AlAstral iaVl S~stematic BotaVl~ Societ~ NEWSLETTER Index Volumes 31-50 -:?""'' Price: $5.00 Registered by Australia Post Publication No. NBH 8068 ISSN 1034-1218 AUSTRALIAN SYSTEMATIC BOTANY SOCIETY INCORPORATED Office Bearers President Dr M.D. Crisp Division of Botany and Zoology Australian National University GPOBox4 CANBERRA ACf 2601 Tel (06) 249 2882 Fax (06) 249 5573 Vice President Secretary Treasurer Dr G.P. Guymer Dr B.J. Conn Dr D.J. Bedford Queensland Herbarium National Herbarium of NSW National Herbarium ofNSW Meiers Road Mrs Macquaries Road Mrs Macquaries Road INDOOROOPILL Y QLD 4068 SYDNEY NSW 2000 SYDNEY NSW 2000 Tel (07) 377 9320 Tel (02) 231 8131 Tel (02) 231 8144 Fax (07) 870 3276 Fax (02) 251 4403 Fax (02) 251 4403 Councillors Dr T. Entwisle Dr J. Bruhl National Herbarium of Victoria Research School of Biological Sciences Birdwood Avenue Australian National University SOUTH YARRA VIC 3141 GPO Box 475 Tel (03) 655 2313 CANBERRA ACf 2601 Fax (03) 655 2350 Tel (06) 246 5175 Fax (06) 246 5249 Affiliated Society Papua New Guinea Botanical Society Australian Botanical Liaison Officer Dr P.S. Short Royal Botanic Gardens Kew Richmond, Suney. TW9 3AB. ENGLAND. Tel 44-81-940-1171 Fax 44-81 -948-11 97 Austral. Syst. Bot. Soc. Newsletter Index Volumes 31-50 1 INTRODUCTION ASBS Newsletter Index Issues 31-50 of the ASBS Newsletter Part 2 - Issued June 1992 Number Date Editor This is the second part of a consolidated index 31 June 1982 Gordon Guymer to all issues of the society's Newsletter, which 32 September 1982 Gordon .Ouymer council decided would be the most practical means 33 December 1982 Gordon Guymer 34 March 1983 Gordon Guymer of accessing the considerable amount of informa­ 35 June 1983 Gordon Guymer tion that this periodical contains. The index has 36 September 1983 Gordon Guymer been compiled over a number of years by several 37 December 1983 Gordon Guymer members of the society. To all of those contribu­ 38 March 1984 Gordon Guymer tors we are very grateful, and council hopes that 39 June 1984 Gordon Guymer you will find this a very useful compilation. Actu­ 40 September 1984 Gordon Guymer ally, it is compulsory for all members to use it at 41 December 1984 Gordon Guymer least once a month! 42 March 1985 Gordon Guymer The data for this second part of the index are 43 June 1985 Gordon Guymer in three groups:- taxonomic names (including latin 44 September 1985 Gordon Guymer binomials and trinomials, as well as all higher cate­ 45 December 1985 Gordon Guymer 46 March 1986 Helen Hewson gories), personal names (including authors), and 47 June 1986 Helen Hewson subjects (including titles of articles, as well as par­ 48 September 1986 Helen Hewson ticular topics). 49 December 1986 Helen Hewson Parts of the subject index and author index 50 March 1987 Helen Hewson have already been published in the Newsletter, covering issues 30--33 (33: insert), 34-37 (37: 18- 19), 38-41 (41: 19-20), and 42-45 (45: 22-23). A brief review of the history of the Newsletter is These published parts were compiled by Gordon provided inASBS Newsletter 66:4-14. Guymer in Brisbane. The remainder of these two indexes has been compiled by David Morrison. Council has decided to compile a thorough index to the