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Mutual Insurance Company. © 2016 Nationwide NPO-0194M1.2 (01/16) Nationwide and the Nationwide N and Eagle are service marks of Nationwide Mutual (614) 294-4416 Insurance Company. © 2016 Nationwide NPO-0194M1.2 (01/16) 1559 Roxbury Road Licensed Celebrating over 45 years in business. Columbus, Ohio 43212-2723 15596 One Call VOLKSWAGEN Parish Office 614-488-2428 Does It All & AUDI SERVICE Fax 614-488-0507 614-851-0099 614-297-1811 1020 KING AVE. CONSTRUCTION CO., INC. visit us at Email: [email protected] www.ruscilli.com | 614.876.9484 www.AmericanAirHeating.com www.motorkars.com www.ourladyofvictory.cc Family Owned Since 1956 M-F: 9:30-5:30; SUGARBUSH Binding Service Available Sat: 10-2 GOURMET GIFT BASKETS Oles + Associates PARISH OFFICE HOURS Worthington Square CARPET JUNKYARD, INC. CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS Quality Carpet at Junkyard Prices Monday-Friday 614-431-5651 665 N. Hague Ave. • Columbus, OH 43204 Shop by Phone 614-262-1240 Jim McCauley 614-272-5630Evans 614-487-0774 • www.oles-cpa.com 9:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. www.sb-gourmet.com Parishioner www.carpetjunkyard.com DIRECTORS: ANTHONY TIBERI – JOHN TIBERI – JOSEPH TIBERI – BILL SMITH 1335 Dublin Rd, Suite 110-E Constance Leal BallengerMAEDER QUINT TIBERI 614-824-1354 Rev. William A. Metzger, Pastor SINCE 1870 FUNERAL HOME Mon-Fri. 11am-8pm; Sat. 11am-5pm [email protected] 1068 S. High Street, Columbus, Ohio 43206 10% OFF WITH Msgr. Anthony Missimi, Retired .......... 614-481-4459 Parishioner “Serving families for generations” 614-444-1185 THIS AD Deacon Richard Baumann, Retired ..... 614-319-3181 Deacon Rob Joseph ................................ 614-486-0777 Dave & Linda Macklin, Administrative Assistant Darla King Beljeania Berry, Pastoral Associate for Ministries to Seniors, 25 Years Parishioners Creating Healing Experiences Since 1855 the Homebound and Bereaved ............ (cell) 614-315-1047 Celebrating 20 years watermarkdental.com (614) 488-9050 1740 Zollinger Road • 614-457-5481 [email protected] We are a group of people bound together by our belief in 614-430-0020 • www.kbiinc.comCall or Text 614.832.2998 1225 Dublin Road, Columbus, OH 43215 Schoedinger.com Jesus Christ. Through our Baptism we are called to share in SANDRA BINNING Krista Joseph, Director of Religious Education – of Timeless Fashion No Mosquitoes. His work. We pledge through the idea of a shared ministry 614-538-1600 Fall in love with your yard again... GUARANTEED. Preschool thru Grade 8 ...............................614-486-7678 Enrico's Pizza KING Be Mosquito Free! to build a community where all are welcomed, loved, needed Restaurant • Carryout Teri R. Alexander, CH*, MSFP [email protected] THOMPSON and appreciated. 5788 Frantz Road President (Parishioner) Greg Gloeckner, Business Manager ........614-488-2428 2128 Arlington Avenue FINANCIAL PLANNING KING THOMPSON REALTOR/PARISHIONER Registered Investment Advisor 1621 W 1st Ave., Grandview Hts. [email protected] BINNING Operated by a subsidiary of NRT LLC. Columbus, Ohio 43221 766-6900 Call or text: 614.832.2998 Fee Only MASS SCHEDULE BULLETIN DEADLINE – MONDAY NOON 614-488-6400 Italian Dining [email protected] www.alexanderfinancialplanning.com 614.321.2524 BugsBITE.com Saturday, 5:00 p.m. Items should be submitted in writing. All bulletin items Large One Sunday, 8:30 & 11:00 a.m. and flyers must be approved by the Parish Office. Notices Item Pizza Beck & Orr, Inc Holydays, 8:00 a.m. & 7:00 p.m. for bulletin boards must also be approved before posting. LealBoutique.com only $10.95* Bookbinding • Foil Stamping Not valid with other offers. see inside of bulletin for times *Add $2.25 for delivery Since 1888 Weekday Mass, W. Lane Avenue 1254 W. Third Avenue 3097 W. Broad Street PARISH REGISTRATION 614-481-5555 www.carsonies.com 614-488-9700 Columbus, OH 43204 RECONCILIATION Enjoy $3 OFF your next Sun-Thurs 11:00 a.m. to midnight Please contact the Parish Office to register or to change dine-in or carry-out purchase. Fri and Sat 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 a.m. Saturday 4:00-4:30 p.m. or by appointment 614-276-8809 place an ad, call 614-777-8700. To They make the bulletin possible. advertisers… our Please patronize your address or status. Communal services during Lent and Advent Strader’s tremont 488-2625 Chad Cacchio DDS Parish registration consists of two parts: Garden Center Parishioner & K of C Member INFANT BAPTISM Registration: Registering in a parish is a declaration of 1354 King Ave at Grandview pharmacy 5 other locations HEATING AND COOLING To arrange for instructions for the Sacrament, please call your desire to be a part of a Catholic community and 2144 Tremont Center, Columbus We’re happy to make you Visit www.straders.net RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL the Parish Office. Baptisms are ordinarily celebrated during a commitment to the life of the parish family. We are 486-2626 Now offering anticoagulation management Gas • Oil • Electric • Heat Pumps • Humidifiers smile. weekend Masses. Great Plants For Home & Office (coumadin/warfarin) 1296 Dublin Rd. • 614.488.5211 • www.favret.com often asked to provide affidavits for parishioners’ standings. We can only do this if a person is a registered, active and Wenger Temperature Control Inc. COMPLIMENTS OF 488-1313 MARRIAGE 2005 Progress Ave. contributing member in our parish. 