WESTMORLAND.] TRADES. BOO 161 London Joint Stock Bank Limited Wilkinson Isaae, Milnthorpe Lancaster Wm. Bowness, Windermere (branch) (John Messenger, man­ Wright Mrs. J. Brigsteer, Kendal Robin!!On J. T. Bowness, Windermere ~er), 21 Boroughgatc, Appleby; Sanl Jsph. Thos.Bowness,Windermere draw on head office, 5 Princes tlt. BELLHANGERS. Tebay James, Bowness, Windermere London EC See Whitesmitbs &c. Walker E.Rose vil.Bowness,Windrmre Manchester & Liverpool District Walker John, Bowness, Windermere Banking Co. Limiwd (branches) BELT MANUFACTURERS. Waterhead Boating Co. Water head, (Oharles Hoggarth, manager), 70 See Brace & Belt Manufacturers. Ambleside Stricklandgate, Kendal; (RaJph B. Waters Ben, Bowness, Windermere Marriott, manager) Lake road, BERLIN WOOL Ambleside; (Robert Palmer, man­ REPOSITORIES. BOBBIN MANUFACTURERS. ~eT) Main street, Kirkby Lonsdale See also Fancy Repositories. Bell A. & CD. Crooklands mill,Preston & (Goorge Walker, manager) Richard, Milnthorpe (~;ub­ Ohllrch street, Windermere; Ridley Miss Margaret Thomasine. Bethom Michael, Hugill, Kendal branches)' Arnside; (Geo. Walker, Church street, Ambleside HOl'rax Alfred (exon. of), Kirkstone manager) Bowness; Burlon, Carn­ Wilson J.5I Main ~t. Kirkby LoIltldale road, Ambleside forth; Grasmere; Milnthorpe & Shepberd William & Sons, Oak Bank Over Staveley, Kendal; draw on BICYCLE TYRE MANUFRS. mills, Skelsmer~h, Kendal London office, 75 Cornhill E 0 India Rubber, Gutta Percha & Parr's Bank Limiwd eR. B. Neville, Telegraph Works Co. Ltd. i BOBBIN MACHINE MANFR. manager) (open mono & wed. 11.30 offices, 100 & 106 Cannon street, Fell Wm. Atkinson, Bridge iron wrks. a.m. to 2 p.m.), Shap; draw on work~, London EC; Silvertown, Troutbeck bridge, Windermere head office, 4 Bartholomew lane, London E; branch, 59 Westgate London EC road, Newcastle-on-Tyne; "Silver­ BONDED WAREHOUSE. Wakefield, Crewdson & Co. now the town" cycle &, "Le Persan " motor Bank of Liverpool Limited tyres Kendal Bonded &; Free Warehouse Co. Yorkshire Penny Bank (Frederick Lirnited, Beezon road, Kendal Place, manager). Market street, BILL POSTERS. Kirkby Stephen & (open tues. from BONE SETTER. Clarke Samuel Thomas, Yard 36, 4 to 4· 30 P .m.) Puhlie room, Dennison William, 24 Ann st. Kendal Ravenst<Jnedale, Newbiggin-on-Lune Stricklandg-ate, Kendal Graham T. Pembroke st. Appleby BOOKBINDERS. BARYTES MINE PROPRS. McVity H. Smithy brow, Ambleside Web~ter & Freeston (members <Jf the Birkett Alfd. Ernest,5sHighgate,Kndl Brough Barytes Co. Limited, Scor­ United Kingdom Billposters' Asso­ Davies C. S. Yard 39,Highgate,Kendl dale, HiUon ciation), Yard 63, Stricklandgate, Beynoldson John George, Lunebead, Kendal BOOKSELLERS. Stainmore &, Brough, Kirkby Stphn Marked thus t are Publishers. BILLIARD TABLE MAKER. BASEMENT LIGHT tAtkinson & Pollitt, 22 Strickland­ ENGINEERS. Edwards George, 134 Kingsland road, gate, Kendal London NE St. Pancras Iron Work Co. Limited, Banks James, Market place &, Lake road, Ambleside Pancras road, London NW BLACK LEAD & PLUMBAGO MANUFACTURERS. Birkett Alfd. Ernest,ssIIighgate,Kndl BASKET MAKERS. Evans Geo. SI. 16 Boroughgate,Appleby Morgan Crucible Co. Limited (The) Airey Benjamin, Milnthorpe tJohnson A. W. & Sons, Kendal road~ (The Patent PlumbagoCrueibleCD.), Bowness, Windermere Gold J obn, 37 Stri[:klandgate, KEmdal Batwrsea works, London .g W Hall Antbony, Warcop Read Saml. Broadgate ha. Grasmere Roberts H. 7 Finkle street, Kendal Martindale Nathan, 23 Blackhall yard, BLACKSMITHS. Stramongate, Kendal Smith W. H. & Son, I Long-pool,. See