MATEC Web of Conferences 259, 05003 (2019) https://doi.org/10.1051/matecconf/20192 5905003 ICTLE 2018 Analysis of Transit Oriented Development Potential on Light Rail Transit Palembang, Simpang Polda Station Area Fadhil Muhammad Fajri1 and Jachrizal Sumabrata2 1Civil Engineering Departement, Universitas Indonesia, Indonesia 2Civil Engineering Departement, Universitas Indonesia, Indonesia Abstract. The government of South Sumatera Province, decided to build Light Rail Transit (LRT) in Palembang City with the route from Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin II Airport to Jakabaring area to address the health, social and economic impacts from traffic congestion. However, will the development of LRT in Palembang city be enough to prevent total traffic congestion in 2019 and utilized by the people of Palembang City who have been accustomed to using private vehicles? With this rationale, the Transit Oriented Development (TOD) theory was adopted in this study as the answer to those questions. This study focused on analyzing the potential application of the TOD concept on the Simpang Polda Station Area by using several 'TOD-ness' measurement indicators from some previous research and TOD Standard by ITDP [1]. Using 8 new potential indicators, the assessment of the potential application of the TOD concept on the Palembang City LRT Simpang Polda showed that this transit area has enough potential for the implementation of the TOD concept by applying several supporting development plans. 1 Introduction Section 4 Result & Discussion, introduces a preliminary characterization of the station area and Palembang is the capital of South Sumatera province, analysis of TOD potential of the station area; Indonesia. In urban areas, such as Palembang itself has Section 5 Conclusions & Future Steps, encompass a problems, because urban space is increasingly widespread summing up of the points and a statement of opinion or randomly and not evenly to the area around the city decision reached, included the tasks to be done in the causing urban sprawl, and will experience vehicle traffic future to improve TOD potential of the station area. in 2019. To anticipate the congestion, the government of South Sumatera Province build Light Rail Transit (LRT) line from Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin (SMB) II Airport to 2 Literature Review Jakabaring area. Transit Oriented Development (TOD) theory adopted to analyze whether the development of 2.1 Palembang City LRT in Palembang City is enough to prevent the total congestion in 2019 and will be utilized by the people who Based on PP. 23 in 1988 [2], the area of Palembang have been accustomed to using personal vehicles and City was 400.61 km2 and administratively divided into 16 existing public transportation, and more importantly, sub-districts and 107 urban villages, where according to wether TOD Concept can be applied in Palembang City. the Palembang City Regulation 2007, had been expanding Author decided to analyze the potential of TOD from 14 districts and 103 urban villages. With the application in one of Palembang LRT station areas, that population of 1,602,071 persons, Palembang City was was Simpang Polda Station area, in hope that this research classified as Metropolitan city (Statistic of Palembang could be utilized to develop the area around the station to Municipality, 2017) [3]. be transit-oriented and support LRT Palembang to become Land use in Palembang City was dominated by a sustainable public transportation system. residential and commercial area. While the perimeter of This document is strucutured in five main section: the city was dominated by residential areas, the downtown Section 1 Introduction, which introduces the themes, area was dominated by commercial areas, although there states the main objective of the paper and displays paper’s were also some residential areas in some parts of the structure; central city of Palembang. Section 2 Literature Review, where the state of problem Transportation nodes in Palembang City was already and TOD definition are collected; quite a lot, there are 13 bus terminals connecting areas Section 3 Methodology, propose a methodoly to define within the city of Palembang, Kertapati railway station TOD potential of the station area; connecting Palembang City - Lubuk Linggau, and Palembang City - Tanjung Karang (Lampung), river © The Authors, published by EDP Sciences. