State Level Expert Appraisal C6mmi6ss (SEAC), Karnataka (Constituted by the MoEF& CC, Government of India) No. KSEAC: 265 MEETING: 2021 Dept. of Ecology and Environment, Karnataka Governmcnt Secretarirt, Room No. 710, 7th floor, IV Stage, M.S. Building, Bangalore, Date: 13-0t-2021. Agenda for 265th Online Meeting of SEAC scheduled to be held on 3fth,3lst August 2021 and lst . September 2021 DAY.I 30th August 2021, 10:30 AM to 1:30PM Agends OnliDe Propo$al Nsme of ProJ ect/Proposel Proponent Number No. EIA ects Proposed Expansion of Multi Tenanted Office Building project at Sy. Nos 80, 83, 85, 86 of Sadaramanala and Sy. Nos ll3/1; 113/2, ll4ll, ll4l3B, ll6, 117, ll8 and 119 at M/s. Information SIA./KA/NCP/ 265.1 Pattandurgrahara village and S. nos I l0/1, 11012, lll12, ll5l1, Technology Park 50685/2020 ll5l2, 11513 at Pattandur Agahara and Sy. Nos ll4l3A of Ltd. Patrrdur Agrahar village Bangalore East Taluk, Bangalore Urban District. (SEIAA l8 CON 2020) KARNATA(A INDUSTRL{L SIA/KA/NCP/ Development of Sira Industrial Area, Mudigere Kaval (V), Sira AREAS 265.2 63992t2019 (T), Tumkur District, Kamataka. (SEIAA 48 IND 2019) DEVELOPMENT BOARD (KIADB) Mr.T.R.Swamy Fresh Pro ects Proposed Residential Apartment Project at Sy.Nos.44lI7, l6ll l, SIA,/KA/MIS/ Ivlls. Kirthi 265.3 Ml4, Mls, 4514A2, ,1416 of Moodanidambooru Village, Udupi 21304912021 Construction Taluk & District .(SELc,A 65 CON 2021) Proposed Residential Apaftnent Project at Sy.Nos.75l2 & 9216 SIA/KA/MIS/ M/s. Jai 265.4 ofHoodi Village, K.R.Puram Hobli, Bangalore East Taluh 2r3s87 t202r Infrastruch[es Bangalore Urban District (SEIAA 66 CON 2021) Proposed Industrial Warehouse Building Project at Klatha No.565 of Sy.Nos.1l4l2, 11413, 12911,12912,130, l3l, l32ll, M/s. Hoskote SIA/KA/MIS/ 265.5 132/2, 132/3 &133/4 of Kamblipura Village, Sulibele Hobli, Logistics Park Prt. 2143761202r Hoskote Taluk, Bangalore Rural District ( SEIAA 67 CON Ltd. 2021\ Page 1 ot 8 DAY-I 30th August 2021, 2.30PM to 530PM Fresh ects Proposed Residential Apartnent Project at Klata No.l305/10/2, SIA,/KA,/MIS/ lvl/s. TALREJA 265.6 Sy.No. I 0/2 of JalJ<ur Village, Yelhanka Hobli, Bangalore North 214679n02t REALTY Taluk, Bangalore Urban Disrict (SEIaa 68 CON 202 I ) Proposed Residential Apartnent Project SIA/KA/MIS/ at Sy.Nos.67l3, 6714, 265.7 67112 & 67118 ofMoodanidamboor Village, Udupi Taluk & Sri Vinit S. Amin 213694t2021 District(SEIAA 69 CON 2021) Proposed Developn, ent of Residential Aparrnenr Project at tv?s. G.M. SIA/KA/MIS/2 Sy.Nos.85, 86, 87, 88/l, 8812,95,96,97,98, 26s.8 l03ll, 10312, 104, Riseonic 16266,t202t 105 & 225 ofkalkere Village, K.RPuram Hobli, Bengaluru East Developers Pvt Taluk, Bengaluru Urban District (SEIAA 75 CON2021) Ltd. Proposed Commercial Building Project at Plot No.25-P4, Hi- SIA/KA/MIS/ Tech Defense & Aerospace Park (IT 265.9 Sector), Arebiruramangala IWs. Jubilant 212996t2021 Village, Jala Hobli, Bengaluru North Taluk, Bengalore Urban Biosys Limited District (SEIAA 78 CON 2021) Proposed Residential Apartrnent Project at Sy.No.2/6 of SIA/KA/MIS/ lvlls. Mista lrfra 26s.10 Konadasapura