Smiths, Blacksmiths & Farricrs. Kendal &; 14 Main st. Windermere BATHS. tWilson Titus, 28 Highgate, Kendal Kendal Public Baths & Washhouses BLANKET MANUFACTRS. Wyman & Sons Limited, Railway (Robert Simpson, supt.), Allballows Westmorland Horse Clothing Co. Ltd. station, Kendal & Railway station, lane, Kendal Albert buildings, Kendal Windermere BAZAARS. BOARDING HOUSES. BOOT & SHOE FACTORS. Barker I. 9, 12 & 14 New shambles, Blezard Marmaduke,Wansfell, Church Foster William, Castle street, Kenrlal Kendal street, Ambleside Langhorne Thos. E. New rd. Kendal Hayes M:is~E.CentraI bldgs.Ambleside Eccles Mrs.A. IOCrescent rd.Windrmre Living-stone Hugh & Co. Oddfellows' Reed F. S. r ~ew shambles, Kendal Kellett Mrs. E.Crescen~ rd.Windrmre buildings, Highgate, Kendal ~Iiller Miss Margaret Ellen, 33 Cres- Livingstone Dl. 64Stricklandgate,Kndl BEER RETAILERS. cent road, Windermere Senogles David J. Kentside, Kendal Slater Wm. Bell,4oStramongate,Kendl Marked thus * are also Wine Retlrs. Sproat Jas. Crescent rd. Windermere 'Vilson Mrs. Ada, St. Martin's house, Allouby ~Irs. Ann, Tourists' rest, Bowness, 'Vindermere BOOT & SHOE MANUFRS. Little Langdalc, Ambleside Wilson Mrs. Jane, The Lakelands, Hewitson &, Co. Sandes aven. Kendal Lon~dle Bracken W.Middleton,Kirkby Esplanade, Water head, Ambleside Hougbton Thomas, Kent st. Kendal Cannon George, Over Staveley,Kendal Somervell Bros. Netherfield, Kendal Ohapman William, Stainmore north, BOAT BUILDERS. Kirkb:v Stephen [lt2} Full lists of this trade in *Dixon John, Elterwater, Ambleside Borwick & Sons, Bowness,Windermere United Kingdom, see Leather Dowker Christopber, Holme, Carnfrth Brockbank Geo. Bowness,Windermere Trades Directory. Price 25s.] Haigh John, 47 Captain French lane, Crossfield Williaro, Arnside Kendal Hayton T. W. Downess, Windermere Hall Mrs. H. I Green road, Kendal Shepherd N. Bowness, Windermere BOOT & SHOE MAKERS, Hall Mrs. Sarab E. Holme, Carnfortb Storey Thos. Bowness, Windermere WAREHOUSES & DLRS. Hoggarth R. 43 Allballows la. Kendal .A.kers Alfred William, 11 Market st. Lancaster J. 20 Summer hI. Kendal BOAT PROPRIETORS. Kirkby Stephen Leather In. 8 Strickland pI. Kendal Baines Mrs.M.A.Miller grnd.Windrmr Alderson G. H. Brongh,Kirkby Stphn Leighton In. W. 26 Kirkland, Kendal Barrow Cbristr. Bowness,Windermere Allen David, Orton, Tebay Longstaff Thomas, Helton, Penri1!h Bispham John, Woodhey, Bowness, AlIen William, Newbiggin-on-Lune MaCrone Mrs. J. Levens, !:rilnthorpe Windermere Allinson Thos.Temple Sowerby,Penrth Marshall Wm. Glenridding, Penrihk Borwick Frdk.Ambleside rd.Grasmere Atkinson T. &, Son, Burton, Carnforth Nowell John, 21 Wildm.an st. Kendal Bownass Thos. Glenridding, Penrith Atkinson George F. Milnthorpe Palmer Arth. J. IS Longpool, Kendal Braithwaite J.&;Son,BlIwness,Windrmr Atkinson Tom, Tebay Pearson J. Traveller's rest, Gra-smere Briscoe Willia-m, Newh1lJI bank, Bow- BamIord J. H.Bl'ongh,Kirkby Swpben RawIinson Mn. Mary Ann, 44 Main ness, Windermere Battersby Arthur, St. Martin's square, street, Kirkby Lonsdale • Campbell In. jun. Bowness,Windrmre Bowness, Windermere Sarjeant Noble M. Bampton, Penrith Campbell In. sen.Bown~ss,Windermre Bell J. The Green,Crosthwaite,Kendal SU8rt J. P. Nether Staveley, Kendal Dixon HaITison, J3.owness,Windermere Bennett H. H. II9Strickland~t. Kendal Thistlethwaite Mrs. Jane, Hutton Fleming James, Grasmere Birtles Henry, 22 West st. Kendal _ Roof, iKirkby Lonsdale Holmes F. Bowness, Windermere Blake Wm. S. II Bridge st. '" ..• ! WE<:T:\roRLA~D 1 I.
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