Anthology of Fay Slimm Fay Slimm Anthology of Fay Slimm. Dedication To all my wonderful readers and friends in the poetry world with a huge Thank You for all your encouragement and support of my work. Page 2/1498 Anthology of Fay Slimm. About the author There has never been in my grown-up life a time when I have not been writing - poems, short stories and even interpretations of Biblical books - yes from girlhood until this present moment I have been in love with words and their power. My thanks to all who have followed my postings of poetry and have befriended my efforts. Blessings to all who through verse try righting the wrongs of life\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s storms, see in nature something of great value and beautify the wonderful trait of Love - wishes for the survival of personal expression by pen and ink - - from my heart to yours. Fay Slimm. Page 3/1498 Anthology of Fay Slimm. summary COMES AUTUMN. Recharging. Time Versus Love After A DELICATE THING. A Given Day. A Given Day. A Secret. A Something. A Thought. ABANDON. ABANDONMENT. Absorbing. Abundance. Abundance. Action. Addiction. Addiction. Adorning Advancing. Affinity. AFTER SCHOOL. After A Sip. Page 4/1498 Anthology of Fay Slimm. After Today. Afterglow Afterglow AHEAD. AIR. Alltogetherness. Alltogetherness. ALLURE. ALLURE. ALTERATION. Alteration. Altering. An Omen. And Now Anguish. Answered. ANTICIPATION. Appetite Applause Applause. Apprehension APPREHENSION. Apprehension. Apprehension. Approach. Page 5/1498 Anthology of Fay Slimm. April Calling APTITUDE. ARDOUR. ARE WE ? Arousal. Artful. AS FORETOLD. Asking Asking. Asking. Attack. Attack. ATTITUDE. Attitude. Aurora. Authentic. AUTUMN COMES RUNNING. Autumn Comes Running. Autumn-Imbued. AWAKENING. Awareness Awayness Awayness. Awayness. AWE. Page 6/1498 Anthology of Fay Slimm. Awesome AWESOME. AWESOME. Back Then BACK THEN. Back Then. Back There Back There Baiting. Battle Battle Lines. Battle. Battle. Battling. Be To Me. Be To Me. Be To Me. Beach-Combing BEAUTIFUL. Becoming Other. Becoming Other. Beginnings BEGINNINGS. BEGINNINGS. BEGINNINGS. Page 7/1498 Anthology of Fay Slimm. Beginnings. BEHIND AND BETWEEN. Behind and Between. Behind and Between. Being Fickle. Being Ready. BEING. Bells Best Besting. Better Beware Between Worlds. BETWEEN WORLDS. Betweeness Betweeness. Betweeness. Bewildering. Beyond Ahead. Beyond Ahead. Bird Talk. BIRD-TALK.. BIRD-TUNED. BIRTH RITES. Birthright Birthright. Page 8/1498 Anthology of Fay Slimm. BIRTHRIGHT. BITTER. Blackrock Blackrock. Blackrock. Blighted Bliss BLOCKS. Blown Force. BOARD-BALLET. Boisterous. BOLDNESS. Boldness. Bonds BONDS. Bonus. BOUGHT.. Bounty Branded BREAK OUT. Breaking Through. Breaking Through. BREAKOUT. Bridged BRIDGED. Page 9/1498 Anthology of Fay Slimm. Bridges Brief, Brightness.. Brooding Brooding. Bubble Magic. Burgeoning. By Scribes By Verse CAGED. CAGELESS. Captive. Captive. Captured. CAPTURED. CAPTURED. Captured. Carpé-ing Diem. Carpéing Diem. Carrying On Carrying On. Carrying On. Carrying On. CARRYING ON. CARRYING ON. Page 10/1498 Anthology of Fay Slimm. Catch-Trap. Catching the Drift Catching the Drift. Catchtrap. CATZZZ. Catzzzzzzz. Caught Caught Caught