The Technical Bulletins of Dianetics and Scientology by L. Ron Hubbard FOUNDER OF DIANETICS AND SCIENTOLOGY Volume XII 1978-1979 _____________________________________________________________________ I will not always be here on guard. The stars twinkle in the Milky Way And the wind sighs for songs Across the empty fields of a planet A Galaxy away. You won’t always be here. But before you go, Whisper this to your sons And their sons — “The work was free. Keep it so. “ L. RON HUBBARD L. Ron Hubbard Founder of Dianetics and Scientology EDITOR’S NOTE This is Volume XII of The Technical Bulletins of Dianetics and Scientology by L. Ron Hubbard. It contains the many fantastic technical breakthroughs achieved by Ron during the latter part of 1978 up to the end of 1979, carrying on directly from where Volume XI ends. As in other Technical Volumes, if an issue has been revised, replaced, or canceled, this has been indicated in the upper right-hand corner along with the date of the issue which should be referred to. The Chronological Contents shows at what point on the time track each issue in this volume was released, and the Long Contents gives you a breakdown of the subject content of each separate HCOB or issue. In the Subject Index at the back of this volume. main entries appear in boldface type to make it easy to find any subject. If the title of a bulletin is known but not the date of issue, the Alphabetical List of Titles may be consulted to locate the issue fast. Lastly, the Cancellations and Revisions lists show you which issues in previous Technical Volumes have been canceled or revised by issues presented in Volume XII. The Editor i TECHNICAL BULLETINS 1978-1979 CONTENTS 1961 8 June R E-Meter Watching (revised 22 Feb. 1979) 1 1965 16 Nov. R E-Meter Sensitivity Setting 4 (revised 22 Feb. 1979) 1966 10 Feb. R Tech Recovery (HCO PL) (revised 22 Feb. 1979) 5 11 Feb. R Free Needles, How to Get Them on a Pc (revised 22 Feb . 1979) 9 1967 12 Feb. The Responsibilities of Leaders (corrected and reissued 4 Sept. 1979) 11 1969 19 May RB Drug and Alcohol Cases—Prior Assessing (re-revised 14 Nov. 1978) 22 16 Aug. R Handling Illness in Scientology (revised 25 Sept. 1978) 24 1970 7 Apr. RB Green Form (HCO PL) (revised 8 Dec. 1978) 27 11 Apr. R Auditing Past Exterior (Int. RD. Series 6) (revised 23 Sept. 1978) 32 6 May R Blows—Auditing Past Exterior (Int. RD. Series 7) (revised 24 Sept. 1978) 34 27 May R Unreading Questions and Items (revised 3 Dec. 1978) 36 30 May R Interiorization Intensive—2-Way Comm (Int. RD. Series 3) (revised 23 Sept. 1978) 38 20 Aug. R Interiorization Rundown Musts (Int. RD. Series 8) (revised 23 Sept. 1978) 40 1971 4 Jan. R Exteriorization and High TA—The Interiorization Rundown Revised (Int. RD. Series 2) (revised 24 Sept. 1978) 43 ii 1971 (cont.) 13 Jan. R Exteriorization (Int. RD. Series 9) (revised 24 Sept. 1978) 51 7 Mar. R Use of Quadruple Dianetics (C/S Series 28RA-1RA) (revised 12 Dec. 1978) 53 15 Mar. R Data Series Auditing (HCO PL) (Data Series 21R) (revised 6 Jan. 1979) 56 4 Apr. R Use of Quad Dianetics (C/S Series 32RA-1RC) (revised 12 Dec. 1978) 57 30 June RB Expanded Green Form 40RD—EXGF 40RD (revised 4 Dec. 1978) 60 3 July R Auditing by Lists (revised 22 Feb. 1979) 70 15 July RC Drug Handling (C/S Series 48RD) (NED Series 9RB) (re-revised 31 Jan . 1979) 73 24 Sept. R Interiorization Rundown—Correction Drill: Date to Blow/ Locate to Blow (Int. RD. Series 11) (revised 24 Sept. 1978) 79 29 Oct. RA Int Rundown Correction List Revised (Int. RD. Series 12) (re-revised 24 Sept. 1978) 84 9 Dec. RC PTS Rundown, Audited (re-revised 8 Dec. 1978) 90 16 Dec. RB Interiorization Errors (C/S Series 35RB, Int. RD. Series 10) (re-revised 24 Sept. 1978) 98 17 Dec. RB Interiorization Summary (Int. RD. Series 15, C/S Series 23RB) (re-revised 24 Sept. 1978) 102 1972 1 Jan. RB LIX Hi-Lo TA List Revised (revised 10 Feb. 1977) 107 20 Jan. R PTS RD Addition (revised 8 Dec. 1978) 124 3 June RA PTS Rundown, Final Step (re-revised 8 Dec. 1978) 126 1973 30 Jan. RC Method 9 Word Clearing the Right Way (W/C Series 46RC) (revised 19 Dec. 1979) 128 7 Apr. RA Gradients in TRs (revised 22 Feb. 1979) 142 15 Oct. RB Nulling and F/Ning Prepared Lists (C/S Series 87RB) (re-revised 4 Dec. t978) 144 24 Nov. RD Short Hi-Lo TA Assessment C/S (C/S Series 53RL SF) (revised 30 Oct. 1978) 147 24 Nov. RE C/S Series 53RL LF (Long Form) (revised 30 Oct. 1978) 150 1974 18 Mar. R E-Meters—Sensitivity Errors (revised 22 Feb. 