OCULUS NEW YORK CHAPTER THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS zine, brought many new editorial innovations to its pages and there­ by has been largely responsible for the Journal's excellence as a pro­ fessional magazine. Architect, author and consultant to several publishing firms, Mr. Hunt will also bring to the Journal his extensive editing experience from five years as senior editor of the Architectural Record. ANNIVERSARY DINNER-DANCE fE,BRUARY 20-HOTEL PIERRE N.Y. CHAPTER MEMBE;R NAME,D The chapter's main social event of FREDERICK G. FROST JR. PUBLISHER OF A.I.A. JOURNAL the year is slated for Thursday, NAMED TO U.N. POST February 20th when the N.Y. chap­ Wm. Dudley Hunt, Jr., of the New ter will hold its 97th Anniversary Frederick G. Frost, Jr. has been York Chapter A.I.A. and Chair­ dinner-dance in the Cotillion Rooms named by the Union Internationale man of the Publication Committee of the Hotel Pierre, 5th A venue des Architectes headquartered in was appointed publisher of the and 6lst Street. Paris as its representative to the Journal of The American Institute The reception will start with United Nations. The American In­ of Architects by Executive Direc­ cocktails at 6 :30 p.m. followed by stitute of Architects has also ap­ tor William H. Scheick, who said, dinner, dancing, and entertain­ pointed him a member of its "Hunt's appointment to the newly ment from 8 :00 p.m. until midnight Standing Committee on Interna­ created position of publisher is a to the music of Ben Cutler and his tional Relations. logical step at this stage of the orchestra. Black tie and formal Journal's growth. The publication dress are de rigueur. As representative of the inter­ of the magazine has become an in­ Individual or group reservations national organization, Mr. Frost creasingly more complex operation ought to be submitted promptly attended the second session of the with the growth in AIA member­ to the Chapter's office to insure a United Nations Committee on ship and with the increasing place in this well attended event. Housing, Building and Plannfng­ amount of publishable material de­ For the convenience of driving from January 22 to February 4. veloped by new projects of the guests, the Hotel Pierre has a gar­ Much of the work of the conference Institute.... The appointment of age with its entrance on 60th St. was devoted to the mechanics of a publisher will enable us to con­ organization in the international tinue to improve the Journal's value MAYOR'S ART PANEL NAMED housing and planning programs of to its readers and integrate its member nations. According to Mr. operations more effectively. With Max Abramovitz and Edward D. Frost some examples of progress his broad background as an archi­ Stone have been named to the art and accomplishments were pre­ tect, consultant and journalist, panel formed by Mayor Wagner. sented but the efforts of the com­ Hunt is eminently qualified for the The panel, consisting of 87 New mittee are severely hampered by position." Yorkers prominent in the arts and the limited financial resources of Joseph Watterson, FAIA, will related fields, will advise the mayor the United Nations. continue to serve as editor of the on the city's cultural problems. magazine, a position he has held Under study are ways by which the The U .I.A. is one of several in­ since 1957. Watterson retired from cultural resources of the city are ternational, non-governmental or­ private architectural practice in made more easily available to the ganizations whose professionals New York to become editor of the public, with a view toward expan­ and other experts advise the United Journal. He established a com­ sion and improvement of existing Nations on its economic and social pletely new format for the maga- facilities where needed. programs. $15 prior to publication February desk at all times is a staff (many OCU.LUS 29, 1964. Thereafter the price will of whom are the same men you've VOL. 36, NO. 5 be $20. Sales to non-member ar­ been dealing with for years) who AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS chitects, engineers, specifiers and know the building products field NEW YORK CHAPTER to others will be on the same basis. intimately, and are in a position MARGOT A. HENKEL, Executive Secretary All orders of five or more copies not only to draw upon files crammed 11 S East 40th Street will receive a 25% discount. Each with product literature and direc­ New York 16, N. Y. Manufacturer-Lister will receive tories covering every aspect of the MUrray Hill 9-7969 one complimentary copy. construction field, but add to this : GEOFFRY N'OEL LAWFORD ..... ............... President For copies, write AIA BUILD­ the irreplaceable ingredient of per­ LATHROP DOUGLASS ............ ... ... .. Vice President c: GATES BECKWITH .... .. .. .......... .... .. Secretary ING PRODUCTS REGISTER, at sonal knowledge. ALBERT H. SWANKE .................... .. ...... Treasurer the Institute. Make checks payable Our Information Center is still a BOARD OF EDITORS to "The American Institute of Ar­ "one-stop" service for professionals Wm. Dudley Hunt, Jr. ............ .... .. ... ..... Chairman chitects-BPR." who daily save themselves the James T. Burns, Jr. S. Hart Moore John M. Dixon Charles K. Robinson time, trouble, and expense of re­ Sheldon Licht Alexander Sanko searching from many separate Charles E. Thomsen AWARD TO sources the kind of reliable, im­ HEN·RY SANDIG partial information they need­ and need at once-in order to ren­ MARCH PUBLICATION The Grand Prize A ward for the de­ der professional judgments. sign of a drycleaning plant has DATE FOR BPR So if you haven't visited us for been made to Chapter member The 3rd Edition of the AIA Build­ a while, please drop in and take ing Products Register will be publish­ Henry Sandig. Announced in the a look for yourself. Or, if you have January issue of American Dry­ ed in March, 1964. a particular problem, phone us at cleaner, sponsor of the nationwide Developed after 12 years of MUrray Hill 3-1400 or write us at annual competition, the Grand study, the Register was created as 101 Park Avenue, New York 17. Prize was also awarded to Henry a technical reference for architects, You'll perhaps notice one small engineers· and others in the con­ Lesher and Louis Stein, Owners of change. The display and informa­ struction industry. It is a source Iris Valet Service Inc., New York tion center of The Arichitects Sam­ of factual product data at the ini­ City. ples Corporation is now called The tial stage of material selection, According to the magazine, the Architectural Materials Center. We prior to research into more detail­ purpose of the competition is to changed the name because the kind ed information areas. pay tribute to outstanding exam­ of elaborate exhibits manufacturers ·A new look will characterize the ples of architecture and engineer­ place in the Architects ·Building 3rd edition. It will be in standard ing and to present useful ideas and and the information on file can no 81;2 x 11 inch size with a hard information to members of the dry­ longer be adequately described by cleaning industry. ·cloth-bound cover. This change the traditional word "samples." from previous editions makes it The Center houses examples, not easier to handle. Product data, LETTERS samples, of the newest in the build­ within 27 different categories, par­ ing materials and furnishings. alleling those of Sweet's, are con­ Gentlemen: We will look forward to seeing densed into threeline listings across In February of last year the name you soon. two pages under an average of and assets of The Architects Sam­ Henry C. Nan.cken, Pres. two dozen pertinent criteria head­ ples Corporation were purchased by ings. the Equity Corporation, owner of the Architects Building and the ad­ · Other features include: Ab­ Gentlemen: stracts of Technical Standards, joining building at 103 Park Testing Methods, Specifications and Avenue. On Wednesday, 15 April 1964, the Manufacturer Association Stand­ When a business changes hands American Society of Civil En­ ards and Literature; general in­ it is natural for the people who gineers is sponsoring a forum formation on proper product usage; patronize and use its services to for discussion of the architectural a Product Type Index; an Index wonder: will that business change? and structural designs of three ma­ of Manufacturers; a Trade Name As a user of these services, can I jor buildings at the N.Y. World's Index ; a Directory of Organiza­ still expect in the future the re­ Fair: General Electric; A. T. & T. tions and a List of Abbreviations. sponsible services I have always and Eastman Kodak. Heavy stock dividers between cat­ received in the past? A.I.A. members and guests are egories, also indexed, will further The answer is: you can be as­ cordially invited to attend. The assist the speed of search. sured that The Architects Samples meeting-at 7 :15 p.m.-will be held The Board of Directors of the Corporation stands ready to serve at the main auditorium of the.En­ Institute has approved free distri­ you with the same resources, the gineering Center, 345 East 47th bution of one free copy to each same know-how as it has in the Street, New York City. AIA Corporate Member requesting past 50 years. Stephen M. Olko it. Additional copies are available Let me stress, in particular, our Program 01.airman to members at the prepaid price of Information Center. Behind the Metropolitan SectiQn, A.S.C.E. s BOOKS . ·, - COMMITTEE ACTIVITIES High Gothic by Jans Jantzen. Trans­ Office Practice now being developed, and which lated from the German by James This committee, with sixteen proj­ are so urgently needed.
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