Caught. Caught. Caught. Caught. CAUGHT. Celled Chafing. Chains. CHAINS. CHAINS. Challenge Challenge. Challenge.. Challenges Chance Chance Changes. Page 11/1498 Anthology of Fay Slimm. Chance. Chance. Chance. CHANGE. Change. Changed. CHANGELING Changeling Changeling. Changeling. Changeling. Changes Changes. CHANGES. Changes. Changing Changing. Changing. Chasms.. CHESIL. Chill. Chimerical CHOICES. CLEAN AIR. CLIMBING. Page 12/1498 Anthology of Fay Slimm. Clocking Time. Cloistered CLOSE COMFORT. Closeness. Co-Existence CO-EXISTENCE. Collusion COLOUR-POWER. Colour-Power. Colours of Change. COLOURS OF CHANGE. COMBUSTION. COME LET US ........ Commitment Compatibility. Compatible. COMPLIANCE. Compromise CONCEDING. Conceding. Conceding. CONCORDANCE. CONNECTION. Connection. CONSTANT. Page 13/1498 Anthology of Fay Slimm. Constant. Constraint Contact Contact. CONTACT. Contrivance. CONTRIVANCE. Conversion Conversion COPING ALONE. Core-Healing. Counting Sheep. COURAGE. Covert. Coveted. Coveted. Cream-Plied. Crescented Magic. Crescented Magic. Crossed Wires. Crossed Wires. CROWNED. Crying Wolf. Crystaline Charm. CULLED. Page 14/1498 Anthology of Fay Slimm. Curbed Cutting Free. Cutting Free. DANCING. DANGER. Dark Dark Delight. Dawn's Finish. Day's Eye. Deadly Intent. DEADLY INTENT. Deadly. December Sky December Sky December Sun. December Sunset DECEPTION. Decisive DECISIVE. Decisive. DEFENCES. DEFIANCE. DEPARTURE. DEPTHS. Designed. Page 15/1498 Anthology of Fay Slimm. Destined. Difference Difference. Difference. Difference. Dilemma. DILLIGENCE. Discovery Disguised. Distancing Distracted. Diversity. Do Try - Do You ? DOING. Dream-Encrusted. Dreamscape. Dreamscape. DREAMT DREAMS.. Drowsy Treasure Duet. DUET. DUET. Dumbness Duo Ballet. Page 16/1498 Anthology of Fay Slimm. Duo Ballet. DUO-LIQUEUR E-MAIL TO GOD. Early Bird. EARLYNESS. EBONY CHILL. Effaced. Elsewhere Elsewhere. Enchanted. Enchantment Enchantment.. ENCORE. ENDANGERED. ENDED. Endings Endings. Enforcement Enmeshed Enmeshed. Enticing Enticing. Enticing. Entrance EPITAPH. Page 17/1498 Anthology of Fay Slimm. Errant. ESSENTIALS. ESTEEM. Esteem. Ethereal Music. Ethereal Music. EVENTS. EVOKING. Exciting. Exciting. Exciting. Extravagance. Eyeing. Familiar. Fancy Far More. Far More. Far More. Fate Waits. Favours FEARLESS. Feelings Ferment FERTILITY. Fervour. Page 18/1498 Anthology of Fay Slimm. Fierce Hunger. FINALITY. Finding FIRST BALLAD. First Light. First Love. First Love. First Love. First Love. FLASHES. Flight. Flimsy Stunners FLIMSY WONDERS. Folly FOLLY. FOR SALE. For Thine Eyes Only. Foremost. Foremost. Foremost. FORLORN. FORSAKEN. Forsaken. FORTUNE. Found Absent. Page 19/1498 Anthology of Fay Slimm. Found Absent. FREEING . Frenzy Frenzy. Frenzy. Friend or Fiend ? Friendship's Love. Frustration. Fulfilled Fulfilled. Fulfilled. Full Spate. Full Spate. Fused Fused. GEMS. Gifts Given. Glorious Din. Glorious Din. Gold Vision. GONE. GORMLESS. Greeting. GROWTH. Page 20/1498 Anthology of Fay Slimm. Growth. GROWTH.. Happenings HAPPENINGS. Happenings. Hats Off. HAUTEUR.. HAVENS. HEARABLE. Heart-Breakers.. HEART'S CORE. Hearts Wept. HEAT. Heaven Held. Heaven-Held. Heydays Heydays. Hidden His Last. His Laughter. HIS SCENT. His