1700 W. Lane Avenue Six months notice required. Speak with the Pastor before 614-443-2212 requesting information packet from the Parish Office. Participation: As a member of your Parish, you are James Herlihy Ste. 100 accepting the responsibility of weekly worship as well as Call Us For Your Heating & Parishioner Air Conditioning Needs. www.chadcacchiodds.com ANOINTING OF THE SICK/VISITS TO THE SICK supporting God’s work here through giving of yourself, 614-284-4887 614.871.4040 Please notify the Parish Office at 614-488-2428 to arrange your time and talents, and a worthy Sunday offering to VALENTINO’S NORTHWEST 4661 Kenny Road for anointing of the sick and pastoral visits for homebound show your love of God and your gratitude for His many CARE CARE, INC. parishioners who may be ill, confined or hospitalized. favors and blessings. • Garage Doors Complete Automotive 614-451-5900 Repair Service CENTRAL • Entry Doors 1766 W. Fifth Avenue Sunday 11:00 a.m. Mass is being live-streamed on our website www.ourladyofvictory.cc 614-486-2824 403 E. Broad Street 2300 International Street, Columbus, OH Dennis Valentino, Knights of Columbus 614-221-6665 www.columbusdoorsales.com Certified Mechanic Council 12900 www.egan-ryan.com 614-481-2020 #944838-JT-10/27/20 OUR LADY OF VICTORY CHURCH COLUMBUS, OHIO MASS INTENTIONS THE WEEK AHEAD Saturday, November 14 – Weekday Saturday, November 14 5:00 p.m. +Rose Sliemers (Family) 5:00 p.m. Mass – Church Sunday, November 15 – Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time Sunday, November 15 The World Day of the Poor 8:30 a.m. Mass – Church 8:30 a.m. +Helen Casasanta 9:30 a.m. All Grades In Class Religious Ed (Daughter & Son-in-Law) 11:00 a.m. Mass – Church 11:00 a.m. People of the Parish Monday, November 16 Monday, November 16 – St. Margaret of Scotland; St. Gertrude 8:00 a.m. Mass – Church 8:00 a.m. +Almario Vergara (Vergara Family) Tuesday, November 17 8:00 a.m. Mass – Church Tuesday, November 17 – St. Elizabeth of Hungary 8:00 a.m. +Rev. Msgr. Romano Ciotola (Guido Ciotola) Wednesday, November 18 8:00 a.m. Mass – Church Wednesday, November 18 – The Dedication of the Basilicas of Thursday, November 19 Sts. Peter and Paul; St. Rose Philippine Duchesne 6:00 p.m. Mass – Church 8:00 a.m. +Gaylord and Delores Smith (Joan Temborius) Holy Hour following Mass with Exposition of Blessed Sacrament concluding with Thursday, November 19 – Weekday Benediction at 7:30 p.m. 6:00 p.m. +Dorothy J. Murnane (Frank & Rita Blateri) Friday, November 20 Friday, November 20 – Weekday 8:00 a.m. Mass – Church 8:00 a.m. +Gail Arlene Logan (Matre Family) Saturday, November 21 Saturday, November 21 – 5:00 p.m. Mass – Church The Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary Sunday, November 22 5:00 p.m. People of the Parish 8:30 a.m. Mass – Church Sunday, November 22 – Holy Hour following Mass with Exposition of OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST, KING OF THE UNIVERSE Blessed Sacrament concluding with 8:30 a.m. +Audrey Harlor (Family) Benediction at 10:30 a.m. 11:00 a.m. +Margherita Finelli (Finelli Family) 11:00 a.m. Mass – Church Gifts for God – November 8, 2020 Bishop's Annual Appeal 2020 In Envelopes ................................................................... $ 2,220.00 Loose Checks .................................................................. $ 590.00 Goal: $ 70,067.99 Loose Cash ...................................................................... $ 148.00 Pledged: $ 92,035.00 Maintenance .................................................................. $ 101.00 Paid: $ 76,389.18 Online Giving .................................................................. $ 670.00 Pledge Balance: $ 15,645.82 All Saints ......................................................................... $ 305.00 Anticipated Refund: $ 21,967.01 TOTAL. ............................................................................. $ 4,034.00 No. Pledges: (of 751 Households) 106 Less: Diocese 6% Assessment ........................................
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