e NOW AVAILABLE ON DECCA (' Official S.P.E.B.S. Q.S.A. Recordings l.l3!1@~ THETOl'TEN .. ~ BARBERSHOP .QUARTETS '62 ~O~A 1I~ !lArr~s • " •••.•..,," fOU,l,ISClISv , 11 ~ .. ";" 'COlCI':!US.'!' .••.• ~ A,"'" 1~(IU"IOhns. II) ...... 1~!INII etyMS • DL 4313 - DL 74313 (5) DL 4314 - DL 74314 (5) TEN YEARS OF BRIGHTEN THE CORNER BARBERSHOP CHAMPIONS THE SCHMITT BllOTHERS OHidal S.P.E,B,S.Q,S.A. Reco,ding. Roses Of Pleardy • Shine' Too-Ra·Lac·Ra­ BARBERSHOP QUARTET loo·Ral (That's An Irish Lullaby) • Whtm Brighten The Corner Where You Are • The Morning Glories Wake Up In The Saviour, Again To Thy Dear Name. Bring. Morning (Then I'll Kiss Your Two lips Ing In The Sheaves. Bless ThIs Houso • Goodnight) • Tho Sweetheart Of Sigma Chi Standing On The Promises • Softly And •I Believe' Good.Byo, D]xle, Good.Bye • Tondorly • Were You There? • Abide With Thore's A Rose On Your Cheek • Last Me • Nearer To The Heart Of God. Load, Night On The ,Back Porch (I Loved Her Kindly Light. Nearer My God To Thee. Best Of All) • That Tumble Down Shack In Je!us, My Lord, My God, My All • Holy, u Athlone • Down By The Old Mill Stream' Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty, May The Hard Hearted Hannah (The Vamp Of Good Lord Bless And Keep You Savannah) DL 4022 DL 8997 • DL 78997 (8) March-April VOL. XXIll 1963 No.2 International Board of Directors l111emalional Officers PH'sidelll, Wayne Foor, 166 Dtlmtade Rood, Roche'iftl THE IiARMONIZER is Ihe official publication of Ihe Socicty for the PrCKlV,lrion and 17. New York Encouragcmem of Barber Shop Quartet Singing in America, Inc. Jt is published in Ihe Immediatc Pau Pruidtnl, Louis Laurtl, 4617 Waller momhs of }~nuar~, March, May, }ul)'. Seprcmber an<l No\'cmbtr al 6315 . 3rd A\'enue, Lane, EI Paso, Tuas Kenosha, \'\flsconslO, and entercd as Kcond,class mamr al thc pou office at Kcn05ha lSI Vice PrcsidCn<, Dan Wastlchuk, 1414 Diemertr Wisconsin, undcr the Acr of March 3, 1879, EdilOrial and Ad\'ertising ofEicn are ai 5U«I, GItto Day, \'Visconsin IOlernational He-,ldquarrers. Notice of change of addrcss should bt submitted 10 the editorial Vice P'tsldenl, George Dohn, }nO Domich \'(fay, offices of THE HARMONIZER, 6315 THIRD AVE., KENOSHA. WISCONSIN al It;ls! Sacra memo 21, California thi~!y da)'s before the next publicarion darc. Subscription price is $2,00 )'carly a'nd $,50 Vice Pmidenl, Rudy Han, 1112 Ohio Slrt'el, Michigan an Issue, Gi)', Indiana Vice l'tesidem, Charles \VI. linker, The Penn Towels, Api. 1916. 1801 Pennsylv.lnia Dh'd.. Philaddphia 3. Pennsylvania Treasurer, Tom \VallS, 629 POlt'S1 A\'cnue. Iklleville. lIIinois FEATURES ExtC\lli,'c DirKlOr, RO~rl G. Hder, 6}l5 Third Aw~· Melodie! For Mil/iolJJ . .. _ .. 2 nue. Kenosha, \Visconsin Board Memben Jalluary Board Auembly Well Attellded -------------- 6 Cardinal, us Emm'crson, }20G PllInell A,'enue, Fou Casb Vallie Remaim Higb .__ ._ _. .. _ _.. _ 8 Wayne, Indiana Cmulli States, Olet Fox, 2813 Burnw Rood, Topeka, Special A1J IJiversary MeJJageJ , _.. __ . 9 Kansa..s Dixie, John D,lwson, 238 Hawthorne ROJ-d, N.W., 1962 Ballller Year For Mid-Atlalllic ._. ........ 14 WinSton-SllelD, Nouh CaroJinl bergr«n. Alan J. FraKr, :5 Glenwood Crescent, Cal· Quartel CbampiolJJ of Olber Yea,, _. 1.8 gary, Albtna, Canada Par Western, Wesly R. Meier, 8420 Zet,l StrUt, L:l Cbapten all Record-25lb All/livenary Year 22 Mtsa, ulifomia Illinois, Charles Kirchner, 624 Easr Garfield, Spring­ Map Sbowillg LocaliolJJ of Cbapte" ...._.. 24 field, Illinois Johnny AppkS«d, Ed Duplaga, 241:5 Nouh Haven Cborm Cbampiolls of Olber Years. .... .__ ._...... 28 Blvd., CU)'2hoga Palls, Ohio, land O'Lake5, .frOO C S«gert, Jr" 13:5 Weu Wells Str«l, Milwaukc:e \'\fisconsin COMMENT Michi$an, Clinton Sanborn, 2612 Edgevale, Drayton PlaIns, Michigan Pan fare Prom Poor_ .._ 5 Mid·Adant,c, HalOld M, Schultz, 808 South O\'erlook ----- ...._...... .._...._.. _. 16 ( Dri\'e, Alexandria, Virginia Profeuor WilsolI . Nolthe-aucrn, D. William- FitzGerald, 688 Highland A\'enue, ChHhire, Connt<ticut Onmio, Hugh Palmer, 46 William SUtet, Orillia, DEPARTMENTS Ooralio, Canada Sbare T be W eallb ._. .__ . ....__ ..._.______________ 10 Seneca Land, James Steedman, 616 Dclaware ROld, Kenmore 17, New York Tbroflgb Tbe Yea,s __... ....... ._. .. __... __ 27 Southwestern, AI Smith, H20 Blndy A,'enue, FOt( \'\fouh, Tens From W bere 1 SiL_. ... __ ... 30 Sunshine, Joe Griffith, P.O. Box 52, St. Pctcrsburg, Florida And p(lJt I1Jtef1Jational Presidents MISCELLANEOUS Exec/ltizle Director Timely Tips all Tapillg ..__ .. 35 ROBBRT G. HAPBR ll1lerllaliollal Prelimillary ScI;edllle ..__ .._. .. .. 43 AJJ';'Jtant Treamrer-Office Manager Celllflry Club .. .. .. 