Star. HITHER. Hold Hard. HOPING. Page 21/1498 Anthology of Fay Slimm. How Many. How Many. Hunger Hunger. Hunger. HUSBANDRY. Hypnotic Hypnotic. I Day. I AM . ( Part One of a Series) I AM BREEZE - (A Series) I Am Cloud. I AM CLOUD. I Am Cloud. I Am Desire. I Saw Him. I Spied. I Wonder. IF If Only. If Only. IF ONLY. If Only. If. If. Page 22/1498 Anthology of Fay Slimm. IF. ILL-SENT ILL-SENT. Impatient Imprinted IMPRINTED. In Error. In Sequence. In The Making. In Transit. In Transit. In Transit. In Transit. In Transit. IN TUNE. Incoming Incoming. Incoming. INDELIBLE. Indelible. Informed. Ink-Bitten. Inside Breath. INSIDE ME. INSIDE ME. Page 23/1498 Anthology of Fay Slimm. Insistence Instinctive Intake - (plus one for Fun Friday) Intake. Intake. INTENTIONS. INTER-SPUN. Interchange Interdependence. Interference Interference. INTERLACED. Into Forever. Invasion Invasion. INVASION. Invasive INVENTION. Invincible INVITING. It Maybe. IT PASSED. Jail-bird JOINED. Journey Concluded. Page 24/1498 Anthology of Fay Slimm. June Vibrations KEEPING WATCH. Kindred. Knowing. Knowing. KNOWINGNESS.. LAMENT. Language. LEARNING. LEARNING. Learnt Curves. Left Behind. Less Trodden. Less Trodden. LET US .......... LET US GO. LET'S GO. LETTING GO. LEVELS. Life Song. LIFESAVING. LILY. Line-Dancing Listening LISTENING IN. Page 25/1498 Anthology of Fay Slimm. LIT. Littleness. Littleness. Live Silver. LIVE SILVER. Locked In Locked In. LOOKING. Losing You Losing You. Losing You. Lost. Lost. Love Bites LOVE BITES. LOVE IS.... Love Sings. Love-Light. Love-Smitten. Love-Tongue. Love's Birthright. Love's Call. Love's Due. Love's Due. Love's Effect. Page 26/1498 Anthology of Fay Slimm. Love's Glow LOVE'S GLOW. Love's Glow. LOVE'S GLOW. LOVE'S STILLNESS. LOVE'S TUNE. LOVE'S TUNE. Love's Wand. Lovescape Lovescape. Lovescape. LOVESCAPE. Lovescape. Lovesight LUNACY. LUNACY. Lush LUSH. LUSTY TIMES. Made-Over. Magical Hush. Magical. MAGICAL. MAKE-OVER. Making Believe. Page 27/1498 Anthology of Fay Slimm. Making Richer. Making Richer. Making Sense. Making. Mantra's Mistique. Maybe. MEANT. MEDITATING. Meditation MELT-DOWN Memory's Pearl. MEMORY'S PEARL. Mile-High Amour. MIRAGE. Mischief. Mislaid. Missed Missing MIXTURES. More MORE THAN. More Than. More Than. Morphing. Mother-Fed. Page 28/1498 Anthology of Fay Slimm. Mothering. Motley. Movement Movement. Movement. MOVES. Musing MY AIM. MY ENCOUNTER. My Friend My Rocker. Myself Myself Mysterious. MYSTERIOUS. Mystery. Mystery. MYSTERY. MYSTIC. Naked Heart. Naked Heart. Nearest. Nebulous Nectar. Nectar. Page 29/1498 Anthology of Fay Slimm. Need. Never Again. Never Before Never Forget Never Forget. New Appetite. New Appetite. New Depths. New Depths. New Kind. New Leaves. New Leaves. NEW NOTIONS. NEW. NEWNESS. NEWNESS.. NEWSWORTHY. Night-Stained. Nightness. NIGHTNESS. No Chance No Limits. NO LIMITS. No More. No More.. Page 30/1498 Anthology of Fay Slimm. No Time. No Time. No Words. Non-Sound. Nostalgia Nostalgia. Not A Doubt. Not Again. Not Again. Not Meant Not Yet.. Notes. NOW SLEEPING. NOW-NESS. Now. Nowness. Numberless NURTURE. Ocean's Guns. October' s Intent. OH LILY. Oh Word. Oiled with Love. Old Into
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