WELCOME TO THE 16TH LINTEL RESTAURANT The management and staff of Kleinkaap Boutique Hotel welcome you to our beautiful property and The 16th Lintel Restaurant. We believe in using only the freshest ingredients and trust we will exc eed your expectations. If you have any spec ial requests or dietary requirements please c all a member of our management team for assistance. The hotel’s food and beverage outlets include; our Day Lawn serving a high tea (reservation required) and snac k menu. The Whisky Lounge, with a range of fine whisky’s and cognacs to choose from. Sit bac k and relax whilst indulging in your favourite beverage, or find a new favourite. The Grand Bar, offering exquisite c oc ktails, as well as an expansive range of beers, c iders and soft drinks there’s something for everyone. Our most popular attrac tion is The 16th Lintel Restaurant, nestled beside the oldest sec tion of the hotel with timeless eleganc e and style, the déc or is in keeping with this period property. This is our c hefs playground to experiment and c reate out of this world c ulinary masterpiec es. At Kleinkaap Boutique Hotel, weekends are designed for family and friends to enjoy fun times around a table with our c ulinary delights. As suc h, we have designed our Sunday lunc h options to c ater for all, with Sunday Wine Estate Lunc hes, and Traditional Sunday Roasts to c ompliment the finest c raft beer and soc ial c heer. Please remember to book your c ulinary experienc e direc tly to avoid disappointment. Ask your waiter for a tour of our 1920 Cape Dutch style property and escape to the garden to leave the c ity life behind. A glass of wine from our award winning wine list is the final ingredient needed to let all the stresses of the day fall away. Bon Appetite Darren Bec kett Hotel Food and Beverage Manager Day Lawn Booking is Essential Available from 12pm-5pm Selec tion of Hot Beverages Roses Tea (English Breakfast, Earl Grey, Lemon, Camomile, Green, Rooibos) Illy Coffee (Cappuc c ino, Latte, Americ ano, Espresso) Cream Tea 65.00 Plain and fruit scone with c lotted c ream and strawberry preserve Home-made shortbread and chocolate biscuits Trad itional Afternoon Tea 165.00 A Selec tion of Finger Sand wic hes Egg and Ma yo Smoked Salmon, Dill and Crème Fra ic he Ha m, Wholegra in Musta rd Ma yonna ise Toma to, Mozzarella and Basil Patisserie Custa rd Pastries Bar One Ca ke Pec a n Nut and Choc ola te Tartlets Red Velvet Ca ke Home-Mad e Savoury and Fruit Scone Clotted Cream and Strawberry Preserve Enjoy our Champagne Afternoon Tea A glass of Durbanville Hill Sparkling Sauvignon Blanc 245.00 Rela x and enjoy your c ulina ry exp erienc e in our sump tuous surround ings, plea se let us know if we c a n do anything further to ma ke your afterno on spec ia l. Plea se be ad vised tha t food prep a red here ma y c onta in or ha ve c ome in c onta c t with p ea nuts, tree nuts, soya , milk, eggs, whea t, fish or shellfish. Plea se inform a memb er of the tea m prior to ord ering if you suffer from any form of food allergy. A La Carte Starter Trad itional Bean Soup Herb dump lings 50.00 Beetroot Salad Crumb ed Chevin, red sorrel 72.00 Sugar Cured Salmon Cuc umb er, ma rina ted fennel, lemon and fennel aioli 95.00 Ox Tongue Sweet mustard, onion c hutney, heirloom toma to, herb shoots 65.00 Lemon and Herb Risotto Stuffed Calama ri Crispy sq uid hea d s, p a p rika toma to c omp ote, squid ink a nd lemon emulsion 100.00 Rela x and enjoy your c ulina ry exp erienc e in our sump tuous surround ings, plea se let us know if we c a n do anything further to ma ke your evening spec ia l. Chef