ALL-TIME LETTERWINNERS Dunshee, Roy 1979-80-81-82 Harmon, Mike 1998 Lopez, Edward 1995-96 A Durkin, Gary 1980 Harr, John 1997-98-99 Love, Jeff 1987-88-89-90 Addai, Jeff 2014 Duzan, Chris 2011-12-13 Harriford, Ward 1990-91 Lowder, Bryan 2007-08-09 Aguirre, Inaki 2016 Hartman, Craig 1987-88 Lueders, Spencer 1988-89-90-91 Akinsete, Ayo 2003-04-05-06 Hawkes, Eric 1979-80-81-82 Lunceford, Emmett 2011 Alcala, Josh 2002-03-04-05 E Eads, Wesley 2012-13-14-15 Hawkins, Kevan 2005-06-07-08 Lusch, John 1981-82 Allison, Doug 1984-85-86-87 Eggert, Jon 2003 Anatol, Mark 1994-95-96-97 Heath, Thom 1978 Lynch, Daniel 2010-11 Ellingstad, Trygve 2015-16-17 Anderson, Stephen 2011-12-13 Heffron, Chris 1991 Ericson, Peyton 2015-16-17 Arambula, Ryan 2012-13-14-15 Heidelberger, Chris 1979-80-81-82 Eriksen, Kim 1997-98 M Arndt, Charles 1985-86-87-88 Heilich, Jake 1979-80 Erramouspe, Matt 1987 MacVane, David 2008 Arnthorsson, Arni 1984-85-86-87 Heilich, Jim 1978-79 Everett, John 1981 Mahmood, Sam 2012 Arthur, Sam 2007-08-09-10 Hency, Bill 1983-84-85-86 Mangotic, Mike 2010-11-12 Henderson, Scott 1986-87-88-89 Maroulis, George 1985 B F Herron, Chris 1999-00-01 Marshall, Cedric 1991-92-93-94 Bachmeyer, Mike 1999-00-01-02 Faklaris, Chris 1991-92-93-94 Hilliard, Thomas 2002-03 Martinez, Eric 2009-10-11-12 Bahri, Andre 2010-11 Ferguson, Andy 1989-90-91 Hislop, Makan 2003-04-05-06 Masur, Dave 1980 Baladez, Bradlee 2010-11-12 Fischer, Ray 2001 Hogge, Lee 2015-16 Mathis, Clint 1994-95-96-97 Balasco, Alex 1998-99-00 Flynn, Paddy 2006-07 Hosea, Corby 1986 Maurer, Jimmy 2007-08-09-10 Ballard, Jay 1981 Foley, Chris 1986-87-88-89 House, Jo Jo 1990-91-92-93 Mayr, Luca 2016-17 Baltzegar, Marty 1984-85-86-87 Forko, Willis 2002 Howayeck, Hunter 2010 McCall, Tony 1983 Barber, Ryan 2000-01 Foster, Trey 2007 Hreinsson, Benedikt 1984-85 McGinnis, Will 2011-12 Baumhoff, Billy 1991-92-93-94 Fouch, Thomas 1978-79 Hubbard, Trevor 2010-11-12 McManis, Matt 2015-16 Beebe, Robert 2012-13-14 Franklin, Kyle 2005 Hutchinson, Joey 2013-14-15 Benson, Vance 2008-09-10-11 McMullan, Billy 1985-86-87-88 Freiburger, Ryan 2012-13-14 Menhart, Mike 1980-81-82-83 Berra, Tim 1981-82-83-84 Fuchs, Ed 1978-79-80 Berson, Luke 2009-10 I Meschter, Spencer 2016-17 Binding, Adam 1988-89-90-91 In ‘T Ven, Kay 2017 Mihalek, Jan 1985 Bjerke Christensson, Aleksander 2017 G Mihm, Patrick 1986-87-88-89 Bjorgvinsson, Helgi 1991-92-93 Gettys, William 1991 J Millard, Koty 2013-14-15-16 Blakeney, Aaron 1983 Gibson, Campbell 2017 Johnson, Dane 2002 Miller, Thad 1987-88 Bradley, Justis 2014-15 Gill, Trey 2013 Jonsson, Arnar 1987-88-89 Mills, John 1993-94-95-96 Brettschneider, Blake 2007-08-09-10 Gilligan, Ben 2017 Jordan, Zac 2000-01 Minges, David 2000 Brisson, Clark 1987-88-89-90 Glowienka, Tim 1999-00-01-02 Moffatt, Rene 2000 Brown, Scott 1983-84-85-86 Goggins, Dan 1982-83-84-85 Monheimer, Tucker 2017 Burnett, Ive 