THE UNIVERSITY OF UTAH CAMPUS MASTER PLAN 1. Introduction CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION Plan Purpose Framework for Academic Planning Since its establishment on the present campus in 1900, The Plan is intended to be viewed as a living, dynamic at The University of Utah The University of Utah has grown steadily in response framework which assists the University in positioning Spring 2005 to a wide range of factors including enrollment growth, itself to achieve the future vision that is articulated in trends in education, research and funding opportuni- the Strategic Plan and has been distilled in the plan- Mission ties. The campus will continue to grow, accommodating ning process. In this regard, it should not be viewed as … Provide an affordable, quality edu- previously unforeseen programs and users and integrat- a single document that resides on a shelf until replaced cation ing new interdisciplinary modes of learning, instruction, by additional plans, nor should it be seen as a set of … Conduct cutting-edge research and and research. “fixed” plans that require development of specific creative scholarship projects. Instead, the plan provides a framework for … Serve the local, state, and wider The University of Utah Campus Master Plan (“the Plan) future planning that includes a set of linked strategies communities embodies strategic business, educational and service and decision-making tools that the University can use initiatives, and it was driven by the President’s vision to move the campus toward its vision. Although the Va l u e s as referred to in his inaugural address as he spoke of scope of the Plan has been to focus on a twenty year The University of Utah is dedicated “engagement, preparation and partnership.” The Plan time frame, it was understood at the onset that the to excellence in accordance with our is intended to guide efficient campus development in a direction established in this plan, especially as it relates shared core values: way that gives physical form to the University’s mission, to the central portion of campus, sets the framework • Emphasis on Learning vision, and academic programs. It provides an analysis which will influence growth and development for many • Excellence in Research, Scholarship of numerous campus parameters, including land use, decades to come. and Creative Works open space and landscape, pedestrian and vehicular cir- • Diversity and Inclusiveness culation, parking, utility infrastructure, and design and The Plan addresses a 1500-acre area bounded to the • Entrepreneurial Spirit development opportunities. west and south by urban development of Salt Lake City, • Independent Inquiry and to the north and east by the Wasatch Mountains. • Collegiality The Plan will build on the planning efforts outlined in The campus boundary incorporates the main campus • Importance of our Communities the 1997 Long Range Development Plan (LRDP); the area, which includes academic, research, athletics, and • Respect for Resources 1998 East Campus Plan (ECP); and the 2003 LRDP recreation functions, and in addition to the Health Supplement. Sciences Center situated east of Mario Capecchi Drive, and Research Park located south of the Red Butte Creek. 1 – 2 THE UNIVERSITY OF UTAH CAMPUS MASTER PLAN Heritage Preserve Federal Heights Wasatch Mountains Health Sciences Center Main Campus Fort Douglas LDS Institute Research Park University Villages Sunnyside Neighborhood The University of Utah Campus 0 200ft 500ft 1,000ft 1 – 3 CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION University Mission Teaching The mission of The University of Utah is to serve the In its role as teaching institution, The University of people of Utah and the world through the discovery, Utah offers instruction in baccalaureate, masters, and creation and application of knowledge; through the dis- doctoral degree programs. Its colleges, graduate, and semination of knowledge by teaching, publication, artis- professional schools include architecture, business, edu- tic presentation and technology transfer; and through cation, engineering, fine arts, health, humanities, law, community engagement. As a preeminent research medicine, mines and earth sciences, nursing, pharmacy, and teaching university with national and global reach, science, social and behavioral science, and social work. the University cultivates an academic environment in The University commits itself to providing challeng- which the highest standards of intellectual integrity and ing instruction for all its students, from both Utah and scholarship are practiced. Students at the University other states and nations, and encourages interdisciplin- learn from and collaborate with faculty who are at the ary work and the integration of instruction and research forefront of their disciplines. The University faculty and opportunities. It expects and rewards superior teaching staff are committed to helping students excel. We zeal- and academic excellence among its faculty. It seeks the ously preserve academic freedom, promote diversity and broad and liberal education of all its students and their equal opportunity, and respect individual beliefs. We familiarity with a changing world. advance rigorous interdisciplinary inquiry, international involvement, and social responsibility. The University of Utah Campus - Fall 1 – 4 THE UNIVERSITY OF UTAH CAMPUS MASTER PLAN Research Public Life In its role as research university, The University of Utah In its role as contributor to public life, The University fosters the discovery and humane use of knowledge and of Utah fosters reflection on the values and goals of artistic creation in all areas of academic, professional, society. The University augments its own programs and clinical study. In both basic and applied research, and enriches the larger community with its libraries, the University measures achievement against national hospitals, museums, botanical gardens, broadcast sta- and international standards. Rigorous assessment and tions, public lectures, continuing education programs, review are central to advancing its research programs alumni programs, athletics, recreational opportunities, and creative activities, as are participation and leader- music, theater, film, dance, and other cultural events. ship in national and international academic disciplines. The University facilitates the application of research The University also cooperates in research and creative findings to the health and well-being of Utah’s citizens activities with other agencies and institutions of higher through programs and services available to the com- education, with the community, and with private enter- munity. The University’s faculty, staff, and students are prise. encouraged to contribute time and expertise to com- munity and professional service, to national and inter- national affairs and governance, and to matters of civic dialogue. The University of Utah Campus - Winter 1 – 5 CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION Planning Process Project Approach The process for creating the Plan consisted of five development. A site infrastructure review with the interrelated phases of work which began in March CMP engineering team and the University’s Facilities 2007. These five phases were: Phase 1 - Project Start- Management group provided a base of information Up; Phase 2 - Discovery; Phase 3 - Develop Campus regarding the infrastructure conditions and capacity Planning Concepts; Phase 4 - Refine Strategy; and for the land bank and other potential sites across cam- Phase 5 - Plan Documentation. pus. Meetings with potential stakeholders followed to gain an understanding of the mission and goals of this The Plan was prepared with the assistance of a consult- project. SOM then conducted a Work Session with the ing of professional urban and campus planners and Planning Group to establish the design parameters of designers, architects, landscape architects and engineers. the project. The consulting team was led by the firm Skidmore, Owings & Merrill LLP (SOM) San Francisco office. SOM coordinated with the University and their consul- tants tov determine the most viable location for these Phase 1: Start-up new structures based upon the established planning cri- In the first phase, the consulting team commenced teria, optimal adjacencies, infrastructure efficiencies and initial data collection and reconnaissance tours of the site conditions. campus. A “kick-off” meeting was held with both the Steering Committee and Planning Group, which includ- It should be noted that this early work informed deci- ed the presentation of initial observations and ideas by sions regarding site circulation, land use, open space, the consulting team, and helped to define important and sustainable campus design strategies. The need to directions and preliminary issues to be addressed in the address these early building sites on a fast track basis master planning process. required an iterative process. Phase 2: Discovery & Analysis Phase 2B – Visioning and Analysis Phase 2A – Develop Campus Concepts – New Building Sites The second portion of Phase Two, Visioning and Building initiatives under consideration by the Analysis, focused on gaining an understanding of cur- University required the early engagement of the SOM rent campus conditions and future direction. A range planning team to determine building sites that will of methods were utilized to investigate the University’s be integrated with the overall campus planning effort vision, needs and goals. Formal analyses as well as in Phase 3. The primary initiative at the time of
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