1979) 154 1975 29 Mar. R Antibiotics, Administering of (revised 23 Oct. 1978) 156 iii 1977 14 June -1 Paid Comps Simplified—Addition I —C/S Series 81RA—Auditor’s Rights Modified—Addition I (addition of 12 June 1979) 162 1978 6 Feb. RA The Purification Rundown Replaces the Sweat Program (re-revised 4 Dec. 1979) 163 6 Feb.RA-1 The Purification Rundown—Errata and Additions (addition of 20 Dec. 1979) 180 23 Mar. RA Clearing Words (W/C Series 59RA) (revised 14 Dec. 1979) 182 19 Sept. R The End of Endless Drug RDs (revised 31 Jan. 1979) 185 19 Sept. R The End of Endless Drug Rundowns Repair List (revised 31 Jan. 1979) 187 24 Sept. RA The End of Endless Int Repair Rundown (Int. RD. Series 4RA) (revised 21 Feb. 1979) 189 24 Sept. Preassessment, AESPs and Int (Int. RD. Series 13) 199 24 Sept. Dianetic Clear 200 25 Sept. Quad Commands for Int Buttons (Int. RD. Series 5) 201 25 Sept. Starrate Checkouts for Interiorization Rundown (Int. RD. Series 14) 206 29 Sept. FESing of Folders and Full Flow Tables 209 3 Oct. NED Rule 210 4 Oct. Interiorization Handling Simplified (Int. RD. Series 1) 211 16 Oct. Repair Correction List 214 16 Oct. C/S Checklist of Int Errors (Int. RD. Series 16, C/S Series 102) 217 30 Oct. C/S Series 53, Use of 220 30 Oct. Courses—Their Ideal Scene 223 10 Nov. R Proclamation—Power to Forgive (revised 3 Dec. 1978) 225 10 Nov. R-1 Proclamation: Power to Forgive Addition (addition of 26 Nov. 1978) 227 15 Nov. Dating and Locating 228 19 Nov. L & N Lists—The Item “Me” 237 27 Nov. Word Clearing Correction List (W/C Series 35RF) 238 28 Nov. Auditors Who Miss Withholds, Penalty 242 29 Nov. Dianetic Clear Attests (C/S Series 104) 243 30 Nov. Confessional Procedure 245 Dec. What Is Scientology? 251 1 Dec. Programming the Dianetic Clear for His Next Step 252 3 Dec. Unreading Flows 253 4 Dec. How to Read through an F/N 254 5 Dec. Dianetic Clear Attests—Additional Data (C/S Series 105) 256 6 Dec. Revivification 259 iv 1978 (cont.) 7 Dec. HCOB 1 October 1978, HCOB 6 October 1978 on Bright Think Rundown Withdrawn 260 8 Dec. Green Form and Expanded Green Form 40RDs Use of 261 9 Dec. HCO PL 23 Oct. 76 and BPL 29 Nov. 1976 Canceled (HCO PL) 263 13 Dec. R Pc Set-Ups and C/S 53 (revised 24 Sept. 1979) 264 17 Dec. Ron’s Journal 30—1978—The Year of Lightning Fast New Tech (LRH ED 301 INT) 265 29 Dec. The Suppressed Person Rundown 276 30 Dec. R Suppressed Person Rundown Problems Processes (revised 6 Jan. 1979) 279 31 Dec. Outline of PTS Handling 290 31 Dec. Educating the Potential Trouble Source, the First Step Toward Handling: PTS C/S-1 293 1979 6 Jan. HCOB 24 July 1970 and HCOB 28 August 1970RA Canceled (canceled—see HCOB 28 Aug. 1970RB Vol. XIII) 300 6 Jan. Correction to Ron’s Journal 30—Requirements for Super Power Auditors (LRH ED 301-1 INT) 301 9 Jan. BTB Cancellation 302 17 Jan. A New Type of Crime (HCO PL) 303 19 Jan. Cancellation (HCO PL) (Data Series 47) 304 28 Jan. C/S Qualifications 304 31 Jan. Mood Drills 305 3 Feb. Change the Civilization Eval (corrected and reissued 8 Feb. 1979) 307 3 Feb. Confront Tech Has to Be Part of the TR Checksheet 311 7 Feb. R E-Meter Drill 5RA—Can Squeeze (revised 15 Feb. 1979) 312 9 Feb. How to Defeat Verbal Tech 317 15 Feb. Verbal Tech: Penalties 318 21 Feb. E-Meter Essentials Errata Sheet (HCO PL) (corrected and reissued 6 May 1979) 319 22 Feb. Errata—P.A.B. No. 147 (HCO PL) 324 Mar. Group Auditor’s Handbook 325 4 Mar. R Art in Its Basics (Art Series 6) (revised 30 Dec. 1979) 326 5 Mar. R Dianetic Clear False Declares (revised 6 Mar. 1979) 328 26 Mar. RB Misunderstood Words and Cycles of Action (Esto Series 35RB, W/C Series 60RB, Product Debug Series 7R) (revised 2 Sept. 1979) 329 15 Apr. Fine Arts versus Illustrations (Art Series 7) 331 30 Apr. Auditing the Dianetic Clear (C/S Series 106) 332 v 1979 (cont.) 2 May Dianetic Clear Special Intensive 333 2 May Dianetic Clear Special Intensive Assessment List 339 3 May Dianetic Clear Special Intensive—C/S and Auditor Requirements 344 10 June A Professional (Art Series 8) 346 17 June Crashing Mis-Us: The Key to Completed Cycles of Action; and Products (W/C Series 61, Product Debug Series 3) 347 18 June The Crashing Mis-U Repair List—LC1 (Product Debug Series 4, W/C Series 62) 357 7 July Crashing Mis-U Definition 360 16 July The “Elusive” Mis-U or Crashing Mis-U (Product Debug Series 5, W/C Series 63) 361 17 July The Misunderstood Word Defined (W/C Series 64) 363 7 Aug.
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