45 W. L. (BILL) OTTO Ollr New CbaplerL____ _ .......... _._. __ .. __ 47 Director 0/ Mtlsical Activities Comillg EveIlIL__________ . ._ .. .__ . .. _. 48 ROBDRT D. JOHNS.ON AdminiJtrative Field Representative HUGIi INGRAHAM 1341 KBLTON, COLUMBUS 6, OHIO Coordinator 0/1I1mic PubliJhing ROBBRT ]. MBYER Mm1flger of Special Evellts CHARLBS A. $NYDBR DireClor of Public RelaliollI IMPORTANT NOTICE CURTIS F. HOCKBTI Edilor Because of increased mailing costs the HARMONIZER LEO FOBART will no longer be forwarded to members who have had address I11tef1Jatiol1al 0 Dice re~ord 6315 THIRD A VBNUB changes until their new address is on at International KaNosHA, \'(I'ISCONSIN Headq_uarters. To be assured of receiving ail future HARMON­ OLYMPIC 4·9111 Co11tribllting Editors IZERS, please send your change of address to International ) CAL BROW\' Headquarters promptly. Your local Post Office will gladly furnish l \'(I'JLL COOK \'(1' AYNB .FOOR you with Form 3578 to be used for this purpose. DAN KNAPP ROBBRT ]. MBYBR STIRLING \'(I'ILSON PRINTED IN U,S,A, THe HARMONIZER-MARCIi·ApRIL, 1963 1 "MELODIES FOR MILLIONS" By Will Cook Chorus Director, Napa Valley, California Chapter (Editor's Note: Will Cook, a professional writer, and an ardent barbershopper, is spending many hours compiling the 25 year history of the Society. We prevailed upon Will to prepare a capsule version of the material for this special anni­ versary issue. The writing will be finished this year and will be serialized in the HARMONIZER during 1964.) \Virhouc a doubt the most famous professional barbershop given birth to her thirteenth child, a boy weighing seven and quarter pJa),jng the Palace shordy after the turn of the cemury a half pounds, and this evem made the from page of even the was (he Criterion QutlNe/-, although rhe A·von Cowed)' FOllr small town weeklies. crowded (hel11 hard for cop billing and quality of their musical Republicans everywhere accused the administration of dish­ presenmtions. Horario Rench sang rhe lead and john Young ing Out alphabet soup, with the NRA and the \X'PA and the was the renor, whh George· Reardon singing baritone and CCC. )'et they did, with some reservations, admit that things Donald Chalmers as (he bass. were raking a turn for the better. There are no survivors of chis quartet but G. H. Crossett In Tulsa. Oklahoma, a forty·twO year old tax attorney named from Flint, 1...lichigan heard them and had this to say: "I recall Owen C. Cash felt the strong proddings of his sense of humor, with delight their rendition of Lllck)' jim. The)' recorded it on and with a little help from a friend, Rupert Hall, composed a the Edison disc and it contained some of the sweetest harmony letter and mailed it to a select list of acquaintances. I ever heard. Another song they sang to perfection was Paul Cash was an ingeniolls, loveable man, full of a lazy man's Dresser's, 1\1)' Gdl Sdl. The Criterion Qlldrtet simpl)' took Sal cleverness, a man who worked very hard at the things that apart and put her back togetl~er again, piece by piece in a most interested hin\ and remained pleasantl}' indifferent to the delightful wa)·... things that did nor. He was handsome, slightly plump in the The Criterion Quartet sang such favorites as: Old Uncle face and his gray-shot hair was thinning,.He was old enough to I\loon, lWill Tbere Be lIn)' Stars In 1\1)' Crown, and My lWild remember barbershop humony and how much he had enjoyed Irisb 1< Ole. Their meridian was during the days of vaudeville it, and }'Ollllg enough to wam to sing a little of it himself. Cash and the great theatres nnd like many stars in that constellation, was not an authority on four-pan harmon)'. He really didn't fell with the rising popularity of radio, know much about it, and like any man with a fair voice and a Barbershop harmony was in for a dry spell and mallY people good car for music, he liked to sing, forgot about it, figuring that it went the way of the blackface A chance meeting with Rupert Hall, a Tulsa investment man, comic and the soft shoe. led to a little duet singing, and since they both missed the completed harmony supplied by a baritone and bass, they de­ ABSENCE MAKES THE HEART GROW FONDER cided to do something about it. The first draft of the famo111 .Many though did nOt forget it and the paradox is that in letter seems to be lost, if there was a first draft. Likely there . numbers there are more people today devoted to this American was not for Cash was best when spomaneous and the documem ·musical art, and more people singing it than in the heyday of remains as a monumem to his sense of humor and deep insight the great professional quartets.
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