scientific plant names from issue 1 through to the present. This has been done by Kirsten Cowley in Canberra, and the data are now maintained as an up-to-date computer database. This second part of the index includes all of the data from issues 31-50 inclusive, covering the period from mid 1982 to early 1987. The data were checked and edited by David Morrison. The remainder of the index will be included with further issues of the Newsletter. The data from these later issues will continue to be indexed by taxonomic names, personal names, and subjects. 2 Austral. Syst. Bot. Soc. Newsletter Index Volumes 31-50 TAXONOMIC NAMES Abarema 48:9,11,12,13 Acanthus negundo 32: 14 Abies 50: 18 Acer 38: I4; 43: 20 Abrus precatorius 45: 2 Aceraceae 38: 2; 46: 24 Abutilon 43: 20; 49: 19 Achyranthes aspera 46: 2 Abutilon andrewsianum 46: 2 Acianthus 39: 19 Abutilon cunninghamii 45: 2 · Ackama 43: 8 Abuti1on graveolens 45: 2 Acradenia 40: 19 Abutilon indicum 45: 2 Acrostichum aureum 46: 2 Abutilon indicum subsp. albescens 37: 1 Acrostichum scandens 46: 2 Abutilon indicum subsp. albescens var. Actinidiaceae 43: 5 australiense 37: I Actinobo1e 39: 20 Abuti1on indicum var. australiense 37: I Actinotus 43: 10 Abutilon otocarpum 45: 2 Adansonia gregorii 46: 2 Abutilon propinquum 46: 2 Adenanthera 48: II Acacia 32: 20; 37: 9; 38: I4; 4~: 21; 41: 6, I1; Adenanthos cunninghammii 35: 5 42: I5; 43: 9,26,27; 45:2,5, 9, IO, I5, I9; Adenanthos detmoldii 35: 5 46: 27; 47: 4, 9; 48: IO, 26; 49: I9 Adenanthos dobagii 35: 5 Acacia subgen. Acacia 48: II Adenanthos ellipticus 35: 5 Acacia sub gen. Acu1eiferum 48: 11 Adenanthos eyrei 35: 5 Acacia subgen. Heterophyllum 48: II Adenanthos ileticos 35: 5 Acacia sect. Phyllodineae 41: 6; 45: 9; 49: 19 Adenanthos pungens 35: 5 Acacia sect. P1urinerves 49: 19 Adenanthos velutinus 35: 5 Acacia series Heterophyllum 37: 9 Adenochilus 39: I9 Acacia series Microneurae 37: 9 Adiantaceae 39: I7 Acacia acuminata 45:2 Adiantum aethiopicum 50: 18 Acacia adoxa var. subglabra 45: 2 Adiantum lunulatum 46: 2 Acacia aneura 32: 15 Adnataria 38: 14; 39: 25 Acacia anomala 35: 5 Adriana tomentosa 45: 2 Acacia aphylla 35: 5 Aegialitis 43: 7 Acacia argutifolia 35: 5 Aegiceras majus 46: 2 Acacia bivenosa 45: 2 Aenotheraceae (Oenotheraceae) 46: 2 Acacia curvicarpa 46: 2 Aeschynomene indica 46: 2 Acacia depressa 35: 5 Agastachys 39: 18 Acacia eriopoda 45: 2 Agavaceae 38: 2; 47: 3; 50: I4 Acacia guinetii 35: 5 Agave 47:3 Acacia holosericea 45: 2 Agave americana var. americana 50: I4 Acacia impressa 45: 2 Agave americana var. expansa 47: 3; 50: 14 Acacia kimberleyensis 46: 2 Agrostis 37: 10 Acacia leucophylla 47: 4 Ailanthus altissima 50: 13 Acacia lycopodiifolia 45: 2 Ailanthus triphysa 34: 9 Acacia monticola 45: 2 Aizoaceae 43: 10; 46: 2; 47: 10, II Acacia pachyphloia 46: 2 Aizoaceae subfam. Ficoideae 46: 3 Acacia proxima 45: 2 Akaniaceae 38: 2; 43: 4; 46: 24 Acacia sibirica 32: I5 Alangiaceae 34: 8; 41: 11; 43: 4 Acacia signata 45: 2 Alangium villosum 34: 7; 41: 11 Acacia simulans 35: 5 Alania 38:3 Acacia tumida 45: 2 Albizia 48: 11, 12, 13 Acacia wanyu 32: 14 Albizia sect. Lophantha 48: 10 Acanthaceae 38: 5; 40: 28; 41: 5; 43: 11; 46: 2 Albizia sect. Pachysperma 48: 10 Acanthocarpus 38: 2 Albizia canescens 48: 