2013-14-15-16 Golan, David 1984-85-88 K Monteverdi, Tom 1994-95 Burr, David 1979-80-81-82 Kaba, Mahamoudou 2011-12-13-14 Goodchild, David 1979-80-81-82 Moon, J.D. 2004-05-06-07 Burstein, Mario 2006-07-08-09 Kahl, Steven 1993-94 Goodwin, Ryan 2010 Moore, Dave 2000-01-02 Kell, Mike 1980-82-83-84 Gosselin, Mike 1987-88-89-90 Moore, Nelson 2003 King, Greg 1991-92-93-94 C Graeber, Jeremy 1990 Morrissey, Stephen 2008-09-10-11 Campagna, Scott 1996-97-98-99 King, Matt 2005-06-07 Graff, Shane 1991 Morgan, Matt 2017 Carlin, Hamilton 2013-14 Kivinen, Niklas 2011-12 Grayson, Reid 2014 Morman, Chris 1996-97-98-99 Cates, Danny 2008-09-10-11 Kirshe, Scott 1981 Gregg, Wonil 1980-81 Mousaw, Mike 1978-79-80-81 Cavanaugh, Jacob 2001 Knudsen, Mikkel 2014 Gross, Jeff 2005-06-07 Muehlheausler, Ed 1978-79 Chapman, Jason 2010-11-12-13 Kozak, Mike 1999-00 Grotzke, Nathan 1995 Murphy, Brian 1983-84 Chappell, Laban 1994-95-96-97 Kramer, Art 1980 Charest, Rob 2005-06 Gudjonsson, Bjorn 2015-16 Murphy, John 1979-80 Kryst, Asa 2011-12-13-15 Clifford, Billy 1992-93-94-95 Gudjonsson, Jonas 1988-89-90-91 Myers, Mitchell 2017 Kurland, Brett 1990-91-92-93 Coggins, Andrew 1988-89-90-91 Gulden, Jared 2017 Myllenberg, Jonas 1997-98 Conkle, Joel 1998 Gustavson, Mike 2005-06 Kullby, Keegan 2016-17 Conte, Larry 1980 Guthrie, Grant 2003 Kurtz, Ryan 1988 N Cook, Scott 1985-86-87 Guzan, Brad 2003-04 Coombs, Gavin 1985-86-87-88 Nicholson, J.C. 1993-94-95-96 L Niles, Ben 1983-84 Cooney, Chip 1981-82-83-84 L’Amoreaux, Devin 2012-13-14-15 H Nitardy, John 1978-79-80-81 Corfield, David 1983-84 Landman, Matt 1997-98 Haiduk, Matt 1989-91-92-93 Norman, Roger 1980-81-82-83 Corley, Chandler 2015-16-17 Langston, Wattie 1978-79 Hammontree, John 1987-88 Norton, Tom 1980-81-82-84 Crosby, Chris 1989-90-91-92 Larusson, Kristinn 1994-95-96 Cummings, Jack 2000-01-02-03 Nyboe, Torgeir 2015-16 Layden, Pat 1978-79 history Leeper, Keith 1984-85-86 D Leeton, Ryan 2003-04-05-06 O Daley, Ryan 2000-01 Lewis, Cory 2006-07 O’Brien, Aidan 2017 Danesi, Reynold 1978 Lewis, Spencer 2005-06-07-08 O’Connor, Bob 1981 Davidson, Ben 2015-16 Lindholm, Sebastian 2004 O’Dell, Evan 2007-08-09-10 Davidson, Snoopy 2011-12 Lindsay, Mike 2007-08-09-10 O’Neill, Ryan 1996-97-98-99 Davis, Andrew 2013 Outhwaite, Kes 1994-96 Dawsey, Smith 2017 Link, Ben 2002-03 Deakin, Danny 2015-16 Lipka, Warren 1982-83-84-85 Dent, Eli 2013-14 Lloyd, Marc 1990-91 P Desriac, JC 2002 Lockwood, Chris 1997-98-99-00 Pace, Ralph 2005-06 Deter, Ryan 2002-03-04-05 Loeber, Kenny 1988 Pait, Robbie 1994-95-96-97 Devine, Mike 1979-80-81-82 Loeber, Tommy 1986-88-89-90 Paracat, Ramon 2004-05-06-07 Dom, Pat 1982 Tim Glowienka lettered from 1999-02. Lohner, Hans 1989-90-91-92 Parris, Antoine 2010 Duitsman, Peter 1990-92-93 Long, Alex 2010-11-12 Perry, Rodney 1999 Pfaeffle, Chris 1981-82 Stowers, Scott 1980-81 Pfau, Chris 1985 Streete, Andre 