October 5, 2005 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S11061 He has spent his entire 35 years of ization bill that deals with retirement because I asked for a briefing by the In- Senate service working in the Dis- pay for the military, with pay raises telligence Director of this country. Of- bursing Office. That in itself is a com- for the military, with all kinds of pro- fended? I am sorry he is offended. mendable feat. grams for the veterans, the National f In 1970, Tim began his career as a Guard and Reserve. The Appropriations payroll clerk and was promoted to pay- Committee does not have the benefit of RESERVATION OF LEADER TIME roll supervisor 6 years later. He contin- that. They will be working, in effect, The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- ued to receive promotions and in 1998 on last year’s law. pore. Under the previous order, the became the Senate’s financial clerk. I do not know how we could ever—I leadership time is reserved. Tim’s career in the Disbursing Office am sure it has happened sometime in f has been stellar. You could always the far distant past. I am sure it has count on Tim and his staff for topnotch happened. I hope it does not happen in DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE service and to accommodate Members the future that they try to do this APPROPRIATIONS ACT, 2006 and staff. jury-rigged system, where you take an The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- Tim and his wife Pat met in high appropriations bill without having pore. Under the previous order, the school, got married, and have two chil- done an authorization bill. Senate will resume consideration of dren, Matthew and Lory. Matt and There are matters in that authoriza- H.R. 2863, which the clerk will report. Lory have provided Tim and Pat with tion bill dealing with prisoner abuse. A The assistant legislative clerk read four grandchildren—two boys and two number of people want to offer amend- as follows: girls. ments. They cannot offer an amend- A bill (H.R. 2863) making appropriations Tim plans to spend the first 6 months ment on the appropriations bill dealing trying to get his sea legs, enjoying for the Department of Defense for the fiscal with prisoner abuse. year ending September 30, 2006, and for other some ‘‘downtime’’ with his family and I see my friend, the Senator from purposes. playing a little golf. He and Pat then South Carolina, in the Chamber, the Pending: plan to do some traveling. They want mover of the legislation to have a look to go to Alaska to see what is hap- Bayh amendment No. 1933, to increase by at what has gone on in Abu Ghraib and $360,800,000 amounts appropriated by title IX pening there. other prison facilities the military has. I salute Tim on his service to the for Other Procurement, Army, for the pro- I think the author of the bill, Senator curement of armored Tactical Wheeled Vehi- Senate and congratulate him on a job MCCAIN from Arizona, may have a lit- cles for units deployed in Iraq and Afghani- well done. He certainly was part of the tle bit of expertise on prisoner of war stan, and to increase by $5,000,000 amounts Senate family and always will be. I abuse. I think he may have a little bit appropriated by title IX for Research, Devel- hope he enjoys his retirement. of authenticity when he comes before opment, Test and Evaluation, Defense-Wide, f for industrial preparedness for the imple- the Senate and says he wants to take a mentation of a ballistics engineering re- IRAQ AND THE DEPARTMENT OF look at that. search center. DEFENSE AUTHORIZATION BILL JOHN MCCAIN spent years of his life McCain amendment No. 1978, to prohibit Mr. REID. Mr. President, let me say in a prison camp in Vietnam, not days, the use of funds to pay salaries and expenses 1 this. Ambassador Negroponte came to weeks, months but years—try 5 ⁄2 and other costs associated with reimbursing the Senate the last time this past May. years—most of it in solitary confine- the Government of Uzbekistan for services ment. So he wants to offer an amend- rendered to the United States at Karshi- Did he talk anything about what was Khanabad airbase in Uzbekistan. going on with intelligence in Iraq or ment. He cannot do it unless he gets unanimous consent that he can have a Reed/Hagel amendment No. 1943, to trans- what was going on in Iraq, period? No. fer certain amounts from the supplemental He talked about international ter- vote on it. He can offer it, but it falls authorizations of appropriations for Iraq, Af- rorism. It is not as if we have been similar to everything else. But I will