PAGE SIXTEEN - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester, Conn., Tues., Sept. 21, 1976 Hornet tor Sale 23 Hornet For Sale Hornet For Sale 23 Artlclaa lor Sale 41 Anllquat 48 Apartmanta For Rant 53 Butinett lor Rant 55 Auloa For Sale SI CAPE - Bowers School - large FURNITURE - Klngsized WANTED Antiaue furniture, MANCHESTER - Main 1968 MAROON GTO - Good The weather eat-ln kitchen, living room bed, queen sized headboard, glass, pewter, oil paintings, or RENTAL OFFICE Inside today QANUTO ENTERPRISES Street, retail store, 700 square condition. 400 cubic inch, 350 with fireplace, formal dining dressers and chest with other antique items. R. feet, good location. Paul W. hp, automatic transmission, room, three bedrooms, matching mirror. Call 643- Harrison, 643-8709. Large variety of Apartments and Mostly sunny, cool today, high in up­ Townhouses throughout Dougan Realtor, 643-4535. radial tires, power brakes and Area news . 18-19 Fam ily............ 30 * 1 8 5 , 0 0 0 " " aluminum siding, 2<ar gar­ 9459. per 60s. Clear, cool tonight, low 40-45. Manchester. steering. $ ^ . Call Pete 649- Business ... 9 Kitchen 29 age, treed lot, immaculate ANTIQUES Wanted - fur­ Rantal Offica open dally 9*8. Thursday fair, high in upper 60s. Ten Wanted to Rant 57 2570. Classified . 24 28 Second Thoughts 29 condition. »39,500, Philhrick SINGLE BED, Nutone wall niture, oriental rugs, pain­ Sat. 10-3, Sunday 11-3 per cent chance precipitation Agency, Realtors, 646-4200. exhaust fan, bathinette, tings, pewter. Windsor chairs, Dear Abby. .27 Sr. Citizens B uiltitM tqulpm«nl, and Raal Eatatal Vary 646-1021 WANTED TO LEASE - 1972 OPEL GT, canary Thursday. National eather forecast Editorial .. wooden high chair, meat de^s, pottery, weathervanes, yellow, radio, 4-speed 4 Sports .. aucceaaful catarlng bualnaat, raally apacloua MANCHESTER - Quality sheer, baby car seat, ice baskets. Ron Dionne, 643-1691. 240 New Slate Road Garage type building, 2,000 sq. map on Page 25. building (5,000+ aq. ft.), ovar Vh acraa, all In built seven room Cape, MANCHESTER ft. or more, for automotive transmission, white walls, skates, push mower. 647-9706. excellent condition. Gone Manchattarl Complataly naw Intarlor. featuring plaster walls and WANTED - Complete estates, repairs by leading national many Duilt-in additions. company. Will pay im to $1,- back to school. 646-0207. Beautiful Banquet Hall, 400 amp sarvica, SEWING MACHINES - 1976 clocks, phonographs, steins. Weekdays after 5:30 p.m. Fireplaced front to back Zig Zags unclaimed layaway. Will buy outright or sell on 200. per month. Call mu-Faro alarm syetem, office, coat room, bathroome, SIX ROOM DUPLEX - Three Company, (401) 724-6182. weekends■ nds all day.■ living room, den, formal .50. Singer Touch and Sew, consignment, any quantity. bedrooms, centrally located. etc. Lovely dance floor. Owner may help with dining room, 6x12 enclosed originally $389. now only 644-8962. $290. heat included. Call financing. An unueual opportunity. porch, three bedrooms up­ MItc. for Rent 58 1972 TOYOTA, Corolla, 2-door $68.40. Fully guaranteed. Call LaPenta Agency, 646-2440. sedan, $1,500 or best offer. stairs, 1 1/2 baths, basement 236-1123, Dealer. VERNON - Two car garage. Call 643-4905. rec room, attached 2-car gar­ □ RENTALS DUPLEX HOUSE - five age. Largd treed lot, affords Route 83, near .K-Marl Shop­ South African peace rooms, two bedrooms, vicini­ C a ll: _ ^ ^ much privacy, $38,500. COMMERCIAL Kirby ping Center. Ideal for small 1975 PONTIAC, excellent con­ ty of Parkade shopping business man. Call 646-7684. dition, 30,000 miles, moving Philbrick Agency, Realtors, vacuum, one year old, Roomt tor Rant 52 center. 525-0031. 6464200. excellent condition. Table, ap­ must sell. Call after 5 p.m., JOE LOMBARDO 649-8008. proximately 30’x3’. Call 646- ESSEX MOTOR INN - Weekly FOUR ROOM Apartment, □AUTOMOTIVE WIUMM E. BOniME AGENCY 5875 after 6I p.m.p.n rooms, single $56., double $69. available October 1st, heat 62 hopes are brighter plus tax, continental and water included, also has Trucka lor Sale Realtors 647-1413 BOLTON TAG SALE - Route 85, Bolton, breakfast, maid service,'color large yard and garage. Call Autos For Sale 61 Understated country living Saturday, Sunday, 9-5. Tires, TV, utilities, parking. Cali, after 4 p.m., 646^644. 1971 8-CYLINDER, custom minutes away from super Typewriters, 8mm movie 646-2300. NEED CAR? Credit bad? deluxe/90 Chevrolet. All KINSHASA, Zaire (UPI) - Zaire The Rhodesian government acceptance of the plan made it dif­ highway, six room Colonial camera and projector, dishes, MODERN ATTRACTIVE Bankrupt? Repossessed? aluminum box with roil down President Mobutu Sese Seko said scheduled a special session today to ficult for less important factions to miscellaneous items. CLEAN PLEASANT - rooms Honest Douglas accepts door, modified for both low Cape, with 2-car garage, on apartments - heat, hot water, today Secretary of State Henry A. consider the proposal and Smith was object. 