The Crusader Bulletin of the Eucharistic Crusade for Children in Australia #342 Read inside: December 2019: ADVENT - The Little Flower p. 4 Month of the Holy Child Jesus - Eucharistic devotion p. 6 - The life of the Blessed Virgin Mary p. 8 - The Old Testament: Cain & Abel p. 10 - Kindness: the Bloom of Charity p. 12 - Holy Souls Corner p. 13 - My Catholic Faith - Calvary p. 14 - Liturgy this month p. 19 2 The Crusader December 2019 The Saint Saint Stephen of the Protomartyr month († 35) he Jewish origin of Saint Stephen is his own fate, defended Christ before the universally acknowledged; he is Jerusalem tribunal with a perfection which T known and loved everywhere as the enraged the proud authorities of Jerusalem, first follower of Christ to give to his mar- unwilling to recognise a humble carpenter tyred God love for love, blood for blood. It of Nazareth for their Saviour. He boldly is not certain whether he was among the upbraided the chief priests with their hard- seventy-two disciples of Jesus; some be- hearted resistance to the Holy Spirit. And lieve he was of the Greek tongue and not a when he accused them of putting to death, native of Palestine. He studied with Saint just as their forebears had treated the Paul and Saint Barnabas under the famous prophets who foretold Him, the long- Doctor of the Law, Gamaliel, who, being a awaited Just One announced by Moses, member of the Sanhedrin, attempted to they stoned him without further delay stop the persecution of the Apostles. (Acts (Acts of the Apostles, chapter 7). of the Apostles 5:34-40) What is certain, Saint Stephen died, beholding his however, is that he distinguished himself Lord standing at the right hand of God. He among his brethren as an admirable Chris- imitated Him in death; crying out, Lord tian, full of the gifts of the Holy Spirit. To Jesus, receive my spirit! He concluded on his great beauty and angelic chastity were his knees, Lord, do not impute to them this joined humility, patience, gentleness and sin! And then he fell asleep, the narrative charity, so perfect that they drew from all says. the faithful great admiration and esteem for His mortal remains were left out- him. doors to be devoured by beasts, but were He was head of the seven disciples protected by God; and Gamaliel, the Doc- whom the Apostles named as deacons, to tor of the Law, took the body of the martyr execute the works of charity which their to his own country home, a few leagues mandate to preach did not permit them to from the city, where he buried him. His carry out. Stephen manifested all the quali- tomb was discovered miraculously in the ties one could wish for in a minister of fifth century, by the intervention of Gama- charity and of the Gospel. He knew Scrip- liel himself in a priest's dream. The greater ture to perfection and was steeped in its part of his relics are still conserved in the divine spirit; he was endowed with invinci- Basilica of Saint Lawrence and Saint Ste- ble force cause he feared nothing in the phen in Rome. His death was the signal for service of God. Everywhere in Jerusalem, a great persecution of the Christians in he was proving Jesus of Nazareth to be the Jerusalem, spurred on by Saul, who had Messiah, and working great prodigies to approved his death. But Saint John Chrys- confirm the truths he taught. Some believe ostom remarks that it is because Stephen he was the cousin of Saul, later Saint Paul; prayed for his persecutors that we have in any case, the latter, still a fire-breathing Saint Paul, whose conversion miraculously Pharisee, took offense at his boldness and came about soon afterwards. presided at the scene of his martyrdom by Saint Stephen’s feastday stoning. The fervent deacon, insensible to is on 26th December December 2019 The Crusader 3 FROM THE CHAPLAIN pecting some gifts from His children, that is, a Treasure of Dear Crusaders and Friends, the good works you will have “Advent” comes from done for the sake of His Love. the Latin word “Adventus” Therefore, Crusaders, meaning “the coming”. prepare for the coming of Who is coming? Our Jesus. beloved Saviour, Jesus Christ, Prepare your soul. God for ever. Keep in your heart thoughts of Why is He coming? Our joyous hope, together with Lord Jesus Christ comes into thoughts of sorrow for your the world as a little baby, born sins, and for the sins of men. of the Blessed Virgin, to re- Make your soul beautiful, dec- deem us from sin. Without