Village, Bidarahalli Hobli, Bangalore East Taluk, 211670t202r h/t. Ltd. Bangalore Urban District (SEIAA 86 CON 2021) Tor Projects Proposed Modification & Expansion of Integrated Townshiop N{/S. NAM SIA,/KA/MIS/ Project at Hegganahalli, Nagamangala & Navarathna Agrahara 265.t1 ESTATES PVT 63937t2021 Villages, Devanahalli Taluk & Bengaluru North Taluk LTD. Bengaluru Urban District (SEIAA 70 CON 2021) Proposed Modification & Expansion of Mixed Use Development Project at Sy.Nos. l7 5, l72ll, l70l 1 A, l70l 17012, SIA/KA/MIS/ lB, 172t2, M/s. Total 265.12 s2t9t202t 169/1,2,3,4,17613 & 177,136ll, 13612 & 137 of Hoodi Envtonment Village, K.RPuram Hobli, Bengaluru East Taluh Bengaluru Habitat Pu. Ltd. Urban District (SEIAA 79 CON 2021) 3lst August 2021, 10:30 AM to 1:30PM DAY.2 Fresh Projects Building Stone Project at Sy.No.87l6 SIA,/KA/MIN/ Quarry of Sooraturu 265.13 Village, Honnalli Taluk, Davanag€re District (3-00 Acres) 2100991202r Sri Madan U.D (1.214 Ha) (SEIAA 258 MIN 2021) Building Stone Quarry Project at Sy.No.l92ll of Garagadahalli SIA/K{MIN/ Sri Shanmukha 265.14 Village, Kadur Taluk, Chikkamagaluru District (2-35 Acres) 2t126!t2021 Bhovi (sErAA 259 MrN 2021) Page 2 of 8 Building Stone Quarry Project at Sy.No.328/3 of Tondavadi SIA./KA./MIN/ 265.15 Village, Grmdlupete Taluk, Chamarajanagara District (l -00 Sri N Nandakumar 213147t2021 Acre) (SEIAA 260 MIN 2021) luifding Stone Project at Sy.Nos.l 16 & 11714 of SIA/KA/MIN/ Quarry 26s.16 Byalakup,pe Village, Gundlupete Talub Chamarajanagara Sri T P Nagaraju 213535t2021 District (5-29 Acres) (SEIAA 261 MIN 2021) Ordinary Sand Quarry Project at Sy.No.8/l+2ll & 8ll+212 of SIA/KA/MINi Sri Sanj ayakumar 265.17 Jambaladinni Village, Ilkal Talulq Bagalkote District (9-09 214349t2021 R. Jadhav Acres)( SEIAA 262 MIN 2021) Building Stone Quarry Project at Sy.No.328/l of Tondavadi SIA./KA/MIN/ 265.18 Village, Gundlupete Tlauh Chamarajanagara District (l -36 Sri N Nandakumar 213179t2021 Acres) (SEIAA 264 MIN 2021) Building Stone Quarry Project at Sy.Nos.lll3 &7714 of SIA/KA/MIN/ lvVs. RAV INDIA 265.19 Shidaganaal Village, Ranibermuru Taluk, Haveri District (3-00 212084n02r BUILDOCON Acres) (SETAA 265 MIN 2021) Multi Colour Granite Quarry Project at Sy.No.l23(P) of Byalya SIA./KA/MIN/ IUls. Pa&navathi 265.20 Village, Madhugiri Taluk, Tumkur District (3-28 Acres) ( 1.49 2rs9t9l202t Bhoovi Sangha Ha) (SEIAA 266 MIN 2021) Multi Colour Granite Project at Sy.No.Sl of Nidagallu (SIA/KA/MIN/ Quarry Sri Amanulla 26s.2r Village, Kanakapura Taluk, Ramanagara District (l-00 Acre) 2$722n02D Sharief (Q.L.No.280) (SELcA 267 MIN 2021) Multi Colour Granite Quarry Project at Sy.No. 123(P) of Byalya IWs. Tirumala 265.22 (sIA/KA/MIN/ Village, Madhugiri Talulq Turnkur District (5-00 Acres) (2.02 Kallukutigara 216196t2021) Ha) (SEIAA 268 MIN 2021) Sangha Multi Colour Granite Project at Sy.No.5l of Nidagallu SIA/KA/MINi Quarry Sri Amanulla 265.23 Vittage, Kanakapura Taluk, Ramanagara District (2-00 Acres) 215749t202r Sharief (Q.L.No.279XSEIa,t 269 MIN 2021) Building Stone Quarry Project at Sy.No. 1 64 of Gowdahalli