VOL. 21; NO. P12 ACSALTILAKEFCITY,IUTAH,C CITIZEN SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1945 Price: Seven Cent* CoastTerrori stsBurn,AttackHomesofGIs Nisei Soldiers HonorMemory ofFDR Anti -Evacuee HoodlumsDestroy Placer County House of Family Wi th Four Sons i n U. S. Army Parents Return to Farm Near Rocklin to Find Home Burned Down; Area Has Been Center of Demonstrations Against Japanese Americans LOOMIS, Calif.—Anti-evacuee terrorists on Sept. 18 burned the Placer county h ome of four American soldiers of Japanesean- cestry, one of wh om was k i lled i n action i n southern France i n March ofthi s year. Mr. and Mrs. K. Sakamoto, parents of the four U. S. Army veterans, returned thi s week to their h ome near Rocklin to find i t h ad been burned to the ground. Th e fire was reported by two returned evacuees of Japa- nese ancestry to Fire Ch i ef Gar- ret Doty. Th e evacuees asked that an i nvestigation be made. Th e Sakamotos i h ave h ad four Vandals Sh oot sons i n the service: Staff Sgt. Masa Sakamoto, k i lled i n action Into Home of on March 3, 1945, on the Franco- Italian frontier wh i le figh ting as Nisei Soldier a j nember of the 442nd Combat Team; T/3 Cosma Sakamoto, a Officials veteran of Ok i nawa wh o i s now Continue stationed i n Hawaii ; Sgt. Walter Investigation of First Sakamoto, wih o h as been i n action Violence i n Lodi Area with the 442nd i n Italy; and T/3 Calvin Sakamoto, wh o i s now en route to the West Coast for pos- LODI, Calif. — Officials thi s sible Pacific service. week continued their i nvestigation Th e Sakamotos were evacuated of a gunfire attack upon the farm from their farm h ome ■near h ere h ome near Acampo of a Japanese i n 1942 and h ave been residing at American soldier, now with the the Granada relocation center at 442nd Infantry Regiment i n Italy. Amache, Colo. Th e reported terrorism, thefirst WASHINGTON Four wounded Japanese Sgt. Yeichi Kuwayama, Long Island, N. V.; Anti-evacuee .hoodlums also act of violence against Japanese burned down Jap- American veterans of— the 442nd Combat Team Harold L. Ickes; Pfc. Jesse Hirata, Honoaunau, the h ouse of a American returnees i n San Joa- T. Distinguished anese American soldier, Wi lson quin county, on Sept. 13. m shown presenting President Truman with a H., h older of the Service Cross occurred for extraordinary h eroism i n Italy; and, Dillon Makabe, wh o lost a leg wh i le with Th e victims of the attack were theck for $4,300 collected by Nisei troops i n S. Myer. the 442nd Infantry overseas. Th e the family Mrs. Makabe also was of Kah aru Imada, Italy as a contribution toward a memorial for Th e presentaton to President Truman was h ome located i n wh ose eldest son, Sgt. Jun Imada the late President Roosevelt. Th ose present at by Sgt. Kuwayama Placer county and was destroyed i s a made wh osaid that the Jap- by last year. member of the famous Japa- the Wh i te House ceremony i ncluded (left to anese American soldiers ofthe 442nd Combat fire nese American Combat "Team. righ t) Finch, Placer County h as been a center Earl Hattiesburg, Miss., business- Team h ad taken up the collection wh i le on the of against Kenneth Sakoda, son-in-law of nan and rancher wh o"adopted" Italy during activity Americans of the Japanese front lines i n the final offensive Japaneseancestry and i s the h ead- Mrs. Imada, wh ose h ome i s at American Team; Pfc. George M. Tsuji - i n memory Combat of the late President Roosevelt's i deal quarters of the California Preser- Rt. 1, Box 4188, reported the i n- noto, Tracy, Calif.; Pfc. Terumi Kato, Honolulu, that "Americanism i s a matter ofthe mind and vation cident to Deputy Sh eriff Clarence wh o leg Association, formerly lost h i s i n Italy; President Truman; h eart not of race or a,ncestry." k nown as the Placer County Anti- Crawford and to Joh n R. Robert- Japanese Association, wh i ch h as son, San Joaquin county represen- embarked on a state-wide program tative of the War Relocation Au- to prevent the return of evacuees thority. of Japanese ancestry to their Mrs. Imada, wh o recently re- Poli ce ArrestTwo Suspects h omes i n California. turned with h er family from the Roh wer relocation center i n Ar- k ansas, told the i nvestigating of- In County Sh ooti ngs Poli ce ficers h er daugh ter, Betty, 11, and Alameda Guard h er son, 10, were i n the h ouse with h er on the morning of Sept. San Francisco 13 wh en they h eard two reports ■Sh eriffBooks Men on Ch arge Nisei Lieutenant they believed were caused by Given Vital Tokyo Evacuee Hostel backfiring of a passing car. Th e daugh ter later noticed a ■OfAttempted Murder as Sh ots SAN FRANCISCO Police Post by MacArthur x Role i n the wall near the front guards were detailed to —maintain door. A check revealed a bullet Into Homes of Evacuees Army Lieutenant Taro (Tex- a watch around the Buddh i st h ad passed through the wall, fi red Tsukah ara, church, temporary h ostel h ome for struck a chair and dropped to the as) a former recently dent of San Francisco, Calif.,resi- 150 returned evacuees, floor. OAKLAND. Calif.