U.S. DEPARTMENT OF Legacy EN ERGYI Management Shiprock, New Mexico, Disposal Site This fact sheet provides information about the Uranium Mill Tailings Radiation ControlAct of 1978 Title I disposalsite at Shiprock, New Mexico. This site is managed by the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Legacy Management. Site Description and History The Shiprock site is the location of a former uranium- and vanadium-ore-processing facility within the Navajo Nation in the northwest corner of New Mexico near the town of Shiprock, approximately 28 miles west of Farmington. Kerr-McGee built the mill and operated the facility from 1954 until 1963. Vanadium Corporation of America purchased the mill and operated it until it closed in 1968. The milling operations created process- related wastes and radioactive tailings, a predominantly sandy material. The mill, ore storage area, raffinate ponds (ponds that contain spent liquids from the milling process), and tailings piles occupied approximately 230 acres leased from the Navajo Nation. In 1983, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) and the Navajo Nation entered into an agreement for site cleanup. By September 1986, all tailings and associ- ated materials (including contaminated materials from offsite vicinity properties) were encapsulated in the disposal cell built on top of the existing tailings piles. Regulatory Setting Location of the Shiprock Disposal Site Congress passed the Uranium Mill Tailings Radiation from the disposal cell to the San Juan River is about Control Act (UMTRCA) in 1978 (Public Law 95-604) 600 feet. and DOE remediated 22 inactive uranium-ore- Groundwater in the terrace area is thought to be a processing sites under the Uranium Mill Tailings result of human activities. Past milling operations Remedial Action Project in accordance with standards and irrigation in the terrace area are believed to promulgated by the U.S. Environmental Protection have contributed most of the water in the terrace Agency in Title 40 Code of FederalRegulations (CFR) groundwater system. Part 192. The radioactive materials were encapsulated in U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission-approved The floodplain alluvial aquifer is north of the disposal disposal cells. The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commis- cell in the floodplain area between the San Juan River sion general license for UMTRCA Title I sites is estab- and the base of the escarpment. lished in 10 CFR 40.27. The Shiprock disposal site was In 1961 a test hole was drilled on the terrace about included under the general license in 1996. 0.5 mile northwest of the disposal cell area. This hole, drilled to a depth of 1,850 feet, was not capped. Disposal Site Artesian flow from this hole, now known as site The disposal cell and adjacent former mill site sit on a well 0648, has continued since 1961 and is currently terrace that is trisected by two minor drainages, Bob flowing at a rate of about 64 gallons per minute across Lee Wash and Many Devils Wash. At the northeast the terrace into Bob Lee Wash, which drains to the edge of the terrace, a steep escarpment 50 to 60 feet floodplain and eventually to the San Juan River. Inflow high forms the boundary between the San Juan River from well 0648 supplies more than half the volume of floodplain and the terrace area. The horizontal distance groundwater in the floodplain. The floodplain aquifer ExacmWell seep Many Devils Wash Pipeline East Terrace Wall Field Pipeline Bob Lee Wash and Floodplain Wells Pipelne Interceptor Drains in Bob Lee VAh. Floodplain. and Many Devils ahsh Featuresof the Shiprock Site also receives inflow from the San Juan River and from and monitoring. Milling-related water from the the terrace groundwater system. groundwater system is pumped from extraction wells Past milling operations have left contaminants in the and collected in interceptor drains along Many Devils of terrace groundwater system and in the floodplain and Bob Lee Washes. Collectively, the removal will dry the alluvial aquifer. Contaminated groundwater from water by the wells and interceptor drains the terrace has infiltrated the upper few feet of the seeps and curtail surface expression of groundwater in the washes. The extracted water is piped to an underlying weathered Mancos Shale bedrock and 11-acre evaporation pond on the terrace. Initial has migrated into the alluvial aquifer on the floodplain. 