Sr! Narad a PancarAtra of Sri Krsna Dvaipayana Vyasa Volume Two Third, Fourth and Fifth Ratras Translated by Bhumipati Das Edited by Purnaprajna Dasa From cover; The Narada-Pancaratra is mentioned many times in the writings of Srila Prabhupada. One verse, especially, was quoted by Srila Prabhupada innumer- able times because it serves as the definition of devotional service. In the purport of Caitanya-caritamrta (Madhya 19.170) Srila Prabhupada has written: Devotional service is defined in the Narada-Pancaratra as follows: sarvopadhi-vinirmuktam tat-paratvena nirmalam hrsikena hrsikesa- sevanam bhaktir ucyate "One should be free from all material designations and cleansed of all material contamination, lie should be restored to his pure identity, in which he engages his senses in the service of the proprietor of the senses. That is called devotional service." This is the most famous verse from Narada-pancaratra. Dedicated to t- y %/ His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada founder-acdrya International Society for Krishna Consciousness Contents Introduction ix Third Ratra Chapter 1 Parvatl Inquires From Mahadeva about the Process of Worshiping Lord Visnu 1 Chapter 2 The Performance of Nyasa and the Chanting of Mantras While Worshiping the Lord and His Various Energies 9 Chapter 3 An Explanation of Various Nyasas and Mantras 21 Chapter 4 A Further Explanation of the Performance of Various Nyasas 31 Chapter 5 Meditation Upon Lord Krsna In His Transcendental abode, Vmdavana 41 Chapter 6 The Process of Worshiping Lord Krsna Whereby one Can attain Samlpya-Mukti, the Liberation of Becoming an Eternal associate of the Lord 55 Chapter 7 Instructions on Worshiping the Lord and His associates 63 Chapter 8 Further Instructions on Worshiping the Lord and His Associates 77 Chapter 9 The Procedure For Performing Fire Sacrifice 85 Chapter 10 Service to Lord Krsna after Diksa. Meditation Upon Lord Krsna 93 Chapter 11 The Process of Worshiping Lord Krsna at Noon. Meditation Upon Lord Krsna 101 Chapter 12 Service to Lord Krsna In the Evening The Worship of the Gopis 111 Chapter 13 Worship of Lord Krsna In His Mantra Form The Process of Tarpana 119 Chapter 14 The Chanting of Various Mantras and Their Results 129 Chapter 15 Description of Lord Krsna In Dvaraka 153 Fourth Ratra Chapter 1 Mahadeva Narrates One Hundred and Eight Names of Lord Krsna to Narada Muni 175 Chapter 2 The Glories of Lord Visnu, as Described In a Conversation Between Parvati and Lord Siva 189 Chapter 3 The One Thousand Names of Lord Visnu, as told by Lord Siva to Parvati 199 Chapter 4 Narada Muni Glorifies Lord Visnu 269 Chapter 5 The Trailokya-Mangala-Kavaca of Sri Krsna 277 Chapter 6 Prayers to Lord Gopala 289 Chapter 7 A Description of the Gopala-kavaca 295 Chapter 8 The One Thousand Names of Lord Gopala 301 Chapter 9 The Paraphernalia Used For Worshiping the Lord 357 Chapter 10 Five Types of Worship 363 Chapter 11 Twelve Kinds of Purification Practiced by Vaisnavas 371 Fifth Ratra Chapter 1 Lord Krsna's Instructions For the Age of Kali 379 C H A P T E R 2 The Benefits of Chanting the Twelve-Syllable and Eighteen-Syllable Mantras 405 Chapter 3 Methods For Meditating Upon the Lord and Worshiping Him 423 Chapter 4 Further Descriptions of Meditation and Worship of the Supreme Lord 435 Chapter 5 The One Thousand Holy Names of Sri Radha 447 Chapter 6 The Glories of the One Thousand Holy Names of Sri Radha 505 Chapter 7 The Sri Radha-Kavaca 513 Chapter 8 An Explanation of the Meanings of Some of the Supreme Lord's Holy Names 523 Chapter 9 Worship of and Meditation on Sri Radha 533 Chapter 10 The Practice of Mystic Yoga, or Mantra-Yoga 541 Chapter 11 The Glories of Mystic Yoga 555 Introduction The Narada-pancardtra is mentioned many times in the writings of Srila Prabhupada. One verse, especially, was quoted by Srila Prabhupada innumerable times because it serves as the definnition of devotional service. In the purport of Caitanya-caritdmrta (Madhya 19.170) Srila Prabhupada has written: Devotional service is defined in the Narada-pancardtra as follows: sawopddhi-xnnirmuktam tatparatvena nirmalam hrsikena hrslkesa- sevanam bhaktir ucyate "One should be free from all material designations and cleansed of all material contamination. He should be restored to his pure identity, in which he engages his senses in the service of the proprietor of the senses. That is called devotional service." This is the most famous verse from Naradapancardtra. Another verse is quoted by Srila Prabhupada in his purport to Bhagavad- gita (5.31): A devotee of the Lord, always acting in Krsna consciousness, is automatically liberated. In the Naradapancardtra this is confirmed in this way: dik-kalddy-anavacchinne krsne ceto vidhdya ca tan-mayo bhavati ksipram jlvo brahmatii yojayet X Sri Narada-pancarAtra "By concentrating one's attention on the transcendental form of Krsna, who is all-pervading and beyond