PAGE TWENTY - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester, Conn., Fri.. Aug. 4, 1978 Temple nursery school McDonough hits critics Good morning ... Have a good day accepting registration N/* Children prepare the appropriate f ^ s Temple Beth Sholom Nursery School is of Carter on insurance and learn songs and customs related to now accepting registration for its fall Jewish and American holidays. Donna McDonough, U.S. Labor Party The weather • i- term. The school is open to three-and four- candidate for Congress in Connecticut's Massachusetts. Fraser last week let out The fall term will begin Monday, Sept. Luggage Partly sunny Saturday. Highs near 80. Partly year-olds. 11. Temple Beth Sholom Nursery School First District, has blasted the recent at­ what was really being planned, when he Classes are held Monday, Wednesday, cloudy Saturday night. Lows in the 60s. Mostly follows the calendar of the Manchester tacks on President Carter's opposition'to a attacked business in the United States, For C raM iii or Flying - Morlow’o Hoo Juot cloudy Sunday with the chance of occasional rain and Friday, 9-11 ;30 a.m., and children who Public Schools, closing whenever they do, National Health Insurance bill. and predicted class war in the near future. TIm Innago For Tool Cliooao from awso will be entering kindergarten in the UlanrljPHtPr lE developing. Highs near 80. Probability of and also honors the Jewish holidays “The gutter attacks on Carter,” said “ Fraser,” said McDonough, “said that Fomouo ta id a : SomoonHo (wo carry o com- following year are invited to join the McDonough, “emanating from the he plans to create an anarchistic proto­ Wno), AUanllo,. Vontura, Mrway and precipitation diminishing to 20 percent through extended day lunch program on Mondays. throughout the calendar. A Family NEWSpaper Since 1881 Saturday night. Winds booming variable 10 mph Parents of children registered for the Kennedy machine sewer particularly, are fascist party, made up of anti-progress un­ Extended care is available after hours for or less Saturday and Saturday night. National coming year will be invited to a meeting a cover for something much more serious ionists like himself, women's groups, dis­ the convenience of working parents. MARLOW’S■IinilhWWW V EvrylhlniSInct I9III Home delivered copy 15 cents weather map on page 17. before Sept. 11 to meet each other and talk — an attack on the president aimed at affected minorities, and so forth. This Children may also be registered for a two- Vol. XCVII, No. 260 — Manchester, Conn., Saturday, August 5, 1978 Newsstand copy 20 cents with the teacher/director. Please call M9- creating a new fascist army in the United grouping paralles the Sturmabteilung of * *«*'>* WMIT. MANCNeariR - Mi-gai day program. States. Adolph Hitler, which helped propel him to ""S.iM S'Js.r''® '" ‘Toui 0252 for registration information or the ®*"oa AccarriDi The nursery school is ied by two cer­ “Doug Fraser, president of the United power in the early 1930s in Germany. OPEN t OAVa • THUAt. NITIS HI MO tified teachers. The program includes arts school's brochure. The school serves the towns of Glaston­ Auto Workers, is leading the attack on “The aim,” McDough asserted, "is to and crafts, nature studies, music, field bury East Hartford, Vernon, Ellington, C arter,” continued McDonough, “along destroy any chance for pro-growth labor- trips, and pre-school readings, and is / South Windsor, and Rockville, as well as with George Meany of the AFL-CIO and industrial alliance, of the type that the enhanced by the incorporation of Jewish Senator Edward Kennedy of Labor Party is building. Inside today cultural and religious experiences. Manchester. Manchester radio Picnic set Two Laotian refugee families will come to Manchester through by retirees PATIO SUMMER the work of two local churches. See puge 5. Begin Manchester Chapter, K c LEARANCE SALE! South Windsor would like an American Association of east-west road in the area of the Retired Persons, will have Save An Extra J.C. Penney Co. project, but some CAIRO, Egypt (UPI) — Cairo radio peace talks unless Israel undertook its annual picnic Manchester officials have their Friday denounced Prime Minister to evacuate all occupied lands. Wednesday, with Thursday doubts. Si-r page 5. Menachem Begin as a “racist dic­ "Begin is throwing a new, negative as a rain date, at Henry The acting tax assessor tator” and political schizophrenic in and conspiratorial element into the one of Egypt’s harshest personal at­ Park in Vernon. suggests that automobiles be peace effort when he says that Presi­ tacks on the Israeli leader. The event is scheduled to depreciated annually for taxes dent Sadat is the main obstacle on 20%.33%Off The radio blast came on the eve of the road to peace,” it said. begin at 11 a.m. with rather than basing