7.5 years Terrace groundwater has also surfaced in several groundwater modeling predicted that about places as seeps at the edge of the escarpment and in of extraction would be needed to reduce groundwater Bob Lee and Many Devils Washes. The contaminants levels sufficiently to isolate contaminated groundwater from seeps in the washes and to create a separation of concern are ammonia, manganese, nitrate, between the eastern and western terrace groundwater selenium, strontium, sulfate, and uranium. systems, assuming an extraction rate of 7.5 gallons Compliance Strategy per minute from the terrace extraction wells. However, Three different compliance strategies have been at present, the extraction rate is averaging 4 to selected at the Shiprock site: active remediation in the 4.5 gallons per minute. eastern portion of the terrace; supplemental standards Terrace, Western Portion in the western portion of the terrace; and natural the western flushing in conjunction with active remediation for the The proposed compliance strategy for floodplain. These divisions reflect the different amounts terrace groundwater system is application of Supplemental of contamination in each area and a different balance supplemental standards with monitoring. of groundwater recharge. Compliance strategies for standards may be applied at locations where groundwater is classified as limited use (not a current all three areas include monitoring of groundwater because it meets and surface water. Monitoring frequency varies from or potential source of drinking water) any of several criteria. In the western portion of the semiannually to once every 2 years, depending on terrace, groundwater is classified as limited use the location. because of widespread ambient contamination not Terrace, Eastern Portion. The proposed compliance related to milling activities that cannot be cleaned up strategy for the eastern terrace is active remediation using treatment methods reasonably employed in N 2704% S 2T04% N 124NCH-THICK RIPRAP LAYER S I >~~K LOWPERMEABILITY76-INCH-THICK RADON BARRIER CONTAMINATED MATERIALS VERTICAL EXAGGERATION NOT TO SCALE Mt\LTs\Il1\0i00\04\001\SOl25•\SO12510{.DWG 08/04/04 09.27om J50191 South-North Cross Section of the Shiprock Disposal Cell public water systems (40 CFR 192.11[e][2]). It is highly tive compliance strategy that is less dependent on probable that some constituents in the system- active remediation or would require less rigorous notably, selenium, sulfate, and uranium-are naturally cleanup goals (e.g., establishment of alternate occurring and are derived in part from leaching of concentration limits) should be selected. Mancos Shale, and standards may never be achieved InstitutionalControls for this region. Institutional controls on the floodplain to minimize the Floodplain potential for risk to human health and the environment The proposed compliance strategy for the floodplain include (1) grazing restrictions, (2) control of access aquifer is active remediation involving extraction of to the floodplain area, (3) a DOE-Navajo Nation contaminated groundwater in conjunction with natural agreement prohibiting use of groundwater in the flushing, alternate concentration limits for selenium floodplain, and (4) assurance from the Navajo Nation and sulfate, and monitoring. Alternate concentration Water Code Administration that flowing artesian limits may be adopted within specified areas if well 0648 will be allowed to continue flowing into established maximum concentration limits are Bob Lee Wash and onto the floodplain. unattainable. Groundwater that infiltrates the floodplain DisposalCell Design from the eastern terrace system is collected in intercep- tor trenches and wells installed along the base of the The disposal cell is an asymmetrical pentagon with escarpment. Water extracted from the contaminant a maximum side length of 1,800 feet and a minimum plume is piped to the evaporation pond on the terrace. side length of 800 feet. The cell occupies approxi- mately 77 acres of the 105-acre site. A posted wire GroundwaterCompliance Action Plan Process fence surrounds the cell. The cover of the Shiprock The basis for selecting the compliance strategies for disposal cell is a multicomponent system designed the Shiprock site was presented in a draft Groundwater to encapsulate and protect the contaminated Compliance Action Plan (GCAP) in 2002. In 2005, DOE materials. The disposal cell cover comprises (1) a revised the conceptual model of the site in an effort low-permeability radon barrier (first layer placed over to assess the remediation design of the groundwater compacted tailings) consisting of compacted sandy treatment system and to provide recommendations silty soils, (2) a layer of granular bedding material for improvement of the system. The recommendations placed as a capillary break, and (3) a rock (riprap) were based on an observational approach that formed erosion-protection layer. The use of these cover the technical approach used by the Uranium Mill materials promotes rapid runoff of precipitation to Tailings Remedial Action (UMTRA) Ground Water minimize leachate. Rock-lined drainage ditches Project for groundwater remediation. Included in the divert surface water runoff around and away from the recommendations was a continued effort to evaluate disposal cell to a rock-lined energy dissipation area. the near term (3 year) and longer term (7 year) prog- ress toward the intended objectives of the selected Legacy Management Activities compliance strategies. DOE's Office of Legacy Management (LM) is Based on the evaluation efforts DOE will decide responsible for ensuring that the selected groundwater whether additional contingency methods are more likely compliance strategy at the Shiprock disposal site to achieve extraction objectives or whether an alterna- continues to be protective of human health and the environment.
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