orate it with many hidden sac- Him, Heaven would have been rifices. eternally closed to us. Prepare the house. What should the Cru- Make a beautiful crib, I am saders do during Ad- sure that your parents will give vent? It is certain that you some practical Jesus expects some- advice for that. thing special from the During the night Crusaders during Ad- to Christmas, you will vent. put a little Child Jesus Jesus expects all in His crib, and you men to be grateful to will be able to say to Him, and to stop sin- Him: ning. But since most “My Jesus, my men reject Jesus and soul also is ready to His love, preferring receive Thee. Come their own pleasure and finally, therefore into my heart, and their perdition, Jesus wants the stay with me for ever.” Crusaders to make up for the foolishness of sinners. Yours in Jesus & Mary, Moreover, Jesus is ex- Fr. Benjamin Campbell 4 The Crusader December 2019 THE LITTLE FLOWER The story of Saint Thérèse of the Child Jesus By Mary Fabyan Windeatt GOD CALLS HER TO HEAVEN hérèse received the Last Sacraments Yes, she was convinced that her book was a on 30th July. By now everyone was good one, not owing to any merit of hers but T convinced that death would be only a solely to the assistance which the Heavenly matter of hours, for she was suffering in- Father had given her. He had inspired her to tensely. Every breath was a torment. she write knowingly of His goodness and mercy could scarcely bear the pain, even though because He wished that souls everywhere faith told her that many poor sinners were should love Him as she loved Him. They being helped because she was offering this were not to be afraid of His Will. pain for them. Presently she reflected upon a statement “But in the end Sister Thérèse will have an made by one of the Sisters. She had said that easy death,” said one of the nuns. “Wait and it was easy for her to have confidence in God see. It will be just as though she fell asleep.” because she had never offended Him by Thérèse did not agree. To spare her sisters mortal sin. But what about others, people sorrow, she would have been glad to have an living in the world who had committed all easy death, but her ever-present thought was manner of serious offences? Surely it would that her own wishes did not matter. Long ago be hard for them to be as little children, to she had asked God to take away her will and fly into the arms of the Heavenly Father in let only His Will be manifest in her. Besides, complete confidence that He would forgive there was the death of Christ on the Cross. them? She had replied to her question with Had it been beautiful, or easy? No—it had these words, which she later inserted in the been bloody and agonising. For the sake of story of her life: sinners, the Heavenly Father had allowed “I know that I should lose nothing of my His Son to undergo the most dreadful suffer- confidence even if I had on my conscience ings. Upheld by grace, she now would try to every crime that could be committed. Heart- imitate Christ to the last. broken with repentance, I would throw my- Contrary to everyone’s expectations, she still self into the arms of my Saviour. I know that had several more weeks to live. On 1st Au- He loves the Prodigal Son; I have heard His gust Pauline told her once more how pleased words to Saint Mary Magdalen... No one she was with her book. It was truly The Sto- could make me fear, for I know what to be- ry of a Soul. Later on she hoped to have it lieve concerning His love and His mercy. I read to the community and published, too. know that all that multitude of sins would Perhaps some of the Sisters would object to disappear in an instant, as a drop of water her poor little words being given such a wide cast into a flaming furnace.” audience, but she felt that should not matter. “These words and all the others I have writ- The whole world ought to know about her ten are true!” she told herself happily. “Dear Little Way. God, thank You for helping me to write As she was speaking, something prompted them!” her to offer this advice: For several “My mother, after my death the manuscript months she had should not be spoken of to anyone until it is not been able to published. If you do otherwise, or if you be with the nov- delay the publication, the Devil will set ices. The Prior- many snares for you in order to hinder ess had declared God’s good work..
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