believes child ren should sha re the ad ults dining exp erienc e and is ha p p y to serve sma ller p ortions; a lso any of the sta rters ca n be served as a ma in c ourse. Plea se be ad vised tha t food prep a red here ma y c onta in or ha ve c ome in c onta c t with p ea nuts, tree nuts, soya , milk, eggs, whea t, fish or shellfish. Plea se inform a memb er of the tea m prior to ord ering if you suffer from any form of food allergy. Main Course Blac k Cherry Glazed Duc k Breast Duc k liver pa te, p ota to fond a nt, b eet p urée, ra inb ow roa st beetroot, bla c k p ep p er c rumb 185.00 Dukkha Spic ed Roast Chic ken Butternut, ba rley and toma to bred ie, salt ba ked root vegeta b les 150.00 Brown Sugar and Ga rlic Pork Belly Sweet c orn puree, grilled zuc c hini rib b on, ap p le and thyme c hutney, c ra c kling 185.00 Grilled Salmon Fillet Petite p ois, fennel and c rème fra ic he risotto, wilted spina c h, b eurre b la nc 185.00 Chef’s Vegetarian Meal Ask a memb er of our servic e tea m ab out this da ily spec ia l 105.00 Chefs Signature Dishes Pinotage and Balsamic Slow Cooked Lamb Shank Green bea n and p ota to c roq uette, c a ra melized onion, ba b y c a rrots. 215.00 Pepper Crusted Venison Loin Gestowe vrugte, roa st b one ma rrow, ba b y vegeta b les, fond a nt pota to, bra nd y c rea m 195.00 Steak Platter Pota to wed ges, ma rina ted mushrooms, roa sted heirloom toma to, ga rlic and herb butter 350g Rib Eye 250.00 250g Sirloin 175.00 Ha ve Your Stea k Served on a Hima la ya n Salt Bloc k (Surc ha rge 20.00) Desserts Pouc hed Fruit Pavlova Honey yoghurt p a nna c otta 80.00 Coc onut and Date Hertzoggie Ma ngo sorb et, pa ssion fruit syrup 65.00 Apple Tart Tatin Crème p a tisserie, c a ra mel drop s, ap p le c id er jelly, va nilla ic e c rea m 65.00 Lemon Verbena Crème Brulée Rooib os infused stra wb erries, shortb rea d biscuit 75.00 Coffee Pa nna Cotta Salted c a ra mel sa uc e, d a rk c hoc ola te a nd c offee Soet Koekie 80.00 Loc al Cheese and Port Designed for 2 sha ring, selec tion of loc a l c heese, preserves, fruits 230.00 Snoep kos Curried Venison Sosaties 75.00 Stuffed Calamari Lemon & herb risotto, squid ink, lemon Duc k Liver Pate ma yo Ca ra melized onions, homema d e brea d 85.00 72.00 Biltong and Loc al Cheese Dhaltjies Homema d e brea d Spic y herb fritters, pep p er sauc e 200.00 50.00 Roasted Bone Marrow Pic kled Fish Ga rlic and rosema ry freshly ba ked brea d Pinea p p le bla tja ng, homema d e brea d 65.00 70.00 Pic kled Ox Tongue Marinated Mushrooms Sweet musta rd and homema d e brea d Roa sted toma to, thyme oil 50.00 55.00 Light Lunc h Our light lunc h op tions a re served with a c hoic e of pota to wed g es or sala d . Battered Hake Venison Pie Grilled lemon, ta rta r sauc e Pinea p p le bla tja ng 80.00 115.00 Cous Cous Crusted Chic ken Kleinkaap Burger Roa st pep p er dip p ing sauc e Emmenta l, homema d e p ic kle, ba c on ja m 100.00 115.00 Jaffels Biltong, Cheese, Onion Chutney 80.00 Curried Chic ken Mayo 60.00 Mozzarella, Tomato, Basil Pesto 50.00 Salad s Roast Chic ken Honey and musta rd roa st c hic ken, ba c on, avoc a d o mousse 80.00 Spic ed Pear and Blue Cheese Ca nd ied pec a ns, red wine red uc tion 110.00 Smoked Ostric h Cra nb erries, summer greens 110.00 Sweet Things Spic ed Pouc hed Fruit Honey yogurt Pavlova 65.00 Apple Tart Tatin Salted c a ra mel, c hoic e of ic e c rea m or c rea m 45.00 Amarula Cheese c ake Honey c omb d ust, fud g e 65.00 Kleinkaap Ic e Crea m 3 scoop Ask a memb er of our servic e tea m ab out tod a y’s fla vours 40.00 .
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