13 Acanthospermum 39: 19 Albizia lebbeck 46: 2; 48: 13 Austral. Syst. Bot. Soc. Newsletter Index Volumes 31-50 3 Albizia monilifera 46: 2 42: 14 Albizia plurijuga 48: 13 Anigozanthos 35: 4; 38: 3 Albizia procera 46: 2; 48: 13 Anigozanthos humilis 35: 3 Albizia retusa 48: 13 Anisoptera thurifera 43: 23 Albizia toona 32: 14 Annonaceae 34: 8; 43: 10; 47:20 Aldrovanda 31: 19; 43: 6 Anodopetalum 43: 8 Aldrovanda vesciculosa 46: 2 Anoectochilus 39: 19 Alisma oligococcum 46: 2 Anthistiria imberbis 46: 2 Alismaceae (Alismataceae) 41: 3 Anthistiria membranacea 46: 2 Alismataceae 46: 2; 48: 22 Anthotium 40: 4 Allium triquetrum 50: 18 Antidesma 34: 7 Allocasuarina 42: 15 Antidesma ghaesembilla 46: 2 Allopterygium 39: 20 Aphanes 44: 10 Allosyncarpia 39: 26 Aphyllorchis 39: 19 Alphitonia excelsa 46: 2 Apiaceae 37: 8; 39: 36; 41: 6; 43: 10, 11; 45: Alseuosmia 43: 5 11; 45: 8; 49: 18 Alseuosmiaceae 43: 2, 5, 13, 15 Apium prostratum 45: 17 Alstonia verticillosa 46: 2 Apocarpae 41:3 Alstroemeria 38: 3 Apocynaceae 34: 8; 43: 11; 46:2 Altemanthera 48: 26 Aponogeton elongatus 46: 2 Altemanthera augustifolia 46: 2 Aponogeton hexatepalus 35: 5 Altemanthera decipiens 46: 2 Aponogetonaceae 46: 2 Altemanthera nana 46: 2 Apostasia 39: 19 Altemanthera nodiflora 46: 2 Apteropteris 49: 11 Alysicarpus longifolius 45: 2 Aquifoliaceae 41: 11, 12; 43: 6 Amaranthaceae 38: 5, 7; 39: 36; 46: 2; 48:25 Araceae 46: 2 Amaranthus hybridus 45:2 Aroideae (Araceae) 41: 3 Amaranthus pallidiflorus 45: 2 Araliaceae 41: 2; 43: 9 Amaryllidaceae 46:2 Araucaria cunninghamii 50: 18 Ambrosia 39: 19 Araucaria heterophylla 50: 18 Amorphophallus galbra 32: 14 Araucariaceae 39: 18 Amorphospermum 31: 11, 12 Archidendron 48: 9, 11, 12, 13 Amorphospermum antilogum 31: 11 Archidendron series Archidendron 48: 13 Amorphospermum whitei 31: 11, 12 Archidendron series Moro1obiae 48: 13 Ampelideae (Vitaceae) 46:2 Archidendron series Stipulatae 48: 13 . Amyema bifurcatum var. bifurcatum 45:4 Archidendron grandiflorum 48: 13 Anacardiaceae 34: 8; 38: 2; 42: 12; 46: 2, 24; Archidendron hendersonii 48: 13 47: 20; 49: 6, 8; 50: 13, 14 Archidendron hirsutum 48: 13 Anacardiaceae subfam. Anacardioideae 49: 7 Archidendron lovelliae 48: 13 Anacardiaceae subfam. Spondiadioideae 49: 7 Archidendron lucyi 48: 13 Anacyclus 39: 14 Archidendron muellerianum 48: 13 Andropogon 39: 27; 42: 15; 50: 1 Archidendron ramiflorum 48: 12, 13 Andropogon affinis 46: 2 Archidendron vaillantii 48: 13 Andropogon axilis 46: 2 Archidendron whitei 48: 13 Andropogon brevifolius 46: 2 Archidendropsis 48: 11, 12, 13 Andropogon procera 46: 2 Archidendropsis subgen. Archidendropsis 48: 13 Andropogon refractus var. luxurians 50: 2 Archidendropsis subgen. Basaltica 48: 13 Andropogon refractus var. luxurians f. Archidendropsis basaltica 48: 13 euryphyllus 50: 2 Archidendropsis thozetiana 48: 13 Andropogon refractus var. tropicus 50: 2 Archidendropsis xanthoxylon 48: 13 Andropogon tropicus var. timorensis 32: 6, 7 Arenaria 41: 11 Andruris 37: 17 Argyrodendron 46: 23 Aneilema gramineum 45: 2 Argyrodendron actinophyllum 34: 9 Angianthus 39: 20 Arillastrum 39: 26; 40: 30 Angophora 38: 13, 14; 39: 25-27; 40: 30; Arillastrum gummiferum 40: 30 4 Austral.
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