ghanistan, and the Global War on Terrorism bothering the Ambassador having him bet he is going to get unanimous con- to amounts for Operation and Maintenance, come here all the time. sent because we want him to be able to Army, Operation and Maintenance, Marine But I am disappointed to have to re- debate this issue. Who has more stand- Corps, Operation and Maintenance, Defense- port to the American people this is ing than the Senator from Arizona to wide activities, and Military Personnel in what is going on with this administra- raise this as an issue? order to provide for increased personnel Mr. President, we—I repeat—had a strengths for the Army and the Marine Corps tion: You never get to what the issue for fiscal year 2006. is. Put it off. Do not talk about it. Stay scheduled briefing at 3 o’clock today to Warner/Levin modified amendment No. the course. find out what is going on in Iraq deal- 1955, to authorize appropriations for fiscal In Iraq we have some problems: al- ing with intelligence. We have never, year 2006 for military activities of the De- most 2,000 dead Americans; 15,000, 16,000 ever had a briefing by Negroponte since partment of Defense, for military construc- wounded, many of them very badly. he has assumed his duties as head of tion, and for defense activities of the Depart- I in no way say this to disparage the the so-called DNI on April 21 of this ment of Energy, to prescribe personnel managers of this bill, one of whom is a year. We have not been briefed by him strengths for such fiscal year for the Armed winner of the Congressional Medal of on Iraq since he assumed his position. Forces. Honor, Senator DAN INOUYE; the other So I do not think we are being greedy The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- served valiantly in World War II as a taking an hour of his time. pore. The Senator from Arizona is rec- pilot. But their job would be much Ducking debates about our national ognized. easier if they had a Defense authoriza- defense has become too topical and AMENDMENT NO. 1977 tion bill prior to coming here to this typical in this country because we are Mr. MCCAIN. Mr. President, from my floor with an appropriations bill. It unable to bring matters before this conversations with the Senator from makes their job, if not impossible, ex- floor. No amendments, no votes, no de- Alaska, the chairman, I believe he tremely difficult. bates—that is not the way to do a bill agrees we will move forward; therefore, Let me explain what I am talking in the Senate. I call up amendment No. 1977, which is about. You authorize funding in the Why didn’t we finish the Defense au- filed at the desk. Congress, and then it goes to the all- thorization bill the first time? Because The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- important Appropriations Committee, we went to gun liability. So this proc- pore. Without objection, the pending and they determine what of the author- ess is unacceptable. We are a nation at amendments are set aside for the con- ization bill deserves money. That is ba- war. We have troops in Iraq, in Afghan- sideration of this amendment, which sically what it amounts to. There has istan. We have an opportunity to have the clerk will now report. to be some limit to spending, and that an open, honest debate about our na- The assistant legislative clerk read is what the Appropriation Committee’s tional defense. as follows: job is; to determine whether the money Our troops and the American people The Senator from Arizona [Mr. MCCAIN], should be spent. deserve better, and that is not what we for himself, Mr. GRAHAM, Mr. HAGEL, Mr. Well, here there is no authorization are having here. And the distinguished SMITH, and Ms. COLLINS, proposes an amend- bill. There is legislation in the author- majority leader said he was offended ment numbered 1977. VerDate Aug 31 2005 05:52 Dec 28, 2006 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORDCX\T37X$J0E\S05OC5.REC S05OC5 hmoore on PROD1PC68 with CONG-REC-ONLINE S11062 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE October 5, 2005 Mr. MCCAIN. Mr. President, I ask priations bill. We are only doing so be- theory, and our troops are not served unanimous consent that reading of the cause so far we have been unable to get by ambiguity. They are crying out for amendment be dispensed with. sufficient agreement to bring up the clarity. The Congress cannot shrink The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- Defense authorization bill. I have made from this duty. We cannot hide our pore.
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