assessments games, including tennis s Our Regular Prices on market value. See page 8. Secretary of State Cyrus Vance’s Labeling Begins remarks and horshoe pitching. A sit- departure to the Middle East. But "quixotic,” the radio said he is “far, down luncheon will be Thick-Cushioned ENTIRE STOCK... Adjustable Lay-Flat radio sources said the commentary far away from peace.” served at 12:30 p.m. Deluxe Folding Chair Hlgh-^ck Sand Lounger In the area was not purposely timed to coincide Vance is making a five-day trip to Entertainment wili be with Vance's tour and did not signal Jerusalem and Alexandria, Egypt in Only minor damage results any shift in Egypt's position. an attempt to persuade Israel and provided by Chief (Xir •Summer Patio Furniture Our from a Friday fire at the Zayre Reg. 18.88....... Reg. 21.99........ 1640 It was one of the strongest attacks Egypt to resume face-to-face Strongheart, a member of 1 3 « department store in East Hart­ Rump double-tufted foam cushions on Begin since peace negotiations negotiations, but diplomats are the Narragansett Indian High-gloss polished hardwood arms ford. See page 7. Gillette Good News! lor deep-down comfort! Double-tub­ •Bar-B-Q Grills, Tools stay cool In the sun. Multi-color yarn- Si between Egypt and Israel collapsed pessimistic he will be able to ac­ Tribe. An independent candidate in the l G |e |t e ^ Disposable ular arms, non-tip patio legs are dy^ acrilan cover for durability. in Jerusalem in January, barely two complish much. Reservations may be sturdy & secure. and Accessories 53rd Assembly District invites made by calling Betty Mar­ Twin-Blade Razors months after President Anwar [ G o o d r •Thick-Cushioned Deluxe - - i both party-endorsed candidates to Sadat’s historic visit to Jerusalem. co, 872-9008. Foldtrv Chaise. Our Reg. $33.....23.40 Entire Stock of participate in discussions on the Pkgs.of3, •Picnic Jugs, Chests Fokfing Sand Chairs Recalling Begin’s record as a r N e w s ! * Our Reg. 73c Ea.. 2J^ issues. See page 7. terrorist leader before the creation Vance faces and Insulated Bags Seabrook before work halt of Israel in 1948, the radio said Ab o u t town Old Spice Our Reg. 6.49 to 12.49 Connecticut “ When a racist dictator like Begin mission pending an Environmental Protec­ jumps to the seat of power, he must tough talks Stick Deodorant Stort stock onhr. Not in it4m Construction workers stopped to chat July •Tropic Torches & Patio In ill stoTM. No rainchodu. The Connecticut Stat^ Lottery 21 before work was halted on the Seabrook, tion Agency report which, announced Friday, revise all his terroristic policies and breaks a ticket sales record. See practices of yore.” WASHINGTON (UPI) - Bound Manchester Chapter, 2.5 Oz. N.H., nuclear power plant. Work was could clear the way for construction to Citronella Candles I page 3. But Begin’s conduct as prime again for the Middle East on a for­ SPEBSQSA, will meet Our Reg. 1.29 . 87* resume. (UPI photo) A prison psychologist says suspended by the Nuclear Regulatory Com­ minister shows this has not been the midable diplomatic salvage opera­ Monday at 7:30 p.m. at the •Cushions & Re-Web Kits rapists are often motivated by case, it said. tion, Secretary of State‘Cyrus Vance Teen Center Annex of Ponds Cream & power, anger or sadism, and they “ Begin is suffering from said Friday the fading Israeli- Manchester Recreation Cocoa Butter Lotion rarely feel any remorse for their schizophrenia,’’ it said. “The Egyptiap peace talks have reached Center. The meeting is •Table & Grill Covers victims. See page 10. catastrophe lies in the fact that he ”a critical point” and ho quick-fix is open to all area men in­ SOz. Special meeting set never stops talking about peace but in prospect. terested in singing four- Our Reg. 1.59 . 96* at the same time he never stops He was to leave Andrews Air Force part barbershop harmony. •Garden & Beach Umbrellas The nation talking about so-called Israeli securi­ Base at midnight on a five-day trip to ty which, to him, means that peace Israel and Egypt. The Manchester- Labor Secretary Ray Marshall •All Redwood Furniture says illegal aliens are a problem, and (retention of occupied Arab) "Compromise continues to be Silktown LaLeche League on road alterations with as many as one million un­ land are inseparably linked.” possible, but more is needed if we are will meet Tuesday at 8 Canon 6-Web Folding Chaise store stock only, not all items in all stores.No rainchecks. authorized immigrants entering This was a reference to Begin’s to succeed,” he said before meeting p.m. at Community Baptist South Windsor’s Town Council will day night the Town Council said it because it will relieve some of the A refusal to relinquish the Jordan West with the House International <3-m 135mm Our 1086 the U.S.
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