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/). MATEC Web of Conferences 259, 05003 (2019) https://doi.org/10.1051/matecconf/20192 5905003 ICTLE 2018 crossing port in the Palembang urban area, the Boom Baru the project on time and the project was considered less Sea Port in Ilir Barat II connecting Palembang City - profitable. The monorail was later replaced by a more Mentok City (Bangka), Palembang City - Batam and effective LRT. This 7.2 trillion rupiah project was required Palembang City - Jakarta, and the Sultan Mahmud to be financed by the Central Government through the Badaruddin II International Airport. These transportation State Budget and the assignment of construction was on nodes can be seen on Figure 1. PT. Waskita Karya. This project started on January 1st, 2015, and would be done at most on July 2018 (Indonesia Republic, 2015) [5]. In Figure 2 can be seen there is 13 stations, 9 electricity substations, and 1 Depot on the Palembang LRT line, with the stations order as follows: 1. Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin II Airport Station 2. Asrama Haji Station 3. Talang Buruk Station 4. RSUP Station 5. Simpang Polda Station 6. Demang Lebar Daun Station 7. Palembang Icon Mall Station 8. Dinas Perhubungan Station 9. Pasar Cinde Station 10. Ampera Station 11. Poltabes Station 12. Jakabaring Station 13. OPI Mall Station Fig. 1. Public transport nodes and trajectory in Palembang City 14. Light Rail Transit Depot Total length of LRT Palembang was 23.40 km as can 2.2 Light Rail Transit (LRT) Palembang be seen in Figure 1. The train formation used is 3 cars, i.e. 2 units of motor cars and 1 unit trailer car. The capacity of the train that was 8 persons/m2 and accommodate 736 passengers (PT. Tribula Magenta, PT. Waskita Karya, 2017)[4]. 2.3 Transit Oriented Development (TOD) Peter Calthorpe, a student of the environmental sustainability movement, developed TOD to address the ecology of communities. Peter Calthorpe codified the concept of Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) in the late 1980’s and, while others had promoted similar concepts and contributed to the design, TOD became a fixture of modern planning when Calthorpe published “The New American Metropolis” in 1993 (Caltron, 2007) [6]. TOD has been defined generally as “a mixed-use community that encourages people to live near transit services and to decrease their dependence on driving (Still, 2002) [7].” Calthorpe saw it as a neo-traditional guide to sustainable community design. Beyond its definition of built form, it was also a community design theory that promised to address a myriad of social issues. 3 Methodology Fig. 2. Map of LRT Palembang trajectory Source : FS LRT Kota Palembang Dsk, 2017 [4] 3.1 Data Collection Method Light Rail Transit (LRT) Palembang was a light rail mass transit system connected Sultan Mahmud The data collection in this research was conducted by Badaruddin II International Airport with Jakabaring Sports conducting field survey to get the data of land use, building Complex. In order to welcome the 2018 Asian Games in density, road condition (for pedestrians and motor Palembang City, the planned monorail development that vehicles), and transportation system in Simpang Polda was originally to be implemented was later canceled due Station area of LRT Palembang City within 800 m radius to the difficulty of finding investors who could complete with Simpang Polda Station as its buffer point. In addition, other data such as population density, frequency and 2 MATEC Web of Conferences 259, 05003 (2019) https://doi.org/10.1051/matecconf/20192 5905003 ICTLE 2018 capacity of LRT Kota Palembang, and the prediction of the other crossing facilities were found on arterial roads in the number of LRT users of Palembang City was obtained area. In addition, the crossings still did not support from the parties related to the Palembang LRT wheelchair users to cross roads, like pedestrian bridges development project, namely the Local Government of that have no rail for wheelchairs. As for the crossings on Palembang, BAPPEDA South Sumatra Province, Statistics the small roads were not provided special facilities so Palembang, PT. Waskita Karya Tbk, Geography pedestrians could cross anywhere. This gave minus points Laboratory of Universitas Indonesia, RTRW Kota for this indicator because of the risk of accidents and the Palembang, and Google Earth. Data collection in this inhibition of road traffic caused by the system. study was conducted in April 2018. Based on these analysis, to support the implementation of the TOD concept in this region and refine the scores on this indicator, it was expected for the government to 3.2 Analysis Method immediately improve pedestrian facilities so that The data obtained were then analyzed by TOD pedestrian facilities meet the safety, liveliness, and measurement method by Sulistyaningrum, S. (2017) [8] comfort principles and enliven the pedestrians in the and TOD Evaluation by Galelo, Ana et al. (2014) [9], i.e. region. Therefore, 8 points was given on this indicator. by quantifying the data of population density and building
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