2.8 acres. Ready for mini­ Amplifier. for rent. Linens provided. and appliances, included, gar­ lowest down, smallest level and platform level Kissinger has “convinced the TWO NEW HOMES ■ Up on JUST LISTED - Manchester - Close to everything. Call 64fr payments. Douglas Motors, loading, newly built engine expected to reply formally on In addition to the five "confron­ farming. $53,000. age available. Three rooms, Africans of the need for a peaceful EJast Eldridge Street. A seven $37,900. Colonial in very good DISHWASHER - Lady Ken- 3109. $195. Four rooms, $235. 646- 349 Main. with special rear end gearing Friday. tation’’ states — Tanzania, room Cape ready for occupan- condition, formal dining F.J. SPILECKI more. Butcher block top, por­ 7268, 643-4884. for in-city stop and go solution for southern Africa.” In Salisbury, Rhodesia Tuesday, Botswana, Zambia, Angola and CT and a seven room Dutch room, large living room, table. Copper color, like new. FURNISHED room for WE PAY $15 for complete delivei7 . Dual rear tires, good Mobuto, who has maintained Raallort 643-2121 Smith said, "It is possible there will Mozambique — there are five or six Colonial. These are quality kitchen with pantry, three $70. Call 643-7482. mature person, central loca­ ROCKVILLE - Two bedroom, junk cars. Call Joey, Tolland condition, approximate net generally close relations with the bedrooms, sewing room or capacity 2 ton. Excellent vehi­ be a settlement. liberation groups involved in the homes, the very best of tion. Call 646-4701 after 6 p.m. immaculate first floor apart­ Auto Body, 528-1990. United States, spoke at a news con­ everything. Come see for nursery, dishwasher, drapes FRUITWOOD - China closet, cle for city deliveries or can "We have certain proposals. R we Rhodesian negotiations and U.S. of­ ment, convenient location, ference after two hours of talks with yourself, we defy comparison. and curtains, large two-car MANCHESTER - Seven room, modern, glass shelves and BEDROOM, share 1 1/2 baths appliances, parking, one PARTS Department now open be converted to camper. accept them, there will be a settle­ ficials were worried about getting all garage, nice level lot with Call, we will open them and full shed dormered Cape, front. Excellent condition. and kitchen privileges with child, no pets. 643-9743. Saturdays. Complete line of Asking $2500. Will not refuse a Kissinger. ment. If not, there won’t be." of the nearly dozen parties into step. your can browse through at covered patio. Odegard Real­ three or four bedrooms, Call 742-8034 after 6 p.m. owner and one other tenant. Chrysler parts. Chorches reasonable offer. Spot cash. "The secretary of state has con­ A senior official aboard the your convenience. High 50's. ty, 643-4^. newer kitchen, living room, Security. 649-7630. Motors. 649-3646. We believe you can obtain Assuming the Rhodesians accept FOUR ROOMS, second floor, vinced the Africans of the need for a Kissinger plane said even if the com­ the plan — which would bring black T.J. Crockett, Realtor, 643- rec room, new aluminum new bath, stove, $165. Central nearly full bank financing on peaceful solution for southern 1577. MANCHESTER - Beautiful MOVING TO California A hand lull of c»h It 1970 THUNDERBIRD, 2-door such an excellent value. Call mitment Smith made to Kissinger majority rule to Rhodesia within two siding, $35,900. Philbrick available October 1st, couple Africa,” he said. tree lined lot, 7,500 sq. ft. of Agency, Realtors, 646-4200. everything must be sold or bttttr than a garaga preferred, no pets. Security Landau, excellent condition. Crestwood Products Corn. came “unstuck" it could be put back years — U.S. officials expect that a MANCHESTER - New listing. land on bus line. Two or three given away, furniture, stereo, full of atulf. and references. Call 649-772'7. $1,795. Please call, 646-4286 528-9471, East Hartford, "Until June, we were convinced together again in three to four weeks constitutional conference on Immaculate 4-room Cape on bedrooms, modern kitchen TV, dinette set, bikes and •••••••••••••••••••••ft*** after 5:30 p.m. C onn., 10 a m .-5 p.m . MANCHESTER - New listing, that there had to be an armed solu­ because the same realities facing Rhodesia could be called within two quiet street. Ideal starter or with plenty of cabinet space. 6 room Cape, with large pan­ books and other mis­ Apartmantt For Rent 53 ONE AND one half room Weekdays only! tion. But in the three months that Living room with fireplace. 1975 CORVETTE - Automatic, Rhodesia would apply in the future. months. retirement home. Enclosed eled rec room, quiet child safe cellaneous. Call before 11:30 apartment for rent. Heat, hot have passed, we have been persuaded porch, park-like private One car gara^ with attached street. Three bedrooms, for­ a.m., 646-5397. WE HAVE customers waiting factory-air, power windows, 1970 CHEVY Window Van - Nyerere’s acceptance of the One of the first items of business water, appliances.
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