—Moving swiftly to solve the county's i n- following a reported act of h ood- i tial was selected by General Mac- Police believed the shot was i ncidents of anti-Japanese.Americanviolence, Alameda Coun- Sept. super- lumism on the nigh t of Sept. 19. fired from a passing car. >'authorities thi s of h aving Arthur on 17 to reported week arrested two men on suspicion vise Nisei soldiers and Japa- Police that several Th e Imada family h as resided »iM four shots i nto h omes of returned evacuee families pieces of plaster were thrown 01 the two nese employees ofthe U. S. i n the dwelling for 25 years ex- ancestry on Sunday nigh t near Centerville. Occupation's new In- through a window on theOotavia Jjpanese Army of Street side of the Buddh i st cept for the time spent i n the re- Meanwh i le, authorities were believed searchi ng for a thi rd formation Dissemination Sec- church location center. Mrs. Imada's h us- believed to h ave been the i nstigator of the terroristic Tokyo, according a building. A lantern wais thrown at Stem to tion i n to the building, strik i ng wall. Tlhe band was k i lled several years ago '" United Press report. a i n a farm accident. l*o men wh o were arrested were Robert H. Hailey, 37, only reported damage was a brok- »ft,?l*. Lieut. Tsukah ara, former window; j ^*ol"driver and Ch arles Custom, 42, a garage h elper, president San Fran- en ■«wbofc ' vice of the Th e i ncident was the first re- belief that h igh school boys residents of Milpitas. Hailey and Custom, the latter of cisco JACL, went overseas i n the 171 brough t bo the Alameda courthouse i n language ported act of attempted violence were responsible for the i ncident Oakland0?' were 1943 to serve asa against returning evacuees i n the but Police Ch i ef Dullea an H, p. k ed on suspicion of attempted murder by Sh eriff specialist with U. S. forces i n ordered Gle seen action city of San Francisco. all-nigh t guard around the h ostel f the Pacific He h as Police officials were i nclined to building. *ott wr Si/tin(? evidence, sheriff's deputies decided that the i n campaigns i n the Solomons, Purcha» from a 12-ffauge automatic shotgun. A list of Rendova and New Georgia and *dshotgun by to Army P*SoodsT/'* ammunitian, furnished local sporting h as been attached stores, led to the arrests. h eadquarters i n Australia. Japanese Ameri cans Saved Lfv, Calif<~Th e first i nstances of anti-evacuee ter- CENTER Ain San brough t vigorous NEW REST week Francisco Bay area action Alli ed Airfi eld i n Burma toads' as., Sh eriff H- P- Gleason of Alameda county ordered SET UP FOR NISEI Centerville area patrolled and declared that the TROOPS IN ITALY CHUNGKING, Ch i na Now Hirah ayashi and Nakada are men wh made dayligh t the complete story—of the reported to h ave translated an leg attacks on two Japanese American that i ntercepted Japanese on «?e Japanese enemy radio mes- pted 16 would be charged, wh en caugh t, with at- WI^H THE 442nd IN ITALY— defeat of the sage wh i ch revealed the enemy's mvrd regimental rest center h as at Myitkyina i n Burma can be plans to American i ntelligence 6" A. new go a shabby up for men of the 442nd bold, credit can totwo Amer- officers. the sedan fired four charges of birdshot been set of Japanese ances- Wh en the h ad reported I! American) Combat i can soldiers Nisei '" (Japanese try for an i mportant contribu- on the i nformation contained i n oshlaki Idota wh ° i n Forte Die Marmi, pre- to the enemy's downfall the Japanese message, the Al- f ' a description of the automobile Team tion er«CJto ,a relocation i nvolved, and two discharged shot- war shore resort town for therich i n the k ey .battle of the Burma lied forces laid a trap for the their fnitruck north campaign, a U.
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