2015-16-17 major league soccer Pier, Steve 1992-93 Strehmel, Greg 1989-90 Goalkeeper Brad Guzan earned 2007 MLS Goalkeeper of the Year honors Pope, Grenville 1985-86-87-88 Sukow, Justin 2017 and enjoyed a breakout season with his club Chivas USA. Along with South Posnanski, Jamie 1991-92-93-94 Sundquist, Jukka 1999 Carolina’s first Major League Soccer player, Rob Smith, Guzan, Mathis and Potter, Dan 1978-79 Swentor, Dave 1978 Wolff have had a huge impact on the MLS and the U.S. National Team. Power, Ross 2011 Szeszycki, Eric 2002-03-04-05 Both Mathis and Wolff entered the MLS after the 1997 season by different Presing, Steve 1982-83-84-85 methods. Mathis was drafted by the Los Angeles Galaxy as the sixth overall Prosser, Chuck 1993-94-95-96 T pick in the 1998 draft. Wolff signed with “Project 40” and was assigned to Puffenbarger, Greg 1978 Talbert, Jason 1994-95 Pyle, William 2015-16-17 the Chicago Fire. Tart, David 1994-95-96-97 Mathis and Wolff had breakthrough seasons in 2000. Mathis was the star of Teitsson, Gustaf 1995 the 2000 All-Star game, playing for the NY/NJ MetroStars in the same sea- Q Testo, David 1999-00 Quinn, Chris 1995-96-97-98 Thompson, Glen 1980-82-83-84 son that Wolff led the U.S. Olympic team to its best finish in the Olympics. Quinn, Jordan 1999-00-01-02 Thorarinsson, Ragner 1984-85 Wolff played every minute for the U.S. during the Olympic Games. Torda, Jeffrey 2012-13-14-15 Despite suffering injuries in 2001, Mathis and Wolff were named to the R Traxler, Dan 2012-13-14 2002 U.S. World Cup team by head coach Bruce Arena. Both strikers im- Rafferty, J.P. 2010-11-12-13 Traynor, Will 2007-08-09-10 pacted the team’s success in South Korea. Ramos, Martin 2014-15 Tremont, John 1979-80 In 2001, Wolff was joined by former Gamecock teammate Henry Ring. Ratcliff, Danny 1983-84-85-86 Troyer, Braeden 2011-12-13-14 The goalkeeper was drafted in the third round by the Fire. Ring was the first Reardon, Schuyler 2006-07-08-09 Tufino, Ruben 1989-90-91-92 Turin, Paul 1978-79 Gamecock since Mathis to earn two All-America honors (1998 and 2000). Reece, Greg 2002-03-04-05 Ring, Mathis and Wolff were all teammates during Carolina’s 16-3-1 sea- Reilly, Tom 1979-80-81-82 Turner, David 1990-91-92-93 Rex, Steve 1982 Turner, Kurtis 2013-14-15-16 son in 1997, when they closed out their season in the second round of the Rich, Jon 1999-00-01 NCAAs. Wolff was traded from the Chicago Fire to the Kansas City Wizards Richmond, Chris 1982 U in 2003. Ring assumed starting duties for the Fire in 2004 and had a break- Richter, Josh 1992 Upchurch, Daniel 2004-05-06-07 out season, being named to the MLS All-Star team, while Mathis spent the Rieflin, Trent 2012 2004 campaign playing overseas with Hannover 96 of the German Bundes- Ring, Henry 1997-98-99-00 V liga before returning to the MLS.
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