SIA/KA/MIN/ Sri Manvanth 265.24 Village, Srirangapaha Taluk, Mandya District (1-00 Acre) 215t84n02r M,S. (sErAA 270 MIN 2021) PaSe 3 of 8 Ornamental Yellow Multi Colour Granite Quarry Project at SIA/KA./MIN/ Sy.No.zl48 ofHasuvina Kaval Village, Periyapatna Talulg N{/s. ANGEL 265.25 215t99t2021 Mysore District (3-10 Acres) (Q.L.No.397) (SEIAA 271 MIN GRANITES 202r) Building Stone Quarry Project at Sy.No.65 of Deshuvalli SIA,/KA/MINi Sri lakshmisha 265.26 Village, Kanakapura Taluk, Ramanagara District (4-00 Aoes) 215524t2021 K.V. (SEL{A 272 MrN 2021) Building Stone Quarry Project at Sy.Nos.l25ll A & 125/183 of SIA/ISAMIN/ Sri K. Mohan 26s.27 Pudu Village, Bant*ala Talulq Dakshina Kannada Disrict ( I .63 2rc066n021 Ameen Acres)( SEIAA 273 MIN 2021) Multi Colour Granite Project SIA,/KA/MIN/ Quarry at Sy.No.198 ofDodda lWs. Muneshwara 265.28 Koppa Village, Kanakapura Talu( Ramanagara District (l-35 2841712021 Granites & Acres) (Q.L.No.563XSEIAA 275 MIN 2021) Exports Co. Building Stone Quarry Project ar Sy.Nos.l2413 &12512 of SIA/KA/MIN/ Sri H.L. Swamy 265.29 Honaganahalli Village, Pandavapura Talulq Mandya Disrrict ( I - 2t52t9/2021 Gowda 22 Acres)(SETAA 279 MIN 2021) 3lst August 2021, 2.30 PM to 5:30PM DAY.2 ToR Projects Building Stone Quarry Project at Sy.Nos.59/3, 13, 14 &20 of SIA,/KA/MIN/ Sri Maganlal 265.30 Ambewadi Village, Belgaum Taluk, Belgaum Disfict (7-10 u297t202t Bhimaji Patel Acres) (2.947 Ha) (SEIAA 297 MIN 2021) Building Stone Project SIA,/KA/MIN/ Quarry at Sy.No.35 of Thimmatapura 26s.31 Village, Harapanahalli Talulg Vijayanagara District (2-00 64369t2021 Sri S.B. Srinivas Acres) (Q.L.No.l43) (SEIAA 322 MIN 2021) Building Stone Quarry Project at Sy.No.35 ofThimmalapura SIA,/KA/MIN/ Sri T.G. 265.32 Village, Harapanahalli Talulq Vijayanagara District (3-00 Santosh 64$4n021 Kumar Acres) (Q.L.No.132) (SEIAA 323 MIN 2021) Ordinary Sand Mining Project - Block No.BLG-02 - Hirehalla lvUs. The Hutti SIA/KA,/MIN/ Bed at Adjacent to Sy.Nos.9, 20, 21,23,24,30,31,34,37 ,39, 265.33 Gold Mines Co. 660761202t 40,43,44 &87 of Balageri Village, Kukanur Talu( Kop,pala Ltd. District (20-00 Acres)(SEIAA 335 MN 2021) Page 4 of8 Ordinary Sand Mining Project - Block No.BlG-01-Hirehalla '185 lvl/s. The Hutti SIA/KA/MIN/ Bed at Adjaceot to Sy.Nos.90, to 189, 192,202 to 206,4 to 265.34 Gold Mines Co. 7 of Balageri Village, Kukanur Taluk, Koppa.la Disbict (30-00 66069t2021 Lrd. Acres) (SEIAA 336 MIN 2021) Ordinary Sand Mining Project - BlockNo.Ol - Tungabhadra lWs. The Hutti SIA./KA/MIN/ River Bed at Adjacent to Sy.Nos.12(P), 13 & 14 of 265.35 Gold Mines Co. Chikkakuravatti Village, Ranebennur Taluk, Haveri District (33- 660E4D021 Ltd- 20 Aoa)(SEIAA 337 MIN 2021) Sand Mining Project - Block No.05 - Trmgabha&a Ordinary IWs. The Hutti SIA/KA/MIN/ River Bed at Opposite to Sy.Nos.145(P), 148, 149, 151 & 265.36 Gold Mines Co 6609312021 152(P) of Belur Village, Ranebennur Talulq Haveri District Ltd (12.26 Acres) (4.96 Ha)(SEIAA 338 MIN 2021) - Block No.04 - Tungabhadra Ordinary Sand Mining koject lvl/s.
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