time and space, one becomes absorbed in thinking of Krsna and then attains the happy state of transcendental association with Him." We know that in the four yugas, four different processes of self- realization are prescribed. This is most often explained while quoting the following verse from Snmad-Bhagavatam (12.3.52): krte yad dhyayato visnurh tretdydm yajato makhaih dvdpare paricarydydm kalau tad dhari-klrtandt TRANSLATION Whatever result was obtained in Satya-yuga by meditating on Visnu, in Treta-yuga by performing sacrifices, and in Dvapara- yuga by serving the Lord's lotus feet can be obtained in Kali- yuga simply by chanting the Hare Krsna mahd-mantra. PURPORT A similar verse is found in the Visnu Purdna (6.2.17), and also in the Padma Purdna (Uttara-khanda 72.25) and the Brhan- naradiya Purdna (38.97): dhyayan krte yajan yajnais tretdydm dvdpare 'rcayan yad dpnoti tad dpnoti kalau sankirtya kesavam 'Whatever is achieved by meditation in Satya-yuga, by the performance of sacrifice in Treta-yuga, and by the worship of Lord Krsna's lotus feet in Dvapara-yuga is obtained in the age of Kali simply by glorifying the name of Lord Kesava." Introduction xi Srila Jiva Gosvami has further quoted from the Brahma-vaivarta Parana concerning the degraded condition of people in Kali- yuga; atah kalau tapo-yoga- vidya-yajnadikdh kriydh sdngd bhavanti na krtdh kusalair api dehibhih Thus in the age of Kali the practices of austerity, yoga meditation, Deity worship, sacrifice and so pn, along with their various subsidiary functions, are not properly carried out, even by the most expert embodied souls. Srila Jiva Gosvami has also cited the Cdturmdsya-mdhdtmya of the Skandq Parana concerning the necessity of chanting Hare Krsna in this age: tathd caivottamam lake tapah sn-hari-kirtanam kalau yuge visesena visnu-prityai samdcaret "In this way the most perfect penance to be executed in this world is the chanting of the name of Lord Sri Had. Especially in the age of Kali, one can satisfy the Supreme Lord Visnu by performing sankirtana." In conclusion, massive propaganda should be made all over the world to induce people to chant the Hare Krsna mantra, by which human society can be rescued from the dangerous ocean of the age of Kali. In the previous age, Dvapara-yuga, the process of Deity worship was prescribed and this method is explained in great detail in the Narada-pancardtra. xii Sri Narada-pai^caratra In his purport to Snmad-Bhagavatam (3.9.17), Srila Prabhupada has written: People in general are all engaged in senseless work. They are systematically unmindful of the real beneficial work, which is the devotional service of the Lord, technically called the arcana regulations. The arcana regulations are directly instructed by the Lord in the Narada-pancaratra and are strictly followed by the intelligent men, who know well that the highest perfectional goal of life is to reach Lord Visnu, who is the root of the tree called the cosmic manifestation. The purpose of any process of self-realization is to engage the practitioner one hundred percent so that his mind becomes fully absorbed in transcendence, with no chance of engaging on the material platform. In the Dvapara-yuga, a very elaborate performance of Deity worship enabled the devotee to fully engage his mind and senses in Krsna consciousness. This process is not practical in Kali-yuga, however, when the sahklrtana-yajna is to be performed. Therefore, what we read in the Narada-pancaratra is too elaborate and technical for this fallen age. Still, the proceiss of Deity worship is not neglected in Kali-yuga, as we see from the following purport in Snmad- Bhagavatam (6.3.26) where Srila Prabhupada has written: Especially in this age of Kali, sankirtana alone is sufficient. If the members of our temples in the different parts of the world simply continue sankirtana before the Deity, especially before Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, they will remain perfect. There is no need of any other performances. Nevertheless, to keep oneself clean in habits and mind, Deity worship and other regulative principles are required. Srila Jlva Gosvam! says that although sankirtana is sufficient for the perfection of life, the arcana, or worship of the Deity in the temple, must continue in order that the devotees may stay clean and pure. Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Introduction xiii Sarasvati Thakura therefore recommended that one follow both processes simultaneously. We strictly follow his principle of performing Deity worship and sankirtana along parallel lines. This we should continue. Srila Prabhupada has written in his purport to Srimad- Bhagavatam (4.13.4): Narada Muni is always glorifying the pastimes of the Lord. In this verse we see that not only does he glorify the Lord, but he also likes to glorify the devotees of the Lord.
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