; 150: 100; 153: 269, 285, 292; death, 153. 262, 266, 275,281, 283. —, Isabel of Portugal, duchess of, 150:135-37. — ,Margaret of York duchess of, 149: 64; 152: 211; 153: 268, 270, 275- 77, 281 -85, 292, 156: 400, 407, 416-17.
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