570 Review TRENDS in Cell Biology Vol.13 No.11 November 2003 Quantitative cell biology with the Virtual Cellq Boris M. Slepchenko1, James C. Schaff1, Ian Macara2 and Leslie M. Loew1 1Center For Biomedical Imaging Technology and National Resource for Cell Analysis and Modeling, Department of Physiology, University of Connecticut Health Center, Farmington, CT 06030, USA 2Center for Cell Signaling and Department of Pharmacology, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA 22908, USA Cell biological processes are controlled by an interact- techniques such as patch-clamp single-channel recording. ing set of biochemical and electrophysiological events Once such data are acquired, a crucial and obvious that are distributed within complex cellular structures. challenge is to determine how these, often disparate and Computational models, comprising quantitative data complex, details can explain the cellular process under on the interacting molecular participants in these events, investigation. The ideal way to meet this challenge is to provide a means for applying the scientific method to integrate and organize the data into a predictive model. these complex systems. The Virtual Cell is a compu- Indeed, the value of computational approaches in cell tational environment designed for cell biologists, to biology has been increasingly recognized as demonstrated facilitate the construction of models and the generation by several recent reviews [4–6] and a book [37]. However, of predictive simulations from them. This review sum- for cell biologists, formulating a mathematical model marizes how a Virtual Cell model is assembled and based on quantitative data and solving its equations to describes the physical principles underlying the calcu- generate simulations can present significant technical lations that are performed. Applications to problems in challenges. Overcoming this barrier, in order to complete nucleocytoplasmic transport and intracellular calcium the cycle of hypothesis–prediction–experiment, is required dynamics will illustrate the power of this paradigm for to understand the biophysical mechanisms underlying the elucidating cell biology. function of a cellular subsystem. To meet these needs for quantitative cell biology, we have developed a software- Fundamental cell biological processes, such as growth, modeling environment called the Virtual Cell. [7–9]. signaling, differentiation and death, are extraordinarily The Virtual Cell provides a formal framework for complex, depending upon an enormous number of different modeling biochemical, electrophysiological, and transport molecules and molecular interactions. High-throughput phenomena while considering the subcellular localization methods for analysis of DNA and RNA (genomics) and of the molecules that take part in them. This localization protein (proteomics) are now providing an overwhelming can take the form of a three-dimensional (3D) arbitrarily amount of qualitative data, cataloguing the molecules shaped cell, where the molecular species might be hetero- involved in these complex pathways. The field of ‘systems geneously distributed. The geometry of the cell, including biology’ [1–3] uses computational analyses to sift through the locations and shapes of subcellular organelles, can be the large volume of data, to identify unique sets of mol- imported directly from microscope images. Such a model ecules involved in particular cellular responses, and to explicitly considers the diffusion of the molecules within develop statistical relationships between molecules that the geometry, as well as their reactions. Simulations from suggest causal interactions. Such largely qualitative such a ‘spatial’ model require the solution of partial dif- data and analyses can offer significant insights into the ferential equations. Alternatively, the localization can be operation of large, complex biochemical systems, such as more crudely represented by considering the average those involved in metabolic and signaling networks. concentrations of molecules within well-mixed compart- To develop a full understanding of the mechanisms ments that correspond to the cellular and subcellular underlying a cell biological event, however, the quantitat- structures. This corresponds to the assumption that dif- ive physical–chemical details must be elucidated. As a fusion is fast compared with the timescales of all the first prerequisite, this requires measurements of the biochemical transformations, so that any diffusible mol- concentrations, locations, biochemical reaction rates and ecule will be uniformly distributed as soon as it is produced membrane transport kinetics for the involved molecules. and no matter how convoluted the geometry of its com- Such data can come from traditional biochemical methods, partment; such a nonspatial model will result in ordinary but are also available through direct in vivo measurements differential equations that can be numerically solved much on live cells, using modern microscope imaging with more efficiently. Thus, these two classes of models result in fluorescent probes and indicators and electrophysiological very different mathematical forms, although the original quantitative mechanistic hypothesis could be the same. q Supplementary data associated with this article can be found at doi: 10.1016/j.tcb. 2003.09.002 Simulation results on the dynamic distributions of the Corresponding author: Leslie M. Loew ([email protected]). molecules controlling a cellular function are displayed http://ticb.trends.com 0962-8924/$ - see front matter q 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.tcb.2003.09.002 Review TRENDS in Cell Biology Vol.13 No.11 November 2003 571 format also cannot capture the quantitative relationships. Box 1. Access to the Virtual Cell and its database Model features are, therefore, most effectively expressed The Virtual Cell software is maintained at a central server within the in terms of diagrams linked to mathematical expressions. National Resource for Cell Analysis and Modeling (NRCAM) at the Figure 1a shows diagrams taken directly from the Virtual University of Connecticut Health Center, and is available to users Cell user interface for the compartmental distribution of worldwide through JAVA technology on a web browser. This web- the molecules, transport processes in the ER membrane, based client-server architecture has several advantages: it obviates and the assignment of compartments to the spatial geo- the task of software distribution and installation on heterogeneous hardware platforms – the Virtual Cell runs equally well on Windows, metry of a neuroblastoma cell. Furthermore, generating Linux and Macintosh machines; enhancements and bug fixes are quantitative predictions from a model requires solving available to the entire user community as soon as they are deployed; mathematical equations (i.e. simulations). Computational the computationally intensive calculations, which might be unac- tools such as the Virtual Cell facilitate both the process of ceptably slow on the computer of a user, are optimized for a model construction and the generation of simulations. dedicated cluster of fast computers at NRCAM; and, most impor- tantly, a central database of user models, maintained at NRCAM, facilitates the online sharing of model components, collaboration, Building a model in the Virtual Cell and interactive publication of models. Building a biological model in the Virtual Cell is an iterative process that should start with a simple model that is incrementally validated against simulations and experimental observations. In our calcium dynamics illu- within the software environment and can also be exported stration, for example, an initial assumption was that the as arrays of numerical values, sets of images or digital Ins(1,4,5)P3 receptor was distributed uniformly through- movies. Box 1 provides details of the software and how to out the cell. The simulations produced under this assump- access it through the Internet. tion gave calcium amplitudes that were much too high in the neurite and too low in the soma compared with Quantitative cell biology the experimental calcium dynamics. This prompted us The paradigm that we term quantitative cell biology is to investigate the Ins(1,4,5)P3 receptor distribution by described in Figure 1, where a study of calcium dynamics immunofluorescence, which revealed that the calcium in a neuronal cell [10,11] is used as a concrete illustration. density in the soma was twice as high as that in the In this study, the neuromodulator bradykinin applied to neurite; the simulation resulting from this new elabora- the cells produced a calcium wave that starts in the neurite tion of the model provided an excellent match to the and spreads to the soma and growth cones. The calcium experimental calcium wave. Furthermore, a model (or wave was monitored using digital microscope imaging of a hypothesis) should lead to predictions that can be further fluorescent calcium indicator. The hypothesis was that tested with new experiments. For example, our model interaction of bradykinin with its receptor on the plasma predicted that if bradykinin were applied to different membrane induced the production of inositol (1,4,5)- regions of the cell, rather than globally, application to the trisphosphate (Ins(1,4,5)P ) that diffused to its receptor proximal neurite would be sufficient to produce a calcium 3 wave; but activation of bradykinin receptors in only the on the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), leading to calcium growth cone
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